《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》15


The following morning, Namjoon was thankfully the first one to wake up. Yoongi was still sound asleep in his arms, snoring quietly. He took a glance at the clock on his table and smiled. They had a few minutes before breakfast. But, of course, it'd take longer to get Yoongi up and to the medical wing, and he'd definitely be seen by plenty of other students. He let out a yawn and slid off the bed. He wanted to touch up on himself before he woke Yoongi up.

He made his way to his bathroom and combed his hair, brushing his teeth at the same time too. He heard muffled groans from inside his bedroom, so he speedily finished up and quickly made his way out into the room. Yoongi was awake, already in a fetus position. Namjoon got a good look at his back from the sunlight outside. The bone structure for the wings were definitely there, but they weren't going to come out just yet.

"Hey, Yoongi, we gotta go to the nurse."

"No... She'll call my family and take me home and I don't wanna go home..."

"I won't let her call your family just please get up. For me, okay?" Namjoon said softly, walking over. Yoongi kept in the same position. Namjoon looked at him for awhile before deciding that they had to get going. He grabbed Yoongi and forced him to sit up so he could put the sweater back on him. Yoongi opened his eyes a crack, looking at the boy in front of him help his weak self. He frowned. Why couldn't he be stronger than this?

"Keep your eyes closed, it's breakfast time, and so there are gonna be tons of students about, okay?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded, his slanted eyes watching as Namjoon slipped his shoes on and a different shirt. Of course, he was a little bit flustered, but that pain in his back wouldn't let him feel anything else. Namjoon walked back over and turned around in front of Yoongi before crouching down.

"Get on my back. I'm gonna carry you." Namjoon gestured for Yoongi to hurry up. Yoongi closed his eyes and fell onto Namjoon's back, where then he felt his arms being slung around Namjoon's chest and his legs being held. He was then lifted up and they slowly left the dorm room. It was a struggle for Namjoon to open and close the door, but when he did, he quickly made his way down the hall. He passed students, who were baffled and confused.


"Why is Namjoon carrying Yoongi?"

Those sentences filled the halls as they watched Namjoon pass by. He almost stopped when he heard a familiar voice call out for Yoongi.

"Yoongi! Hey! What the hell are you doing?!"


Hoseok ran in front of Namjoon and stopped him, holding his hand up. "What the hell are you doing with my best friend?"

Namjoon growled. "Move."

"That's my friend!"

"I said move!" Namjoon barked. Yoongi groaned, and that immediately set Hoseok off. Hoseok spared at glance at Yoongi before glaring harshly at Namjoon.

"You're so going to pay... Jeongguk! Grab Yoongi!"

Namjoon felt the weight on his back be lifted. Yoongi was getting taken away from him. He swiftly turned around and saw Yoongi be dragged away from him by another student. A friend of Yoongi's, he assumed. He looked back at Hoseok, wanting to fight him so badly. He couldn't, though that would delay him from getting Yoongi the help he needed. He turned around and swiftly made his way to Yoongi, but it had turned out there was another boy to help them out. Another Kastler with purple eyes. A Replicator.

Namjoon was thrown down onto the floor by this boy while the other two made a speedy escape to who knows where. Minutes ticked by as the boy on top of him kept him down. He cursed himself for not being able to protect Yoongi. Time was going to pass and it wouldn't be long until the whole school found out about Yoongi.

The boy on top of him gave one harsh slap before pushing himself off and running away. Namjoon coughed slightly, looking up at the ceiling. He needed to find Yoongi, quickly. He needed to get Yoongi the medication he needed before it was too late. He pushed himself off the floor and ran around the halls. Looking left and right, he didn't let any space unseen. He made a quick detour to his dorm and grabbed his wand- just in case.

After searching for half an hour, he had searched everywhere on the dorm floor and the first floor. The last possible place left were the Commons. This was risky. He knew it would be. He'd put all the blame on him if the school found out. Quickly, he walked through the halls and made his way to the Commons, where the students of Hummel resided. When he reached the place, he scanned the room. With all the similar hair colors, he had a tough time finding Yoongi. But, luckily, when he looked towards Yoongi's regular table, he saw the boy, laying down on the table, shielding his eyes. The boy knew exactly just what to do.


Namjoon, though, spotted the boys encouraging Yoongi to eat. They had a plate of food in front of him, but Yoongi just wouldn't move. Namjoon had speedily made his way to the table, gaining the eyes of many other students. Curiosity flooded over them all. When Hoseok spotted him walking towards their table, a wave of panic yet confidence took him over, and he pointed his wand towards Namjoon. Namjoon raised his wand, waiting for Hoseok to attack first. And, when he did, he deflected it and mumbled a quick spell, which left Hoseok frozen in place. Yoongi had taught him that spell. By this point, all eyes were on him.


"Stand down, or I will not hesitate to harm you," Namjoon announced to the three. They all froze, realizing how powerful Namjoon really was and the damage he could do. Namjoon, relieved, walked over to Yoongi and bent down, feeling the back of the boy's neck. Burning hot. His face turned into a frown as he lifted Yoongi up back onto his back.

"You did good. Did they see?"

"I could care less-"

"Did we see what?!" Hoseok shouted out at the two. Namjoon sent a glare and Yoongi groaned. Slowly, he opened his eyes and stared at his two friends. Other students around them saw. A blanket of silence fell over them all. Yoongi spoke faintly.

"Surprise... Namjoon, go, my back is going to explode," Yoongi directed his red eyes to Namjoon's face. Namjoon nodded and smiled faintly, walking out with Yoongi on his back. Yoongi got a good look at everyone's faces. Some were looks of awe, and others were looks of confusion. He sighed, closing his eyes again and just let Namjoon carry him to their destination.


"Holy shit..."

The whole school was frozen. One student spoke out first. A Jungvein.

"So Yoongi had been a Raven a whole time and the only person who knew was Namjoon? His supposed enemy?"

A Levanter spoke out next. "That seems to be so but... Why Namjoon?"

A fellow Kastler spoke. "Yoongi always did seem to leave his dorm close to curfew and never arrived back. There's something much bigger going on that's beyond our power."

Someone yelled out to Hoseok. "Did you know, Hoseok? Since Yoongi's your best friend?"

Hoseok was frozen. Not by the spell, but by himself. He couldn't believe his friend was a Raven. No way. There was no possible way. Yoongi would've told him, right? They were best friends, best friends tell each other everything... Right? Hoseok directed his eyes towards the person and shook his head. By this time, everyone was buzzing, but some people stayed quiet. They were all confused.

Minutes passed before Namjoon was seen entering the Commons again. And when he did, he set off a threatening aura. An aura that said "if you mess with me, I'll kill you". Everyone was hushed as they watched him walk across the room and take a seat at his table. Next to Jimin. His only genuine friend that he had made. The rest were fakes. There was an obvious look of distress on his face. He was worried about something.

Jimin spoke softly. "Hey, Joon..."

Namjoon spared a glance before looking down at his plate of food. He began to eat slowly. Jimin looked away and towards everyone else. Everyone had eyes on the pair, itching for an answer. After a few seconds, a student from Jungvein at another table had spoken up.

"Namjoon! What do you know about Yoongi?"

That Jungvein was silenced as quickly as they had spoken. A sharp knife was thrown right next to their head and latched onto the wall. And when they looked back to see Namjoon standing up, pointing his wand at them, they cowered in fear and looked down. Students turned to each other. This was a sign. Don't talk about Yoongi. Different conversations awkwardly buzzed around the Commons, but everyone thought one collective thing.

What the hell was going on.


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