《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》14


The weekend went by as quickly as it came, making it the second week that Namjoon had discovered Yoongi's secret. This also meant that the Halloween party was next week. Everyone was excited and alive. Talking about what they'd wear and bring- everyone loved this time of year. Well, mostly everyone. There were those few who didn't particularly enjoy parties or big celebrations.

Yoongi had just left his third class of the day and he only had one more which was after lunch. He, though wasn't feeling that well at all. His head ached and his back cramped. He was considering going to the nurse, which he hated doing, just to get some medication or to take a break and lay down. So, he slowly made his way to the medical wing, careful not to pass out onto the floor or to run into a fellow student.

It took him longer than he had expected, but he was thankful he had reached the medical wing instead of passing out. He walked in, holding his bag strap tightly as he looked around for the nurse. There wasn't any sign of her at all. He groaned, finding one of the chairs and taking a seat. He leaned back onto the wall, shutting his eyes and relaxing. He waited. He waited for minutes for the nurse to arrive- but she never came.

Lunch had passed and she still wasn't there. His back ached even more and his head felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer. He didn't see her coming back anytime soon, so he got up and trudged his way to his dorm. On this journey, he almost fainted. The pain was getting so bad that he couldn't take it. Slowly but surely, he reached his dorm. And when he entered his room, he threw his bag away onto the ground and slid his sweater and shirt off, leaving nothing on him but his white pants. He locked his door and collapsed onto his bed.

Everything went black after that.


Namjoon had began to get impatient that night as he waited for Yoongi to show. The boy, though, never turned up. Did Yoongi think that they were only doing these tests for one week? Surely not... right? Sighing disappointingly, he decided he'd go look for Yoongi himself. He grabbed his bag and stuffed everything he'd be using inside. He followed that action with him opening his door, only to find a half-awake Yoongi standing there, about to knock. He looked ready to pass out. Eyes droopy and legs shaking, Namjoon couldn't help but look confused.


"Yoongi- w-woah! Hey, don't fall onto me now," Namjoon whispered quickly, looking around. Yoongi had just fallen onto him, groaning out in pain. Namjoon was panicking- fearing that someone would see the two together and question what was going on. Slowly, he took Yoongi's arms and dragged him inside, kicking the door shut during the moment. He let Yoongi down onto the floor and stared at him.

"What's wrong, Yoongi? Come on, speak to me now," Namjoon said, brushing the boy's bangs out of his face. Yoongi groaned, mumbling a faint sentence. Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"Can you repeat that?"

"Head and back hurts..." Yoongi said, squeezing his eyes shut. Namjoon looked at the boy questionably before piecing two and two together. His totality and structure. They weren't due until next week, but of course, this could be the start. He looked at Yoongi, sighing.

"I'm gonna take your sweater off and flip you onto your back, okay? Tell me if anything changes," Namjoon said softly, sitting the boy up so he could take the sweater off. In the midst of this, he felt how hot Yoongi's body felt, and he was immediately filled with worry. He must've caught something at the mall the other day or between now and yesterday too. Maybe that's why the boy had collapsed onto Namjoon.

He slid the sweater all the way off and laid the boy back down onto the floor. He flipped the boy onto his back and was baffled. There seemed to be that bone structure finally constructing itself under Yoongi's skin. It had to be painful. He almost knew it was painful. Yoongi groaned and squirmed around. Namjoon looked at the boy with some sort of fear for him. He flipped the boy over, where he still had his eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey, Yoongi, um... so your wing structure is forming under your skin, so that's why it hurts so much. Do you wanna stay here for tonight or should I accompany you back to your dorm?" Namjoon said softly. Yoongi didn't reply, but he did open his eyes just a little bit to look at Namjoon. Almost immediately, he scooted over to Namjoon and wrapped his arms and legs around him, tightly. Namjoon felt his face heat up as the boy latched onto him.

"Now come on Yoongi, I'm not your pillow."

"But you feel so nice..." Yoongi whispered. Namjoon stopped breathing. He tilted his head to face Yoongi properly, but the boy just kept his eyes shut and head resting on Namjoon's shoulder.


"Yoongi..." Namjoon trailed off. "Are you sure that's you or the headache talking?"

No response. There was just the small, quick breaths from Yoongi has he tried to adjust to the pain in his back. It would only get worse. Namjoon knew. He didn't tell Yoongi at the start, knowing he'd panic, but now it was just too much.

"Here, I'm gonna take you to the nurse-"

"No! Let me stay here," Yoongi said with that drama queen attitude of his. Namjoon smiled faintly, his heart weak. He knew Yoongi had to get to the nurse, but Yoongi would probably just decline. Letting out a sigh, he lifted Yoongi up and put him on his bed. He looked at the boy, whereas sweat fell down his head and onto the blanket beneath him. He was suffering, and Namjoon could tell.

"I guess you can stay for tonight... I'm taking you to the nurse in the morning, whether you like it or not," Namjoon said. Yoongi smiled faintly, opening his eyes slightly to look at Namjoon. Namjoon noticed the boy still had his contacts in, and Namjoon knew that the boy shouldn't sleep with them in. He moved over to the bed and sat down on the ledge, taking Yoongi's face into his left hand while he moved his other hand to take the pair of contacts out. He didn't have anywhere good to place them, so he grabbed a small box and placed them in there.

"You won't have to put these in tomorrow as long as you keep your eyes shut on the way to the nurse, okay?"

"...Thank you," Yoongi whispered. Namjoon smiled towards the boy, nodding. He stood up and turned the light off before making his way back to the bed. He sat down on the mattress, using the light from outside to look at Yoongi, who kept his eyes open.

"What if... What if my wings kill me?"

"They won't, I can confirm that. They're gonna be a healthy pair of wings," Namjoon said softly. Yoongi directed his eyes to look at Namjoon. This was the first time that Namjoon could get a good look at the eyes. A bright, beautiful red. He was definitely a Raven of his own. Namjoon let out a small sigh.

"Should I get the blankets and sleep on the floor? Guess so," Namjoon mumbled, beginning to stand up. Yoongi, though, grabbed the boy's wrist quickly. It hurt, yes, but he didn't want Namjoon to be separated from him. He liked the boy and his presence. It didn't make him feel tense anymore. It calmed him. Like a sweet painkiller.

"N-no, stay here, by me, please..." Yoongi said quietly. Namjoon looked at him before mumbling a quiet 'okay' and laid on the bed next to Yoongi. They were quiet, but it was obvious that the both of them weren't asleep. Yoongi was undergoing too much pain to even fall asleep and Namjoon was kept awake with his thoughts. Thoughts about Yoongi, about the future and what it held. Yoongi groaned, flipping around to face Namjoon. His eyes scanned the room before looking at Namjoon, who stared right back down at him. He was thankful that it was dark enough that the Crowseen couldn't see his blush.

"Stop blushing, you're gonna get even hotter than you are now," Namjoon mumbled, crossing his arms and looking at Yoongi. Yoongi diverted his eyes away.

"I am not blushing!"

"Sure sure. Go to sleep, Yoongi," Namjoon said, taking his hand and rubbing Yoongi's hair around. Yoongi stared at Namjoon for a minute before groaning a little bit more. The pain had gotten worse- but it seemed his headache had died down. Namjoon observed Yoongi and his movements. They were slow- nothing fast, of course. He knew it'd be like this.

Yoongi had trouble falling asleep, but when Namjoon put a protective arm around him, he felt himself relax for once instead of tensing up to the touch. He guessed he had been longing for that feeling again. That feeling of security and tranquility. Namjoon was still awake, and he wouldn't go to sleep until Yoongi went to sleep. And so, when minutes turned into an hour and Yoongi had finally fallen asleep, Namjoon was able to relax. His anxiety about the boy dropped, and he pulled the smaller boy closer to him. He wouldn't let anyone hurt him.

Not his Yoongi.

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