《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》13


The following morning, the two boys headed towards the Commons to get breakfast. It was the same thing as the past days, confused stares. Students were still so curious and confused as to what sparked this connection between them.

It was the weekend, so the two didn't have any classes. During these two days, Yoongi would be doing work for classes along with Namjoon, since they needed to finish their assigned work. They reached the Commons and took their own two seats, but a third one was pulled out. Namjoon looked up while Yoongi continued looking over Namjoon's notes.

"Jimin, it's nice to see you," Namjoon said. Yoongi looked up, recognizing the name. Jimin nodded before looking over at Yoongi. The two looked at each other before looking away from each other. The elder recalled meeting the boy earlier in the week.

"Yeah, hi, Joon, mind if I sit here?" Jimin asked politely. Namjoon spared a short glance to Yoongi before nodding. "Yeah, we don't mind."

Jimin took his seat at the table and immediately sparked conversation with Namjoon. Yoongi sat there, quiet. He wasn't one to butt-in. He looked away from the two and looked around the big area. He caught some students staring at him while others spoke with peers. His eyes slowly then made their way towards his usual table. Jeongguk, Hoseok, and a few other students sat there. Hoseok had his back towards his, and he felt bad. Real bad.

He had to fix this, but how?


Lunch came, and Yoongi found himself sitting alone, reading a book. He didn't really want to talk to anyone, and so he was hoping that, at his seat in the back of the Commons, he'd stay unnoticed. And it worked pretty well. He read quietly, enjoying every word, and he ate too.

Turned out his spot worked well, and nobody bothered him. When lunch ended, he headed out to the courtyard and decided to spend some time there before heading down to the city. He was needing some time away from the school. He spent a good fifteen minutes in the courtyard before heading back to his dorm and getting changed.

He put on a pair of white pants with green streaks followed by a white and green hoodie on top. He grabbed his scarf, wrapping it around him. He also grabbed his wand and some spare change and shoved it into his bag before swinging his door open and leaving.


He walked through the bustling school halls before making his way to the entrance, which was filled with students leaving or entering the building. Once he reached the outside, he saw students messing around, studying, or flying around on broomsticks. It calmed him. He took a few last looks before heading down the path to the city, which was only about fifteen minutes.

And so, he walked, quiet and focused. Some students were also on that path. Some were reading or talking with friends, walking the opposite direction. Some students were walking the same direction he was, down to the city. He held his bag strap closely.

After those fifteen minutes, he finally reached the city. He entered through the gates and headed towards the middle of the city. A big center with a fountain filled with different colored water, benches, and was surrounded by different shops and buildings. He didn't like the center that much. It was too loud. He made his way to where usually everyone would be; the mall.

He wasn't one to shop much, but he decided that he should treat himself. The reason? There was none. He just simply thought it'd be nice for him to do something for himself. And maybe he could get a small gift for Hoseok- just to ask for forgiveness.

He entered the building and looked around, wondering where he should stop by first. None of the shops had interested him, but then again, he never went shopping often. He was more of a stay-inside type of person. He let out a sigh, looking at the ground as he continued to walk. Unsurprisingly, since he wasn't looking where he was going, he had ran into someone's shoulder. Almost immediately, he began praying that it was a kind person who'd just forgive and forget.

"Oh? Hey, Yoongi right?"

Yoongi looked up and found that Raven he had met that week. He smiled towards them. "Yeah, that's me. Seokjin?"

"You're correct! What're you doing here?" Seokjin asked, falling into step with Yoongi as they walked. Both of them were unaware that they were being followed. But, of course, why should they care? They were trying to live their best life, so there was no need to worry.

"Ah... I came to treat myself and get a gift for a friend. I guess I was kinda rude to him and I don't wanna ruin our friendship. We've been friends for almost seven years now."


"Well that's kind. People like you would never act like that?"

"Oh! Well, I was raised differently then my other people, you know?" Yoongi laughed nervously, intending his past. Seokjin, though, knew nothing about his past, thankfully.

"That's good, it's hard to find kind Ravens-"

"Shh!! Keep your voice down oh my goodness..." Yoongi panicked, which made Seokjin laugh. Yoongi smiled lightly, laughing a little bit too. This older Raven was kind. He enjoyed them already. Perhaps they could become friends in the far future and help take care of the world themselves.


"Just... look at him! How can he hang out with a Raven?!"

Hoseok was standing far behind Yoongi, watching the boy talk to the Raven. Jeongguk was there with him too, standing still as he watched the pair in front of them. Hoseok had already expressed his passionate hatred for the special human enough. Jeongguk didn't know the real reason why he hated Ravens', but of course, what was he to do about it? Hoseok was his friend, he couldn't just tell him to stop. He had to respect the boy's opinions.

"Come on, Jeongguk, they're getting away."

Hoseok began walking and Jeongguk followed behind him. They were quiet and just kept their eyes focused on the pair in front of them. They stopped when they heard laughing from the Raven. Hoseok saw Yoongi smile, and he frowned. How could Yoongi even be smiling around someone as disgusting as Seokjin? He was about to storm up to them, but right as he took the first step he was pulled back.

His head whipped around to see who was holding him back, and he almost punched them. Instead, a look of disgust and anguish was presented on his face. That Crowseen. Namjoon.

"I recommend not messing with Yoongi, now. You are his friend right, would you want him hurt and sad?" Namjoon said slyly, smirking a little bit. Hoseok through the Crowseen's arm off him and pointed at the boy.

"Get your fucking hand off me. Listen, all I care about is getting that Raven away from him. They're foul and disgusting creatures and shouldn't be permitted to walk around freely."

Namjoon glared at the boy. So this is what Yoongi meant? He understood now.

"So this is what he meant? You really are not fit to be friends with Yoongi, then. A Kastler like him shouldn't be hanging out with a Cloudswell like you. He is special, after all." Namjoon sent a dirty look at Hoseok, and that struck a little bit of fear in the boy.

"If you dare mess or touch Yoongi again, or even so talk to him, I will hunt you down, got that?" Namjoon threatened. Hoseok scoffed.

"First enemies, now friends, the hell did you do to him?"

"Let's just say we have a different bond-"

Hoseok cut him off. "Like hell you don't! You like him, don't you? You just wanna get your dirty hands all over him. Well, listen buddy, you're not the only one-"

Namjoon began to laugh, "Who said I liked him? He's my friend, not a love interest." Namjoon at least thought that, but his heart and mind said differently. He kinda did like the boy more than just a friend, but it was highly doubtful that Yoongi didn't like him in any way than just a friend.

"Then why are you trying to protect him? Since he's so special I don't think he needs your protecting-"

"Yah! Hobi, what're you doing here?"

Yoongi was seen hurrying up to Hoseok, bag in hand. Hoseok looked at Yoongi confusedly. That Raven was nowhere nearby, which Hoseok let out a soft sigh of relief before raising an eyebrow at Yoongi. Namjoon backed up, but kept his arms crossed. He'd let this slide since Yoongi approached the boy first.

"What do you want, Yoongi?"

Oh how that made Namjoon's blood boil. Even the tone of that sentence was rude. Of course, Yoongi laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck, indicating he was nervous.

"I came to apologize. I've recognized my actions this past week and decided I needed to apologize so... here." Yoongi handed the bag over to Hoseok, mumbling a quiet sorry before rushing off on his own way- presumably the exit of the mall and back to the school. Hoseok examined the bag before taking whatever what was in it out. There was a card and a small box, which was from an expensive brand.

Hoseok opened the card and scanned through the words carefully. A small, soft smile grew upon his face as he shut the card and opened the box. Inside was a pair of earrings. Hoseok sighed. "Always so selfless and observant. He must've known I wanted these when we came down here," Hoseok said to Jeongguk. Namjoon rolled his eyes and walked away. He didn't have time for love-stricken brats.

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