《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》12


* small trigger warning for this chapter. I'm in no way trying to seem homophobic nor rude. I'm 100% bisexual and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community


Yoongi was in his own room, preparing to head to Namjoon's dorm. He put on a pair of white pants and a loose, green and white hoodie. He looked out the window, smiling a little bit as he saw the setting sun. He turned back to his room and grabbed his bag, packing what he usually did, like an extra pair of clothes and his wand, and slipped out of his room.

He walked down the corridors, quiet. Students passed him, talking to their friends or heading to their dorms. Once he reached Namjoon's dorm, he looked around briefly before knocking on the door.

The door immediately was opened, and Yoongi was greeted with a small smile. Yoongi smiled back. "Hi."

"Hey, come on inside." Namjoon opened the door a little bit wider, and Yoongi entered. As safe as Yoongi thought he was, he was unaware that someone had followed him the whole time.


"So, Yoongi, tonight isn't a testing night, I actually want to listen to you. I feel like there's something I need to hear," Namjoon said. Yoongi looked confusedly at Namjoon, raising an eyebrow.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Everytime someone tries to hold to touch you, you always pull away. Every single time. What's the story behind it? I know there is one so don't try to deny it," Namjoon said softly. Yoongi looked at him before looking away.

"It's a long story, it may cut past curfew..."

"I'll let you stay here tonight, just tell me why," Namjoon said, smiling. Yoongi looked back at him. He nodded, setting his bag down and taking a seat on the bed. He leaned onto the wall, stretching his legs out.


"Where do I start? I guess from the beginning. Alright, so, long ago-"

Loud knocking was heard at the door. Namjoon glanced back at Yoongi, but Yoongi didn't care. Curfew wasn't until twenty five minutes, so students were allowed to be with each other. Namjoon stood up, going to open the door.


"Where's Yoongi?"

Yoongi recognized the voice as Hoseok's. He pushed himself up and walked over, standing next to Namjoon, more like peering from behind him. Jeongguk was there too with his arms crossed.

"Yoongi? Why are you here with him?"

"Can I not have freedom to go where I please?"

"Aren't you and Namjoon enemies?"

Namjoon laughed, and Yoongi hit him on the back of his head. He looked at Hoseok.

"We're friends, Hobi, and we're working on something right now so please, can you leave?"

Hoseok looked at his friend once again. He shook his head, crossing his arms. "You've changed."

"Yeah, well, that happens, anyways, see you," Yoongi said, waving goodbye and shutting the door and locking it himself. Namjoon looked at Yoongi in amusement.

"Leaving your friend in the dark?"

"Shut up. I'm still mad at him. Anyways, the story?"

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, tell it."

They took their places on the bed again, Yoongi leaning onto the wall once again. He started the story.


The year was 2002, a year before Yoongi started attending Hummel. He was still living with his family, which pressured him a lot. Being from a powerful, known background put pressure onto him. Especially with being a Raven, too. His family didn't hurt him, nor did they hate him for who he was. They were just genuinely surprised.

Except his siblings despised him. They hated how he was special and how they weren't. They were also attending Hummel, but Yoongi didn't speak to them. They were all older than him, too, which made him their easy target.


Before he entered the school, the summer before, his brother's had hit and beat him. They'd done unimaginable things, too. Things that boys shouldn't be doing to another boy, especially in their own family. They left Yoongi out in the woods behind their house every single time.

This had happened off and on during the summer. Yoongi had been threatened that if he told their parents that they'd kill him. They left scars on his legs and thighs, and they weren't beautiful. Yoongi hated himself for being so weak back then.

And then school started, and he was thankful that he had a different house than his brothers. It had gotten better when he made friends with those in his house. He managed to avoid his brother's, too. But, even then, that didn't stop his brother's from finding ways to get to him.

They had gotten a Kastler in a higher grade to beat Yoongi up. And it hurt. It really hurt. He spent the two following days in his dorm before a teacher came to check up on him. He knew there was no possible way to lie out of the situation, so he gave the whole story, to the teacher, which was then given to the headmaster.

That Kastler was expelled, of course, and his brother's were personally scolded and sent to a different location. He was the only one of his family still attending Hummel, too. Everything got better, and when he had Hoseok and Jeongguk join him, it was peaceful.

The summers back home, they were painful. He got the same treatment, but worse. It was worse every time up until last year, when Yoongi had enough of it and stood up for himself. He ended up leaving halfway through the summer and went to stay with Hoseok. Life had been smooth up until now.


Yoongi finished his story, glancing at the clock. It was a few minutes past curfew. Namjoon looked at Yoongi.

"It's just... I can't go through that again. I've been traumatized. This is why I hastily pull away or cry all the time. I'm weak," Yoongi said softly.

"But I just have to accept that. I'm lucky, now, that it's been going smooth. I'm not going back for Christmas break, though," Yoongi said with a small laugh. Namjoon was still looking at Yoongi, unable to process what he had heard.

"Namjoon?" Yoongi snapped his fingers in front of the boy's face. Namjoon snapped back to reality before pulling the boy into a hug. Yoongi put his arms up in defense, but came to accept the hug. He, too, put his arms around Namjoon and hugged him.

"Thank you, for endearing that story," Yoongi said quietly. Namjoon smiled, hugging the boy even tighter. "How could you even get through that?"

"I don't quite know myself. But, I did it, I kept going, and that's all that matters," Yoongi said, proud of himself.

"Yeah... Yeah, you kept going. I'm proud of you."

Yoongi hummed quietly, closing his eyes and leaning on Namjoon's shoulder. "I'm tired," he said softly. Namjoon pulled away, laughing lightly.

"Here, you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

Namjoon slid off the bed and got himself his spare blankets and pillow. He wished Yoongi goodnight before shutting off the light and making himself comfortable on the floor. Yoongi smiled, saying goodnight back to Namjoon and sliding under the bed covers, falling asleep.

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