《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》11


"I heard a Raven would be visiting our school later today."

Students sat in the Commons for lunch, discussing various things and working on homework. Yoongi sat at a table with Hoseok, Jeongguk, and a few other boys. He didn't speak and just ate, listening in. Hoseok was the first to respond to the topic at hand.

"A Raven? Are you kidding me? Those people... despite how powerful they are, they kinda disgust me. Like, nobody knows how they're born and such so..."

Yoongi stopped, he looked around for a specific person. Hoseok had set him off. Never once did he think his best friend would hate on someone who was different from a regular person. After about a few seconds of looking around, he found that person and stood up abruptly, picking up his plate and marching away.

Hoseok called out to him. "Yoongi, where are you going?"

Yoongi ignored him and continued to walk. The person he was looking for was Namjoon, of course, for two reasons. One, he was the only one who knew he was a Raven, and two, that morning, Namjoon had actually agreed to becoming friends. It turned out he was actually thinking the same thing. They made a short set of rules, of course, like leaning on each other when they needed it. And Yoongi needed it right now before he snapped.

He found the empty seat next to Namjoon, and roughly pulled it out. Namjoon jumped a little, looking up at Yoongi with a confused look on his face. He set his book down, smiling smugly and leaning on the table.

"Missed me so soon?"

"Hoseok's talking bad about Raven's and I'm not gonna stay for that conversation," Yoongi said, glancing at where Hoseok was sitting. He was pissed. Real pissed. He was glaring at Yoongi, who had left to sit with apparently his enemy. Namjoon directed his eyes at Hoseok who was definitely very angry.


"I understand. How have your classes been so far?" Namjoon looked away from Hoseok and directed his eyes towards him. Yoongi smiled a little bit, glad that Namjoon was taking initiative to show interest in his life.

"They've been okay, just a bunch of notes and such," Yoongi said calmly, "what about you?"

"It's actually been pretty fun. Messed with some lower years who entered the wrong class, you know, the usual," Namjoon said, snickering as he recalled the event. Yoongi rolled his eyes, continuing to eat his lunch. He moved onto the grapes, which he stabbed with his fork and ate them slowly. Namjoon eyed him, then the grapes, before speedily taking one and popping it into his mouth. Yoongi pointed his fork at him.

"Excuse me? I know you did not just take my grape!"

"I think I did. What're you gonna do?"

Yoongi smirked. "Take one of yours."

He shot his fork out and stole one from Namjoon's plate of leftovers. Namjoon watched with wide-eyes before laughing softly. Yoongi smiled shortly, but he did let out a soft laugh. The cafeteria was a little bit loud that day. It went dead silent when the doors swung open. Namjoon and Yoongi froze like many others, their eyes making their way to the doors.

There stood the headmaster and a tall, freakishly handsome young man standing behind him. He wore a casual-formal attire with gold-rimmed glasses. He had black hair and-

Yoongi stopped, looking at them. More closely. They had red eyes. Both he and Namjoon couldn't believe it. They were both in shock. The Raven looked around before catching sight of Yoongi and Namjoon. He met eyes with Yoongi before winking lightly. Yoongi looked away, down to the wood floor.

"Do you think he knows?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi looked up at him, shrugging slightly.


"I don't know..." Yoongi said quietly, trailing off. There seemed to be a light, quiet buzz around the cafeteria as they looked at the Raven. The headmaster introduced him as Kim Seokjin, and a lot of people recognized the name. Seokjin, a Raven who had changed the lives of many people. He didn't have wings, but his powers were off the charts.

Both the Headmaster and Seokjin began to walk around to different tables. Yoongi panicked, but he felt glued to the seat. Namjoon looked at him with an amused look on his face. "Scared?" He asked.

"Yes! I've never met another Raven in my life and it's freaking me out! What if I mess up? What if-" Yoongi stopped when Namjoon put up his finger to his mouth.

"It isn't an interview, you'll be fine," Namjoon said calmly, smiling. He pulled his finger away, and Yoongi calmed down, nodding. When the headmaster and Seokjin reached his table, Yoongi fumbled over his words. The headmaster seemed to whisper something to Seokjin, which immediately lit up his eyes. He walked over, picking up Yoongi and hugging him dearly.

"Another Raven! Gosh, you're so beautiful!" Seokjin whispered in Yoongi's ear. Yoongi felt his face heat up, and so he had to push away from Seokjin, placing a smile on his lips. "Thank you. I adore your eyes," Yoongi complimented. Seokjin smiled at Yoongi, covering his face a little. Namjoon watched endearingly before turning towards the headmaster. He stood up, whispering something into the ear of the adult man.

"May I speak to you, sir?"

"Sure, when is a good time?"

"Now, I don't have any other classes today," Namjoon said. The headmaster smiled, nodding. Namjoon thanked him before turning to Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi, I'm heading out with the headmaster, you wanna come?"

"Hmm? Yeah! I'll come, one second." Yoongi quickly finished his lunch before throwing his plate away and bouncing over. Seokjin watched before following. The two talked about various things and other students watched in confusion. Hoseok glared at Yoongi like he was insane, speaking to a Raven. He stood up, grabbing Yoongi's arm. Yoongi hastily pulled away in surprise.

"Yoongi! Are you leaving us?"

Yoongi glanced back at Namjoon before looking at his friend. "Yeah, I guess I am. See you, Hoseok."

If only the sound of a heart shattering could be heard in real life.


When they reached the headmaster's office, Yoongi and Seokjin were still talking. Yoongi had opened up a little bit and became more animated. Namjoon had listened in a little bit to the conversation as well, but couldn't catch much. Seokjin was whispering, so that made the Crowseen assume that the older boy didn't know he knew about Yoongi.

"So, Namjoon, what'd you need to talk about?"

"Yoongi's totality for his red eyes and when his wings come in," Namjoon summarized briefly. The man froze, looking at Namjoon, then Yoongi, then back to him.

"Did he tell you?"

"It's complicated."

"Yoongi?" The headmaster called out. The two Ravens stopped messing with each other and looked over. Yoongi tilted his head. "Yeah?"

"Did you tell Mr. Namjoon here that you're..?"

Yoongi looked at him before nodding. The headmaster looked at Namjoon before sighing and taking a seat. "Please, tell me what you've done to figure all of this out."

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