《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》10


Yoongi was silent when he heard those words. He didn't know what to think of it.

"I don't know when you'll hit totality, but if your back starts to hurt, you should head to the medical wing before contacting me." Namjoon looked around the room a little bit. He sighed, a little tired.

"Mind if I sleep here tonight, Yoongi? I don't think it's safe to head back," Namjoon said. Yoongi's eyes shot towards him.

"Sleep here-" Yoongi paused. He remembered that Namjoon let him stay in his room on their first test. He sighed. "Just for tonight. You can take the bed, I'm fine on the ground."

Namjoon smirked, saying okay before navigating his way towards the bed. Yoongi turned on the lamp on his desk so he could see before heading towards the closet. He opened the door up and struggled to get an extra pair of blankets and a pillow, but somehow managed. He let out an exhausted breath before spreading it out on the floor. He turned off the lamp before making his way back to his spot.

Exhaustion settled onto him, and so he fell asleep before Namjoon did. Namjoon, though, used the little night and vision he had to watch the boy sleep. Namjoon knew he could sneak back to his dorm, but he wanted to stay with Yoongi. He made him feel content and calm. He sat up, contemplating on if he should continue to let the boy sleep on the ground or pick him up and let him sleep in bed.

Or, ultimately, let Yoongi sleep in bed with him. After a few seconds of contemplating, he decided on the last option with a small smirk. He slipped out of bed, using his muscles to pick Yoongi up and place him in bed under the blanket. Once completing that task, he grabbed the additional blankets and threw them on the bed too. It was a bit chilly, he wouldn't lie. He slid himself into the bed next to Yoongi, smiling and feeling the warmth emitted from the boy.


Yoongi squirmed around a little, trying to get comfortable with Namjoon- the supposed obstacle in his dream- in the way. Namjoon laughed silently, pulling the boy to his waist. He ended up cuddling the boy, who in response accepted it and barely moved. Namjoon blushed lightly, but it went away as fast as it came.

He fell asleep with Yoongi in his arms. The two slept peacefully.


Yoongi's alarm clock woke him up that morning, yet it was pretty hard for him to turn it off. He found himself in a position he didn't quite expect to be in. He vaguely remembered last night, but he did remember falling asleep on the ground. Now he was in his bed.

Namjoon groaned, stretching his free arm out while the other was still being pushed down by Yoongi's weight. He yawned, opening his eyes slowly, adjusting to the room light. He noticed the boy was awake too. He smiled, messing with the boy's hair a little.

"Good morning, Yoongi."

Yoongi jumped, falling out of the bed in surprise. He looked back at Namjoon, who was smirking and trying hard not to laugh. His soft expression changed to a angry one.

"Why the fuck were you cuddling me?!"

"Why not? We were in the same room together... You didn't resist, either," Namjoon said smugly. Yoongi felt violated. He stood up, pointing towards the door yet not making eye contact with Namjoon.

"Get... out, please," Yoongi said. Namjoon laid there, an eyebrow raised at him. "And if I don't?"

Yoongi stayed quiet. He didn't know what he'd say. He felt his breath stop and an unsettling feeling took place in his stomach. He backed up onto his wall before sliding down it. Tears swelled up his eyes and they didn't stop, and he ended up struggling to wipe them away. Namjoon tensed, and he shot up out of bed and rushed over to comfort the boy.


Because Namjoon was a Crowseen, Yoongi was a little confused, but he didn't push him away. He continued to cry. Namjoon sat next to Yoongi before pulling the boy into his lap, hugging him closely.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," Namjoon whispered, rubbing Yoongi's back slowly. Yoongi buried his head into the crook of Namjoon's neck, crying harder.

"W-why are you apologizing? Y-you're a Crowseen," Yoongi managed to say between sobs. Namjoon came to realization, but smiled warmly.

"Dunno, I feel like I need to protect you," Namjoon said quietly. Yoongi looked at Namjoon.

"Just so you c-can use me for your t-tests! That's why y-you wanna protect me!"

Namjoon paused, looking at Yoongi.

"That's one of the reasons," Namjoon said softly. Tears streamed down Yoongi's eyes. "Then what's the other?"

"I-I don't know, Yoongi," Namjoon sighed, looking at him with an endearing look. "But I know I need to protect you." Yoongi took a few moments before he finally stopped crying.

"You've stopped crying, are you feeling better now?"

Yoongi began to nod, but stopped when there was a faint knocking at his door.

"Hey! Yoongi, come on we have breakfast!"


Yoongi looked back at Namjoon, who looked at him. He scrambled out of Namjoon's lap and helped him up before shoving him into his closet and shutting the door. He quickly put in his contacts, almost breaking one in the process. He unlocked his door and gave the best smile he can when he opened it.

"Yeah, hi, Hoseok, I'll be there in a minute, I need to get ready," Yoongi said hurriedly. He tried to shut the door, but Hoseok caught on too fast. He slammed the door opening, looking around.

"What're you hiding in here, Yoongi?" Hoseok shoved himself in, looking around. Yoongi laughed nervously.

"I have nothing to hide! Now, let me get ready," Yoongi said. Hoseok looked at him before rushing up to him, holding his shoulders.

"Were you crying?"

"No? Hoseok please let me get ready."

"You were crying! Tell me why!"

Yoongi took his friends hand, dragging him out into the hall and ushering him away. Assured that Yoongi would show up in a few minutes, Hoseok left. Yoongi entered back into his dorm, shutting and locking his door. Namjoon peaked out of the closet.

He exited the small room before looking at Yoongi.

"Thanks.. Um, I'll see you tonight?"

Yoongi smiled, nodding a little bit. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, maybe sometime in the hall, too. Also... thank you."

"For what?"

"For comforting me earlier. I know you said we couldn't, but, Namjoon." Yoongi paused, taking in a quick breath before smiling.

"Would you like to be friends?"

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