《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》9


"Like bitch I dare you to hit me with that- fuck off!"

A group of students were currently at lunch, playing a game of magical cards. Jeongguk was getting way into it, Hoseok was laughing too hard, and Yoongi was somehow winning. He was quiet, only calling his plays when it came time for him. He had just skipped Jeongguk's next turn, which pissed him off.

"Yoongi I thought we were friends!"

Yoongi shrugged, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Jeongguk whined, his head falling onto the table. Apart from those three, Taehyung was playing, who had brought along Jimin, and two other boys from different houses as well. Everyone was laughing, having a good time. Yoongi felt relieved too, not having to visit Namjoon until tomorrow. Still, that didn't deny the fact that Namjoon may approach him during school.

At the end of the round, Yoongi ultimately won, causing Jeongguk to shake him, asking how and why. Yoongi smiled at him, covering his mouth as he snickered. Hoseok laughed too, trying to calm Jeongguk down. He changed the subject.

"Jeongguk, isn't the sports season coming up? Are you gonna be captain this year?"

"Hell no! But I'll be on the team this year, I am the fastest flyer after all."

"Oh stop boasting. Come on, guys, we have classes," Hoseok threw his arms around the two, beginning to walk. Yoongi threw the boys hand away and walked next to him, throwing his arms behind his head. The three parted ways and headed to their next classes. The day went by, not much happening. Yoongi did his work, neatly and completely, not complaining.

When he reached his dorm, he set his bags down and began to work on the little homework he had. His cat rested on his lap, too. Time passed until came time for dinner. He left his room and headed out. The day had went by pretty fast.

When he reached his table, it was exceptionally loud. Kastler students were speaking about some homework problem. He took his seat, listening in. It was about a certain question that the sixth years couldn't figure it out.

"Hey Yoongi, you have Mr. Wels, right?"


Yoongi nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you get the homework? What's the answer to number nine?" The student asked, pointing at the question on the paper. He reached for it, and the student gave it to him. He had done it earlier, but has forgotten which questions were asked. He looked at nine, and immediately knew the answer.

Mr. Wels taught magical creatures, and apparently Ravens were one of them. He asked for the pencil, which the boy handed it over before he wrote down the answer. He handed the two items back, and the student snapped his fingers.

"Why didn't I know that?! Anyways, speaking about the answer, does anyone know anyone who's a Raven?"

Chatter erupted around the table. Students piping in saying that distant relatives said they knew Ravens. Yoongi was quiet, picking and eating his dinner. He tried to tune everyone out, feeling bad about himself, but that wasn't the case. It wasn't the same in books. It's not easy to tune someone out. He pushed his chair back, throwing away his plate and left the table. His fellow classmates watched in confusion.

He headed back to his dorm, quiet. He heard voices in the distance, but decided not to investigate. He looked down, hands shoved in pockets with hair covering his eyes. He knew all the turns he'd need to take, so what was the point in looking? He sighed. Of course, everyone talked about Raven's when the subject was brought up. He left the table in fear of hearing bad things being said.

When he reached his dorm, he unlocked it and headed inside. He smelled himself, and knew he should take a shower, so he did just that. He went into the attached room to his dorm, stripped off his clothes and took out his contacts before stepping inside the shower. He turned the water on, and was greeted with cold water, slowly becoming warm. He sighed once again, closing his eyes and feeling the water hit his back.

When the water hit his scarred wings, it didn't burn nor hurt, and instead felt really good. He lifted his hand to touch his wings, which he somehow managed to. He felt his wings, the scarred and dead skin and the feathers. He recalled the first test with Namjoon. He couldn't recall the pain he felt that day, but it surely was something. He then recalled the second test, the weird one.


Instead of finding himself disgusted or uncomfortable, he was actually longing for that touch again. It was so gentle, calm, soft. The closest thing to touching someone for him was hugging or clapping hands. This felt.. different. Yoongi contemplated if staying at his dorm for the night was really worth it. If only he could just-

No! Stop! Yoongi slapped his face with his hands, shaking his head in disapproval. They weren't even friends! Yoongi was just Namjoon's guinea pig, his subject. He didn't mean anything to him except research and personal gain. He sighed, washing his body and hair before stepping out of the shower, drying himself off and getting ready for bed. Suga was asleep on his desk, so Yoongi ultimately decided not to wake it up. He jumped onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

He closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.


In a cold sweat, Yoongi shot up quickly. A bad dream, that's all it was. He could faintly recall what it was about anymore, but it must've been bad if he had woken up from it. He let out a shaky breath, pushing himself out of bed to grab his phone. It was ten minutes until three in the morning. Perhaps he could sneak out and walk around? He nodded to himself, putting on his sweater and pulling up his shorts. Grabbing his key and wand, he slipped out of his dorm.

He quietly shut his door and began to walk. He'd never been around the school when it was nighttime. He was quiet, his steps barely audible. He turned corners and looked around. The school was so much more beautiful during the nighttime. He smiled, looking out the windows.


Yoongi froze, blinking a little. He only then realized he didn't have his contacts in. He then began to sprint down the halls, careful to stay quiet and and not to show his eyes. He heard the soft patter of feet following after him. He mentally cursed himself for being so stupid. Picking up the pace, he was able to reach his dorm. He fumbled with the key and struggled to unlock it. When he did, he opened the door and shut it quickly.

He didn't shut it all the way.

An arm shot through before he could close it all the way. He jumped back, covering his eyes and sticking his hand out.


"Go away, please, I don't know who it is but please go away," Yoongi said quietly. He continued to cover his eyes.

"Yoongi, it's Namjoon-"

"Who's down there? If I see any lights on or students out of the dorm, expect a week's worth of detention!"

Yoongi tensed. He looked up, and saw it was really Namjoon. He groaned quietly, pulling the Crowseen in and slamming the door on accident. He stopped breathing as he slowly locked it. He heard feet stomp by, pulling on door handles. He stood by the door, leaning on it. His red eyes were wide and set on Namjoon, who was also as a still as a statue.

His door handle was messed with for a few seconds before it ceased and moved down the hallway. Yoongi let out a shaky sigh before glaring at Namjoon.

"Why are you up at three in the morning?!" Yoongi whisper-yelled. Namjoon smirked, crossing his arms.

"I could ask you the same thing. You don't seem like the type to sneak out, Yoongi."

"I couldn't sleep and wanted a different experience. Why were you up?"

"Lookin' for you," Namjoon said smugly. Yoongi's face grew red, but he was thankful for the darkness so Namjoon wouldn't see it.

"For me? That's bullshit! Why would you need me in three in the morning? We see each other later tonight!" Yoongi said, crossing his arms. Namjoon sighed.

"When you reach totality I need you to come to my dorm. I read something in one of my books that if you're a raven growing wings," Namjoon paused, catching his breath.

"If you're growing wings, it's because you're close to totality. Your wing structure will come in at totality."

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