《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》8


Bag strap in hand, Yoongi stood before Namjoon's dorm. He knocked softly, to which he was greeted by Namjoon once again. He was in a different pair of shorts, a loose shirt that hung off his shoulder and wet hair. He must've finished taking a shower. Yoongi looked away before Namjoon could see the small, growing blush on his face.

"Welcome back, why don't you come in?" Namjoon opened the door a little bit wider, offering the boy inside. Yoongi thanked him quietly. He entered the room, sitting down on the bed.

"So, about tonight's test... We need to get you more comfortable to touch-"

"Namjoon that'll be considered sexual harassment. I'm not gonna let you touch me-"

Namjoon shut the door, smirking a little bit as he walked over. He placed his index finger under Yoongi's chin, lifting it up to him.

"How do we expect to perform future tests if I can't position you in the way I need to?"

Yoongi mumbled something, shoving Namjoon's hand away. Namjoon tilted his head. "What was that?"

"I said okay! Get on with it..."

Namjoon smiled. He sat down next to him.

"So we're gonna start with your comfortable and uncomfortable spots, just don't tell me which is which, okay?" Yoongi nodded in reply.

Namjoon was conducting this test for one of two reasons. One being he needed Yoongi to accept his touch in able to conduct future tests, like he said earlier. The second reason was so he could just touch the boy. Yes, it sounded wrong, but imagine all the things that he could do.

He looked so soft, precious. He looked so innocent and submissive. He just wanted that for himself. Namjoon was denying any feeling for the boy, and instead was saying he was sexually aroused around him.

He took his hand. He'd start from the top and move down. He started at the top of the boys head. No response. Namjoon moved down, occasionally using both of his hands. Like caressing his cheeks. He got a little response when he grazed the boys lips with his fingers. He then raised his hand to touch the boys eyes. When he did, he accidentally took out the contact, revealing the red eyes.


"They got brighter?"

"Just shut up. I don't wanna talk about it right now," Yoongi said, taking the contact back and placing it back in his eyes. His voice was pitched a little bit higher than normal, too. Namjoon took notice of this. Yoongi sat still after putting the contact back in.

From his shoulders to holding his hands, Namjoon felt how soft the older boy was. He then moved to the torso, which was where Yoongi got a little more responsive as he moved down. When he got to his waist, the boy was squirming in discomfort. Namjoon made his way down to the thighs, where there wasn't much response, but there was definitely a flinch. He moved all the way down to the feet, where Namjoon slipped off Yoongi's shoes and slid his hand around the foot.

Yoongi smiled before beginning to laugh a little bit. Namjoon smiled, rubbing the foot a little bit more. This caused Yoongi to laugh harder. So he was ticklish? Namjoon kept a mental note of this. He let go and slid the shoe back on. Yoongi calmed down, the smile still there, which Namjoon got a look at. His gums showed with his eyes halfway closed. He was happy.

But that expression vanished when he caught Namjoon staring. He coughed quietly, looking away a little bit.

"I assume you found the spots?"

"Yep. Apart from your back where your wings are, your waist showed the most response, then your thigh and face when I took your contact out. Here's my plan..." Namjoon said, looking at Yoongi.

"Whenever we're near each other, school or here, I'll touch those places, to which you'll get comfortable with-"

"Gonna have to compromise with that now, Namjoon, only when we're here you can touch me. You do have a reputation, yes?"

"Sure, but-"

"Not this time, Namjoon, I have to decline... speaking to you is enough as it is for the school," Yoongi said. Namjoon sighed.

"There's no convincing you otherwise, is there?"


Yoongi shook his head, crossing his arms and legs. Namjoon smiled a little. So he could be a drama queen too? He ruffled the boy's hair a little, going to sit down at his desk. He began to write some things down. Future tests and a schedule. He couldn't have Yoongi come down here everyday, that'd make the tests go by too fast and he wouldn't be able to keep up.

After writing down a rough schedule, Namjoon tore the piece of paper out of his notebook. He looked at Yoongi.

"Since we can't have tests every day, here's a schedule. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, you'll come here. Tuesdays and Thursdays you leave to me. The weekends we'll speak about what we've gotten."

"That works for me. What about Holidays? The Halloween party is coming up in fourteen days..."

Namjoon took a look at his calendar. Halloween was on a Wednesday this year. He sighed.

"It's on a Wednesday. Honestly, I could care less about it, but you can go if you want. Your friends may want you, I dunno." Namjoon frowned, looking at Yoongi with slanted eyes. "I'll still be here if you decide to come. Now, one last test, let me take a look at those red eyes of yours again."

Yoongi looked at him. He watched as he moved closer to where they were both very well in each other's bubble. Namjoon raised his hand, slowly, and directed it to Yoongi's left eye. He rested his palm on the boy's face, taking his index finger and taking the contact out, slowly. He didn't need to break it or ruin it. Yoongi blinked a few times before looking away from Namjoon.

Namjoon noticed this. "Yoongi, are you ashamed of your eyes?"

Yoongi froze. He nodded a little bit. Namjoon smiled, not in satisfaction or happiness, but with sympathy.

"I don't like them because they remind me of who I am... I think they're ugly."

"Well I, for one, think they're beautiful," Namjoon blurted. He caught himself. "Since you're a Raven, of course. I've never seen one with such bright eyes. Do you know the totality percentage it's at right now?"


"When they're fully bright..."

Yoongi shook his head. Namjoon laughed, standing up and placing the contact in Yoongi's hand. He told him to not move before heading to his closet. He took out a piece of equipment he had received for his birthday a few years back. Since his family knew about his obsession and all. He messed around with it before walking back over and crouching down to reach Yoongi's eye.

"What's that?"

"Piece of equipment to give the percentage of the totality. Hold still."

Yoongi obliged, for he was also interested in his totality percentage. Namjoon moved it close to his face, but he didn't move. He kept his eye open for Namjoon. Namjoon smiled happily, thankful the boy didn't move away. He used the piece of equipment before clicking it. It shuttered before calculating the percentage.

"88%, so in two weeks you'll have full totality, since I assume everyday it goes up by point five percent."

Yoongi nodded before taking his contact and sliding it back in. He sat there, awaiting instruction. Namjoon looked back at him.

"In two weeks is the Halloween party. Can you come that morning?"

"I can try."

"Good," Namjoon said. Yoongi looked away, picking up his bag before standing up himself. Namjoon watched him with interest.

"I'll see you Friday?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, but why are you leaving? I didn't give you permission."

"...sorry, I automatically thought we were done."

Namjoon chuckled lightly. "I'm just messing around with you. You can go. Sleep well."

Yoongi stopped, looking back at him before nodding. "You too..."

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