《The Force Unleashed On Remnant (Male Starkiller X RWBY)》Season 1-Ep 7: Beacon here I come!
The scene opens to The V-wing Starfighter flying at high speed, avoiding the Grimm Nevermore from taking a bite out of his ship.
Maddog:" Whoa-ha ha, nearly got me big guy!"
Three V-wings are soaring in different directions, making evasive maneuvers from one bird to another.
And trying to make them as mad as possible.
On the Lancer, Y/N is currently watching the action, waiting for the right opportunity to make the shot.
Clone officer:" Sir, those birds are making the guns difficult to lock on to, they're too fast!"
You:" I understand that, but we need to buy those men time to get those birds into the mark."
But before he could talk more, the elevator doors open, and lieutenant Acolyte comes out with Taiyang, Qrow, and Storm to the bridge.
Both clones salute to him.
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Pardon the intrusion Commander, but I believe you wanted to meet these two?"
You:" Indeed, I remember you Mr. Taiyang, but I don't think I've met you yet."
Gesturing to Qrow, he looks at Y/N up and down.
Qrow:" Damn, they weren't kidding. You really are young."
You:" Excuse me?"
Taiyang elbows Qrow with a stern look.
Qrow:" Uhh, sorry I'm still new to the whole situation. Guess you heard about our little meeting, huh?"
Storm walks by Taiyang, handing Y/N a tablet, showing him the reports.
You:" Yes, as well as the information about your 'abilities' to change into different forms, but we'll get to that later. For right now, we need to eliminate these damn birds or else we'll end up followed for the rest of our lives."
Turning around, the group sees the V-wings still making maneuvers.
Captain Flame:" Come on Troopers! We need to get in range!"
Rasp:" Doing the best we can sir! But these buggers are stubborn!"
While the chase was continuing, the Nevermore became even more upset, causing it to stop the pursuit, then looking at The Lancer.
Y/N, and the crew notice it looking at them, and the opportunity quickly opened.
You:" Now! Open fire!"
Both of The Turbo-Cannons turned to the Nevermore, and shot green lasers, hitting it with precise aiming.
The Nevermore screamed in pain, losing parts of it's wings, and a chunk of it's torso. Then decended to the ground.
While still alive, it made a loud screech to the other Nevermore, causing them to stop their chase, and turning at The Lancer once more.
Taiyang:" Uhh, that's not a good sign."
Storm:" Definitely not."
You:" Raise the shields."
Clone officer:" Yes sir."
While The Lancer powered up, the two Nevermore spread their wings wide open.
Then flapped their wings at the Cruiser, and shooting their own feathers at the ship.
Feathers hit the Lancer with high speed, but the Shields were already active.
Inside the Lancer, the ship started to quake a little bit, and the alarms blared. Crew members tried to get the situation back under control.
Meanwhile with the V-wings, Captain Flame saw what the Nevermore were doing, and decided to come up with a quick plan.
Captain Flame:" Ah, blast it! Those damn birds are attacking the Cruiser! We need to gain back their attention fast!"
Maddog:" Sir! What if we hit the eyes? Make them go blind, and they'll have no chance of making more damage!"
Rasp:" I kinda like that! I'll be the decoy!"
Captain Flame:" Well, I got nothing, so this better work! Do it Rasp!"
Rasp:" You got it!"
Back on the Lancer, the ship continued to take damage, and soon the Shields protecting the ship began to dim.
Clone officer:" Commander! We're taking heavy hits, the Shields are about to go out!"
You:" Keep up the pressure! Those fighters aren't done yet, just a bit more time!"
Qrow:" Man you guys are crazy!"
Back outside, the Nevermore were about to wave their wings again, but one of the V-wings flew past between them and just flew around making circles in the air.
Rasp:" Ha hah! Yeah, look at me tweety birds! Bet ya can't catch me!"
The Nevermore just stared at the small ship, screaming in anger, trying to scare it away.
Rasp:" Come on! Is that all you can do?!"
Before one of the Nevermore could give chase, Blaster fire could be heard, and both Nevermore were hit straight in the eye.
The damage caused both Nevermore to scream in pain and rage, flapping their wings aimlessly.
You:"Finish them off!"
The cannons each picked their targets, then opened fire at the large birds.
Both Nevermore had square hits in the chest, and fell to the ground. But upon impact, they were still alive.
The three V-wings accended to the sky, then turned back down, their weapons ready.
Captain Flame:" I think it would be best to finish them off sir! They look even more pissed than before!"
On the bridge, Y/N looks at the Holo-Table, and sees the under view of his ship.
You:" Open fire! And make sure they don't come back up!"
Clone officer:" Firing now sir!"
The Lancer unleashes a barrage of laser cannon fire, the two Nevermore scream in pain, and slowly become incinerated into ashes. No noise was heard in minutes.
The Lancer and the crew were victorious.
You:" Well done everyone. Captain Flame, please return to the Lancer immediately, along with your men. We're celebrating."
Captain Flame:" Sir yes sir."
All three V-wings make their way to the Lancer's hangar, and the crew clapped their hands, congratulating them for their victory.
The three clones leave their ships, surrounded by a few Troopers on the way, then straightened up when Y/N and the other group came to meet them.
You:" Well done gentlemen, that was impressive flying out there."
Captain Flame:" I can't take all the credit sir, it was these two that created the plan. I wouldn't have done it without them."
You:" Well, in that case, congratulations you two. Seems you have a knack for causing trouble, and we're gonna need more of that in the future."
Maddog:" Glad to be apart of it sir!"
Rasp:" It is an honor to serve under you!"
You:" Alright then, take a day off. You three earned it."
Captain Flame:" I'll be fine sir, we still have work to do."
Y/N puts a hand on his shoulder.
You:" You'll get your chance captain. Take a break."
Captain Flame:" (Sigh), Very well sir."
You:" Good man."
Y/N turns around and meets with Taiyang and Qrow.
Taiyang:" That was thrilling! You really know how to run a tight ship!"
Qrow:" No kidding, wish I recorded the whole thing. If it weren't for my equipment getting taken away."
You:" Ah, my apologies. Your equipment and weapons will be returned to you now."
Y/N waves his hand to Mute, who was guarding a footlocker ever since they were first brought aboard.
The Clone Assassin drags the footlocker to the pair, and they receive their confiscated items.
Taiyang with his scroll.
And Qrow, his flask, scroll, and large sword.
You:" That's quite the weapon you got."
Qrow:" You like it? It a combination of a sword, and a scythe. Plus a hidden shotgun mode, just in case I'm in a pickle."
You:" Interesting, I've never heard of combination weapons. Do others have this kind of weapon?"
Qrow:" That would depend. You see, I'm also a teacher about weapons, I teach young students about different variations of weapon models, bullet calibers, even weapon-dust combos. Every weapon has a unique function, and it's my job to make sure everyone knows how to treat their weapons with great care. However, not everybody truly understands how to work with their weapons, those who fail, don't advance at becoming huntsmen."
Y/N had his hand on his chin, listening to the grownups teachings.
You:" That's rather interesting, does anyone else follow your example?"
Taiyang:" Yep, that would be my younger daughter Ruby! She chose the option of a scythe, while my eldest took up shotgun gauntlets. Both of them are very skilled, and I'm proud of them."
Y/N had a surprised look on him.
Your mind:' So this is the guy you married Summer?'
Summer:' (Giggle) Yep, that's him! Even through all these years, he still looks as handsome as ever.'
You:'Ok, take it easy there tiger.'
Y/N shakes his head a little bit.
You:" Well then, this is only our first job done, but we still have work to do. What will you two be doing? You're welcome to tag along, but you won't be allowed to get involved in our missions."
Taiyang:" Actually, I'd very much like to return home. You see, I have a pet dog at home, and I've been away for quite some time. And I might've missed a few phone calls from my girls. So, is there any way you could drop me off home by any chance?"
You:" Of course, I'll have one of the gunships prepped up, and he can take you where you wish to go. And you Mr.Qrow was it?"
Qrow:" Just Qrow is fine kid. However, I have to ask you something, if you're OK with that."
Y/N nods his head a little bit, wondering of his request.
Qrow leans in, his head closer to Y/N's ear.
Qrow:" Please don't tell anyone else about my power. You are the only one that knows about it, and I don't want anymore trouble with this secret."
You:" I understand, and I can assure you that my men will too."
Qrow sighs in relief.
Qrow:" Thanks. By the way, you haven't even told me your name yet."
You:" (Chuckles) Of course, the names Y/N. Commander of the Galactic Republic, and Jedi Padawan of the Jedi order."
Qrow:" Wow, quite the title kid, you sure you didn't steal that one?"
You:" Ha, I promise it was well earned."
Qrow:" You know, since you know my secret abilities, I think you've earned my trust to meet Ozpin. He's a good guy, so I'll get in touch with him later on so you can meet with him."
You:" You know I keep hearing that name, and each time I hear it, you guys seem serious about the guy. Is he really well connected?"
Qrow:" Hey, don't you worry about a thing, Oz and I go way back. Plus, you might even make some new pals here. By the way, I've Been wanting to ask ya, what kind of weapon do you use?"
Taiyang perked at this, curious to know as well.
Y/N smirks, taking his Lightsaber off his belt, and shows it to them.
Qrow and Taiyang lean in to see Y/ N's weapon, something they haven't seen before.
Taiyang:" Strange, doesn't look like the kind Huntsmen make for their weapons."
Qrow:" I don't think I understand your ideas in weapons kid."
You:" That's because you haven't seen anything yet."
Before either one could ask, a beam of blue light shoots out if Y/ N's weapon, making the two jump back a little bit.
Taiyang:" Jeez!"
Qrow:" At least warn me before you decide to slice my head off!"
Y/N laughs at the two.
You:" Sorry about that, but I couldn't resist to do that!"
Qrow:" Anyway, what the heck type of weapon is that? It seems more powerful than a regular sword blade."
You:" It's called a Lightsaber. Members of the Jedi order back on Coruscant use these weapons for peace. They come in many different forms, sizes, and different colors. However, only the jedi can wield a weapon such as these, but first we need to give it life, which is where the power crystal comes in."
Y/N gives a demonstration by using the force to disconnect the Lightsaber in separate pieces, then showing a bright crystal humming with bright color.
Taiyang:" Amazing. . ."
Qrow:" Whoa, you have some power kid, now I understand to not get on your bad side."
Y/N smirks, then concentrates putting the Lightsaber back together.
You:" This is why I became a jedi. To ensure freedom, and peace throughout the galaxy, and to eliminate the darkness that holds most worlds to their will."
Qrow begins to make some thoughts in his head.
Qrow:" I think you should meet Ozpin. I believe you could be of great help to everyone."
You:" Oh? And what makes you say that?"
Qrow:" I don't exactly know, but you really do have great intentions. And we could really use your help in this."
Y/N crosses his arms, and thinks.
Your mind:' Hmmm, what's your take in this Summer?'
Summer:' Qrow is very certain you can be trusted, so you should accept this chance.'
You:' Ok, if you say so.'
Y/N looks back at Qrow.
You:" Where do I meet Ozpin?"
Qrow:" Oh, forgot you guys are new here, so here is my scroll, it's got directions to find Beacon Academy. Do you take pictures?"
You:" I have a better idea. R4!"
As if right away, the Astromech flew down with it's rocket boosters, and landed between Y/N and Qrow.
Qrow:" Whoa, is that a robot?"
You:" He's an Astromech, my little partner. We've been through many adventures together, haven't we little buddy?"
R4:[Beep boop bwoop.]
You:" You can send R4 the coordinates on where to go. We'll take my fighter to Beacon."
Taiyang:" I'm sorry, your what?"
Y/N smirks again.
You:" Bring down my fighter!"
There were some machine sounds, then engines powering on, the trio look up and see a small starship placing in front of them.
Once placed in front of them, Qrow whistled.
Qrow:" Nice, you even have a ship of you're own. What is this?"
You:" This, is an Eta-2 Actis Class Intercepter. A fast Starfighter jedi use to lead in ship combat. These babies look nice, but they are pretty expensive. But I put every credit to ensure it's beauty."
R4 uses it's rocket boosters to fly into the Droid seat.
You:" Plus, I take R4 whenever we have the chance at flying. Isn't that right pal?"
Taiyang:" That is so cool. How much exactly?"
You:" You really want to know?"
Qrow:" I'm nervous to answer that."
Y/N and R4 look at each other, then back at the duo.
You:" Prices start at 290,000 to 310,000 and 320,000. All three different variations. I got the first of the three."
Both Qrow and Taiyang just stood there, mouths hanging down, not moving a muscle.
You:" Yep, saved up a ton of credits when the ships were on sale. Although, some jedi would still prefer the Delta-7 models better."
Taiyang was the first to speak.
Taiyang:" That is crazy, so much money on something simple as this? It would cost me my own organs to pay that much."
You:" Eh, can't blame you. So, you ready to head home?"
Taiyang:" Oh right, yeah I better get going! Qrow ya coming?"
Qrow finally snapped out of it, slowly walking with Taiyang.
But before heading inside the gunship, Qrow turns to Y/N one more time.
Qrow:" You really are something else, ya know? I'll contact Ozpin ahead of you and let him know you're coming to see him. And fair warning, there's also someone else that runs the school with him. Her names Glynda Goodwitch, so be careful when you see her. I've had a few run arounds with her, and I'd rather you avoid that."
You:" Noted, thanks for the warning."
Qrow:" Sure thing, see ya around 'Commander'."
Qrow gives a half-salute, then proceeds to the gunship.
Taiyang:" It was fun meeting ya! And if you see my daughters, tell them I said hi!"
You:" Will do! Until we meet again!"
After waving to the two, the gunship takes off to the sky, and heads to the designation.
Y/N sighs, then turns to his soldiers.
You:" Captain Flame! A word please!"
The Captain makes his way to him.
Captain Flame:" Yes sir? Something you need of me?"
You:" Yes, I'll be leaving for a mission of my own. And during my absence, I'm placing you in command of The Lancer. I need you to continue the secondary mission without me. I'll be making my way to Beacon to meet with this Ozpin, I keep hearing about."
Captain Flame:" But-Sir, I have no way of Commanding this vessel, surely you could pick someone else for the job."
You:" I'm afraid not Captain, I need you for this task. While I'm gone, I need you to make alliances with the people of this planet, if we're gonna be staying here, then we're gonna need to make some friends in order to remain here."
The Captain sighs in defeat, knowing his commander was right. He then looks back up to Y/N's gaze.
Captain Flame:" Yes sir, I'll see to it the necessary preparations are made."
You:" Good man. And don't worry, we'll make things work here."
Y/N enters his ship and the fighter begins to lift off the floor.
Outside of the Lancer, a small ship comes out, and flies at a different direction.
You:" Alright R4, you downloaded the coordinates from Qrow?"
You:" Good job bud, now Beacon here we come!"
Y/N launches full speed, and the Starfighter takes off passing hills and dissappears in the distance.
The gunship carrying Qrow and Taiyang proceed to the direction of their home.
Inside, the two grownups idly stand, thinking about their encounter.
Taiyang:" So, ya finally believe me now?"
Qrow:" Really? You're asking this now? After all that time we spent in their big starship, you're asking this now?"
Taiyang:" Hey, I know how difficult it is to get you to believe in something. At least you get to finally see it at first hand."
Qrow:" Yeah, I guess so. Still pretty crazy though, can't believe their tech is more advanced than ours. Let alone those soldiers are more better than Atlas."
Taiyang:" I hear ya. But their leader, you seem to have taken an interest in letting him see Ozpin so much."
Qrow:" Speaking of which, I better call him now and tell him what happened."
Clone Pilot:" We're approaching your destination now sir."
Taiyang:" Thanks for the ride. This thing's pretty smooth."
Clone Pilot:" Hehe, glad you enjoyed it. It's been fun meeting you."
Taiyang:" You as well, hope to see you guys again. Perhaps I'll throw you guys a BBQ the next time we meet."
Clone Pilot:" Hey, sounds good! I'll bring the drinks."
Qrow:"I wonder what kind of booze you guys drink, I'm willing to try new things!"
Taiyang:" It's always the drinks with you."
Clone Pilot:" Oh trust me bud, I think you'll like spotchka the next time we meet."
Qrow:" Spotchka huh? I already can't wait."
The gunship lands in front of the house, and the two adults get off.
Taiyang:" Thanks again for the ride!"
- In Serial77 Chapters
Medusa and the blind woman
Update: * Volume 1 & 2 of the novelization of Medusa and the blind woman are available on Amazon Kindle under the name Bryn D. Estelle. * All chapters from Volume 1 & 2 on RoyalRoad have been cleaned up and tweaked. New Interlude was added to Volume 3. * Three new chapters have been added to RoyalRoad that are marked 21.1, 21.2 and 21.3 which are original content from Volume 2 of the novelisation. Volume summaries: Volume 1: The legendary Gorgon, Medusa, spends a solitary life on her island Sarpedon. The only interruptions to her monotonous life are the occasional expeditions of foolish humans that try to slay her for fame and riches. This story begins on the day that just another of these expeditions brings along an unusual woman. A priestess of Athena that was born blind and is not afraid of the Gorgon. Soon those two are forced into an unexpected coexistence on the small island. Will those two unlikely life partners learn to get along? Volume 2: The great goddess of wisdom and war, Athena, realizes that her priestess is prisoner to the Gorgon and makes a bet with the monster. The human expedition returns to slay the Gorgon and Eugenia is caught between the front lines. Typhos reveals his true goal and his machinations corner Medusa. What choices will the dissimilar duo make? Who will come out victorious? Volume 3: After Eugenia awakens in the city of rowers, Eretria, she finds herself separated from Medusa who is receiving punishment for leaving her exile. Still recovering from her injuries and desperate, the priestess sets off on a journey to make a return to Sarpedon. On her way she meets many strange new people as well as some familiar faces. On top of that the messenger of the gods, Hermes, tells her of a trial that awaits her on this uncertain path. Where will her trial take her? Volume 4: Reunion. After Eugenia's long trial comes to an end, she returns to the side of Medusa who had suffered her punishment at the hands of Athena. As they try to find a new balance in their shared company on Sarpedon they are faced with many tumultuous emotions that wind down to the very cores of their souls. Secrets are uncovered, pasts revealed and Eugenia's feelings are put to the ultimate test. And amidst all this, a new intruder chooses to trespass onto the secluded isle to cause even more trouble. Aphrodite has set her sights on the Gorgon now.
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Three Eleven Thirteen
February 19th, 2018He is test subject Three-eleven-thirteen. Ellie for short. He's human. Remarkable.He can breathe freely, no tubes. His heart has adapted to beating on it's own. He opened his eyes yesterday, we looked at one another.He looked at me, truly looked at me. My daughter, Ripley, tried speaking with him, but he didn't understand.I will have her keep working with him. He will speak. February 23rd, 2018He is standing. His bones are still fragile, but he is gaining muscle rapidly. This is incredible progress in such little time. Everything is going as planned, though his fingernails are black. They weren't black yesterday.March 13th, 2018 Ellie attacked Ripley last night. He will be kept in restraints from now on.March 27th, 2018My God he is strong. The mysterious blackness that had formed in his fingernails is now flowing in his veins. Whatever this black liquid is, it's possessing him. April 4th, 2018He bit me last night. I can feel the mystery in my veins. What is this?April 5th, 2018Test subject three-eleven-thirteen, Ellie, will no longer be a patient of mine. I have locked him up in a cell in my lab. I fear him. He will stay in that cell for God knows how long until he starves to death.I am a coward.April 6th, 2018I can't tolerate this. I think I'm truly losing it. My memories, my spirit, I feel them being eaten by this black virus. I have to end this tonight. I have to end myself tonight. I have too. Ripley, my sweet daughter, I love you baby. I am sorry for creating that abomination. I am so sorry.
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