《The Force Unleashed On Remnant (Male Starkiller X RWBY)》Season 1-Ep.8: A Necessary Alliance
On the Sith Dreadnaught, the scene opens to Maul training his Lightsaber skills, along with Savage meditating with Darth Nemesis, sitting across each other, and their own Lightsabers in front of them.
Nemesis:" Concentrate Savage. You may be strong wielding your Lightsaber, but without proper training to use the force, you can only go so far."
Savage concentrates deeper with a small struggle, but then becomes more relaxed in his meditation, listening to every word the Sith Lord provides.
Savage:" I can sense your power my lord. It is very powerful than I could imagine. Count Dooku never trained me with such patience as you have."
Nemesis:" Then who ever this 'Count Dooku' is, he is a fool for throwing away a strong being as you. Becoming a Sith comes with many trials, along with different targets to eliminate. I've known this for as long as I can remember, my time as an Acolyte was not easy, but I managed to carve my path and destroyed those who tried to get in my way."
Maul stops his training, then walks to the pair sitting next to them.
Maul:" You mentioned earlier that you were The Emperors Wrath, how is it that you obtained such a position?"
Nemesis:" During one my missions, my formal master had claimed that he was the Voice of the Emperor, all of my actions had been played by his order, and I was tricked when he promised that we would bring order to the Sith Empire. But it turns out he wasn't the actual voice, but a fraud. He even had another apprentice with him, but somehow he made him 'immortal' after I defeated him, and he was a stubborn bastard."
Maul and Savage chuckle, and Savage looks down at the Lightsabers in front of him. Nemesis has two different sabers, but they look different from the other Lightsabers he encountered.
(Primary Saber)
(Second Saber)
Savage:" You have strange Lightsabers my lord."
Nemesis looks at Savage, then down to his sabers in front of him.
He then picks them up in each hand and ignites them both.
(The primary has the unstable crystal, just like Kylo Ren's)
Nemesis:" The Saber in my left hand is my given Lightsaber. I was tasked to retieve it from the underground tombs of Korriban for my Sith Trials. Later on, I managed to obtain the upgrades. The Saber in my right hand, I found this during my missions hunting Jedi, turned out one of the young Padawans got a hold of this and it's power was too much for the young lad. Killed his own allies and tried to go for me, the idiot."
Deactivating them, Nemesis stands and then heads out of the sparring room. Maul and Savage following behind.
Nemesis:" So Savage, you said there was a war going on, care to tell me what it is?"
Savage:" Yes sire, it is known as The Clone Wars."
Nemesis stops walking for a second, so do the brothers and turns to Savage.
Nemesis:" That's something I've never heard of, what exactly is the Clone wars?"
Maul:" Soldiers are being created, cloned from a single person, a Mandalorian."
Surprised by the news, Nemesis goes deep in thought.
Nemesis:" And what of Korriban?"
Maul:" Abandoned."
The Sith Lord growls, his fists clench tightly, and small sparks of red lightning light up around his arms.
But he calms down quickly, regaining his breathing and releases his grip.
Nemesis:" Who is leading the Sith Code now?"
Maul steps up, with a serious face.
Maul:" A powerful Sith Lord. He hides within the shadows of the war, and waiting for the time to strike."
Nemesis:" Who?"
Maul:" He is called. . . Darth Sidious."
A look of uneasiness makes it's way to Nemesis as he takes in the name.
Nemesis:" Hmm, and he is in charge of the war?"
Before an answer was given, the alarms blared, causing all three Sith to seize their conversation and head to the bridge.
Intercom:" "
Nemesis:" Damn! How did someone find us already?! My ship has a stealth drive!"
Maul:" They must've tracked our broken ship before you found us!"
Out in space, several fighter ships come out of hyperspace, and proceeded to the Dreadnaught.
Inside one of the fighters, armored warriors were making room for their leader as he passed by, and he sees the large ship in sight.
???:" Now that is something you don't see everyday. An ancient Dreadnaught still kicking, and it's ours right for the taking."
Warrior:" Lord Mandalore! The ship seems to be aware of our approach! Their weapons are aiming at us!"
The Death Seeker's Quad laser turrets, and missle launchers began to fire warning shots around the unknown fighters, causing them to try and evade each shot.
Inside the Dreadnaught, Lord Nemesis and the Zabrak brothers watched as the ships began fly around in panic, making them smile at the firepower the old ship ship still kicks.
Nemesis:" If they think they can try to mess with MY ship and do as they please, then they have another thing coming."
But before anyone said anything else, a Beeping can be heard.
DP-6:" My lord, they seem to be hailing us for surrender."
Nemesis:" (Rolling his eyes) Wouldn't be the first time anyone tried to mess with me and my ship. Answer the call, I want to know who we're dealing with."
Answering the call, an armored figure can be seen, and Nemesis instantly caught the the idea.
Nemesis:" A Mandalorian?"
???:" Greetings, stranger. My name is Pre Visla of House Visla. My warriors and I caught a faint signal coming from this secture, but it seems that it instead led us to you. Such an ancient vessel, but yet we underestimated you. And for that, I send you my deepest apologies, and request we speak this out face to face as gentlemen. What say you?"
The Sith Warriors turn to Nemesis as he takes in the view of the Mandalorian warrior.
Nemesis:" Hmm, seems alot of changes have happened to Mandalore as well. Let them on board, but keep your guard up. These people may be messy, but they do fight dirty as well."
DP-6:" As you wish my lord, shall we prepare dinner as well?"
Nemesis:" That would be best. Maul, Savage, I want you two by my side when we meet them. However, if they intend anything harmful, do not kill them but break them. I want them to know fear when they piss off the true members of Dark Side."
Maul:" We shall do as you ask."
Savage:" I will gladly rip their limbs."
Grinning, the Sith trio make their way to the hangar bays to meet their 'New Friends'.
At the Republic Base, Obi-Wan Kenobi is seeing the progress of the new Venator Cruiser they are creating. Memories of his adventures with his Padawan flowed his mind, but senses his former Padawan approaching.
Anakin:" Can't sleep Master?"
Obi-Wan:" Just thought I'd check the progress of the Cruiser. Seems to going well so far."
Anakin:" And I think you're just worried about Y/N. Come on Obi-Wan, the kid's a great fighter, we taught him as best we could."
Obi-Wan:" Just like how I taught you?"
Anakin:" Hey! I managed just fine!"
Obi-Wan:" You rush into fighting head on, and lost an arm."
Anakin:" I have no regrets."
Obi-Wan softly chuckles, then looks back at the construction.
Anakin:" Is there something wrong?"
Obi-Wan:" I'm not sure, everything seems to be unbalanced for some reason. We haven't heard about Dooku for some time, and a new Sith Lord has risen."
Anakin:" I hear you, but that doesn't change anything, we'll find whoever this Sith Lord is, and we will take him out."
Obi-Wan:" I wouldn't go that far. Master Yoda explained that this new Sith is very powerful, and we have yet to find out exactly where he is."
Anakin:" Good point. There's also that Darth Maul problem you still had before. I thought he was dealt with the first time you fought him."
Obi-Wan:" I thought so as well, but it seems he is quite the stubborn one. I fear more darkness is growing and we don't know exactly where to search."
Anakin:" Well, as much as I'd like to go to stars and find answers, I think I'll get some proper rest before the voyage. You should get some sleep as well Master, don't want to end up like me when we searched for Grievous that time."
Obi-Wan:" Ok- first of all, I do sleep. Second, that was you're fault for not getting proper rest."
The two jedi walk on, bickering back and forth enjoying the rest of the night.
Count Dooku exited hyperspace with his personal ship.
While flying, he can see the two Federation Starships he required for his hunt on Y/N.
Count Dooku:" (Smirking) Perfect."
Then his Holo-Comm began to Beep.
Answering, it was Admiral Trench.
Count Dooku:" Admiral, is everything ready?"
Admiral Trench:" All of our needed forces, along with our fighters are here and ready my lord. We await your arrival."
Count Dooku:" Very good. Proceed with the take off. I'll join you shortly, then we shall begin our hunt for the jedi."
Admiral Trench:" As you wish."
After shutting off the Hologram, Dooku activates another call. This time, it's his master.
Darth Sidious:" Have you arrived at your destination my apprentice?"
Count Dooku:" Yes my Master, we are ready to begin."
Darth Sidious:" Then you must make haste. The Republic are almost ready to deploy one of their own ships to the same location, that the young jedi has been trapped on. You must do everything in your power to seize the jedi, before the other jedi reach him. But if he continues to resist our ways, kill him at once."
Count Dooku:" I will do as you command, my master."
Darth Sidious:" I await your progress."
And then he ends the call, proceeding to the massive starship.
Back on Remnant, there's a large forest with tons of tall trees, and a large plume of smoke can be seen at a distance.
Approaching the area, a small town can be seen, houses, a large barn, and shops, destroyed and torn.
But the villagers settling there, some had farm tools to try and defend themselves, and they try using their wagons to block pathways from the Grimm.
However, the villagers seem to have animal parts, meaning they aren't exactly human. Even the children have them.
But they aren't alone. Three humans outside of the village with different strange weapons are seen fighting off the Grimm hoards, circling the village.
Huntsman# 1:" There's too many of them! We can't keep this up!"
Huntsman# 2:" We can't give up now! The villagers are counting on us!
Huntsman# 3:" Why should we help them?! These are Faunus for crying out loud! We shouldn't risk our lives for them!"
Huntsman# 2:" They have kids! We vowed to protect them!
Huntsman# 1:" I'm low on dust! We're gonna run out of ammo soon!
Huntsman# 3:" That's it! I'm not gonna die here with you lot! I'm outta here!"
Huntsman# 2:" DON'T YOU DARE!!!"
It was too late, the Huntsman took off running to the trees, but it didn't take too long to hear screams of death in the forest, meaning he didn't last.
Huntsman# 2:" Damnit! Where's the backup?!"
Huntsman# 1:" The radio was destroyed! I tried my best to call!"
The two Huntsman look at their surroundings, and many more Grimm began to appear out of the shadows, and they have no more ammo, or the support to aid them.
Huntsman# 2:" I guess this it."
Back in the village, Faunus began to panic at the sudden approach of more Grimm, their families gathered in the center, holding dear to one another.
Faunus child:" Momma. ? I'm scared. ."
Faunus Mother:" Shh dear, it's alright. I'm here."
Faunus Villager:" We're surrounded! There's no escape!"
Panic rose even further, the Grimm advance slowly, and the Huntsman began to lose hope.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
But they stopped.
The Grimm's ears rose, looking around to find the noise.
Huntsman# 2:" Wait, what's going on?"
Huntsman# 1:" Hey! You hear that?!"
The noise began to rise, it sounded like. . .
Explosions erupted both sides of the forest. Grimm roared in pain, scattering from the flames in the trees.
And in the skies, two strange ships are seen flying in different directions, circling back to the village.
The villagers looked up, and they hear some of the Grimm charging for them.
But they were instantly shot by rapid laser-fire by another unknown ship.
And everyone had their breaths taken away.
Faunus Villager:" WE'RE SAVED!!!"
More Grimm species ran out of the forest, heading towards the remaining Huntsman.
Faunus Villager:" You two! Get in here!"
The pair rush back in the village, and the gunships carefully land on the ground.
The doors open, and several armored soldiers rush out, with different guns in hand.
Clone Troopers:" Go! Go! Go! Secure the civilians!"
Troopers with their DC-15A, DC-15S, or Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannons began unloading their rounds at the incoming hoards. Even throwing a few Thermal Detonators.
Some new Troopers with blue markings made their way to the Faunus.
Clone Medic:" It's alright! We're here to help!"
Faunus Villager:" Thank you! We were about to lose hope."
The Clone Medics began treating the wounded, and sickness, while the other clones do their jobs.
The 91st reconnaissance corps, Commanders Trigg, Neyo, and Arc Trooper Storm secured the two Huntsmen, and began to call for reinforcements.
Commander Trigg:" This is Commander Trigg! Requesting a gunship sweep around the village! Things are getting dicey here!"
Clone Pilot:" Copy that Commander! Making our way there."
The gunship returns, firing nonstop at the Grimm. Even the high-persition laser beams cut through the Grimm like butter.
Faunus Villager:" Look! Their turning tail!"
The remaining Grimm retreated back to the forests, some were even wounded but they continued on.
Storm:" After 'em boys!"
The Clone Troopers shouted out, then rushed to chase the Grimm away from the village.
The Clone Medics however remained with the wounded, making sure they were treated with their best care.
Faunus Villager:" Thank you so much for coming for us. We weren't sure anyone would come for us at our desperate time of need."
Clone Medic:" I'm glad we came right on time, we tracked a radio signal quite a distance from here, luckily we sent out best fighters out first before sending in the calvary."
Faunus child:" M-Mister, are you a Huntsman?"
Looking at the child to his right, he takes off his helmet, showing his face to everyone. It was a little surprising, but everyone already suspected that he was human.
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