《The Force Unleashed On Remnant (Male Starkiller X RWBY)》season 1-Ep 6: The Hunt Begins
The scene opens approaching Count Dooku's Palace.
Inside, Dooku stands at his desk, eyes closed, focusing.
Dooku:" How interesting. Never knew another Sith would still be alive."
Just after saying that, his holo-desk began to ring, answering it and General Grievous shows on the hologram.
Dooku:" General, was your mission a success?"
General Grievous:" General Kenobi's fleet was eliminated, but unfortunately one of his ships escaped."
Dooku:" My disappointment with you grows within each time General, how is it you let one ship escape your sight?"
The General coughs.
General grievous:" Because this ship is commanded by your 'new apprentice' that you oh so desire, we've sent one of our probes onto their Light Cruiser before escaping. And I have their exact location."
Count Dooku was surprised, perhaps there's still a chance to capture the Jedi, before he makes his way back to the Republic.
Dooku:" Well done General, send me the location, and all your failures will be forgiven."
General grievous:" It has already been sent, I will most likely believe the young jedi will remain where he is stuck on."
Dooku:" Good work General, I will see to the location, and then send the necessary fleet to find the jedi."
General grievous:" Very well then."
The hologram shuts off, then Dooku begins another contact.
The hologram projects another figure, his master.
???:" Why have you contacted me, my apprentice?"
Dooku:" My Master, I have the location bearing the young Jedi's whereabouts, it seems he is located by the outer rims of the galaxy. I wish to send a necessary fleet to capture him."
???:" Hmm, yes since he far from Republic space, he only has one small ship with a small army with him. But we cannot take chances where one small fleet will track him down, send two Lucrehulk battleships with your best assets, then have them track, and hunt down this young jedi. Our plans will surely fail if he is against us."
Dooku:" Yes, my Master, I'll see to it the necessary preparations are made."
???:" If the jedi is indeed powerful, then you may accompany them yourself, I remember fully after that little 'incident' before you lost him to Republic hands."
Dooku remembers fully about Y/N's true potential, his power was remarkable.
Dooku:" I promise you Master, I will find him, and I will make him one of us."
???:" See to it that you will."
The hologram turns off once more, and then Dooku begins thinking in his head.
Dooku:' I will need only one reliable officer to command the starships, and I may know the right leader to guide them.'
Dooku began contacting his needed officers. The hologram projects two different figures.
Dooku:" Admiral Trench, General Grievous."
Admiral Trench:" Ah, Count Dooku, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
General Grievous:" And what did you need further of me my lord?"
Dooku:" Lord Sidious has instructed me to prepare two Lucrehulk starships to hunt down the young jedi, I have also chosen to join you on this critical mission. Meanwhile General Grievous will remain here to maintain the war."
Admiral Trench:" Hmm, forgive my rudeness, but why waste resources on one simple jedi?"
Dooku:" Because this is no 'simple jedi', the Master has sensed his power and he alone can rival to his."
Admiral Trench:" But how is that possible? No such jedi should rival Lord Sidious."
General Grievous:" Believe it Admiral, I too have faced this jedi, and he is a very high threat to Lord Sidious's plans if we do not eliminate him."
Admiral Trench began to think.
Admiral Trench:" Very well, when do we begin our hunt for this jedi?"
Dooku:" As soon as the Lucrehulks are fully ready, we will depart. I will handle the jedi myself, and bring him to our cause, either willingly or forcefully."
Admiral Trench:" As you wish, Count Dooku, I await your order."
General Grievous:" Agreed, my lord."
Dooku:" Very well then, dismissed."
After the holograms fade, Dooku began his transactions for the upcoming journey he and his companions are about to take.
The scene opens to The Jedi Temple, and most of the Council of the jedi order are seated.
Obi-Wan:" It has been four days now since young Y/N has been contacted. None of our other space stations have received word that he has come by from his mission."
Kit Fisto:" Could it be that this new Sith Lord, Master Yoda has spoken of be the cause of it?"
Mace Windu:" I highly doubt it, if it were then news of our enemies would have reached out to us at this point, but it is unlikely he is in any danger yet."
Ki-Adi-Mundi:" Master Kenobi, didn't you speak with young Y/N about anything, before your mission?"
Obi-Wan began to feel a little occupied in his thoughts, should he reveal their talks? Would they listen to what he has to say?
But before anyone could press on, a Beeping can be heard.
Kit Fisto:" Seems we're being contacted."
Mace Windu:" Answer the call then."
A blurry image is displayed, but then it slowly fixes up, and they can see who it is.
Obi-Wan:" Y/N?"
Yep, they now see Y/N and they notice he is wearing a new set of armor they didn't know of.
Ki-Adi-Mundi:" Strange choice of outfit don't you think?"
???:" Oh, that's because the armor was from me."
The jedi turn to the doorway, and they see Chancellor Palpatine escorted by Anakin.
Anakin:" Did we interrupt something?"
Obi-Wan:" Not much, we just received Y/N's signal, hopefully nothing bad happened to his ship."
You:" If this signal has reached you, then please know that the crew of The Lancer, and myself are safe and sound. We ran out of power to our core and overloaded our engines while entering an unknown planet. But thankfully we managed to get her working again, and we're waiting on the rest of the repairs."
Kit Fisto:" At least he's alive, that's a win."
You:" However, during our entry on this planet, I began to feel a strong connection to the force here. I don't exactly know what happened, but I am certain this planet has been kept secret from quite some time."
Anakin:" Is that even possible? This is like searching for Kamino all over again!"
Obi-Wan:" Well, at least Y/N managed to find it quicker than I did when searching the whereabouts of Jango Fett. But then again, he did mention a calling to him before."
You:" Our stay on this planet didn't come unnoticed however, we've attracted some rather very hostile creatures here, and our scouting teams managed to get their hands on some 'aggressive' beasts that I'd like to show you. I'm sending recordings of the creatures to you now, but I'm afraid there's another matter to speak about."
Everyone waited patiently.
You:" This planet is at war. Nothing to do with Separatists, but against these monsters, and themselves. Apparently I've learned that there are two different factions, humans and animal-like people called The Faunus, things are getting out of hand here Masters, and some locals of this planet are begging for our help. So I must ask for your aid, I request reinforcements and supplies to establish a base of operations. "
Mace Windu:" That is a tall request. Even though he managed to make contact with other beings on the planet, we are also in the middle of a war."
You:" I understand it's a big risk, but please listen that the force runs strong on this planet. But it also runs deeply with the dark side. Perhaps that's what began with these beasts known as The Grimm. Masters of the Council, please grant me this request, and help me save this planet from dying. That's all I ask."
The hologram fades, and The jedi look at their tablets to see the recordings of Y/N's catches.
And their faces were disturbed.
Obi-Wan:" what. Exactly. Are those?"
Ki-Adi-Mundi:" I don't think I've ever witnessed such savagery within these creatures, and Y/N said the inhabitants are battling these beasts?"
Kit Fisto:" Not an easy feat I presume. It even says that once killed, they completely break down into nothing but ashes, that is not normal."
Mace Windu:" But this still questions whether we grant Y/N the supplies he requested from us, or simply bring him back to Republic space."
Palpatine:" Surely you heard what he said Master Jedi? The inhabitants of the planet knows of our military, and they are in desperate need of aid. Perhaps we can send an Assault Class, or a Venator to his command. Not to mention we haven't heard from Count Dooku or any of his accomplices for some time now."
Anakin:" He does have a point, when was the last time Grievous tried to destroy one of our allied fleets, or Count Dooku trying to pay off bounty hunters to kidnap a target?"
This is now starting to make sense, if Y/N managed to send a message through space, then it must've gotten traced back to the Separatist to track him down.
All members of the Council look at each other.
Mace Windu:" I assume we have come to a vote? If what Y/N said was true, then there is no doubt he'll be tracked for sending a signal to us."
Obi-Wan:" he will need all the help he can get, perhaps we could also send one of our other knights to aid him."
Yoda:" Hmm, knight Y/N, we haven't decided yet, have we?"
Mace Windu:" I thought this was noted until 'after' we bring him back."
Eeth Koth:" You gotta admit, at such a young age he can use the force very well."
Anakin:" And he's a pretty quick learner too. He can keep up with my flying skills when we enter starship combat."
Obi-Wan:" Don't forget that he still has some knowledge of brute force combat, I'm still teaching him about defense moves."
Ki-Adi-Mundi:" I'm a little bit concerned that he still has force lightning to his use, in fact it's powerful enough to withstand Count Dooku's power."
Plo Koon:" It is true, but he made a vow to never use it around other jedi."
Mace Windu:" Which is why the decision is put on hold until the young Padawan is safely returned. We will discuss this another time."
Palpatine:" Well then, if you are certain to bring young Y/N a new Cruiser, then I will gladly aid you. I'll use my wealth to make the order of the Cruiser, and then we shall send a necessary crew to aid our young friend in his journey. No doubt he'll even make potential allies to our cause."
The Council was surprised about Palpatine's offer.
Mace Windu:" With respect Chancellor, but this is a jedi affair. We should be able to cover the funding of our own."
Palpatine:" Nonsense, it is the best I could do. Even I owe young Y/N my life for the number of times he came to my rescue, and ending up with a broken bone or two."
Anakin:" He's not wrong, I still can't believe he survived a massive debris head on."
Yoda:" Hmmm. A Venator Class, shall it be? Deployable Garrison equipped it has."
Obi-Wan:" And don't forget, we still need to send the reinforcements Y/N requested. Seems the planet has plenty of forest areas, perhaps the 41st Rangers?"
Yoda:" a fine choice, it is. Clone Commandos he will need as well."
Plo Koon:" And what about city defenders? Shall we send the 87th Setinal Corps?"
Anakin:" That's not bad, I still got plenty of 501st if he needs the full punch."
Mace Windu:" Then we are in agreement of Y/N's request? All in favor?"
Jedi Council:" Aye."
Palpatine:" Wonderful! Let us make haste, there is much preparation to make."
Chancellor Palpatine leaves the room, while the Jedi Council continue the options.
In the skies of Remnant, The Lancer can be seen soaring the air.
But behind the the ship, it was being chased by three large black birds with white armor plating on their heads.
The crew ran back and forth, getting to their stations.
On the bridge, Y/N is standing by the Holo-Table, along with Captain Flame.
You:" Man these things just don't know when to quit do they?!"
Captain Flame:" That's an understatement, I'm really getting tired of being chased by these beasts!"
Clone officer:" Sir! I'm picking up chatter on comms, seems like a call for help!"
You:" Well that's new, first being chased, now citizens need of aid."
Captain Flame:" How far?"
Clone officer:" Due west of here sir!"
You:" Alright then, first we deal with these damn birds, then we'll track down that distress call. Ready the guns! And start our fighters! We're taking them on head on!"
Crew:" Sir yes sir!"
Meanwhile in the hangar bay, the alarms blare and we see Taiyang sitting on a supply chain with Qrow who was surprised about being shot and yet still alive.
Qrow:" Seems like the action just got started."
Taiyang:" Pretty much. How are you feeling, after that knockout?"
Qrow:" A little fuzzy, but other than that, I'm good."
The pair were then approached by a strange clone with a set of blades on his arms.
Lieutenant Acolyte:" I take it you two are the new guests?"
Taiyang:" I guess you could say that. You're different from the other soldiers, what rank are you?"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Me? Well, I'm a Lieutenant rank, but I am also trained to becoming an Assasin Trooper."
Qrow:" Really now? And why would your Military need Assassin Troopers?"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" We're a new addition to the Republic forces."
Taiyang:" Ok, so what's with the alarms?"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Well, due to the capture of some of the Beowolves, and the Ursa I guess we were followed by some very large birds. And they're not happy."
Qrow:" Understandable, is that why you're sending out your fly boys?"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Not only that, our communications picked up a distress call from a different location. We're now waiting on the Commander's orders for the go ahead."
Taiyang:" I actually met their Commander, I was shocked it was actually a kid that was in charge of these guys."
Qrow was perplexed.
Qrow:" Wait, did you say a KID is in command of this freakin vessel?! You've gotta be kidding me!"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" I'd watch my tongue if I were you."
The two men look to the lieutenant, with his arms crossed his chest. They can't see his face, but if they had to guess behind his helmet, it would be a look of a death stare.
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Commander Y/N is a respected Jedi that faced hard times in battle for years, you may say he is a child, but you don't know the power he wields, and many of these men have fought by his side for as long as they could remember. (Leans closer) So I suggest you watch what you say, or the next time I hear you disrespect the Commander anytime again, my men along with myself will haul your asses off this ship. Despite us being airborne."
Taiyang had a look of nervousness, while Qrow looked a little disturbed by the soldier's threat. Is it true this kid fought in battles? The description made it difficult to believe but he decided to remain silent about it until discussing it later.
Taiyang:" Ok, take it easy there bud, didn't mean for any disrespect. It's just not how our military works in Atlas, when there is a Commander in charge, he stays at the back of his army while soldiers fight the battles ahead of him."
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Well that's not how Jedi do. When we enter the front lines, the Jedi lead us into battle, and we fight along side them to the end."
Qrow and Taiyang listen to every word the lieutenant had to say, and to be honest, they have mixed feelings about that.
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Now then, if you're done trying to bicker about our commander, well you're about to him soon."
Back on the bridge, Y/N began to calculate where to strike down the incoming birds.
You:" How is our weapon systems holding?"
Clone officer:" Sir, our cannons are warmed up and ready, as well as our missle launchers are ready."
You:" Good, then we'll need to get in range of those birds in order to get the shot. Ready the V-wings, they can cause a a small distraction to the birds, and we'll slow down the Lancer with enough speed to get the birds into our line of firing range."
Clone officer:" A great plan sir! Shall I inform the pilots?"
You:" do it. Once we're ready to open fire, tell them to scatter. I don't want them caught in the blast."
Clone officer:" Yes sir. Notifying the men now."
Captain Flame:" Sir! Permission to join the pilots!
Y/N turns his head to see the Captain.
You:" You're a pilot?"
Captain Flame:" Indeed I am sir. I was a small time pilot in different situations, from Ryloth to the battle of Kamino. I lost alot of men during those days."
Y/N was shocked at his tale.
You:" Wow, you certainly have been around. Are you sure you want to do this?
Captain Flame:" Oh definitely, it's like you said, if we're gonna get out this mess, we'll give them something else to give a chase. And I know a couple of good pilots to accompany me for this task."
You:". . Ok, if you're sure, but make sure you all get back here alive. I'd rather avoid you guys becoming bird food.
Captain Flame:" Heh heh heh, don't you worry sir, we've got this in the bag!"
The Captain makes his way to the elevator, and heads to the hangar.
Y/N sighs, then turns to the window.
You:" Have all weapons on full power, we're blowing these creatures into ashes."
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