《The Force Unleashed On Remnant (Male Starkiller X RWBY)》Season 1- Ep. 5: New Friends?
A scenery of nature comes to view. The flowers are blooming, the trees wave lightly dew to smooth winds.
A butterfly flies passed the trees, then flies above the field of flowers, until it lands on a sunflower, and minding it's own business.
But then, the ground starts to shake, causing the butterfly to take off, narrowly avoiding a large clawed paw print to leave it's mark.
But following behind it, two speeders zoom by, as if pursuing the creature.
Three clones, one on his Barc Speeder, but the other two share one, are seen chasing the unknown creature.
Commander Trigg:" Come on boys! That thing needs to be captured alive!"
Storm:" With respect Commander, but weren't there more of these from earlier? We seem to find more of these things at each moment!"
Commander Neyo:" He's got a point sir! I don't see what the point is in catching them!
Commander Trigg:" There's a small problem with that boys, after every time we take one of these things down, they seem to break down, and dissappear on the spot! Not leaving a trace of it's existence behind. Which is why we need to bring at least one of these things alive for study!"
Storm:" Is that why I'm in the chair, while you're doing the driving?"
(I couldn't find the right picture, so this is the best I got)
Commander Neyo:" Well you are a better shot, so best to make it count!"
Storm:" Alright, get me closer so I can stun the thing!"
Commander Trigg:" Working on it!"
The three clones advance on the dark creature, as they drive pass many trees, Arc Trooper Storm readies his DC-15A and sets it to stun in order to put the creature to sleep.
Storm:" A little bit closer, I'm almost aligned. . ."
Commander Neyo:" We're coming into narrow space here!"
But then the monster halts, and quickly turns around, about to slash it's prey.
Storm:" Gotcha."
Both shots connect on the creature, it whined, then collapsed to the ground.
The two park their speeders by the creature, and come take a closer look at it.
Commander Neyo:" Nice shot."
Storm:" All in the days work."
Commander Trigg:" Alright, let's call in the gunship. (Activates radio on his helmet) This is Commander Trigg, requesting extraction. We got a live one.
Clone Pilot:" Copy that Commander, on my way."
Commander Neyo:" Wow, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this."
Storm:" I'd be careful if I were you, we're lucky to have only stunned the creature, but what happens when it wakes up, I don't want to know."
Commander Trigg:" Stay sharp you two, this only one of the monsters we've come by, I'm not even sure if there are any more of them out here."
But luckily, a ship can be heard, they look up, and their ride has arrived.
Commander Neyo:" Alright, let's get this fella tied up, and head outta here."
Storm:" Way ahead of you."
While the gunship landed, two regular Clone Troopers came out with a flat bed, and cables to wrap around the creature.
While Commander Trigg was watching the load up, he turned his head to a tree behind him and sees. . . A raven?
Strange looking bird, do they always have red eyes, or is that abnormal?
The two look at each other, and the Commander tilts his head a little.
The bird follows. (Hmm)
Commander Trigg then presses his rangefinder, and his antenna slides to his eye view, scanning the bird.
But the rangefinder picks up another lifeline.
Alerted, he takes up his dual DC-17 pistols and shouts at the bushes.
Commander Trigg:" Alright, whoever you are hiding in there, I see you! So come out with your hands up!"
Hearing their Commander's shout, all Troopers got their weapons ready to fire, and aimed at the same bush Trigg was aiming at.
But before anyone made a shot, two arms were raised, gesturing a surrender.
???:" Whoa whoa whoa! Don't shoot, I'm not a threat!"
Commander Neyo:" Reveal yourself swine! And don't try anything funny!"
Slowly a person can be seen rising out of the bushes, and then slowly steps out of the open revealing himself.
???:" Uh, hi there."
The raven on top of the tree puts it's head in his wing.
Commander Trigg:" Who are you? And why were you spying on us?"
Storm:" And don't even try running off, I have a good sniper's eye."
???:" Now now fellas, let's take it easy here, I didn't mean to startle your catch of the day, but I couldn't help but admire the way you caught that Beowolf there. They're not easy to catch, even alive."
The clones look at one another, then back to the stranger.
Commander Neyo:" Beowolf? Is that what that thing is?"
???:" Well yeah, I mean that is one of the Grimm species you just caught. And there are alot more of them."
Storm:" Grimm? Thats something I've never heard of, and you said there's more of it's kind out here?"
???:" Jeez, you guys really are new around here ain't cha?"
Commander Trigg:" And what gave that away eh?"
???:" Well for starters, that frickin huge starship you guys nearly crashed the other day? Not to mention you nearly crashed on ME, and yet I still live."
The clones were shocked, this person witnessed their entry? And he almost died? How much does he know exactly?
Commander Trigg:" So you watched our entry to this planet, impressive. Do you live around here?"
???:" Well, kinda. My home is a bit further back from here, so we're kinda far."
Commander Trigg:" I see, and you know what types of creatures these things are."
He gestures the sleeping Beowolf.
???:" Eh, most of them. But there are new ones coming about every once in a while, and I'm past my Huntsmen youth, so I'm useless. But my daughters are training to become Huntresses, and I do have a brother-in-law that goes on solo hunts, and finally an ex-wife that left me for no exact reason, also a Huntress. But she can dice you up if you give her the wrong impression."
The clones lower their weapons, in pity of this man's life the way he's lived.
Commander Neyo:" Ex-wife huh, man that must be tough."
???:" Well, I was married twice, so it wasn't so bad. But then, things happened and. . . Now it's just me, and my daughters."
Storm:" Damn, now that's just tragic, and your daughters are huntresses you said?"
(Meanwhile the Beowolf started to wake up from it's nap, only to get stunned once more)
???:" Hey, I just realized I didn't catch any of your names, I'm Taiyang Xiao Long, nice to meet ya."
The clones look at each other once more, then back at Taiyang.
Commander Trigg:" Very well then, I'll start. My designation is CC-1322, but I am also called Trigg. I'm a commander rank, and I serve the 91st reconnaissance corps."
Commander Neyo:" I'm CC-8826, but I go by Neyo, I'm also a commander rank, and I serve the 91st reconnaissance corps.
Storm:" And I'm Alpha-52, but you can call me Storm, I'm an Arc Trooper of the 91st reconnaissance corps."
Taiyang:". . Ok, I'm a little bit confused, you guys have numbers, but also one name as well? No surname or anything?"
Commander Trigg:" No, you see we have numbers because weren't exactly born. We were created genetically as clones."
Taiyang:" WHAT?! You guys are clones?! How is that even possible?! And what is the purpose about making clones?!"
Commander Trigg raises his eyes through his helmet and notices the raven still sitting on the tree above them. (Curious)
Commander Neyo:" I'm sorry to say this friend, but that information is classified. No one outside of the Republic can know of our creation. Except the Jedi of course."
Taiyang:" Jedi, what's a jedi? Is that like a warrior or something?"
Commander Trigg:" Well I guess we could answer that, but we've been out in this forest longer than we were meant to. (Turns to the sleeping Beowolf) And most of all. . ."
Commander Trigg quickly takes out his pistol, and shoots a stun round at the raven.
The raven was hit with a surprise shot, and fell. Everyone present saw this.
Commander Neyo:" Whoa!"
Storm:" What the hell Commander?!"
Taiyang:" You scared the crap outta me man!"
Commander Trigg:" Relax, I knew what I was doing."
The group walk towards the fallen bird, but what they saw then, shocked the clones to the core.
Commander Trigg:" What. The. Hell?!"
Storm:" By the force!"
Commander Neyo:" Is that a person?!"
In front of them, a male human, surrounded by a black and red aura, unconscious and still breathing.
Taiyang:" Qrow?!"
He bends on his knee, checking if he was still alive.
Commander Trigg:" Hold on a sec, you you know who this is?!
The clones readied their weapons again.
Storm:" How is that even possible?! We didn't even know he was there!
Taiyang:" Wait wait, I know this is confusing, believe me I was shocked by his shape change as well! But you don't have to be alarmed, he's not bad! Kinda."
Commander Trigg:" I knew something was off about that bird, but I never suspected THIS!"
Clone Pilot:" Sir, I hate to interrupt your chat, but we're losing daylight here."
Storm:" What's the call sir?"
Taiyang:" Listen, I know this is a bizarre thing to see, but there is an explanation for this, and I promise you, it's for good intentions."
Commander Neyo:" I don't know about this, first beasts, now this. What will Commander Y/N do about this?"
And just like that, an idea popped up.
Commander Trigg:" We'll bring them with us."
Storm:" Uh, sir are you sure that's a good call? We barely just met these two."
Commander Trigg:" Yes Storm, I'm definitely sure. Let's not forget men, even though we're on unknown territory, we cannot turn our backs on those in need. No way am I leaving these two out here, and besides you heard what he said, there are many more of those monsters out there, and we got lucky to survive a few of them. So in order to get ourselves situated here, we need to make new allies. And we're lucky to find at least one of them."
Taiyang:" Aww, thanks. But who is this other commander of yours? Is he a clone like you guys?"
The three clones chuckle.
Commander Neyo:" Not exactly, but you'll see when we return to our Cruiser. Would you care to join us Mr. Xiao Long?"
Taiyang:" Oh boy, I can't help but feel like I'm going to cry. Sure why not! Oh, but can I bring Qrow along as well? I promise I'll keep a close eye on him."
Commander Trigg:" Well, (Sigh) sure why not, might need some more details about that weird power of his."
Taiyang:" Well, I don't exactly know whole story, but I do know someone that can explain it better."
Storm:" And who might that be?"
Taiyang:" His name is Professor Ozpin, he's the Headmaster at Beacon Academy. That's also where my daughters are staying at. If we get the chance, we'll ask him for help, he knows alot of things."
Commander Neyo:" If you are certain he can help us, then I guess it's worth a shot, because it's the only lead we have for this little adventure of ours."
Commander Trigg:" Alright, we'll give Commander Y/N the briefing of our mission, and then we'll figure out what to do from there, so pack up people, let's head back."
Neyo/ Storm:" Yes sir!"
Y/N is sitting cross-legged in the middle of his room, meditating.
Ever since arriving on this strange planet, there are strange pulses of power echoing across the planet. And yet it felt familiar.
It's the force.
How does this planet able to have the force? Was there another jedi before him? Was it a Sith? So many questions roaming in his head, but there was something else that caught his attention.
???:' Hello there.'
Concentrating other voice, he went deeper in his mind, and then opens his eyes.
You: ?
???:" (Giggle) You know when someone says hello, you reply back."
You:" I'm sorry, but who are you?"
???:" Oh, Pardon me, it's been a while since I've spoken to anybody lately. My name is Summer Rose, and you are?"
You:" I am Y/N. "
Summer:" That's it?"
You:" What do you mean?"
Summer:" No last name? Just Y/N? "
You:" Yes."
Summer:" You don't make very long conversations do you?"
You:" Only if I'm with friends."
Summer:" Aren't we friends?"
You:" Ma'am, I just you ten seconds ago."
Summer:" Well there's nothing wrong with that!"
You:" Moving on, how are you speaking to me through the force?"
Summer:" The force? Wait, are you perhaps one of those wizards?"
You:" . . . Wizards?"
Summer:" Yeah! You know the wizards that wields a sword, but also can move objects around with just your mind?"
You:" I believe you mean a Jedi Ma'am."
Summer:" Ohh, so that's what it meant. I always thought it was wizard."
You:" Well you're not entirely wrong, but yes I am a jedi."
Summer:" Huh, you look like my daughters age."
You:" You're daughters?"
Summer:" Yes, before I died, I was married. I have a daughter of my own, and there's my second daughter, but their half-related. And yet they love each other dearly."
You:" I'm sorry to hear that. My entry on this planet wasn't an easy one, but we managed to make her work again."
Summer:" Oh, you're in charge of this vessel?"
You:" Yes I am, this ship was a gift from my master."
Summer:" Your. Master? I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean."
You:" What I mean is my teacher, he rescued me when I younger. He even took me in as his student to master my abilities as a jedi."
Summer:" Wait, so when you say rescue, you mean you have no-"
You:" I have no parents."
Summer:" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
You:" Please don't apologize, you only wanted to get to know me, and I appreciate it."
Summer sends a sad smile to Y/N, and he makes a small smile of his own.
You:" Forgive me but I must ask, what planet is this? I've never seen a planet located in this part of the galaxy maps."
Summer:" Oh, this is Remnant. And I guess it kinda makes sense that we're not easy to find."
You:" Well, I have been receiving some strange voices over some time now and then, but who ever it was sounded in pain."
Summer:" Oh my, then I suppose you were brought here for a reason then."
You:" Seems like it, but where to start? I'm not sure."
Summer:" Perhaps I can help?"
You:" Huh?"
Summer:" You need somewhere to start right? Then may I suggest Beacon. You can find a man named Ozpin, he's The Headmaster of the school, that's even where my daughters will be as well. Maybe you'd like to meet them."
You:" Hmm, well I suppose it couldn't hurt to start somewhere. But I'd like to know what other beings live on this planet."
Summer:" In that case, I can answer as much of those questions to the best of my abilities. I'm really enjoying your company Y/N."
You:" The feelings mutual."
Outside of Y/N's mind, the young Jedi continues to sit in meditation, but then a small smile can be seen on his face.
Back on the Dreadnaught, the scene cuts into a large room with different shelves of multiple artifacts, collection of Lightsabers, and a helmet that symbolizes the Sith Acolytes.
But on the other side of the room, the awakened Sith is seen in his pants putting on his boots, then his Droids come to his sides sliding on the sleeves of his robes, then he puts on his gauntlets, his upper armor, and his cloaking device on his armor.
When finished, he puts on his hood, hiding his face. Only his red eyes can be seen under the hood.
DP-6:" How is your Armor my lord?"
???:" Rather comfy I must say."
DP-6:" Excellent sire, would you also like your Lightsaber?"
???:" Not yet, I first wish to speak with our new 'guests', their power matches the dark side, and I want to hear their stories."
DP-6:" Yes my lord, I just got the report of their injuries, and they now have new prosthetics."
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