《The Force Unleashed On Remnant (Male Starkiller X RWBY)》Season 1-Ep.4: A Slumbering Foe
Out in the far reaches of space, a broken ship is sailing aimlessly, with no destination to go.
Inside the broken ship, two Zabrak warriors, helpless, cold, suffering.
But before they suffered any further, a light began to shine upon the two, as if a ship had appeared to find them.
But outside, their broken ship was overshadowed by a much, larger, starship.
Inside the the dark hallways of the unknown ship, it that there are no live crew members on board, just. Empty.
But since the broken ship was found, lights began to turn on, and power began flow for some strange reason.
And as a miracle, an old Droid can be seen activating the ship level by level.
(Old Imperial Guardian Droid)
DP-6:" Activating all security droids, and Setinals. The Master must be awakened. Activating Tractor Beam."
Once given the order, many Droids became active, started patrolling the halls, getting the ship back in working order, and regaining Combat data.
However, during the reactivation of the droids, there was a medic room with a large tank with what looks like it's been keeping something frozen.
Or someone.
The Guardian Droid makes it's way to the control console for the tank, then proceeds to activate the defrosting.
Meanwhile, outside the Dreadnaught continues to bring the broken ship and many rows of droids made formation around the craft to ensure no further danger.
After slicing the door open, the Setinals inspected the bridge, but were surprised to only see two survivers.
Setinal Droid 1:" Scans indicate these two are alive, but barely. Shall we terminate?"
Setinal Droid 2:" Negative, we shall take them the medical room, but with restraints."
Setinal Droid 1:" Sir yes sir."
The ice tank thawed quickly as the monitors began Beeping, showing that it's time to awaken.
Inside the tank, a hand suddenly presses against the door.
DP-6:" The Master has awakened, proceeding to unlock stasis tank."
The waters drained from the tank, and a person can be seen pressing two hand on the glass doors, waiting for freedom.
Then the doors open.
The unknown person takes his first step, then the next, and then falls to his hands and knees.
He takes off the oxygen mask and coughs a bit, letting in the air for who knows how long.
He then opens his eyes, now finally awake, from his slumber.
???:" I am back."
DP-6:" Welcome back my lord, it has been far too long."
Handing him a fresh robe.
???:" Indeed it has my old friend. I'm amazed to see you're managing well."
Taking the robe, finally wearing something warm.
DP-6:" Yes, my parts were covered in dust for some time now, and since time has passed since our escape from Korriban."
The mention of the planet causes the unknown sith to close his eyes in anguish, and sadness.
???:". . Yes, such a shame that the others had to follow that damned rule. We've lost so many of our brothers, and sisters because of Bane."
DP-6:" And let's not forget about your wife, and your heir as well."
Memories of his child and beloved wife flooded his head, and tears slowly fell from the siths eyes. This caused him to collapse on his leg, and remember their fall as he tried his best to keep them safe.
DP-6:" My lord! Are you alright?!"
???:" After all my efforts to protect them, I still failed to save them! All my power. . . My training. . . IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING!!!
All of a sudden, a burst of red lightning coursed around his body as he slammed his fist on the metal floors, creating a small dent.
???:" Even after all these years, their deaths continue to haunt my dreams. I miss them so much."
The Sith Lord curls himself up, weeping of his loss.
Then a robtic hand touches his shoulder.
Slowly he raises his head at the Droid, and sees it holding a cane. A cane he remembered his wife made for him many years ago.
DP-6:" I truly miss them as well my lord, and I believe you will need this."
The Sith grasps the cane and feels the well polished wood, then pulls the handle and a clean white blade shines out, and releases a soothing echo of the blade.
???:" It survived this long. . . How long have I been in stasis?"
DP-6:" My calculations say you were in stasis for one thousand years sire, the old war has moved on."
???:" If that is true, then why are my senses going all over the place? It's making me woozy."
DP-6:" Perhaps we shall ask our new prisoners about that."
???:" Prisoners?"
DP-6:" We found their ship floating in space moments ago, now we have them in the medical hall across from us."
???:" Hmm, well in that case. . . Shall we introduce ourselves?"
DP-6:" Perhaps after you are redressed in your attire my lord."
???:" Yes of course, lead me to my chambers then."
DP-6:" Right this way my lord."
The Droid leads it's Master out of the room, and the unknown sith lord follows with his cane, helping him walk across the halls, making note of the new 'guests' on board.
At the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda is sitting in the Meditation Room, cross-legged and focusing in the force.
He feels something, strange, and powerful, awakened, and survived.
Yoda:" Hmmm, returned, an old enemy has."
And then, the doors open, and Mace Windu enters the room with Anakin Skywalker.
Mace Windu:" Master Yoda, is there something wrong?"
Yoda:" Hmm, an ancient sith, returned, he has."
Anakin, and Mace Windu looked perplexed at the old master.
Anakin:" An ancient sith? That's impossible, there's no way an old sith lord can just appear out of nowhere."
Mace Windu:" May I ask, what makes you say there's a new Sith, master yoda?"
Yoda:" Sensed him, across the stars, I have. Very powerful, he is."
Anakin:" Well that sounds great, do you know his exact location?"
Master Yoda shakes his head.
Yoda:" No, sensed him briefly, I did, but coming, he will be."
The two jedi look at each other for a second, then back to the old master, not sure what to make of the situation.
After waiting for rescue ships to come, Obi-Wan and his surviving troops managed to find Hondo's ship, and turns out Grievous made his ways to the planet after their battle.
Not only that, Hondo also for some reason had a change of heart to help Ahsoka, and the younglings to escape from Grievous.
Now he and Hondo are once again having a chat.
Hondo:" Well Kenobi, I must say, you are raising some very interesting jedi."
Obi-Wan:" I believe things could have gone better if you hadn't tried to steal their crystals, or threatened them with your crew."
Hondo:" Now now Kenobi, let's not play the guilty game again, you should be proud of your little jedi, I bet that even young Y/N would have joined in on the fun too if he could, heh heh heh."
Mentioning the name, Obi-Wan's expression changed from seriousness, to worried, since he still heard nothing from Y/N for quite some time.
Hondo notices this, and stops laughing.
Hondo:" Wait, now that I mentioned it, where is that young jedi student of yours? I would have figured that he came with you on this mission. "
Obi-Wan took a deep breath, about to answer, but was then interrupted by the younglings.
???:" Did someone say Y/N?"
The adult pair look to the voice, and saw the group make their way to them.
(Starting from the left- Byph, Zatt, Gungi, Petro, Zonadi, and Katooni)
Petro:" We were wondering why Y/N wasn't even with Ahsoka when we went to make our Lightsabers."
Zonadi:" And why he isn't on the ship with Master Kenobi, did something happen on the way here?"
Obi-Wan became uncomfortable, the questions kept on coming but they weren't making it any easier for the jedi master.
Obi-Wan:" Children please, calm down. Yes Y/N came with me on the rescue mission, but while we were making our way, Grievous had already found us. He managed to ambush our ships and I ordered Y/N to make an escape. He has his own Light Cruiser."
Younglings:" Cooool!"
Zatt:" Does that mean Y/N is officially a Knight now?!"
Gungi:" (Excited Roar)!"
Katooni:" Can we see it when we get back? Oh, can we also get a tour of his ship?!"
Obi-Wan sighs in exhaustion, with his hand on his face, then Hondo starts laughing.
Hondo:" Well now Kenobi, if I had known that you gave Y/N his very own fancy Cruiser, I would have brought some of my crew, and we'd have big party till we forgotten our names in the next morning!"
Obi-Wan:" You are most definitely not doing that Hondo."
Hondo:" Eh, party pooper. Well then, I must be off now, lots of rebuilding to do. And lots of profits need to be made."
Hondo proceeds to his FireSpray ship,and takes a look at the younglings, Katooni even looks at Hondo, and they both nod with a smile.
Hondo:" Good luck my friends, and send Y/N my regards. I look forward to our next encounter."
Obi-Wan mentally makes a note to let Y/N know about Hondo. But then Ahsoka walks to the master.
Ahsoka:" So Y/N has his own Cruiser now?"
She has her arms crossed.
Obi-Wan:" Oh come now Ahsoka, not you too."
Ahsoka:" Do you know how hard it was, being captured by pirates, almost being sold to a weird circus guy, then almost got blown up several times by these same pirates? We could have used Y/N's ship ALOT sooner."
Obi-Wan:" Again, he WAS with me, and as I also said, we were ambushed Ahsoka. However, I am glad you and the younglings survived."
Ahsoka sighs, forgiving him.
Ahsoka:" So, what happened to Y/N?"
Obi-Wan:" We got surrounded by Grievous's forces and our ships became scattered, Cody and I tried our best to defend, but Grievous had the upper hand this time. So I asked Y/N to make an escape while we stayed behind, to give them time. We haven't heard from him since."
Ahsoka began to grip her arms in worry.
Ahsoka:" Do you think he'll be ok?"
Obi-Wan looks at her, then puts an arm on her shoulder.
Obi-Wan:" Trust him Ahsoka, remember he is strong, I doubt he'll be anymore trouble than you and Anakin."
Ahsoka gives him the 'Really' look and Obi-Wan walks away with a smirk, Cody gives a small laugh.
Ahsoka then looks up to open hanger doors, and sees the stars.
Ahsoka:' Be careful Y/N.'
Chancellor Palpatine can be seen sitting on his desk, his eyes closed, fingers intertwined, and a calm expression on his face.
But he was interrupted by his alarm buzzing, he answers with a kind voice.
Palpatine:" Yes?"
Security:" Chancellor, Jedi Master Skywalker is hear to see you."
A smile grows on his face.
Palpatine:" Let him in."
Security:" Yes Chancellor."
He sits and waits with dark smile for a second, and changes to a kind smile before his door opens, and Anakin walks in.
Anakin:" Chancellor."
Palpatine:" Ah, Anakin, so good to see you. Care for some tea?"
Anakin:" Please? Thank you."
Palpatine:" Of course."
The Chancellor stands up, and makes his way to the left counter to pour some hot tea.
Palpatine:" So any news on your successes?"
Anakin:" Well, Obi-Wan managed to reassemble his fleet after Grievous got the jump on him."
Palpatine:" Really? Well he is indeed lucky we made it in time. What about your young friend Y/N? I haven't heard much from him since he departed with Kenobi."
Anakin:" No, I haven't heard from him in a while. Strange how he doesn't contact us with Obi-Wan."
Palpatine smirks, then turns around with two cups of tea in his hands.
Palpatine:" Oh, you didn't know?"
Anakin looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
Anakin:" Didn't know what?"
Palpatine:" Hmhmhm, Master Kenobi asked me for a small favor to aquire An Arquitens Cruiser for the young lad. Seemed like a lovely gift don't you think? I'm surprised he isn't even nominated as a knight yet."
Anakin had a surprised look on his face.
Y/N? Has a Cruiser of his own? Why wasn't he informed by it? And now that he thinks about it, Obi-Wan did ask him about lending a few troops to a new assignment. Guess that meant Y/N's new ship required a few good soldiers to fill it out, and he blindly helped out.
Anakin:" Heh, and he didn't even invite me."
Palpatine:" Pardon?"
Anakin:" It's nothing, Chancellor. (Sips his tea) Just surprised is all."
Palpatine:" Well I can't blame you. I certainly hope our young friend has managed to be safe."
Anakin:" Yeah, I hope so as well."
Palpatine and Anakin trade small smiles and look out the window to see the sun setting behind the buildings.
Meanwhile that happened, Anakin enjoys his tea, but Palpatine continues watching with his eyes slowly shining a golden color.
Ooh boy, things are starting to get interesting.
Don't worry, I'm still continuing.
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© @kabeerhumera ..Don't try to C*py my workAs I already took c*pyright ©️ protectionThis is my pure imaginationEverything is fictional...He is going to hate her ..Hurt her...taunt.her...He thinks she is uneducated..Suddenly table turns...He started to love her like mad And search her every were...But but but...She is going to hate him..Hurt him...taunt him..Whatever he gives She is going to give him back...But they both have love for eachother....Published on : 10/7/2021Completed on : 17/11/2021All rights reserved.....Mat*re conte*t a head.....
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