《The Force Unleashed On Remnant (Male Starkiller X RWBY)》Season 1-Ep.3 A hidden planet?
The Lancer can be seen in lightspeed.
Crew members now catching their breaths started to do small celebrations, while Y/N, Captain Flame, and lieutenant Acolyte stand around the Holo-Table making plans.
Lieutenant Acolyte:" I have to admit sir, that was a close call."
You:" I know, and believe me, I would very much like to go down fighting, but for the sake of the crew, a call had to be made. Plus General Kenobi said that he already contacted the Republic fleet, so they could give him a hand."
Captain Flame:" So what is our next objective sir?"
You:" Well, our core is nearly drained, our weapon systems are still good, and everything seems to be in one piece, so I suppose we could try to stop near planet, and wait for our engines to recharge up before heading back to Republic space."
Lieutenant Acolyte:" I suppose that could work, but who knows how long before the power runs out-"
And just like that, the ship is interrupted, and all power shuts down.
All members start falling to the ground, or on each other.
You:" What. The hell. Was that?!"
Clone officer:" Sir! The engines are offline, and the core is overheating! We're still on course, but we are drifting blind!"
Y/N manages to stand, helping a couple of men up along the way.
But then he looks out the window. A planet neither he or anyone else had ever seen.
You:" So this is where it lead us."
Clone trooper:" Wow, what caused such damage to the moon?"
Captain Flame:" I don't know, but I'm not sure if we're gonna survive this to find out. We're still drifting, and we're heading right towards it!"
Y/N had forgotten the situation, but instantly snaps back to the present.
You:" Blast it! Where is the power at people!"
Clone officer:" We're trying Sir, but they need time!"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" We don't have time!"
Unfortunately, the Lancer began to shift a little, heading towards the unknown planet with a little speed.
Captain Flame:" OHH YOU DON'T SAY!!!
You:" Come on men! We need those engines back online! What about the emergency powerlines?!"
Clone officer:" Why didn't I think of that?! But they have to be switched on manually!"
You:" Where to?!"
Clone officer:" I've got two separate locations in engineering, but they have to be switched at the same time!"
You:" Okay, lieutenant! You're with me, Captain Flame, you have the bridge!"
Flame/ Acolyte:" Yes sir!"
It's nighttime, and it should be a time for bed.
But in a forest area, a big wood cabin can be seen.
And coming out of the cabin, appears a human male walking outside, by himself.
???:" Sigh, sure is quiet out here, man I sure miss my girls."
The guy takes a stroll in the woods, as if he knows where to go.
???:" I know I should be proud of them entering Beacon together, but it's just so soon for her to enroll this early. And I just can't help but worry."
He continues to walk.
???:" And I know that they look out for each other, but what if they get forced to be separated? Or what happens when they meet boys? [Shiver] gugh, the boys."
He finally reaches a clearing, with a mountain side, and a gravestone near the edge.
The man takes a seat next to the grave, taking in the view.
???" Hey hon, I'm sorry I haven't visited a while.
Alot of things happened recently. First Yang has moved to Beacon, then Ruby gets moved two years early into Beacon. Crazy huh? I'll bet you'll either flip with celebration, or worry. . . Maybe both, heh heh heh."
He then looks up at the stars, seeing a falling star.
???:" I really miss you Summer, and I wish you were here."
The man lays down, closing his eyes for a few seconds, then opens them again.
???:" Huh, funny lookin flying star. Are you my lucky star?"
He reaches his arm up, as if trying to grip the star.
???:" Heh heh, please send me a sign that my girls will be protected, and please have Qrow at least visit them once in a while. That's all I ask."
He sighs once again, then closes his eyes once more.
But before he enters his slumber, he peeks one eye open, and notices his 'lucky star' is glowing brighter.
He sits up, rubs his eyes, then looks up again.
???:" Oook, either I'm drunk, [which I'm not] or I'm seeing the star getting brighter. . . And, bigger?
The man gets on his feet, and proceeds to look up as the so called 'star' slowly gets bigger, and bigger.
???:" What am I seeing right now?"
Y/N, and lieutenant Acolyte managed to to find both switches, givin directions to each on, they try to manually restart the ship.
But unfortunately, there are complications.
Lieutenant Acolyte:" RAGH, I can't even move the damn thing!"
The Clone officer talks to you two on the intercom.
Clone officer:" The both of you must flip the switch at the same time! If flipped separately, the switches will remain locked!"
You:" I know! But it's dark, I can't see here! Lieutenant, you there?!"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Haven't left sir! But I still got no budge! How far are we to the ground!?"
Clone officer:" Less than two thousand meters, closing fast!"
You:" Damnit! We have to hurry! Lieutenant! We do it on three! You ready?!"
Lieutenant Acolyte:" I'm ready, I'm ready!"
You:" Okay, one, two, three! NOW!
You both flip the switches.
And finally, the Lancer jumps back to life.
the man is shocked seeing the large object coming fast into view, it wasn't a star after all.
???:' Oh man, nobody would believe me when I tell everyone about this encounter. But wait, is that coming towards ME?!'
A sudden feeling of fear starts kicking in, should he run? He won't make it back home, it's a massive star ship, he'll be paste already, but what about the grave? He can't just abandon it and take off.
???:" Guess there's nothing left to do huh?"
The guy plops to his knees, then spreads his arms wide. As if excepting his final moments.
???:" I'm coming Summer."
His eyes were closed, but he can see through his eyes that the light is getting brighter and warmer.
Expecting to be creamed, instead he gets knocked back by massive wind and heat. He tries to open his eyes, but the wind pressure was so strong, even his cheeks were flapping. (Lol)
The man slowly sits up, his eyes were squinted, his hair blown back, and his ears were ringing, trying to get his hearing back.
???:" Ooh man, that was not what I had in mind."
Slowly he regains his senses, and turns around to see trees knocked down, and looking up squinting more because of the morning sunlight.
But then he sees it.
A starship he has Never seen in all his life.
???:" OK, either I'm dead, or I'm literally seeing a very. Big. Space Ship. I know for sure Atlas has never created something like this."
Now what is he supposed to do? Continue standing in the same spot? Hoping somebody would see what he sees?
Or should he call somebody about a large ship coming out of nowhere, and hovering above his land?
???' Yeah right. Not even Qrow would believe me if I told him about this. Would he? Hmm.
He then takes out his Scroll, and dials in the number.
Another man walks out of the bar, sluggish, and clumsy turns around and shouts.
???:" And for your information, bud (hickup) I'm also a teacher, so you could (hickup) kiss my ass for all I care!"
The guy walks on, dodging a glass bottle while hearing another man shouting threats.
???:" Hehe heh, drama queen."
???:" Huh? Who's that?"
Taking out his Scroll, he sees the number.
???:" Sigh, why am I not even surprised. Why does he even bother calling? Crap."
He begrudgingly answers.
???:" Hello?"
???:" QROW!! You're not gonna believe this! I was just visiting summer's grave, and you know how it goes since it's been how long since we've been married, but I was minding my own business and then I see this falling star, and I was just making a wish, which I thought was a falling star, then it got bigger and bigger, and I thought it was the end of me but I'm still alive, and I still can't feel my face because of that massive thing flying passed me, and it turns out the falling star wasn't a falling star after all, it was star ship Qrow! An actual spaceship! I'm sending you pictures, and no I'm not crazy Qrow, you'll see. OK that's all I gotta say, bye!"
The now named Qrow was just silent throughout the entire thing, he was a little bit surprised hearing his voice so fast, but also very confusing as to what he meant.
Qrow:'A spaceship Tai? Really? You probably finally took up my offer on that new brandy I got from Ironwood.'
Qrow then gets another ring from his scroll, and takes a look.
His eyes scan the pictures he's now receiving, and with each picture he starts becoming more sober, and more aware, then he becomes shocked.
After seeing enough, he dashes in a different direction, sprinting with all his might.
Qrow:" Damnit Tai, don't do anything stupid!"
He runs into the forest and dissappears into the shadows of the trees, but moving above the trees, we see a raven quickly taking off into the sky.
Taiyang:" OK, maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
Taiyang can be seen behind some forest bushes, right below the large triangular space craft.
After taking some time of taking pictures, and calling Qrow, he decided that he would try to see the star ship up close to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
After making his way to the craft, he suddenly began to have second thoughts.
Taiyang:' Ok, ok Tai, come on now you can do this, you've been through different kinds of weird situations, well maybe nothing like THIS, but there were some other times like- wait is that another ship coming out?'
As if on que, another ship can be heard, coming from the larger craft, and this one looked like it got guns on it.
Taiyang really began having second thoughts about this.
It was during the sun rise the crew of the Lancer once again fell into ease from their previous situation.
Y/N, along with Captain Flame, and lieutenant Acolyte sat around the Holo-Table, exhausted from moving around the ship.
You:" Man, that was really cutting it close, wouldn't you say guys?"
Captain Flame:" I'm pretty sure we might not have survived the impact of this planet if we didn't reach the emergency power in time."
Lieutenant Acolyte:" Well, we're alive and we survived. But the new question is, what kind of planet is this?"
Captain Flame:" I believe I'd like to know as well Commander, how did you know there was a planet hidden out here?"
Y/N rests his head back and replays the situation in his head multiple times, he had no idea how he was right.
You:" I'll be honest with you guys, in truth, I was hoping I was wrong."
Both clones look at Y/N with surprised looks.
Captain Flame:" Sir? May I ask why is that?"
You:" Sigh, for years now, I've been receiving voices in my head. I don't exactly know how this started, but all I know that it's been trying to lead me here of all places. And now that here, all of a sudden the voices that lead me here have stopped."
Y/N puts his hand on his forehead and sighs.
You:" I can't help but feel like I have dragged you guys into my mess, and now we're here."
Captain Flame, and lieutenant Acolyte sat in their spots, listening to their Commander's words, taking it all in.
Then Captain Flame rises on his feet, standing front of Y/N, and raises his hand, reaching for a lift.
Captain Flame:" With all due respect sir, even if our arrival to this planet was not according to plan, we've managed to survive the entire thing and made it out with small scratches. I made a vow to follow you wherever you go, and I never turned my back on my word."
Y/N stares at him surprised, he understands that the men were meant to follow him, but he didn't want to pull them deep into the path he was dragged to. But he was right, despite the outcome, his men CHOSE to follow him.
Y/N reaches up, and grasps the Troopers hand, and stands with him.
You:" Thank you Captain, that actually helped me."
Captain Flame:" Anytime sir, and besides, it's my job to remain by your side. What ever it takes."
Y/N nods his head, and then takes a look outside the Lancer, seeing a whole new view.
You:" Men, I hope you have a camera, because this place is amazing.
Everyone is in awe with the scenery.
Clone trooper:" So much green."
Clone officer 1:" Right? I think I found my retirement home."
Clone officer 2:" Commander, we have a small problem."
Y/N sighs, already back to work. He turns to the officer.
You:" Yes?"
Clone officer:" After our 'rough entry' of the planets atmosphere, we seem to have lost our communications dish. Without our comms, we have no way of contacting the Republic."
You:" Damn, do we have replacements for the dish?"
Clone officer:" Well, yes but making the repairs would take at least a week for it."
You:" And the engineers?"
Clone officer:" Their taking it easy from the close call crash."
Y/N crosses his arms and thinks.
You:" Very well then, give the crew their rest, they've been through quite enough for the day. However, how are the hangar bays?"
Clone officer:" Well, we do have a full selection of ships sir, we have two ARC-170 starfighters fully operational, three V-wings ready to go, two LAAT gunships also ready to go, and finally three Y-wing Bombers ready for action. "
You:" That is quite the selection, Hmm, it's probably best to setup a perimeter around the area, I'll speak with Captain Flame, as well as lieutenant Acolyte about scouting the surrounding area. In the mean time, see what you can find about the inhabitants of this planet, we'll never know who we might meet."
Clone officer:" Right away sir!"
After that, Y/N walks to the Captain, and the lieutenant.
You:" Captain, Lieutenant, a word please?"
Y/N gestures to them both, they follow him to the Holo-Table.
Captain Flame:" Is something the matter sir?"
You:" Well, I was just informed that our communications are destroyed during our entry of the planet, so I'm afraid to say we're gonna be stuck here for a while."
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