《ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴛᴍᴀɴ.》0.9


I haven't seen Bruce since yesterday, but the conversation we had was important. I had a feeling Bruce took a decision in regarding to Tom. I know he didn't like his motive, and after what happened; it confirmed he is more dangerous than we expected.

Bruce told me it's necessary if I stay, and I shouldn't leave anytime However my mind reminded me that I still have my job to worry about.

What's going to happen when all of this is over? I won't have a job by the end of the road, and if I don't have a solid ground off myself, I'm going to live out on the streets. I couldn't accept that. Everybody is already trying to survive in Gotham.

I'm already ready as I grab onto my coat. I have my hair in a ponytail, and luckily enough Alfred brought my make up along with my clothes, as we have already establish that I have to be here for awhile. I left my cat with the neighbor, making sure she'll survive with at least.

However I didn't tell Bruce that I'm leaving, nor have I told Alfred; but it didn't matter, after all I am an adult.

I grab my purse and throw it around my forearm. My feet is touching the cold wooden plates as I'm heading downstairs in silence, holding onto my heels with one hand. It could've been impossible to walk with my stilettos, but I manage to get through the struggle when I arrive at the main door. I shut the door carefully, slips each of my feet on the shoes and walk my way to the club.

Penguin is probably mad at me, so the best thing I could possibly do is try to avoid him as much as possible; If I'm lucky enough.

I made it safely to the club and inside the building. My feet immediately runs upstairs and enter the girls room, greeting everyone; however they are all worried for me. I made sure to let them know everything is alright, until Katherine appears in the room and squints her eyes at me.

"You were with Bruce Wayne at the cathedral?" She questions me as she folds her arms together, inching closer. The rest of the girls glances towards at Katherine till they mind their own business.

It isn't hard enough to get the information since it's a big deal that Tom exploded the cathedral in the middle of a funeral.


I nod slowly at her, although i didn't have any desires to explain anything right now. Every minute counts if penguin walks in.

"Are you going to explain yourself?" She says sharply.

"Not here Katherine." I say quietly as I place my coat on the table. "Oz will ruin me if he walks in. Let's talk about it another time, please." I look up at her, and I could tell based on her expression she wants to talk about it.

She frowns and nod a little. I thank her and quickly walk downstairs to 44 below. It's full again, but this time I notice Tom is sitting on the corner with a police officer, completely drunk. He laughs as he talks the police officer about god knows what.

However since Tom is here, it makes it difficult to do my job. I'm suppose to be as far as away from him as possible. Instead, I try to blend in with the crowd and not aim the attention to me. I grab a few bottles and start working immediately, filling every tables as much as I could but leave the other bottles for Katherine to fill around the areas where Tom is sitting. I manage to get a hold of her to help me as she arrives.

Things starts to escalate as Tom throws a bottle in the air, meanwhile the police officers is idiotically cheers at him. I roll my eyes in annoyance. Katherine taps me on the shoulder and I turn my focus to her.

"I'll do something about it, try stay away as much as possible." She says with a serious tone, I nod with small smile appearing on my lips. I'm not sure what I would've done if I didn't have Katherine in my life.

I walk up to the bar and continue my cycle. Katherine walk up to Tom and tells him to sit his down or he will get kicked out. Throwing bottles isn't part of the procedure; however he laughs at her.

Katherine completely ignores his actions, and tells him to sit down once again. That's when Tom's expression changes completely from having a blast, to a fuel of anger.

I immediately walk up to the bodyguard and explain the situations to him, making sure he'll keep an eye on Tom; but it didn't matter. One of them explains to me they can't do anything, now that Tom is dealing with Carmine. I shrug in frustration till my eyes darts back on Katherine. She looks at him with a serious expression, and slowly walks away; that's the moment Tom trails his eyes around and catch a glimpse of me.


"Daisy?" He squints his eyes as he slowly raises from the chair. Katherine quickly glances at me with an horrifying appearance.

I froze for a second and place the bottles on the table before making my way to the elevator. I could hear him calling my name once more, but this his voice is closer. Knowing he is following me by now, I immediately walk into the elevator and rapidly click on the button, praying the doors will shut. My heart almost drops as I watch Tom, walking towards the elevator with full speed.

"Get your fucking ass here!"

Once he reaches towards the elevator, the metallic doors automatically shuts. I feel a moment of relief. He could've dragged me out the elevator, and god knows if I would've made it home to Bruce.

I take a deep breath and rest my palm against my forehead, trying to calming every nerves in my body; or at least trying to.

When the elevator comes to a stop, I quickly walk out and the sounds coming from the music, reveals itself to me. However, Penguin immediately takes a notice at the elevator, and for a moment we lock eyes together; his eyes squints and points at me with his index finger, but before he could possibly yell at me, I start running towards the exit door. Luckily he isn't close, but it didn't help with my situation.

The sound of Penguin yelling after me instantly rises the tensions around my muscles from the feeling of goosebumps, but it's too late to stop. Nevertheless I forgot my belongings, but I'm not worried about it. Katherine will take it with her, which she usually does if I forgot something.

I didn't notice I been running around three blocks after I exit the Iceberg Lounge, and suddenly reach up to the Wayne Tower. My feet comes to an end as I catch onto my breath, gulping a large amount of air. Luckily it isn't raining today, however the temperature is still pretty low in Gotham. The wind is whipping through the buildings, rising and groaning like an old rocking chair. My body is trembling from a sudden ill as my body tries to in vain to expel the coldness, shivering uncontrollably. I quickly slip out of my heels and grab onto the doorknob with slow movements to prevent any noises exposing the hallway.

But with a sudden surprise, the door burst opens immediately it's Bruce gripping onto the doorknob; anger is floating around his expression, furrowing both of his eyebrows.

"Bruce I.." I trail off, before he grabs a hold of my arm, and forcefully drags me in.

"Where were you?" He asks with an annoyance in his tone.

"I had to work. I need the money to pay for my rent."

He furrows his eyebrows once more and shuts the door behind me with his palm, inching closer to me. "You could've got yourself killed, Tom has been in the lounge for the past few days waiting on you to arrive, and you gave him exactly that."

"Bruce I'm sorry." I say truthfully, however my eyes trails off to his bare chest, revealing a healing new scar.

I inch closer to him, narrowing my eyebrows in confusion as I gently place the palm of my hand onto his chest, gently following the line with my fingertips.

"What happened to you?"

He grabs my hand instantly and pushes it away. "None of your business."

"So it's not any of my business, but what i do, is? " I asks him as I squint my eyes in disbelief.

"You're the one who's in danger Daisy," He replies back with a serious tone. "You need help."

"No, I don't."

"Then why are you still here?"

"Because I.." I pause for a second, taking in a deep breath.

"Because you make me feel home." I mutter to him. Bruce facial expression slowly changes, releasing the tensions from his muscles.

He takes a deep breath. "I told you, don't."

My eyes trails to the ground, shrugging a bit.

"What do you want, Daisy?"

I lift my head up and glances into his deep crystal eyes, shaking my head lightly. "I don't know. But please don't kick me out."

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