《ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴛᴍᴀɴ.》0.8


Bruce groans a little from the irritation of his skin as he walks into the main entrance. I sit on the chair glancing over the city, till I pay my attention to him, wrinkling his nose in frustration. Something must be wrong.

After the explosion at the cathedral, he took me back to the manor immediately. He did have some open wounds from his back, when he was protecting me from getting hurt. The entire cathedral has been evacuated and I could tell Bruce wasn't happy about it. He had a weird addiction to criminals, but not in any type of ways that leads to pleasure.

Alfred turns the TV on as he listens to the news. they are talking about the incident. About seven people got injured. However I'm not sure about Bruce; he didn't tell me if he wether got himself hurt or not, but sometimes I wonder if he's too prideful to get help.

I watch him take his coat off and throws it on the floor in the living room. He removes his shirt in front of the glass window, as Alfred and i take notice to the small pieces of wood sticking onto his back. I immediately stand up and Alfred removes his glasses. "Dear god."

"Bruce". I say softly, and he turns his attention to me, furrowing both his eyebrows.

I softly pat on the seat right beside me. "Let me help."

"No" he says with an instant. I shake my head, disagreeing.

"Yes. You can't do it yourself, let me do it." I insist. He didn't have any other options and I could tell with his expression that he knows there isn't any other choices to make.

Bruce finally gives in and takes a few steps before sitting on the chair. I inch behind him and slowly brushes the pat finger on his back, having a quick look on the open wounds. Alfred limps his way as he comes back with a tweezer. I thank him before trailing my eyes back on Bruce's naked back.

Slowly enough, I peel each one of them off his skin, as gently as possible. He groans a little but takes it as a champ, which doesn't come off surprising to me; compare to the wounds I have seen on his body.

The atmosphere slowly starts to be silence, but I continue to plug them out before talking to him.

"Are you alright?" I ask, which he instantly responds back to.


I frown a little as I continue. "I figured it doesn't hurt now that you have a lot of scars. Why?"


He didn't answer.

"Well.." I trail off, figuring he rather keep it to himself. "Thank you for saving me once again."

Nothing again.

"You're a good man Bruce."

Bruce takes a look on the side, eyeing me a little. I softly place my palm on his shoulder. "I mean it, you're a good man. I wish there was more men like you."

For a minute it goes back to silence, however it didn't matter to me, my eyes is focusing on removing each stumbles I come across.

Bruce starts mumbling under his breath. "There should be more women like you, Daisy. " I smile a little. My mind starts wandering about him, his ideal of a woman.

"Why aren't you married, Bruce?" I ask softly.

"I don't need to." He says almost cold. I figure he prefers being on his own.

"Is a woman's need a lot for you?" I say jokingly and chuckle a bit.

"No. You're easy to take care of." I quickly stop my movement and glance at the texture of his brown darkish hair.

"Oh." I say quietly before continuing. "I meant in general-"

"I know." He interrupts. I take a deep breath and getting rid of the pieces.

I finally get to the last one, but it's deeper than what the other ones. The small pieces of wood is sticking inside his flesh; leaving me with no choice but to pull it out, it'll increases the chances of being infected.

The pat of my fingers pushes the tweezers against the last piece as I gently pull, but I could hear groaning from Bruce.

"I'm sorry." I mutter before proceeding. The moment I finally pushes it out, the blood starts streaming. I panic a little, darting my eyes around the small table beside us. There isn't any towels or anything for that matter to stop the bleeding, so I stupidly remove the scars off my throat and presses it against the bloody area.

"You are bleeding, I'm not sure what to do-" he immediately gets up from the chair.

Bruce turns to me and grabs the scarf gently, glancing at me for a second. It didn't seem to bother him that his back is bleeding a little. "Thank you. I need it."

I peek up at him and smile softly. "No, thank you."

I see a soft smile appearing, which made my eyes trail off to his lips; I never quite figure out if the beauty of his lips is more their softness of their association with the words he speaks, however his lips are the most luscious, red, kissable lips I have ever seen.


My eyes couldn't get enough of it, and something inside of me wants to softly kiss him. I slowly get up from my seat and inches closer to him, raising my hand and presses my palm on his cheek softly. My eyes are still on his lips, and for some reason I take the chances to kiss him.

I immediately catch myself, as I instantly leans my head backwards from releasing our lips as my eyes grows bigger. I cover my lips, peeking up at him; Bruce didn't give me any reactions.

"I'm sorry." I quickly mutter under my breath. He lightly shakes his head and inches away from me.


My stomach sinks in embarrassment, from calling him my boyfriend to now kissing him without permission. Alfred is watching us with a shocking expression.

I quickly walk out the living room and speed through the hallway as walk up to the stairs, and into his bedroom. I shut the door behind me, breathing heavily than I did before.

What the hell gotten into me?

I start breathing heavily, my mind focusing on my mistakes. Frightening into oblivion, I heave out what little there is in my stomach as my brain quickly spirals into itself. My hands is pressing against the door, as I shut my eyes to calm myself. The sudden sound of knocking appears onto the door. I trail my hands off the door and takes a few steps back; hoping it's not him.

"Yes?" I say quietly, almost nerve wrecking for me

"It's Alfred." I hear his familiar kind voice. I take a deep breath in relief before I grab onto the doorknob and gently open the door for Alfred.

He hands me a soft smile. "How are you feeling alright after the incident?"

I nod slowly. "I'm better, thank you."

Alfred exchanges the nod. "Good. I can imagine you'd like to go home soon?"

"Yes." I reply instantly. It's already embarrassing on my behalf, and running away from my problems sounds trustable to me.

"Tom may be your biggest threat, but I still insist you stay. Of course it's your decision, so I will leave it up to you." Alfred tighten his grip on his stock. "Also, if you stay, I will prepare a meal for you."

My mind starts overworking if rather I should go home or stay a little more. I didn't want to stay any longer, but Tom is my only problem to it.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Alfred says once again before walking downstairs. I snap back into reality and watch him disappear.

I shrug as I slowly shut the door. I didn't have no choice but to stay, but the least I can do is control my behaviors; it's sickening at this point.

My feet inches closer to the bed and softly sit on the edge. I woke up a little too early this morning and my mind is still overthinking the situation. However I don't see Bruce joining anytime soon. My upper body slowly drops on the mattress as I face the roof, taking in a deep breath till I shut my eyes.

I open my eyes and notice the difference in light. It's darker than usual, I must've fell asleep more. I quickly sit back up and notice Bruce is standing in front of the glass window; a sudden surprise cause me to hold onto my breath.

"Carmine left me a message." He says as he staring outside the city, folding his hands inside his pocket. "He told me to watch my back."

I grab a hold of the blanket and squeezes my grip a little, watching Bruce's facial expression; however it shows me nothing, empty as usual.

"Bruce, I'm sorry for the kiss." I immediately blur out. It isn't the right timing since we are discussing about Carmines threat, but I have to make it known. My guilt has already won over my consciousness.

Bruce squints his eyes a little, turning his attention towards me. "You are apologizing because you kissed me?" I nod slowly as I arch my eyebrows, trying to understand the funny part about it.

"Don't apologize. The kiss was great."

I shake my head immediately. "No, it wasn't. I shouldn't have kissed you without asking for your permission."

He looks at me in confusion and inches closer to the edge of the bed. I slowly lift my head up to look up at him.

"Carmine threaten me for having you around me, only because Tom wants you." Bruce says with his raspy voice, going back to the original conversation that needs to take place. I nod to his statement.

I could imagine he didn't care about the kiss by now, but instead rather focus on the real deal; Tom.

His nostrils flare in annoyance for a second as he looks back through the glass window, watching him clench his jaw for a second before he finally speaks up again.

"I'm not going to let that fucking happened."

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