《Poet In Paris》Chapter Twelve
The greatest tragedy
Would be
To have your love not returned
My love.
Lavender and pink coloured Wisteria flowers, sweetly scented and beautiful.
The cream coloured dress clings to Athena's body as she sits in the chair outside, the winds nice and calm and the sun's eternally blinding light shines down on the vast open field.
The surrounding area is packed full of camera men, makeup artists and models all being decked up to natural beauty dressed in Acacia's summer line. Athena was over the moon ecstatic when he mother asked if she would join her and be a part of the photoshoot.
The hairdresser pulls and tugs on Athena's hair as lightly as possible, designing it in the perfect summery braid whisking some hairs in-front and curling them to frame her face. The makeup artist lightly adorns her face, a glossy lip and a brown neutral eye look with long lashes and some lightened pink blush matching the soft gentle aesthetic of the photoshoot.
Athena sits on the chair patiently with her phone clasped between her freshly painted nails, her fingers clad in small rings and her neck lined with a pearl necklace and a silver longer necklace which has a dainty crescent moon on the end.
"Just a moment longer." Jenna, the hairdresser speaks as she fixes Athena's hair. The caramel eyed darling smiles at Jenna through the mirror before looking down and scrolling through her phone.
So suddenly her phone rings and jumps in her seat, Jenna laughs at her sudden reaction. Athena shyly smiles before answering the call.
"Morning Harry." Athena gleefully greets.
"Good morning Chéri." Harry replies his voice much more happier this morning, Athena's heart flutter. "I'm picking up some breakfast, are you at home?" Harry inquires.
"Unfortunately I'm not." Athena responds as she looks down and inspects her painted nails making sure nothing has chipped off. The pastel pink is pretty.
"Oh, where are you I can come there?" Harry asks as the sound of a bell dinging is heard on his side.
"I'm at a photoshoot, do you mind coming here I'll text you the whereabouts." Athena inquires timidly.
"Text me." Harry says as he ends the call. Athena felicitously smiles at the thought of Harry coming here for her, she then quickly sends him the address and returns back to letting Katie, the makeup artist complete her artistry.
With her hair perfected and her makeup ameliorated Athena wanders around the expansive field, the Wisteria flowers are her mother's favorite. Acacia loves anything and everything to do with purple, violet, lavender and anything else associated with the those colours.
Athena looks around mischievously and then pulls one of the Wisteria flowers from the set, and rushes over to the other side where Ayesha is. Reaching her friend with the flower in her hand and a sly look on her face. Athena stands beside her, raising the flower to her nose to take in the sickly sweet scent.
"You took that didn't you?" Ayesha chuckles.
"Yep, here want to smell?" Athena smudges the flower into Ayesha's face forcing her to smell it, Ayesha yelps in surprise and takes a step back before taking the flower from Athena and smelling it.
"It smells lovely." Ayesha coughs out.
"It does." Athena giddily agrees before taking the flower back, she looks over at Ayesha's canvas she was told to paint with three others.
"Where's the model gone?" Athena curiously inquires as she looks over the canvas to where the blonde model was sat.
"Huh?" Ayesha blurts.
"The model you were painting?" Athena asks with bewilderment.
Ayesha nods her head "Oh, she went to get some juice." She answers.
Looking forward at the shiningly pretty setup, Athena looks back to Ayesha "You should paint me one day." Athena requests.
"Mhm and why would I?" Ayesha teases jokingly, Athena parts her mouth from surprise of her friend's comeback before she smacks her back. Ayesha gasps and begins to laugh. "I was kidding."
"Because I would love to have a painted picture from you, seriously Ayesha you are beyond talented artistically." Athena gushes cheerfully.
"Stop it loser." Ayesha nudges Athena with her shoulder.
As Athena and Ayesha indulge into a conversation Athena does not realise that Harry has arrived and is having difficulty being allowed into the photoshoot, that is until her phone begins to ring once again. Athena answers with a huge smile on her plump lips.
"I'm here, can you come get me?" Harry whispers shyly into the phone. Athena's eyes widen and she suddenly remembers she never informed the guard up-front of Harry's arrival. Smacking herself unconsciously.
"I'm coming, hold on." Athena ends the call frantically and rushes across the field, towards the right entrance side of the field. Gasping breathlessly as she reaches there and comes to a stop, her eyes land upon him.
Dresses to perfection like always, his green eyes glaring at the guard as his hands are fisted beside him and his strong diamond sharp jaw is clenched. Athena giggles before she takes a few more steps towards them. Harry's emerald eyes flicker and land on her, his mouth parts and his eyes widen before he forces himself to compose himself.
She looks like a dreamy angel, one that only comes in dreams and lord she has been in mine ever since I laid eyes upon her.
"Harry, hey." Athena grabs Harry's hand looks to the guard with a smile. "C'est bon, je le connais." His dream- angel kindly informs as she pulls Harry towards the shoot.
As they walk side by side, one of his hands clasped in hers and the other holding a bag of delicious food the fiery ball in the aqua light blue sky shines harder the heat increasing.
"You looked just about to murder the guard." Athena laughs as she looks to Harry all cheerful and giddy her hand unlocking from his to travel his arm to wrap and around it. She leans in closer with a content smile.
"He was being fucking rude, Stopping me from seeing you." Harry grumbles under his breath and Athena pokes his stomach.
"You're cute." Athena leans up and places a kiss to his cheek.
"I am not." Harry childishly remarks back.
"Are too." Athena throws back with a soft look in her eyes, she feels dazed whenever he is beside her as if she is floating on a soaring cloud.
"Okay maybe I am." Harry leans down and presses a gentle kiss to her forehead, Athena hums in his loving captivity, his true and beautiful enchantment.
Reaching back to Ayesha, she looks from her canvas paintbrush in hand and a kind smile on her lips. Her eyes move from Athena to Harry and they widen. Athena too busy with the bag of food to notice her friends reaction. Harry locks eyes with Ayesha and his look confusion stricken from Ayesha's sudden reaction.
He's the blue eyed guy's friend, Ayesha frantically thinks in her mind.
"Ayesha do you want a croissant?" Athena warmly asks her friend, who shakes her head no and returns back to painting the model. Her hair whisking rhythmically in the winds her hand stroking the paint perfectly onto the canvas.
Athena shrugs and then stuffs the croissant into her mouth moaning in delight at the comfort the pastry brings to her, Harry leans in and wraps his arms around her waist pulling her back into his broad chest. He snuggles his head onto her shoulder and leans in to place a kiss to her cheek.
"You sure like kissing me." Athena speaks out.
"Well if I have a girl this fucking perfect in-front of me, I would want to shower her with as many kisses as possible." He blurts out, Harry's eyes widen as his arms loosen around her waist. He has never been this forward with a girl so casually before. Athena giggles as her stomach begins to sway with flutters she turns around with a croissant in her hand and leans up Harry looks to her with a gentle gleam.
"Open you're mouth." She whispers.
"What?" Harry confusingly asks.
Athena pecks his lips "Open." She orders, he does and she stuffs the croissant into his mouth. "You deserve a croissant for being perfect." Athena squeezes his hand as she grabs the orange juice, sipping it.
"Athena the shoot now." Acacia's assistant Lane shouts, Athena nods her head and then turns to Harry.
"Stay please, I'll be done quick." She presses a kiss to his cheek and then rushes over to the other models and Lane. Acacia stood beside the head camera man, watching the photoshoot very closely.
Harry finishes chewing the croissant her grabs Athena's half drank orange juice and beings to drink it, once the glass is empty he places it down and then grabs his brown leather bag pulling out his copy of "The Great Gatsby." He sits down underneath a tree, beside the painters and begins to read.
What he doesn't know is that, many of the surrounding models have been utterly hypnotised by his presence.
His mind runs hectic with thoughts and his hand itches for a pen, he grabs his bag grabbing his poem journal and a pen out from his bag. He leans it down on his knees and begins to scribble down ideas for the ultimate exquisite poem.
He hasn't realised but ever since Athena has entered his life, many of his poems have been completely about her. He unknowingly writes down words he wishes to say to her.
His eyes look up from the journal and they wander across the field landing on her, she is holding lavender coloured wisteria flowers in her small dainty hands. A soft smile gracing her lips as she stands facing the camera. One of the working men enters the shoot and grabs her waist, Harry's hand tightens around the pen unintentionally as he glares daggers at him the man places Athena in her new position which is bending down.
The hairdresser approaches Athena once the man is gone, Harry's hand loosens around the pen, Jenna takes out Athena's braid and she brushes her hair setting it over her shoulders and back beautifully. Once ready Athena looks down a basket of Wisterias held in her hand. The camera man shouted something which sounds like "Beautiful Athena!"
Harry sighs with annoyance as he looks back down, his heart feels weird almost as if it is fluttering and beating excessively fast.
He licks his lips before looking up again, for a moments time the world stops then all so suddenly it comes all rushing to him.
The word repeats and repeats and repeats in his mind, he feels his jaw clench as the tears well in his eyes. His pen drops and he picks it up stuffing everything into his bag. He stands up and fists his hands as he watches him talk to her.
Why the fuck is he talking to Athena?
Her voice is clear in his mind, shaking and shivering so cold and so tired.
Harry rushes across the field, determined to get away. He needs to escape before he breaks. He can not here, not in-front of her and especially not in-front of the him.
"Harry!" He hears Athena call but he ignores it, he increases the speed of his walk and he hurries past the guard and towards his car. He gets in slams the car door and turns his car on, driving away so quickly that he didn't even put on his safety-belt.
"Nothing can be done now Harry, Just I need to be alone." Adrianna cries as she grabs Harry's hand and drags him towards the door.
"Wait Adi, please talk to me fuck don't push me out." Harry shouts as he pulls his hand out of her hold. He stands before her, his chest heaving.
"Get out! Get out! Just fucking leave." Adrianna screams as her tears race out of her eyes, falling down her cheeks.
"Baby please, I'm here don't do this please don't lock me out." Harry whispers as he grabs Adrianna's hand and gently pulls her into his embrace. He runs his hand down her back.
The red head cries and cries and trembles in his hold, the more she screams in pain and hurt the more he feels the anger increasing in him and the more the urge in him to fucking kill him grows.
Adrianna pulls back and wipes her tears she looks to Harry and leans up her hand in his hair as she brushes the curls from his forehead.
"I need to be alone Harry, please I'll call you." Adrianna says with a shake in her voice.
"You're my fiancé I can't leave you." Harry frantically speaks.
"I am aware, please Harry I need this my mind is killing me I need to be alone." Adrianna yells as she walks back and forth her hands clenching and unclenching.
"More the reason for me to be beside you my love." Harry whispers lightly.
"I love you Harry, with all that I have but I need you to give me this and leave me be for a while." Adrianna grabs both Harry's hand and intertwines it with hers. "Please." She whispers as her red cried out eyes look into his.
"I'll be outside in my car, make sure to call me." Harry squeezes her hand and then lets go he grabs his jacket and open the door to their apartment.
Looking back "I love you." He says with adoration.
Athena holds her bag of cupcakes in her right hand and her left hand fisted ready to knock on his door, after Harry left in such a hurry she hand to spend having lunch with Sebastian her mother and Veronica. Lunch consisted of Sebastian trying to converse with Athena but she didn't pay much attention as her mind was solely focused on Harry.
Her hand knocks on the door twice as she steps back and stares waiting for it to open, minutes later the door open and a very beautiful blonde haired and light brown eyed woman appears in-front of Athena.
"Hi." The woman greets.
"Sorry, I must have the wrong door?" Athena leans forward slightly and looks to the door number, no she has the right door. "Is Harry in?" Athena asks.
"Oh yeah, come in." She steps back and lets Athena walk in. Athena turns around and looks to the blonde woman with bewilderment.
"Sorry um, who are you?" Athena inquires.
"I'm Danica and you?" Athena sighs internally, she can remember Louis talking about Danica to her. Athena smiles thoughtfully. "I'm Athena." She greets back.
Athena and Danica then walk into the living room, Athena's right hand holding the bag of cupcakes. Reaching the living room her caramel warm eyes search around for Harry.
Her hand tightens on the bag as she glares holes at the woman sat beside Harry who has her hand on his upper arm, feeling his bicep. Athena clears her throat and then skips over to the couches.
"Hi Louis." Athena greets with a joyful smile. Athena seats herself down across from Harry and the other blonde, who still has her hand on him.
Athena is aware that she is not Harry's girlfriend and in that she has absolute no reason for feeling this scathing murderous feeling of jealousy in her but she can't help it, she is jealous for sure.
"What's in the bag?" Louis asks giddily.
"Cupcakes Lou." Athena laughs as she brings the cupcakes out and places them onto the table. Harry looks to her, locking his eyes with Athena who in return sends him a sultry but devious smirk. Harry shuffles in his seat gulping as heat travels his body.
As each person grabs a cupcake Athena sits back and continues to glare at the woman as she giggles and laughs at Harry. All so suddenly her blue eyes land on Athena, "Je suis Clara, ravie de vous rencontrer." She sweetly speaks.
Athena breathes in, "Athena, ravie de vous rencontrer aussi." Athena smiles generously.
Danice shuffles forward and smiles to Athena, "Qu'est-ce que vous ne Athéna?" She inquires. Clara leans into Harry and whispers something into his ear, her lips dangerously near to his skin. Athena blinks her eyes and looks to Danica.
"Je suis étudiant à la mode à Londres." Athena answers as she grabs a cupcake and bites into it, huffing.
"Londres." Danica repeats with confusion.
"Je suis à Paris pour l'été." Athena explains, biting into the cupcake again as she leans back onto the couch. Her eyes drift from Danica to Clara and Harry. Her hand is now on her knee.
As Danica and Louis engage into a conversation, Athena finishes off the cupcake and stands up walking to Harry she grabs Harry's hand and her looks to her with wide eyes. "J'ai besoin de Harry, c'est important."
Pulling Harry up from the couch she drags him towards his bedroom, once inside she slams the door shut and pushes Harry up against it. Her breathing heavy. Harry looks down with darkened eyes and his chest heaving up and down. Her hand wraps around his neck as she leans in and whispers, "Catch me." and with that she jumps up wrapping her legs around his wait his hand landing on her ass as her hold her too him.
Without giving him a chance to speak her lips smash onto his and begin to kiss him ferociously quick and hard. He responds back quick and begins to match her rhythm. His hand squeezes her ass harsh and she gasps allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth. He walks from the door to the his bed and sit down. Athena sat comfortably on his lap.
Her hips rotate on his lap, her clothed sex rubbing over his hardening cock his breathing increases the harder she pushes herself and rotates onto him. His hand trails her side going under her shirt. Breaking apart he moans from the missing touch she throws off her shirt revealing her plain white bra. His eyes train onto her full breasts.
Athena leans down and presses rough kisses onto his neck as she pushes harder onto his clothed dick, his pants tightening. "Do you want me to keep going baby?" Athena rasps as she looks up into his dark eyes. He gasps as her hand presses onto his dick.
"Yes, fuck sweetheart more." Harry pants.
Athena helps Harry discard of his shirt, she peppers kisses on his chest as she begins to unzip his pants. Harry hurriedly discards of his pants and then seats her back onto his lap. Athena smirks as her hand dips inside his boxer she grabs his cock and squeezes. Harry's mouth parts and his eyes roll back.
"Do you like my touch?" She whispers into his ear, kissing underneath. He frantically nods his head, Athena smirks and gets up. Harry's brows furrow and he looks to her with confusion.
"Well you mustn't enjoy my touch that much if you welcomed Clara's so easily." Athena rasps as she takes off her pants leaving her in her undergarments.
"Fuck baby, I'm sorry. I need you." Harry groans.
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