《Poet In Paris》Chapter Eleven
Let the rain tell all its secrets
Fore I have a secret too
I am falling in love
With You
Athena and Harry returned from their three day trip in beautiful Italy only two days ago, those two days have been rather uneventfulHarry hasn't returned any of Athena's calls, he has stayed out of her way and she even went up to his apartment and knocked nobody opened the door not even Louis.
The morning birds chirp, singing a gently melody as Athena wakes up stretching as she yawns before slinging out of her bed and rushing to the bathroom, dashing into the shower shower she quickly washes herself up before drying herself and changing into one clothes consisting off a green and white floral dress throwing on a cardigan on top she puts on some shoes and blow dries her hair. Leaving her hair out she grabs her bag and walks out of the room down the stairs past the kitchen and into to the elevator.
Arriving outside she takes in a deep breath, on a mission to find out what exactly is wrong with her Harry, she's getting worried.
The sunshine reflects down on the streets as she walks by, grabbing some breakfast on her way to his apartment. Arriving at his building she takes in a deep breath as she is about to enter inside her eyes catch Louis walking out of the lift, he walks out with a box held in his arms.
"Athena?" He greets.
"Hi Louis, is Harry here?" She inquires with a soft smile.
"Yeah he is, actually Athena he's asleep." Louis answers with a tight lipped smile.
Athena's brows furrow as she presses the home button to her phone, the time flashes and she looks back up with confusion "It's eleven am, he's usually always up before me." Athena whispers to herself.
"Go on up, here's the keys I'll be back soon." Louis passes Athena the keys and she smiles joyfully at him, his blue eyes resemble a vast deepness of the wide ocean, thanking him she runs inside and up the stairs. The breakfast she bought still safely in the brown bag.
Reaching his apartment door she unlocks it and breathes in before opening and walking her way inside, towards the kitchen first where she places the food and then she searches the living area the television is off, the pillows perfectly angled and placed on the sofa. The brown oak coffee table clean with a few books places on-top.
With confusion Athena walks her way towards Harry's bedroom knocking on the door twice she voices "Harry it's Athena, I hope you don't mind Louis lent me the keys." To her dismay she got nothing in return, knocking on the door again she awaits and once again nothing.
"I'm coming in." She gently opens the door and closes it behind it before looking up, her eyes widening and her mouth parting at the sight. An atrocious mess.
Beer cans scatter his bedroom floor, his body half dangling off his bed, shoes still on his feet and his mouth hanging open, his eyes are squeezed shut. The desk has papers messily dispersed, around the chair there are scrunched up papers his curtains are wide open letting in the lustrously bright sunshine.
Biting her lip she walks forward, trying not to kick or trip over the beer cans. Athena reaches Harry and she places her hand on his cheek, running her fingertip over his jawline and then placing her hand into his brown curls massaging his head lightly. The caramel eyed beauty takes a seat beside him on the bed and shakes his body.
"Harry, goodness me you need to wake up." Athena speaks in a whisper as she leans down face to face with his sleepy-self. Harry groans and kicks about trying to get more comfortable. Athena breathlessly sighs a mixture of worry and amusement. Placing both her hands on his shoulder she shakes his body. Gaining an idea she leans into his cheek and places her lips onto his cool skin, pecking kisses onto his cheek.
He groans and blinks his eyes open, his inquisitively emerald eyes look into hers with bewilderment before he blinks rapidly raising his hands to his eyes to rub them and then he looks again mouth parting once he realises she is actually beside him.
He sits up hectically and his candid eyes search the room with embarrassment, this is not how he wants Athena to view him. The girl beside him places her head onto his shoulder and wraps her arm around his torso.
"Good morning sleepy." She breathes out.
Harry looks down astonished.
"You need to get out." He stands up running his hand through his hair, Athena stands up with bafflement and reaches forward to grab his hand he moves back and shakes his head, his jaw clenching.
"I need you to go, please." He breathes out as he looks around his room, beer cans, messy desk and papers thrown about. Fuck.
"Harry are you okay, let me help you baby?" Athena's soft eyes search for his but he avoids eye contact. This all feels like a fever dream, this is not happening he thinks over and over again repeating those words in his frantic mind. He begins to mutter those words, Athena walks forward whilst he is distracted and grabs his hand intertwining it with hers she rubs her thumb over his knuckles. Her other hand landing on his jaw as she strokes his cheek lovingly.
"Athena-" He rasps,
"No listen, I know what you're thinking and believe me this doesn't make me view you any differently." She speaks in a quite tone, Harry closes his eyes liking the sound of her voice it's like a summer evening dipped in sweet honey so gentle, so saccharine.
"Come on, get in the shower I'll get this sorted." She leans up and places a tender kiss to his cheek he wraps his arms around her waist and opens his eyes. Holding her to his body close afraid she'll slip away at any moment.
"I can't let you-" Harry begins to speak.
"Harry, I'm your friend I'm allowed to help now come on in the shower." She pulls back and drags his body towards the bathroom, he looks down at her with a smile that has unknowingly spread onto his lips. Athena pushes him into the bathroom and shuts the door giggling to herself as she makes her way to the kitchen looking under the skin she grabs some disposable black bags and rushes to his room.
Picking up the beer cans, she's counted eight and she throws them into the bag then the scrunched up papers which she discard of and lastly she moves to his desk grabbing the paper her eyes see his messy but marvelously defined handwriting shaking her head and scolding herself for even looking at the words she stacks the papers and places them to the side.
A brown journal is what comes to her sight under all the papers, she picks it up and even though her curiosity is soaring high she places it on the other side and walks away from the cleaned desk to his bed, whilst she is sorting the bed her mind runs wild with all the possibilities of what could be in the brown leather journal.
Bed set, beer cans and scrunched papers thrown away and desk cleaned her eyes catch his bookshelf and she sheepishly walks to admire it. Her fingers skim the spines of the books as she tilts her head to read the titles. He has many classics, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby, The picture of Dorian Gray, Frankenstein....her eyes continue to skim over all the names and as she does her smile widens.
The next shelf is completely filled with more of those journals, all thick and completed filled with writing she bites her lip and averts her eyes to the shelf underneath. Eyes skimming the spines, poetry, poems and more poetry. Athena blushes as Harry invades her thoughts, he's perfection absolutely sublime. Her eyes catch one very interesting title "Odyssey."
"Have you read it?" She turns around with a jump, looking to Harry her eyes widen and then her mouth parts as she takes in the sight of him. Water dripping from his wet hair, water dripping on his broad chest and a towel wrapped around his lower half. Athena averts her eyes to the ground and gulps as she feels a wave pass through her.
"No, heard a lot about it. My mother loves The Odyssey." Athena chuckles as she looks to the book held in her hands, hearing shuffling she looks back up at Harry who is now fully clothed.
"Does she? and is she a fan of Greek mythology?" Harry inquires as he walks to stand beside her.
"Well she is Greek so..." Athena laughs as she looks up, smiling.
"Really?" Harry says with bewilderment.
"Mhm she was born and raised in Greece, my father and mother actually met when he came to Greece for a holiday and she said it was love at first sight...but I guess love can ware of." Athena blurts out as she looks away. Harry places his finger on her chin and tilts her head back to look at him, he leans in and his eyes drop to her lips
"Όμορφη" He breathes in a kind whisper, Athena's eyes widen and she smiles gleefully at him she wraps her arms around his waist and pulls herself closer to him keeping her eyes locked with his.
"You know Greek?" She says with enthusiasm. Harry nods his head shyly looking away but Athena grabs his jaw and forces him to look to her.
"I know a bit, some words here and there. I'm a huge fan of Greek mythology." Harry timidly informs her, his cheeks turning slightly pink.
"Harry you're so fucking adorable." Athena squeals as she jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist Harry catches her and places his hands under her ass holding her to him safely.
"Kiss me darling." Harry breathes out, his lips pouting. Athena pecks his lips and looks back with a evil smirk. Harry squeezes her ass and she yelps, "Properly please." Harry childishly whines. Athena bites her lip and then leans in placing her lips onto him, he moans in delight and returns the kiss with passion.
"Where is she?" Harry shouts as he barges is way into the back room of the bar, his eyes ablaze with fury.
"Woah, calm down motherfucker." Josh walks up to Harry pushing him back, the green eyed man staggers back but regains his posture and walks until he is chest to chest with Josh. Harry towers over the black haired, blue eyed man.
"I said where the fuck is she?" Harry seethes as he barges past Josh.
This past weekend Harry has been utterly distraught over Adrianna, she hasn't returned any of his calls or messages. Last night she was supposed to meet him at their usually place, the Presfell bridge but she didn't show up so he went looking for her. Everywhere, her usually cafe, the park where she sits on her favorite bench, the library everywhere he could think off. He had not thought of coming to her usually bar until late this evening.
Harry slammed open the back door and his furious eyes scanned the room at lightening speed, eyes ablaze with anger and worry.
There she sat, on the table with her red hair curled and red lipstick smudged onto her perfect lips. Drowsy and fatigued eyes fighting to stay open, as she swings her legs back and forth. Harry runs his hand through his hair and quickly walks to her.
"Harry- baby, I-" Adrianna drowsily begins to speak.
Harry picks her up from her waist and stands her up on the floor, her red heels bunching up her height significantly so she is almost as tall as the green eyed wonder.
"What is this Adi? you promised." Harry sighs as he pulls her into a hug.
"I'm sorry, I-." Her voice cuts off as a sob tears through her she clings to his body and snuggles closer, Harry rubs her back as he turns to walk her out.
"Leaving already?" Another boy shouts as Harry closes his eyes in frustration, his girlfriend snuggled up in his safe hold turns around and glares at the boy that shouted, Blonde haired and brown eyed.
"Fuck off Danny." Adrianna seethes as she grabs Harry's hand and tries to drag him away.
"Lucas has your request foxy, you want it or not?" Danny yells after them but Adrianna ignores him, she continues whole-heartedly to drag Harry out of the bar. The confused and bewildered man follows after her, letting her drag him along.
Once they reach his car she turns to him and bites her lip, knowing all to well that he is going to inquire about what Danny said.
"A request? What did he mean?" Harry yanks his hand out of her hold.
"Nothing, I promise Harry please I want to go home." She whispers as she grabs his again, using her thumb to rub circles on the top of his cold hand.
"Adrianna you can't keep doing this, everything was going so well. I know this is hard-."
"Actually Harry you don't know shit, the fuck do you mean you know how hard it is? It's more than hard it controls my fucking life I've fucked everything up- I just." Adrianna turns around and wraps her arms around her shivering body. The winds begin to suddenly match her energy, anger and frustration she feels and the winds pick their pace up loud and heavy.
Harry steps forward and wraps his arms around her, his head placing itself on her shoulder.
"We can do this Adi, I just need you to want it as much as I do." Harry whispers into her ear before leaning into her cheek and placing a gentle kiss onto her freezing skin.
"Sex." Athena pulls her phone back and looks to Harry who is sat underneath the tree, he decided to make a trip to his favorite place again so that is where they are.
The sun has begun to shine brighter the heat becoming almost unbearable, being used to the freezing weather back in England this is most definitely different for Athena. The grass has grown a tad bit more since the last time they came here, there are more flowers.
Athena was making a flower chain with the flowers surrounding her until she got a call from her best friend Lola, "What? Lola." Athena whispers as she stands up and walks a few steps from Harry.
"I had sex." Lola giggles.
"Lola..." Athena says with confusion.
"You know how much I have a huge crush on Nikolai, well we had sex after we both got drunk at this summer party Jenny held last night." Lola squeals, Athena laughs as she looks around her eyes dazed by the magnificence before her.
"Really? fucking hell Lola." Athena laughs.
"Mhm yes, so what about you? had any hot steamy sex with a French man yet?" Lola inquires.
Athena looks down shyly and then back up turning her head behind to look at Harry who has his back to a huge tree, the leaves shading him from the golden and tepid sunshine. His knees to his chest as he rests a book on his knees his head leaned down and his sultry perfect lips moving as he reads the words.
"You're quiet, Athena you fucking minx." Lola shouts on the other end, her voice shocked and excited as she hears squeals.
"I haven't had sex but we did other things....more than once and he isn't French." Athena timidly informs.
"Not French?" Lola curiously says.
"Yes he's actually English, moved to France Lola he plays the piano and he's-"
"Wait you said- other things more than once."
"Shut up." Athena timorously looks down, the green grass seeming brighter.
Athena ends the call after a few minutes, she turns back and seats herself down continuing with making the flower chain.
"How much longer do you have in Paris?" Harry shyly inquires as his eyes stay locked onto the pages of the book. Athena looks up and bites her lip, she crawls to him and sits before him. Her hand pulls the book from and she lays her head down onto his knees.
"I'll be back Harry." She quietly says.
"I'm aware, it's just-" He shakes his head and stops talking. Athena sits up and pushes Harry's legs down she then seats herself on his lap chest to chest, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs on either side of him. He places his hands on her waist.
"What is it?" She asks as he raises one hand brushes his hair away.
He leans in and pecks her lips, she smiles as rests her head on his shoulder he squeezes her waist.
"I really like you." He timidly informs.
Athena's heart swells up and begins to enthusiastically dance in her chest, her stomach drops and fills with an eccentric amount of butterflies all mixing and intertwining just like her heart intertwines with his.
"I really like you too." She says with a soft tone, looking back up into his eyes she places her hand on his cheek.
"As soon as my studies are done I'm coming right back to you, can you wait for me?" She inquires with a loving glint in her penetratingly sweet brown eyes.
Harry's mind rushes frantically, show me her caramel brown eyes and I'll say right there that's my kind of heaven.
"Even if it took a thousand years darling, I would wait for you."
A/N: Honestly guys, is this boring? it is too slow? I want this to be a short sweet romantic love story, my characters do have a back-story which I'm slowly bringing in but I really hope this isn't boring.
Lots Of Love xx.
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