《Poet In Paris》Chapter Six
(French Translation in the comments :))
She lives in daydreams with me
She's the first one that I see.
He scribbles down in his worn out notebook, ideas filling his mind like rain watering the malnourished plants. The sound of the pencil scratching on the rough lined paper is being heard through out the quietened room.
The girl sat across from him dressed in her joggers and pink shirt, watches him with such curiosity in her mind. Such want to unveil all his secrets. Her fierce red hair wrapped up in a messy bun as she tightens her hold on her bowl of cereal.
Being drunk last night seemed like a great idea to her, a magnificent one actually though she was proven wrong when she drank a little too much and nearly broke her leg on the way stumbling to Harry's home. She vividly remembers him opening the door with worried eyes which soon contort to a look of sadness. He has been helping her for a long while with her battle for sobriety, everything was going so well.
Now here she is sat in-front of him with her mouth full of coco-pops and the beautiful boy sat just a few steps away.
He doesn't show her what he writes in that book, he keeps it all very hidden a secret which pecks at her curiosity a little each day but enough to intrigue her more and more.
"You write in that every single moment of the day and expect me to not be even a little curious Harry." She inquires with a laugh as she places her bowl carefully on the table and shuffles to sit next to him. He slams the book closed causing the bright haired girl beside him to flinch a little, he looks to her with a soft smile apologizing for taking her by surprise.
"It's nothing special." He answers as he puts the book out of sight, beside him.
"Oh so you're not writing about me." She giggles.
Harry chuckles at that, the sound very glorious to her ears.
"Does that also mean you're not going to even give a tiny hint about what you are writing?" She cheekily asks look to him with raised eyebrows.
"Not yet." He smiles in response standing up with his book held in his hand he hides it away on the top shelf in the kitchen for now, he has a better hiding place.
He pours himself a glass of a cold drink, cold apple juice. The girl enters the kitchen pulling herself up to sit on the island table in the middle of the kitchen swinging her legs back and forth as Harry starts to prepare breakfast for himself.
"Are you writing a story?" She questions.
Harry looks to her with a dimpled smile and starts to laugh causing the girl's heart to flutter.
"You're not going to let this go are you?" He asks with amusement she shakes her head teasingly.
"Something like that Adrianna." He reaches over the island and places a sloppy kiss to her cheek wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her to him. She rests her head on his shoulder snuggling into him with a comfortable sigh.
Her name was Adrianna Ferns.
"All I am saying Harry is that you should take her out." Louis shouts from their shared kitchen Harry is seated in the living room on a couch with a glass of apple juice in his hand, at the age of twenty-three he still is obsessed with that drink and sometimes finds himself buying endless amounts of it.
"I did take her out, we went to my favorite place." Harry replies as he bites into one of the cookies Danica and Louis made, that is where he has been most of the morning at Danica's bakery.
"Okay number one, I know you told me maybe take her to dinner and number two when are you going to show me this special place?" Louis inquires as he returns back to the living room with chicken sandwiches ready on a plate, the scent smells absolutely delightful Harry reaches over and grabs one off of Louis plate when he isn't looking. Once Louis turns back around and he counts the four sandwiches which were on his plate looking to Harry with annoyance Harry shakes his head and bites into the bread with a smile.
"I should take her to dinner." Harry looks to Louis with confusion.
"Yes, take her to dinner she'll love that." Louis claps his hands with a huge smile.
"I'm not sure she doesn't-." Harry gets cut off.
"Shush take her to dinner that's it, I know a great restaurant." Louis smiles with mischief and then turns back to the tv biting into his sandwich with a content sigh.
Harry sits back further into the couch with his shoulders slumped, he isn't sure if she will enjoy that he is certain she enjoys doing adventurous things on a date like running about or maybe even playing pranks, she seems like a person to rather be up and about than sitting down but Harry sighs and decides to go with Louis plan.
Harry has dreamt about her lips each night, her smile and her twinkling eyes. Every-time he sees her, Athena, he has to control himself from not jumping into her arms and pulling her in for a kiss. He has dreamt about loving her in all the ways, even the intimate ones though sometimes he isn't able to meet her eyes when he thinks or dreams of such a thing.
Dinner it is.
Athena jumps in excitement once she receives Harry's text, he was much too shy to call and ask, inquiring if she would like to go to dinner with him. Her whole being lightened up with the thought of spending time with Harry, seeing him again and she isn't able to control the gleeful squeals leaving her lips as she jumps up and down.
A knock echoes at her door halting her movements she calms herself down and shouts a come in to which the door opens to reveal her mother, dressed all formally in an expensive suit. Athena awes at her mother, she does look so beautiful.
"Yes mother?" She asks as she sits down on the bed. Acacia seats herself beside Athena.
"Veronica told me something." Acacia angrily whispers. Athena looks taken aback as she looks to her mother with confusion. "I wasn't home two nights ago, I was working really late by the time I arrived home it was three in the morning." She carries on speaking turning around to look to her daughter who has bewilderment written across her delicate features.
"Why were you sneaking a man into your room?" Acacia snaps at her daughter. Athena's eyes widen and her heartbeat accelerates.
"And don't deny it Veronica heard you and then saw you sneaking him into your room." Acacia sharply speaks.
"He's a friend, nothing happened. He really needed help mum and I couldn't just let him go." Athena explains with a softness to her voice.
"He was drunk are you sure he didn't try-." Athena cuts her mother over with a loud no, shaking her head and explaining that Harry is one of the most sweetest and respectable men she has ever met.
"Don't do that next time." Acacia orders harshly. "Get dressed you are going with me, I have models for you to meet and since you want to see my new winter collection you can tag along." Standing up she looks to her daughter with her hands on her hips and raised eyebrows.
"I would love to but-."
"But nothing you are coming." Acacia points to the door and tells her to hurry up.
"No mum I'm so sorry but I have plans." Acacia quickly says causing her mother to stop and turn around entering back into her room with an irritated expression.
"With who? that silly boy." Acacia sneers.
"Yes mother, he isn't silly he asked me to dinner and he is so kind and sweet and perfect and- I really like him." Athena gently explains her eyes lighting up with happiness at the mention of the man she is slowly but surely starting to fall for even though she can't quite understand that yet.
"You have only known him for over a week, it isn't like Athena." Acacia huffs in annoyance.
"Mum I would love to see your winter collection tomorrow, please I really want to see him." She looks to her mother with gleams in her eyes and a hopeful expression which Acacia no matter how angry she is just cannot turn down so her shoulder slump from her angry stance and rolls her eyes.
"Fine." And with that she is out of Athena's room, the sound of her heels clicking away the sound fading out the further she gets.
Athena smiles and races to her closet to grab some clothes, shuffling through the endless amounts of graceful and dainty dresses her mother gifted her. Picking out a light colored almost cream color long dress which has slit in it she quickly races out and places it on her bed grabbing some heels to match beautifully with the dress. Sighing in happiness she races to her bathroom to have a shower.
Finishing off my placing a small necklace on she smiles at her reflection, her mother and Veronica left about twenty minutes ago. Veronica has a huge important meeting that needs taking care of and her mother has her winter collection to go over. The sound of the elevator rings indicating to Athena that Harry has arrived and she stands in utter excitement picking up her bag and spraying some perfume on.
Daisy Love- Marc Jacobs.
The smell reminds her of the spring, it has a perfect floral smell and this undertone of newly flourished love, it is one of Athena's favorite perfumes.
With her hand on the rail she walks down the steps with a smile casted upon her lips. The sight of his curly hair catches her eyes, he is standing tall at the end of the staircase facing the other way towards the entrance sitting area. He is dressed in this gorgeous black tux.
The sound of her heels cause him to turn around and his eyes land on her, he bites his lip as his eyes trail down her body. The dress accentuating each beautiful curve, the necklace on her allures his fascination and makes him want to jump into her arms and tackle her with kisses, endless amount of kisses.
They haven't kissed yet, they have on the cheeks but Harry is much too shy to kiss her on the lips he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable though he wants to kiss her so badly.
Athena's cheeks heat up and a small pink blush appears as she catches Harry checking her out, with his trained on her long legs. Reaching the bottom she walks to stand in-front of him and his eyes snap up and lock with her caramel brown ones, bewitching.
"You look...uh...beautiful." Harry squeezes out. Athena smiles and leans up attaching her lips to his cold cheek, her lips stay there for a while as she wraps her arms around him hugging herself to him. Harry reacts quickly and wraps his arms around her.
Pulling back "You look stylish, I love this tux." Athena runs her hands down his chest slowly her fingertips rubbing circles warming Harry up instantly.
"Thanks." He leans in and quickly places a kiss to her cheeks pulling back just as quick. Athena smiles.
The inside of the restaurant isn't too fancy which ignites a feeling of happiness inside Athena, she isn't all for fancy stuff so this is absolute perfection to her. Leaning in closer to Harry she intertwines her hand with his once she catches the lady at the front checking him out. Athena smiles at the lady as she inches a few more steps closer to him. Harry notices and smiles down at her whilst pushing some strands of her hair behind her.
Reaching the front her places one hand on the desk and the other arms wraps around Athena's waist his hand squeezing her gently.
"Réservation de Styles." Harry's deep voice speaks as removes his hand from the table sending the lady a smile as she leans back into Athena.
Athena's whole body has heated up from Harry's touch but she absolutely does not want him to let go, she likes his arm around her.
"Oui, une table pour deux à droite?" The lady says as she smirks at Harry, her eyes move down his body quickly before her brown eyes lock with his confused green ones. Harry nods his head and the lady motions for us to follow her.
Athena feels completely ecstatic being here in this small but some-what elegant restaurant with the one person she just cannot stop thinking about. Reaching the table Harry pulls out a chair cordially for Athena before seating himself down across from her. The lady smiles once more before walking off. Second later a waitress appears with her bright hair and a giddy smile on her face, Athena smiles at this.
She places down a menu and tells them both to wave her over once they have ordered.
"This place is so pretty Harry." Athena gushes as she looks around taking in the calming aesthetic of the place. Harry looks at her with adoration.
"Mhm it really is." He replies as his eyes stay locked on her beauty. So overwhelming to him, she is an angel a celestial being for he has never seen so much beauty in one person before.
"Harry you need to look around." She huffs with a smile and Harry's eyes snap from her and look around his cheeks heating up. Athena is right the place is very ataractic. He makes a mental note of thanking Louis later.
"So what do you want to order?" Athena grabs the menu her eyes frantically searching the listings of food and her mouth water. Harry shakes his head in amusement and grabs his menu looking over the listed foods. Moments pass and they have both decided on something to ear. They call over the waitress whose name is, Claire. After ordering she walks off.
"So do you happen to know French?" Harry looks to Athena as he asks, she smirks at him.
"Oui, vous pensez que je n'ai pas appris?" Athena gleefully replies with a giggle. Harry's eyes widen slightly before he smiles his heart-beating excessively fast and heat rushes through him. Her lips speaking the language of love and light, those words sound so much more ethereal coming from her lips her voice making it all sound so much more enticing.
"Désolé, vous le savez très bien, je suis impressionné." Harry responds, as he leans forward closer to the table.
"Eh bien toi aussi Curly." Athena leans forward her chin resting in the palm of her hand, her elbow resting on the table the soft clothing rubbing gently against her skin. Athena grins.
"Curly?" Harry chuckles.
"Yes Curly." Athena reaches forward respectfully and runs her hand through his hand quickly. Harry's eyes close for a mere second at her touch and he releases a content sigh. Leaning back she smiles at him.
"So what made you move to Paris?" She inquires as she grabs her glass filled with water and takes a sip from it her eyes locked on him. He stiffens at her question but forces himself to relax, Athena catches it.
"Nothing really bit just wanted change." Harry replies "What about you?" Harry retaliates.
"Here for the summer, my mother's a fashion designer and I'm studying to be one I'm here to see her collection and work." Athena answers. Harry's shoulders noticeably slump and his whole demeanor changes once Athena releases the fact that she is only here for the summer, he feels sadness wash over him as he blinks his eyes rapidly and looks down at the table before composing himself and looking back up at Athena who has a worried expression on her face she opens her mouth to speak but Harry cuts her off.
"A fashion designer? Do you think I've ever heard of her?" Harry inquires as he tries to hide his solemn tone. Breathing in heavily.
"Adair Designs." She replies awkwardly.
"Oh yes, my sister is so fascinated by your mother's work." Harry returns with a smile at the memory of his older sister.
"You have a sister?" Athena asks.
"Yes Gemma, she's a few years older than me." Harry responds.
"And how old are you exactly?" Athena wiggles her eyebrows as she giggles, Harry chuckles at her behavior and feels his stomach erupt in a thousand butterflies.
"Twenty-Three what about you Miss Adair?" He answers before questioning her with the same inquiry. Athena smile at the name.
"Twenty-One Mr Styles." She replies with a giddy tone.
Their conversation comes to a halt once Claire returns skillfully with their orders, placing Harry's in-front of him and then Athena's. They both thank her gratefully before digging into their food both of them very hungry. Harry takes a bite and looks up to see Athena carefully moving the peas and carrots to the side. This sight causes Harry to chuckle as his pointer finger and thumb reach up and play with his bottom lip stopping the chuckle and smirk. Athena heard it though and she looks up.
"What is so funny?" Athena sasses happily.
"The peas and carrots, they're good and they are most definitely good for you ma chérie." Harry's confidence gets the best of him and he releases that nickname, his eyes widen once he hears himself but Athena giggles and smiles at him. She loves it when he calls her that she wishes for him to only address by that name.
"Sure, I don't like them though." She carries on moving the peas and carrots causing Harry to shake his head with a smile on his perfect lips.
"So." Athena looks up as does Harry "What do you write in that book it is so fascinating to me, are you writing a story?" Athena questions. Harry blinks his eyes, his mind rushing back to a memory he had long forgotten he had pushed back so far in his mind and it has resurfaced. The way Athena asked that question even her tone somehow reminded him of her and he feels him body start to shake.
Athena looks to Harry with widened eyes and a confused but worrisome expression standing up quickly races to his side picking up his glass of water and placing it in-front of him as she rubs his back and whispers in his ear, "You're okay, I'm here you are okay." She kisses him on the cheek and rubs his back but Harry carries on shaking.
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