《Poet In Paris》Chapter Five
(French translation in the comments :))
Just once
I dream
Collapse into my arms
You will never fall to pieces
Ever again.
After Harry left the party, the time was around eight in the evening and the party had not yet come to a conclusion so Athena decided to converse with some of the guests before kindly excusing herself up to her room, with the excuse that she is feeling rather tired and quite tipsy.
Athena felt lonely and bored without her pretty mystery.
He is definitely a mystery to her. Athena thought being a pianist was his full-time job but she was put wrong when he told her that it is his hobby so she wonders what other talents does this angel of a man behold?
If being a pianist is merely a hobby to him then what is it that he really vastly enjoys to do? She knows he is a man of talents, she is excited to find out more but does not want to come off pushy so she will wait for him to answer however long it may take she is willing to wait eternities.
Athena funnily enough has never ever felt love before, she does not know how love works and how to personally know that it is love she feels. She has never put much thought into love though she does tend to indulge herself in a copious amount of romance novels and even from them she is not able to fully understand the meaning of love.
Let alone soulmates and true love she dismisses it even though deep down she knows she yearns for a feeling like that, even it is a little bit she wants it.
As of right now she is laid perfectly comfortable in her bed, arms across her stomach hands widely spread out as she looks at her bland ceiling. A flutter of butterflies erupt in her stomach as the thought of Harry enters her mind.
The way those magical lips spoke the word "Sweetheart." she grips her stomach as she recalls his deep voice saying the winsome name.
Closing her eyes she bites her lip as the curly haired, green eyed masterpiece flashes in her mind, tonight she is going to dream of him in the most precious way.
As Athena is soundly asleep most comfortable in her bed with the warmth covering her Harry is out. In the darkness and cold of the night he is sat on a wooden stool at some broken down bar with his hands wrapped around a glass of alcohol. He has downed his misery in the drinks, trying his hardest to block his mind of all thoughts.
He escaped England and came to France, Paris to live a new life a fresh life from the beginning to create a new name for himself and leave back all his past in England but it seems his past has followed him to his new-made haven.
Gulping down all that is left of his drink he goes ahead to raise his hand and call for another until a womanly voice disturbs him. Seated beside him she smiles before speaking up "Tu dois être très blessé de boire autant." Harry looks up from his drink to her. This woman is dressed nicely in a dress that compliments her very well, her makeup artistry done fantastically and her hair pined perfectly in all the right places though she is very beautiful Harry does not feel any attraction towards her.
Smile still present on her lips she speaks again, "Qu'est-ce qui te dérange?" Her voice is soft but not near enough as soft and harmonious as Athena's.
"Rien, je vou remerci." Harry replies his voice sounding more deep and now because of all the excessive drinking his voice is slurred adding to the deepness of it. The woman sat beside Harry seems to like his voice very much, her heart beating quicker as excitement fills her nerves.
"Si vous ne voulez pas parler, je peux vous aider d'une autre manière." Her voice has become more seductive and sultry as her hand so suddenly places itself on his knee and just as quickly starts to trail its way up to the middle of his thigh which when she reaches she grips before carrying on her trail. Harry stops her before she can do more.
"J'ai besoin d'aller désolé." Harry stands up quickly the stool screeching back he slaps some notes on the table before stumbling as promptly as possible out of the bar, into the night.
Athena can't sleep she has tried plenty amount of times to fall asleep, lavishly dream of who she wants to dream off but she is not able to so with a huff she gets out of bed and sorts out her shorts before slipping on her slippers and silently walking out her room hoping she doesn't wake anyone.
Arriving in the kitchen she warms herself some milk and takes a seat on one of the breakfast bar chairs calmly waiting for the milk to heat up. Warmed milk has always helped her sleep ever since she was a little girl.
As she awaits the sound of the elevator dings causing her to jump in complete shock and fright, with furrowed brows she stands turning the heat on the stove down to the lowest point she walks to the entrance.
He is stood just a step away from the elevator his hands in his hair as he looks to the ground, dressed in what he was wearing to the party. With bewilderment she looks to the clock hanging on the wall next to the side of the elevator.
1:47 AM.
Rushing to his side she grabs him from around his waist causing him to jump slightly. Looking up at her his expression softens and he smiles happily, he leans in closer to her. Deciding to hug her he wraps his arms around her and nuzzles his head into the crook of her warm neck, his hands are really cold causing shivers to arise on her stomach her night vest rising up a little exposing her stomach to his cold touch.
"Athena, pretty baby, ma chérie." Harry excitedly and very much loudly speaks into her neck, Athena giggles from the sensation of his lips brushing the skin of her neck before she realises what the time is.
"Harry shush please, what happened mon joli mystère? you are so drunk." Athena softly whispers into his ear as she runs her hand through his curls. He snuggles closer into her, he doesn't answer so she grabs his hand lacing hers and his together pulling away causing Harry to emphatically groan.
"Shush." She whispers in a chuckle. "Come on follow me Harry." She pulls Harry along towards the kitchen, entering in she with much struggle manages to seat Harry on one of the seats before racing over to the stove grabbing a glass and filing it with warmed milk.
Athena grabs a smaller glass and fills it with water half-way before reaching Harry seating herself next to him, the milk glass in-front of her. Once she is seated beside him he leans in closer with a sigh of contentment.
"Come on cuddly drink this." She grabs Harry's face lightly and pulls him up to look at her raising the glass and assisting him in drinking the water, sip at a time. After a few sips she gives up and puts the water down grabbing the milk and drinking it herself, Harry places his head on the table.
Athena ponders on the thought of why did he come here? She does not mind it at all, his coming here she is just surprised is all.
"I'm sleepy." He childishly states in a quieted whisper. He lifts up his head and looks to her, he really is very drunk. Quickly finishing of her glass of warm milk she places it down and grabs the water again.
"Only if you drink all of this." She orders gently.
Harry smiles tilting his head to the side before leaning in closer he opens his mouth slightly waiting for Athena to assist him, she releases a breath of air in a chuckle finding this situation very amusing. Shaking her head she raises the glass to his lips which he automatically wraps on the rim of the glass she tilts the glass a little causing the water to slowly go into his mouth.
After he has taken the last small sip of water she gently and slowly brings the glass away from his lips, her hand is wrapped around the glass so his lips momentarily brush against her hand causing her to snap her eyes down to the glass and then back up at him who is already watching her.
"Okay so you can stay in my room, we are adults after-all." She breathlessly declares as she stands up and places the glasses in the sink. Standing up she grabs Harry hands intertwining them as she leads them both carefully and noiselessly towards her room. Harry has sobered up a little now.
Once inside the room she races blindly in the darkness towards her bedside table and turns on the beside light turning back to Harry who has now rid himself of his pants and is unbuttering his shirt. Athena's eyes widen as she turns back around to the night lamp her cheeks flushing red, she did not expect that.
"Athena ma chérie please help me." Harry's deep voice speaks up, it is hushed and still a tad bit slurred. Breathing in and closing her eyes she thinks it over, we're adults she repeats continuously in her mind as she opens her eyes and turns around walking towards Harry coming to a stop when she in-front of him.
Her hand raises up to his buttons, her skin brushing his he looks to her with a tired smile. Athena brushes his hand away and starts to unbutton his shirt each button opened causes her fingers to brush against his heated chest. The night of the lamp shines at them, almost like a spotlight.
Her eyes squint when she sees the traces of black ink scattered across his toned chest, a butterfly and swallows and many more small tattoos.
"You have tattoos." She whispers in awe as she looks at them, unbuttoning the last button. He nods his head with a goofy smile before slipping of his shirt. He is now just in his black boxers.
"What do you think of them?" He mumbles.
"They're very artistic, you have a good eye." She smiles as she reaches her hand up without knowing she traces her finger along his butterfly tattoo. His skin is very warm. Harry flinches lightly from the gentle touch causing Athena to move her hand back. Harry grabs her hand tenderly and brings her finger back to his butterfly tattoo moving her finger with his hand wrapped around her hand over his tattoo, both of them breathing heavily.
Lost in the moment, with her hand exploring the many tattoos on his chest and his eyes at complete adoration at the sight of her.
The sound of the howling cold winds snaps both of these two back to reality, Athena steps back her hands locking themselves together as Harry looks to the window.
"We should get to sleep." She softly whispers as she walks over to the bed getting in and placing the duvet over her tired body. Harry walks towards the bed and seats himself down on the other side.
Thinking for a few moments. He can still feel her finger tracing the tattoos on the skin of his heated chest so tamely, so kindly and so lovingly.
"You can lay down, the bed is comfortable I assure you." Athena lightly chuckles, Harry turns to her with a nod and lays himself down under the bedsheet. Athena smiles before laying on her side turning off the lamp and engulfing the room in complete darkness.
Harry turns his body to the side and looks at her. He wants to touch her respectfully. He wants to be near her so he shuffles closer and waits a few moments before wrapping his arm around her waist, he can feel Athena's body stiffen for a mere second before she relaxes pleasantly into his body. Biting her lip and thinking in consideration she builds up the strength to place her hand a-top of his. Harry smiles at her action and shuffles much more closer his head burying itself into the back of her neck. Athena smiles.
The winds sway outside and the moonlight softly enters the room causing a small light to shine over the bed as these two fall deep into sleep wrapped up in each other.
The sun shines through the open curtains, Athena forgot to close them before falling asleep. The brightness of it causes her to squint her eyes in annoyance. A hand is gripping the skin of her stomach firmly but gently she breathes in before turning slowly to the side using this person to shield herself from the sunlight.
His exquisite green eyes are shut, curls spread across her cream colored pillow and features at complete relaxation his lips parted as small gasps of breathing passes out of them. She gets lost in his beauty, looking at him so serene and at peace she doesn't want to move from here.
Maybe staring at him with such intensity will engrave this sight before her permanently into her mind.
Harry turns his hands moving further up her stomach his body subconsciously shuffling closer to him. He has not slept beside someone in a long time, he does miss the feeling of waking up next to someone. Athena subliminally reaches forward and brushes the stray curl that has fallen onto his forehead moving it back and then she runs her hand through his hair, scratching lightly at scalp. When stirs in his movements his eyes blinking she quickly brings her hand back beside her with a tint of pink appearing on her lips.
His eyes open and the first thing they lay themselves upon is Athena, her brown hair sprawled about messily and a pink tint to her cheeks.
"How is it you are able to look a thousand times more beautiful each time I see you?" Harry whispers unknown to him he said those words out-loud causing Athena to giggle in shyness.
"It's a secret." She teases.
"Mhm." He hums lightly as he reaches forward and brings her much closer to him snuggling himself into her body.
"I need to get up, you do to." Athena groans as she places her hand a-top of his which is spaced out on her stomach, his thumb rubbing circles on the warm skin.
"No lets stay here it is comfortable." He grunts as he chuckles trying to persuade Athena by using his other hand to play with her hair twirling the long strands around his fingers. Athena sighs and leans her head back.
"It is nice but I'm hungry and food always comes first." Athena pushes Harry's hand off her stomach gently before standing up and walking towards the bathroom. Harry sprawls his body across her bed with a huge smile.
A true enchantress she is even more so in the mornings with the sun's light shining upon her enchantment.
In the kitchen Athena grabs two plates and places some eggs toast and a croissant on each plate with orange juice for herself and a black coffee for Harry. The sound of footsteps echo as Harry appears in the entrance of the kitchen dressed in the suit from last night, his hair wet from the shower he just had.
"Thanks for letting me shower." He softly says as he walks in and takes a seat on the chair, the same one as last night. His mind flashes with images of last night, the close proximity with Athena causing him to smile adoringly.
"It's no problem, the plate beside the black coffee is yours I remember you telling me you like that." She shyly mutters as she grabs her orange juice and seats herself beside Harry.
"Yes it is, thank you for this I really hope I wasn't a burden and that I didn't-." Harry's morning voice hasn't seemed to have warn of yet and the pure sound of the deepness and huskiness sends Athena into a wild frenzy.
"You were no trouble at all." She assures him with a small pat on his arm, Harry smiles before grabbing the cup and takes a sip of the drink sighing in delight.
"You make a great cup of coffee." He says with gratitude. Athena thanks him before they both fall into a small conversation.
The atmosphere around them entirely beautiful, these two seem to be growing rather close really quick.
After breakfast and a long conversation, Harry left with Athena beside him. He ran to to his apartment and changed clothes dressing himself in some comfortable clothes it is sunny out and warm. Athena is dressed in a creamy colored sundress, the winds cooling up some of the heat.
He told Athena of his great idea to show her his favorite place in Paris and she agreed with cheerfulness and pleasure as she grabbed her bag full of her sketchpad and some pens and pencils.
Now as they are seated under a tree the shade of it covering them from the vast heat and the blazing sun, the winds cooling them down only by a little. Harry sits leaning against the tree with his journal in his lap and pen gripped in his hand jointing down some idea. Athena is sat only a few steps from him sketchpad open and drawing him.
His favorite place is a field, a closed of field which is a bit overgrown but marvelous nonetheless. He likes the serenity and calmness this place brings him. The tall grass and the looming trees, the strikingly glorious flowers and the birds singing it is all such an inspiration him, for his poetry.
This place the mere twenty minutes Athena has been here has become her favorite place not only because of its superb beauty but the fact that Harry was able to show her it.
"It really is a beautiful place Harry." Athena whispers calmly as she looks around with a smile.
"Mhm most definitely." He serenely agrees, with his eyes locked on her.
She turns around and shuffles closer to him closing her sketchpad she seats herself really close next to him, her leg brushing his as he straightens up and looks to her with a soft glint in his precious eyes.
"What are you doing?" She lightly giggles.
"I'm writing." He reaches over and bops her nose with his pen.
"What do you enjoy writing?" She faintly inquires as she grabs the hair tie around her hair and goes to tie her hair up. Harry wraps his hand around her wrist bringing her hand down to beside her.
"I like your hair down." He tamely whisper.
Why must my cheeks blush each time Harry says anything? Athena grunts in her mind as she looks down trying to hide her heated cheeks.
"What do you do in that book of yours?" He jokingly inquires as he releases his hand from her hair and grips his journal.
"I draw, I'm not the best but It is fun." Athena breathes out in happiness.
"Drawing, well will I ever get to see them?"Harry confidently inquires with a smirk.
This is the first time he has smirked at Athena and she is most certain she has just seen a small sliver of devil in all his angelic being.
"Yes soon." She passionately answers.
"I will be looking forward to that." He says with tranquility in his voice, keeping his excited nerves at peace.
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