《Poet In Paris》Chapter Four
Meet me in the hallway
I ask her
So we can reveal our deepest
Desires to each other.
With a pencil grasped in her hands she faintly draws the outline of him.
Harry is sat on the bench in-front of the piano playing a soft tune with his beautiful emerald eyes closed todays motive was to have Athena learn half of can't help falling in love instead here they are seated separately with the passionate girl drawing him.
Athena has always loved drawing ever since she was a girl, the creativity and peace she feels when she has pencil clasped in her hold could never match to any other feeling that is until she met Harry and now being in the presence of him can definitely beat that feeling, a thousand times over it can.
He hums with the harmonious melody the rings on his fingers clashing with the keys the faster his fingers move along the piano. Athena brushes her long brown hair from her face and bites her lip narrowing her eyes on the smallest details of this quintessential man. The scratching of the pencil along the paper floats in with the melody of the piano.
Harry's humming increases in sound the symphony entering the atmosphere around Athena who looks up from the paper with a smile.
The sight ahead of her is one to capture, his body swaying from side to side without a care in the world, his fingers mastering a inventive melody so brilliant and the humming from his beautiful lips.
"Can you sing?" She delicately inquires, Harry opens his eyes looking to her with a smile.
"Mhm maybe." He cheekily replies causing Athena to tilt her head to the side her smile growing as if his words have just watered the seed that is her prepossessing smile.
"Sing something for me." She gently says placing her book with her half-done sketch beside her she stands up and walks towards him standing behind him she wraps her arms around his neck lightly and places her head on his shoulder.
"I might do, one day." He kindly replies his head knocking with Athena's, which is on his shoulder, lightly his curls tickling her causing her to giggle.
"I admire that sound." He softly whispers.
"What?" She breathlessly inquires.
"The laughing, giggling so melodic." He responds as he turns around and grabs her arm tenderly, pulling her down on the bench to seat beside her.
"Oh really, more than the sound of the piano?" She teases with a glimmer of mischief in her chocolate eyes.
"Hmm much more." He smiles, the dimples indenting his soft skin butterflies roaming her stomach resulting in Athena's cheeks to heat up and turn a bright color of pink.
Harry likes it when she blushes, makes her look even more beautiful than she already is and he likes that he is the one to make her blush.
Athena happily informed Harry of the party her mother is holding this evening, she invites Harry asking him to bring his friends as she would love to meet them. As of right now her mother's penthouse is filled with what seems like a million people rushing around and decorating the place, not that it needs much more decorating it already looks so elegant.
Acacia has been so busy lately that the past week her daughter has already spent in Paris went without even spending half a day with her, Athena tried he upmost hardest to speak to her mother about her best-friend Lola who is patiently waiting for an answer on whether she can make it here or not but with her mother being so busy she hardly can get a moment alone with her and in result of that she still has no answer to give Lola.
Her mother left her a majestically elegant dress this morning, well not herself but one of her workers. The dress is a dazzling gold with a slit going up her right leg the neckline is quite big with thin straps as for her shoes they are strappy heels which are also gold a lighter gold with a shiny shimmery look to it. As for makeup and all the rest her mother offered to get artists to do that but Athena kindly declined wanting to get ready herself.
Athena stands from her bed deciding now is the time to take a shower as if she waited till later on she would be behind schedule and therefore late. A knock vibrates at her bedroom door and she furrows her brows in confusion, her mother left this morning to sort things out regarding the party so who could it be?
"Athena it's me Veronica, can I come in?" Her voice echoes through the closed door. Athena sighs and walks to the door opening it and smiling shortly at her before moving out the way giving her enough room to enter inside.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" Athena inquires as Veronica takes a seat on her bed, looking around the room.
The room isn't exactly up to Athena's designing she is only here for a while, just for the summer then she we will return back to London and continue her fashion studies. The walls are an elegant gold with small intricate swirls the bed is huge with a light rosy colored duvet matching beautifully with the walls. At the side corner there is a mauve colored tiny couch and beside is a door leading into a walk-in-closet stacked with clothing her mother had sent over from her studio. On the other side of the room there is a bookshelf quite clear with only a few books lining it.
"Yes...actually no I just wanted to talk." Veronica sighs as she locks eyes with Athena who avoids eye contact at all cost.
"I know this is not what you came to Paris for and I'm sorry if I have disappointed you in anyway at all, I really do love your mother she is the epitome of magnificence and-."
"I'm not disappointed." Athena whispers as she takes a seat beside Veronica. "This was unexpected for sure but I am not disappointed, I guess I just thought my parents would work it out." She twists her fingers nervously as she looks to the ground.
"Your mother is really happy Athena." Veronica declares in a hushed tone.
"I know." She looks up with a small smile.
After Veronica left Athena rushed to the bathroom and had a shower, spending longer than needed in there as she allowed herself to think for a while. Athena is most surely so happy that her mother has found someone and found herself that is all she could ever ask for. Her family's happiness however she is saddened at the thought of her father even he had a small sliver of hope that it could work out.
Now all dressed up with her hair curled to perfection and make-up carefully ameliorated, her golden dress latching to her skin exquisitely accentuating each curve making her look even more marvelous than she already appears to be. Seated on the bed she bends down and straps her heels onto her feet standing up she walks over and grabs the dangly earrings putting them on and spraying herself with some perfume before taking in a deep breath.
The party started just over twenty minutes ago, it started at 6 and now it is 6:22 pm.
Putting on some lip-gloss she sorts out her hair bringing it over both her shoulders and then she opens the door to the room and suddenly is hit with graceful music and the chattering of many conversations. Walking down the stairs with her hand on the railing she tilts her head to the side to get a full scan over the room, Harry isn't here yet. Her stomach falls with desolated feeling, hopefully he does make it here she really wants him here.
The past three days she has spent with Harry have been nothing less of spectacular, she enjoyed each second of it. Both of these two people, even if they will not admit it, are becoming very close to each other and maybe even feelings are arising.
Harry would never admit to having feelings as he disregards love, it is a bit silly as being a poet usually does surround some sort of romantic feelings or if not the belief in love at least but he does not and well for Athena she can get confused really quickly if to feeling a certain something for someone it would bewilder her and that could cause her to rethink nearly everything.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs she grabs a champagne glass as one of the waitstaff walk by thanking him in a whisper before taking a sip of the drink.
"Athena dear come here." Her mother's voice rushes as she grabs her daughters hand and drags her towards a group of people all looking at her with smiles which she awkwardly returns.
"Meet Savannah, Evelyn and Jacob." Her mother happily introduces these three as her close working staff.
"It's lovely to meet you Athena your mother does not stop talking about you." Savannah cheers with delight as she takes a sip from her alcoholic drink, fancy alcohol of course her mother never goes for anything less.
"Thank you, lovely to meet you all." She replies her eyes wandering towards the elevator entrance, her nails pattering against the glass as she bites her lips impatience getting the best of her.
It's 6:35 pm.
"Athena darling." Veronica's voice ecstatically shouts her name, Athena turns around and her eyes lock with Veronica dressed in a white long dress her hair pinned up beautifully and a large necklace adorning her neck.
"Veronica you look beautiful." Athena compliments with a smile.
"Thank you my precious, I would love for you to meet Mr. Charleston and his son Sebastian." Veronica joyfully says as she points to the two men stood beside her. Mr. Charleston is dressed in a grey suit his hair combed back with a bit too much hair product, a small beard growing on his face the man stood beside him looks to be about close to Athena's age dressed in a blue button up and some black jeans his hair is a lighter brown and his eyes a bright blue.
"Ah, so this Athena you are certainly a sight for sore eyes." Mr. Charleston speaks up in his low gruff voice.
"Yes thank you and you must be Mr. Charleston lovely to meet you." Athena awkwardly says forming her lips into a line afterwards.
"Please address me as Tony." He forwards his hand towards her and she some-what uncomfortably extends her hand quickly shaking his and then brining it back to her side.
"This is my son Sebastian." Mr. Charleston pushes his son lightly towards a rather wide-eyed Athena who shuffles away lightly trying to make her movement go unnoticed but Veronica notices and gives Athena a weird confused glance.
As Sebastian open his mouth to speak the elevator opens with a sound causing Athena to turn her head so quick the wind could be knocked out of her, a huge smile appears on her lips as her eyes meet Harry dressed in a white button up and black pants a blazer on top of the shirt his curly hair combed but look so damn soft. A man stands beside him with brown hair dressed in a black button up black pants and a navy colored blazer but her eyes focus back on Harry, he looks so charming.
"I'm sorry will you excuse me." Athena apologizes sincerely and the rushes of towards Harry.
His bewildered gem-like green eyes look around the room, so many people stood wearing such extravagant pieces of clothing so much music and so much chatter. He suddenly feels so out of place amongst all these people. Turning his head his eyes land on Athena in all her angel like beauty, looking absolutely breath-taking. Dressed in a complimenting gold dress, the slit revealing the tanned soft skin Harry feels the sudden urge to run his hands over.
"You made it." She breathlessly says with a twinkle of happiness in her eyes.
"I did, you did invite I couldn't turn you down." He replies with a soft tone.
"Thanks for coming." She gleefully says her smiling largening.
"This is Louis." Harry pats the man beside him on the back causing him to turn around his vivid prominent ocean eyes scan over her.
"You didn't tell me she's this beautiful." Louis nudges Harry resulting in Harry grunting in irritation, he should have never brought Louis he is regretting it now.
"Thank you Louis, you're not so bad looking yourself." Athena jokes causing Harry to glare at Louis.
"I need a drink." Louis sighs heavily before walking over into the room leaving Harry and Athena alone, like Harry ordered Louis to do just before they entered the party.
"Come on I'm assuming you would like a drink to." She giggles before grabbing his hand, intertwining it and walking them both to the party, she grabs a drink for Harry and passes it him and then grabs herself one as she finished the other one before.
Athena latches her hand with Harry's again and walks them both towards the quieter area of the room next to the piano.
"You look breathtaking." Harry gently whispers into Athena's ear his breath sending shivers through her as she shyly smiles. Turning to him with a pinkish cheeks and a cheeky smile.
"Did I manage to take your breath away?" She questions as she takes a sip of her drink.
"Most definitely you did sweetheart." Harry clamps his mouth shut once the word leaves his mouth looking away avoiding eye contact with the very surprised Athena.
"Thanks handsome." She responds as she leans up and places a tender kiss to his cheek resulting in Harry's hand tightening around the glass of champagne and his breathing to increase.
"How about you play some piano for us?" She tamely whispers into his ear. He looks to her with a smile and nods his head. Athena rushes over and shuts off the music approaching Harry who is now sat on the cushioned seat in-front of the very expensive looking piano. Acacia looks to her daughter from across the room with widened eyes and a tad bit of annoyance on her features as all the guests turn to look to Harry who now thinks this is a very bad idea.
He only agreed because she suggested it and he can never turn down Athena.
"You can do this Harry." Athena gently hushes as she takes in his nervous features, even though he plays at a restaurant in-front of many people he just feels a sudden spark of anxiousness playing here.
Harry puts up the case and instantly starts to play a treasure worthy melody his eyes closing and his body succumbing to the harmony a small smile playing on his kissable lips. Athena stands beside him with a huge smile, the mere sight of him gets her heart beating so fast and her stomach fluttering with a thousand butterflies.
Acacia pulls Athena away as Harry plays his eyes still closed.
"What is he doing? in-fact who is he?" Athena's mother scolds with wide eyes.
"He's Harry and doesn't he play so well just listen so melodic isn't it?" Athena gushes with glimmers in her eyes.
"Harry who?" Athena's mother rushes.
"Does it matter mother, just listen." Athena smiles as she locks eyes with Acacia she goes to open her mouth again and scold her daughter when one of her close investors approaches her.
"He plays brilliantly Acacia." The man compliments with a smile.
Athena smiles to her mother and walks back towards Harry who opens his at her arrival.
"You sound so great." She mouths to which he returns with a nod and a shy smile.
Moments go by and Harry finishes of the song standing up and closing the case of the piano he grabs his drink before looking to Athena with a grateful smile the music starts to play again. Many people approach Harry and introduce themselves to him, he has never spoken to so many people at once before this is all so overwhelming to him.
"So Harry what do you do other than being a pianist any hobbies?" Athena kindly inquires as she leads Harry out onto the balcony of this huge penthouse.
"Being a pianist is my hobby." Harry replies as he takes a large sip from his drink swallowing it down and turns to look to Athena.
Oh how gorgeous she looks amongst the night sky and it's remarkably bright stars Harry thinks.
"Really so what do you do?" She asks with interest.
"Maybe I'll tell you one day." He responds with a mischievous smile.
"You do keep a lot of secrets I wonder what if you are a murderer?" She jokes.
"If I was I wouldn't murder you." Harry teases with some-what seriousness in his tone causing Athena to look to him with a surprised expression.
"Why wouldn't you?" She inquires quietly.
"Because you're too beautiful." He gently whispers as he reaches over and brushes a strand of her curly hair which has floated in-front of her face from the rushing winds. His fingers brush her cheeks, they heat up as she locks eyes with him who glances down at her lips resulting in her cheeks heating up more. Harry tucks her hair behind her ear and cups her cheek.
"You really are beautiful." He whispers as he leans in closer to her.
As Harry leans in further he comes to a stop when Louis frantic voice disturbs them he enters the balcony with wide eyes and hectic nerves.
"Harry we got to go." Louis frantically orders as he looks to his best-friend with wide eyes.
Harry steps back with furrowed brows and confusion. Athena instantly misses the way his touch feels on her skin as she breathes in and looks to Louis. Harry opens his mouth to question him but Louis interrupts him.
"Don't question me, he is here lets go." Louis snaps.
Harry's jaw clenches and his hands ball into fists beside him as his breathing becomes quick and labored. He turns to look to Athena his darkened eyes softening at the sight of her enchantment.
An enchantress she is.
"I have to go, I'll miss you." He speaks as he leans his and kisses her cheek, Athena's eyes widening and her breathing increasing her stomach exploding in a thousand hectic butterflies and her heart warming.
He's drunk. Three glasses of Champagne.
"And I'll miss you." She softly replies back going along with him as she knows she will probably see him tomorrow.
Turning to look to Louis, "Is everything okay?" She worriedly inquires.
"Yes Athena don't worry you're pretty mind." Louis answers kindly as he grabs Harry's hand. Harry smacks Louis head once he realizes that Louis called Athena pretty causing Athena to laugh at his adorableness in a reality she hopes that there is nothing wrong and everything is fine.
And most of all she wonders who he is? and why Louis seemed so frantic and Harry's happy mood changed so quick at the mention of this person.
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