《Poet In Paris》Chapter Seven
(French Translation in the comments.)
Her kiss is fire
Melting all the fears I had in me
Her kiss is magical
I want to write about it for
Athena's night sleep was celestial, she slept peacefully the kiss Harry and her shared brightened up her whole night. Last night Athena took Harry home and he offered for her to stay but she had to decline as she was getting bombarded with calls and texts from her mother though she really wanted to stay the night and cuddle with Harry to kiss him some more.
Tightening the laces on her nude colored heeled boots Athena gets out of the car, her summer dress swaying beautifully in the winds the sun shining gracefully upon her skin lighting her up like an angel.
Acacia decided to bring her daughter along with her to work today and Athena filled with excitement joined. As of right now her day is going splendidly well, she gets to see her mother's new winter collection and Harry invited her out to lunch which just fuels her already hyperactive excited emotions.
Stepping inside the work place her eyes rush around the building filled with countless amounts of workers all rushing and doing their respective jobs. Athena stays standing beside her mother.
Acacia turns to her with a small smile, "I need to go meet up with the sales assistants which I'm sure you'll find quite boring so you go ahead and explore." Her mother informs her. As Athena is about to answer a girl with pretty haircut and brunette hair, her height about 5'6 and her eyes are covered with a black sunglasses books and books held tightly in her hand.
"Ayesha, come here sweetie." Acacia kindly calls out. Ayesha is one of Acacia's best artists, with Acacia being so busy with meetings and all other things she does not get much time to sketch so she will talk with her artists and explain the sketches and have brief drawings which the artists will expand on and will then help the fabrics department. Acacia does miss designing herself and she cannot wait to get back to it.
"Yes Acacia." Ayesha speaks her voice filled with a tiresome tone.
"This is my daughter Athena, please show her around take her to the arts department." Acacia doesn't wait for Ayesha's reply as she is in a hurry to get to the sales assistants rushing past elegantly she waltz off.
"Hi." Athena happily says, Ayesha smiles kindly.
"So you into fashion?" Ayesha inquires as she begins walking towards the arts department, the building is beautiful so clean and shiny. The front desk has flowers at the side and workers behind it who are all fast away at work, the ground floor is filled with people all rushing about papers and books held in hand dressed formally. Athena falls into line with Ayesha.
"Yes, I love the vibrancy you can create with fashion." Athena answers truthfully.
"And you always wanted to be an fashion artists, you know sketch fashion?" Athena quizzes with curiosity.
"No not really, this isn't a bad job it's fun." Ayesha responds as she walks up to the elevator pressing the button and awaits for the it to open, when it does they both get in and Ayesha presses the button to the arts department.
"So what is you want to be, if not this?" Athena asks with interest turning her whole body sideways to look at Ayesha.
"An artist, a proper artist not saying my co-workers and I are not but I want to be a famous one." Ayesha replies softly with her eyes fixated on her reflection in the mirror of the elevator.
"What do you like to draw?" Athena questions as she looks down at her painted nails, she painted them a coffee nude brown color.
"People." Ayesha answers with a smile, the ding of the elevator door sounds as they both step out Athena follows Ayesha through the masses of people walking around the department.
"This is also the fabrics department, it's huge they are linked together." Ayesha shouts a little from the noise created by the shuffling of the many people.
"This is so spectacular." Athena states as she looks around with wide fascinated eyes.
"It is." Ayesha laughs as she walks around, making sure that Athena is following behind.
Walking through an arch they enter into a another space equally big like the other this place is much quieter, people at work sat at big desks mannequins all around the room as fabrics lay messily either on the mannequins or the desks. Sketch books open, huge pieces of paper and fashion magazines scattered about.
On the far end wall reads a humongous sign, Athena smiles largely as she reads it.
"This is my work space." Ayesha pats her massive work space, it is messy with scattered papers, pens, brushes and all other artistic equipment. "We love it when Acacia comes in here to work with us, she rarely does anymore so busy with all these meetings." Ayesha giddily says as she sorts out her work space placing her books down on the desk and opening them flicking through.
"I'm sure she misses it." Athena whispers in response as she carries on looking around all kinds of people in here, men and women and it warms her heart. Athena cannot wait for when she can start to work here beside her mother and then one day become the boss of this place, do what her mother does and do it up to her standards.
"Do you draw?" Ayesha asks with interest as she shuffles through some papers looking up every now and then.
"Yes but I'm probably not near enough as good as you." Athena giggles with her reply.
Ayesha looks up with furrowed brows and a small smile, "How do you know if I'm any good?" Ayesha jokes. Athena looks down at the desk and sees a piece of paper hanging out the edge of one of her sketch books it does not look like a fashion sketch rather a beautiful drawing, she can tell from the hair that is peeking from the book that the drawing is a person.
Athena reaches forward and grabs it lightly, placing in-front of both of them gently making sure she doesn't rip the fabulously artistic drawing.
"Well that just proves my point." Athena points at the drawing with astonishment.
"Thanks but-." Ayesha gets cut off by an eager Athena.
"No buts at all Ayesha that is a fucking amazing drawing, so detailed, precise and so life-like it is so wholesome." Athena declares with passion as she looks at it, Ayesha picks it up and hides it away in one of the drawers of the large desk.
"Thank you, do you have any drawing on you right now?" Ayesha sways the conversation having never liked the attention to be on herself for too long.
"No not right now but we are friends now right?" Athena shyly inquires Ayesha nods her head with a subtle smile "So maybe we can just draw together one day, mother has a drawing room at home and you can come over it'll be peaceful." Athena suggests excitedly.
"Sure when?" Ayesha is excited and she tries to hide it but fails miserably.
"Uhh..Today is Tuesday so how about Saturday?" Athena suggests.
"Yes Saturday. Time?" Ayesha asks as she grabs her pencil and starts shading in a sketch carefully her hand so steady.
"Well the room has huge arched windows which let in the sunlight and it looks so splendidly beautiful in the early morning and you can see the Eiffel tower from one of the windows so maybe around early morning how about nine-ish AM." Athena rambles as Ayesha nods her head signaling that she is listening.
"That is perfect." Ayesha smile.
The morning goes on like this Athena and Ayesha talking about art, fashion and lots of other things becoming fast friends. The time rolls close to lunch time as Athena starts to feel happiness seep in she is so overly thrilled to see Harry, she misses him.
The workers halt their movements for second and Athena turns around with confusion her eyes landing on her mother, "Please do carry on working you are all so great." Acacia greets them as she walks to her daughter.
"Lunch come on Veronica has invited us, she has guests with us today." Acacia orders sweetly.
"Wait mother I can't." Athena whispers as she walks behind her mother after waving Ayesha goodbye.
Once in the elevator and away from other people Acacia turns to her daughter with annoyance, "What do you mean?" She seethes.
"I mean I have lunch plans." Athena answers in a whisper.
"Well now you don't." Acacia snaps, the meeting with the sales assistants was so overly stressful she has been put in a foul mood.
"I- please mum Harry invited me so kindly and I already agreed." Athena whines with pleading eyes as her breathing quickens in anxiousness.
"I'm sorry you rarely spend time with me or my fiancé, you are coming and that's it." The elevator door open with that same ding sound and Acacia speed walks out towards the exit the fancy car parked outside, the driver opens the door and Acacia gets in.
Athena feels her exuberated feeling flatten as she gets into the car with a huff.
Arriving at the small but rather expensive looking lunch place Athena gets out and motions to her mother that she needs to make an important call. Acacia rolls her eyes and enters in leaving her daughter outside in her floral long dress the sun shining magnificently. Dialing Harry's number her heart-beating against her chest, she doesn't want to let him down.
"Ma chérie, where are you Louis brought Danica?" Harry asks with a worrisome tone. Athena feels her elevated happiness demolish even more.
"I can't make it mon joli mystère, mother won't let me she wants me to have lunch with her and her fiance." Athena solemnly replies. Harry chuckles at the other end of the call causing Athena to frown in bewilderment.
"What is so funny?" Athena snaps.
"Comme j'aimerais pouvoir voir cette expression agacée sur ton beau visage." He softly says his voice calming her instantly "Je passerais mes doigts dans vos cheveux pour vous apaiser." The words make her cheeks erupt in a warmth and turn noticeably pink.
"I love it when you speak French." Athena gently says as she smiles hugely.
"Then I shall speak to you in French, come over tonight." Harry states.
"Yes definitely, I got to go." She says goodbye lovingly and ends the call clutching her phone to her chest as she smiles, her teeth biting her bottom lip as she feels flutters in her stomach no matter how many times she hears his voice no matter how old it could get she always feels in heaven when he speaks especially in French.
Language of Love and Light.
Entering the lunch place she walks forward and sees her mother who is waving her over frantically an overly large smile on her face, where did all her irritation go to?
Smiling as she walks past the other people seated in this small little expensive café place, all looking to her for some unknown reason as she repeats in her mind not to trip over. When she reaches the far back table which is quite big she remembers Veronica invited some guests. Her eyes can finally see the whole table and they widen she feels infuration arise in her.
Sebastian and Mr. Charleston.
Mr. Charleston at the head of the table, mother and Veronica on one side and Sebastian on the other with a seat free beside him. Obviously her mother planned it like this, or was it Veronica These past days since the party Veronica has only talked to Athena about Sebastian and Sebastian and Mr. Charleston and how wealthy they are. There is a pattern arising.
Taking a seat beside Sebastian Athena settles in with a sigh looking ahead to Veronica and her mother with annoyance.
"Athena looking beautiful as ever." Mr. Charleston speaks up breaking the very evident tension, Athena turns to him with a smile.
"Thank you Mr. Charleston." Athena kindly replies, Mr. Charleston raises his eyebrows and shakes his head in disapproval. Athena sighs unnoticeably before correcting herself "Thank you Tony." Mr. Charleston smiles happily as he grabs his drink and gulps it, rather masterly.
The adults begin to talk as a waitress brings some lunch for Athena, she smile and thanks her politely before digging in to her food.
"So how long are staying here?" A deepened voice inquires beside her Athena quickly swallows her food before looking to him his light brown hair neatly styled and his vibrant blue eyes looking to her with a tint of mischief.
"I'll be leaving at the end of the summer." Athena answers warmly.
"A shame." Sebastian mutters.
"Yes it really is." She retaliates back.
Athena bites into the salad and chews on it quietly getting lost in her thoughts which happen to include a very beautiful striking person with soft curls and emerald gem-like eyes, so angelic so perfect and so consuming. Athena cannot wait for this lunch to be over so she can go to him and kiss him again, the kiss last night at the dinner is so incomparable his lips are the best she's ever kissed, he is the greatest. Her joli mystère.
"You seem to be in a daze Athena darling." Mr. Charleston chuckles, the sound of his voice and her name being spoken pulls her out of her wonderous thoughts.
"Yes sorry." She confusingly inquires.
"I asked how do you find this place?" Mr. Charleston repeats with a chuckle.
"It's nice, good." She replies as she bites into more salad.
"Nice? Good?" Sebastian laughs beside her, causing Athena to angrily stare at him.
She wants to go to Harry.
"It is a shame Athena is leaving at the end of the summer." Mr. Charleston says with an undertone of sadness, Athena tries not to pull a confused and rather terrified expression on her features just biting into more salad to hide it.
"It is." Acacia answers as she looks to Tony Charleston with furrowed brows, Veronica however does not seem fazed by it not even a little.
"What do you study back in London dearest?" Her carries on speaking, Sebastian's father as he looks to Athena with some glint in his eyes which causes her to shuffles away. It goes unnoticed to the adults but Sebastian sees and looks to her with bewilderment and irritation.
"Fashion, I take a fashion degree." Athena replies sweetly, trying not to run out of this place and into the comforting arms of Harry.
"Ah yes, want to become a fashion designer like your talented mother here?" Mr. Charleston points to Acacia with a smirk on his face.
"Yes that's right." Athena awkwardly answers stuffing a big piece of salad and chicken into her mouth and then grabbing her orange juice and gulping it down. Pushing back her chair she looks to Veronica. All eyes on her, each one surprised and confused.
"Veronica mother can ride home with you right? I'm taking the car I came here with." Athena rushes as she pleads to her. Veronica goes to decline and ask her to sit back down but Acacia intervenes and smiles pleasantly to her daughter.
"Go on take the car, Veronica darling I will go with you." Acacia gently urges her daughter to go.
"Of course." Veronica smiles leaning into kiss Acacia's cheek.
Athena sighs in happiness before turning around quickly and racing out of the café, weirdly enough all eyes on her again.
Arriving outside Harry and Louis's place she thanks the driver with a huge smile and some sweet words before racing inside and up the stairs to excited to wait for the elevator. Her nude heels clicking as she races speedily up the steps. Outside the door she halts for a moment staring at it as she catches her breath and then once ready she excitedly knocks on the door, twice.
Athena patiently awaits for it to open and when it does an immense smile lands on her face as she takes in Harry. Dressed in a comfortable white shirt and some brown pants she leans in and presses a kiss to his cheek.
"You made it." Harry happily squeezes her waist.
Walking in, Harry closes the door and locks it behind him before turning to look at her again. Athena is stood looking inside Harry feels self-conscious as his place is not near enough as extensive as the place at which she resides in.
"I know it's not much and-" Harry begins in a whisper, Athena cuts him off with a glare.
"It's perfect, I love how comfortable and homely it is here." Athena says gently as she reaches up and cups his cheeks rubbing her thumb lightly across his heated cheeks.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to lunch." Athena apologizes with kindliness. Harry reaches up cupping her cheek in his warm huge hand.
"Ne t'inquiète pas pour ça belle, tu es là maintenant." Harry says his voice deepening to the most quintessential level causing her heart to dance and stomach to blaze with love-struck butterflies.
"Speak more French to me." Athena giggles as she shuffles out of his hold and races to the couches, jumping herself onto one of them as she cuddles into the cozy seating.
Harry stands awe-struck for a moment as he watches her sitting on his couch with her beautiful brown hair down and in wavy curls, messy but somehow so contained, framing her celestial face and accentuating her divine features.
"Harry quit staring and come sit with me, wanna cuddle." Athena whines as she looks to him with a pleading soft twinkle in her chocolate wholesomely fascinating eyes. He could stare at them for hours, days and years, he would never get bored.
He walks over and seats himself down, Athena tilts her head with annoyance and then grabs his arm and pulls him closer until he could practically be glued to her. "Better." Harry teases.
"Much." Athena replies as she leans in and kisses his cheek.
Athena and Harry indulge into a conversation.
"You said that...you..uh....are going back home after summer." Harry states, refreshing both their minds. Athena takes in his saddened expression as much as he tries to hide it she can see that he seems really hurt by the fact she'll be gone soon, he really fucking likes her.
"I am, need to finish my fashion degree just one more year to go." Athena answers "And I'll be back in Paris to join my mother in Adair Designs." She reassures Harry by raising his hand to her lips peppering a thousand tiny loving kisses to his soft skin.
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