《Adopted by Gerard Way {Completed}》Home sweet home


We walked through the front door, Gerard toured me around the house, then led me to my room.

"You can start decorating your room, and I'll make lunch. The band will be over in an hour." Gerard said, giving me a hug.

I began to take my posters out and began to place them around my room. Around 40 minutes later, dad(Gerard) came in.

"Wow, you're a big fan of my band, well what was a band but soon..." I heard him mumble at the end. "What was that dad?" "Oh nothing, you'll see later."

Knock knock

Gerard let the guys in and introduced me to them.

"Mikey, Frank and Ray, meet my daughter, your niece, Chloe. Chloe, meet you're Uncle Mike, "Uncle" Frank and "Uncle" Ray." After that, we exchange numbers.

Their contact names where:

Ray = Sunshine

Frank = Frankyo (Pronounced Frank-ee-o)

Mikey = Moikey

~Gerards POV~

"Ok boys we need to talk about the reunion."

-In Chloe's head-

Wait... Reunion

-Back into irl-

~Still Gerard POV~

I looked over at Chloe, she was trying so hard not to fangirl.

"Oh yeah boys, Chloe is a huge fan of our band, Chloe you can go into you're room and fangirl into your pillow if you want."

Within seconds she sprant into her room, closing the door and screening in excitement. The boys and I laughed.

We planned the reunion and Chloe came out of her room. "Ok Chloe, promise us you'll tell NO ONE about this, ok? I asked her. "Cross my heart, hope to die, burn my lungs and curse my eyes." It went quite then Frank just sung the chorus of Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco. "Oh yeah, we are also going to a Panic! at The Disco concert this Saturday." I smiled like an idiot watching her go into her room and fangirl... Again.


~Chloe's POV~

(In head)

OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDD IM GOING TO SEE THE ONE AND ONLY, BRENDON BOYD URIE! wait... Gerard- I mean dad said this Saturday... Today's Thursday... Oh my I need to pick an outfit!

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