《Adopted by Gerard Way {Completed}》A New Life


As the sun shone through the window, I woke up to the sound of a familiar voice, but couldn't put my finger on it. I threw on black jeans, a blue Gerard Way shirt and a pair of black Converse​.

Being curious, I grabbed my phone and pretended I was walking to the bath room but as soon as I got to the reception desk, I was faced by my bully. Emily, she'd make fun of my MCR merch and music I'd listen to.

"Hey weirdo, that dude on your shirt is nearly as ugly as you!" Emily laughed.

"Oh yeah, at least he's not as annoying as you" I shot back.

But then a males voice took over the room.

"Ladies, ladies. Calm down, I think that fella is kinda handsome, don't you think?"

I looked up to see Gerard Way 7 metres away from me. I fangirled, grabbed my phone and asked for a picture. He said "Why do you want a picture if you're gonna see me everyday." I took me a second to realize what he meant. "Madam, I've decided who I want to adopt." I froze like a statue then smiled, he smiled back. "So what's your name?" He asked "I- I'm Chlo- Chloe... IM LIKE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" I blurted out. He chuckled then opened his arms, I was so happy, I walked up to him and we hugged.

"Miss Chloe, if you want to go home with Mr Way, I'd recommend you packing you're stuff up and getting ready to leave." The desk receptionist said. I ran upstairs into my room, stuffed all my clothes into a huge duffel bag, I took my posters down and rolled them up putting them in the front pocket. "Good bye old life, hello new life."


I walked down stairs. "Ready to go?" "Yup!" Gerard took my bag and we left the center. "So Gera-" he cut me off. "Call me dad, but you do what makes you feel right for now." He explained. "Ok, this is going to be weird calling my number 1 idol dad, but anyway I have soooo much questions!" I squeeled. "Knock ya self out" looking over at me. "Ok so is Ferard real?!" I fangirled. "It was..." He stopped in silence "But I don't need Frank when I have you." With the biggest smile on his face. "You're going to love this new life, and to be honest with you, you'll love the house and you're bedroom. And as a welcome gift, I bought you speakers,

Also the band is at my place, we might be getting back together" By now I was fangirling so much, we sang na na na the whole ride home.

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