《Adopted by Gerard Way {Completed}》Brendon writes sins, not tragedies.


Beep beep beep

Ughhhh I rolled over to turn my alarm clock off. It was 10 am Saturday. OMG I'm seeing one if my idols in about 9 hours. (Concert starts at 7 pm) I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, welcomed by the laughter of Gerard and Mikey and the smell of pancakes.

"I never you cooked Mike!"

"I can't, I'm just reading the recipe... Ok why does that remind of that one episode of Lazy Town where they are cooking?" Mikey asked.

"IIII dunno" Gerard said while sipping his coffee.

~Time pass to 4 pm cuz I'm lazy~

I just woke up in Mikey room on Mikey. We were playing GTA5 and I guess we fell asleep, well he was awake so more like I fell asleep on him. I checked the time, it was 4 pm. I went into my room and got dressed in a black crop top, black jeans and black converes. I know. Very black. I went to the bath room to find Gerard using my eyeliner.

"Sorry chlolow(chlo-low) I ran out of eyeliner so I'm using yours, but don't worry I'm nearly finished."

He then handed it to me, I didn't go too over bored with eyeliner. I put a light coat of black-grey eyeshadow and finished the look with red lipstick. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail.(dark brown hair)

~Gerard's POV~

My daughter came out of the bathroom. She was stunning. Even Mikey's jaw dropped but I quickly nudged him. We hoped in the car and went to the concert.

~Gerard's POV ends. Chloe's POV starts~

The concert just ended and we went back stage. There he was. BrEnDoN UrIe. "Ay Brendon, meet my daughter,Chloe." Gerard introduced me to Brendon. We talked and talked until Brendon took my phone and put his number in my contacts. "You're pretty cool Chloe, we should hang out sometime." Brendon said. oh maaa laaawd I have Brendon number! It was now like 11pm so we decided to head home, Gerard was driving and to my surprise, Mikey decided to sit next to me in the back. We played ispy, which was hard considering it was pitch black.


I woke in my bed. The last thing I remember was playing ispy with Mikey. "Morning my beautiful zombie." As Gerard walked in and Mikey was laughing his life away. "What's so funny?" "Well... You kinda fell asleep on the way home and when we got home, I carried you to bed." Mikey explained.

I got up to the bathroom and washed my makeup off.

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