《Castle of Dragons || Lloyd Garmadon X Reader》𝕮.6: ʙᴇʏᴏɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ'ꜱ
“ᴍᴀɴ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴꜱ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ʜᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏꜱᴇ ꜱɪɢʜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜᴏʀᴇ”
– ᴀɴᴅʀᴇ ɢɪᴅᴇ
Y/N's P.O.V
I was currently hiding out in a tower avoiding the crowd that was looking for me. I could almost sense that it wasn't looking to good for me. I'm sure Ray and Maya were worried, probably wanting me alive and just to be safe. But the others, Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd...
Who knew really. I had already kept being trained from them and now they know I have powers. It was quite the dilemma.
Literally the whole Castle was looking for me. The Knights, the actual Royal Guards, the former Masters, the staff, and who knows who else is out looking for me. There were alot of Guards outside on the barrier walls making sure I didn't get out, so escaping wasn't an option until I had a decent plan. Which I was working on while also dodging everyone. I had even in this tower for a good amount time and no one was close or even getting close to this closed off - slightly restricted - area.
It was the Elemental Masters I was worried about. Especially Mind and Speed. I used the trick Ray had taught me, which he learned how to do once becoming his friend, on how to block the power of the Mind. I'm sure Ray is regretting his decision to teach me that now.
"Come to me"
What the fuck was that.
No seriously, what was that very scratchy sound. That said for me to come to it.
Slightly panicking, I ducked behind one of the many crates in the room, trying to hide. Was that Neuro? It didn't sound like him.
"I am waiting for your return, Princess"
Full on panicking now. Don't know where it's coming from or who it actually is saying that phrase but it definitely isn't good and it does not take a genius to come to that realization.
Who knows if it was my savior or my fate but Nya and Nova just poofed into the room. I was still hidden, but Nova and her little poofs are going to be the death of me - unless this mystery voice gets me first.
"Y/N?" Nova whispered loudly. I stayed as quite as I could, trying to regain my breath while doing so.
It was taunting me now. I stealthy hid behind more crates and a sheet that was over a really big one with a Dragon and a shield on it. Despite my better judgement, I covered my ears and closed my eyes in hopes it will go away.
It kinda worked, for the voice. Not so much for the 2 girls in the room.
"I wouldn't exactly call this I hiding place." Nya said, raising a brow while looking down at me. I let out a slight gasp and rushed to my feet.
"Y/N we are not here to bring you to anyone! We just want answers and to help you." Nova tried to reason.
"I cannot face them! Or go anywhere near anyone right now!" I whispered back in the loudest manner you could whisper..
"We know that! That's why we tried to find your before anyone else! Y/N it's just us. Why did you never tell us you had powers?" Nova said, I went to open my mouth but she cut me off. "And fuck the boys, its just us girls right now. Just tell us, no secrets, no hidden meanings, we want to know what is really going on."
"Yes, trust themmmm"
"Did you hear that?!" I exclaimed, fear now taking over again.
"Hear what?" Nya asked.
"The voice, it has been taunting me ever since I've been in this tower. There's a very scratchy and scary voice teasing me and it keeps speaking to me. I don't know what wrong with me. Oh my god I'm going insane." I said, drifting off into a small rant about me going crazy.
"Y/N calm down! What has this voice said?" Nova asked. I don't know if they believe me entirely, but at least they are being nice about it.
"First thing it said was: Come to me. Then it said: I am waiting for your return, Princesssss. Next it just said: Princessss. Then it said: Yes, trust themmmm. Which is the thing I just heard." I explained.
"That's definitely not creepy." Nova shuddered.
"Princess? What is that supposed to mean? Is it a jab at you and Lloyd?" Nya questioned.
"No. Well, maybe? But I have a feeling with my 18th birthday being today and my random power splurge and my stress it could potentially be a few people that I've never told you about because it is on a need-to-know basis-"
"We kinda need-to-know, Y/N. If you are hearing voices, and we are now in the room with you, it would be nice to know what is going on!" Nya exclaimed.
"Ok, so um, I'm the Princess, meaning my mom was Queen, of the lost Kingdom of Dragons. My dad pulled a Lord Garmadon, but won, and destroyed the whole Kingdom, Island, everything on it. Turned everyone and the Dragons to stone. Maya and Ray lived there at one point as my mom's Guards and second in command I guess but also the communication runners with the Elemental Kingdom, this one. You and Kai were born in this Kingdom, which you had to be because of your Elemental Powers, but you were moved to my Kingdom because your parents lived there. Once the war with my dad got tight you and Kai were moved here, I'm guessing Wu had done something to Kai because he doesn't remember anything about his time at the Kingdom. Anyway, I don't know much else but your parents rescued me right before everything that was left on the island was gone, they took me in and boom. Here I am." I said, barely taking a breath. The two girls looked absolutely stunned, not that I blamed them.
"Oh, and I had to be trained by Ray because of that history and I need to learn how to control whatever powers I do have. Quite frankly I don't really know what I'm capable of, despite what I did to Chen. By the way, is he alive?" I rambled.
"Yeah - yeah, he's alive." Nova said in a very shocked state. She shook her head and continued, "Hold up, can we go back to you being a Princess?"
"And the lost Kingdom of Dragons?" Nya continued.
"And you having mystery powers?" Nova said.
"And-" Whatever Nya was going to say was cut off by a purple glow coming from the big crate. With a Dragon symbol on it.
"What in the hell is going on with you today and mystery, scary things just happening." Nova exclaimed, slightly moving to hide behind Nya.
"If I could give you an answer Nova, I would. But quite frankly, I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING EITHER!" I exclaimed.
"Princesss, open me"
"I think what ever is in that box is speaking to me because I just asked me to open it." I said slightly backing up.
"So open it!" Nya whispered again, pushing me to it. I gave her a WTF look, but the stupid inside of me took over and opened the scary, talking, glowing crate.
Nothing happened.
"Y/N you can't see what's in it if you have your eyes closed!" Nova scolded.
Gathering a bunch of courage I opened my eyes. It was just like all the books about explorers finding treasure, the glowing gold in the treasure chest. Except this was purple, the item was gold, but it was just a giant blob with a map? What kind of map taunts you into finding it and when you do, its nothing.
"Well, what is it?" Nya asked.
"I pretty sure its just a compass and a map." Suddenly the glowing stuff stopped and a bunch of glowing dust evaporated into the air.
"A map to where? And why was it calling out to you?" Nova asked. I gave her the best answer I could, a confused look and a shrug of my shoulders.
"Y/N, the front of the crate says Kingdom of Dragons." Nya pointed out. I quickly looked down, and she was right. It was slightly faded, probably showing its age, but it did indeed say Kingdom of Dragons. I guess when I saw the crate earlier I had only seen the one side, which didn't have the writing on it.
"That must be the Kingdoms Coat of Arms. A Dragon on a shield over two crossed swords." Nova described. "Wait you said a map and what else?"
"I don't know, there's a possibility it's a conpass. Its a weird shape though so I could be wrong. But it has that same Dragon symbol." I answered. Nya came over and looked inside.
"Look, the map has a chunk missing." She said. Carefully, I pulled the items out, I handed her the map and kept the giant, weird shaped compass thing in my hands. She closed the crate, which just had these two items in it and alot of paper shredding, probably for shipping. She put the map out on the top for us all to see.
"Its a map of all the Kingdoms. Look, there's us, there's the Miraculous Kingdom-" I tuned her out as I saw the chunk that was missing at the top. I touched it.
"Do you think that's your Kingdom? It might have been torn off so no one would find it after what happened." Nova said. "Theres the NSEW (north, South, east, west) symbol on it, it's pretty far north. I don't think any of our ships have gone out that far."
"They've never had a reason to after the destruction. It's the farthest out, it's at least a few hundred miles from its closest Kingdom." Nya said.
"Open me, and say 'show me home'"
"It just said something." I whispered.
"What did it say?" Nova asked quietly.
"It said to open it and then say a phrase." I said, not wanting to just listen to some enchanted chuck of gold in my hand.
"So open it." Nya said. I sighed, maybe I should. I could finally get some answers.
"Wait, before you do, there's a smaller crate with the same Coat of Arms on it. Let's open that first before we go talking to enchanted items that could do, well, we don't know yet so let's check out this nicer, less glowy, looking crate." Nova said, I looked at Nya and she shrugged. I gave Nova a nod and she opened it.
Nothing happened. Everything was fine. We are still alive, I think.
"Its just a bunch of books." Nova said, taking a few out. "Journals, by a M/N -"
"That's my mom." I said, cutting her off.
"Theres quite a few journals in here. By here and other people. Oh! A Book of Dragons!" She exclaimed. "Here, we need to find a safer, newer, place to look at all this stuff. The crate is small so I'll just carry it to wherever we go."
"Okay, sounds like a plan. Now open the compass." Nya said, probably way to curious for her own good about a item that has been talking to her sister.
So I did. I opened it. And it was, in fact, a chunky, gold, oddly shaped, conpass.
"Say the phrase." Nya pushed.
"That's easy for you to say. You don't gave an enchanted compass telling you what to do, that only you can hear." I whispered. Nova came to my side with the crate in her hand.
"That's weird, the NSEW moves on its own shows the different directions. So, what's the needle pointing at?" Nova questioned.
"I don't know."
"Just say the phrase and maybe we will find out?" Nya said, doubt creeping on her face.
"Show me home."
Energy busted through the room, and continued out of it. I got a small vision of my Island, before and after it's destruction.
"Y/N we have to go, the Guards are all coming to the source of that surge." Nova exclaimed looking out the window.
"The compass! It's pointing the way to my Kingdom!" I exclaimed, realizing it now. How stupid. It was pretty evident that that's was it did.
"Let's go there." Nya suggested.
"Are you crazy, that's like, 2 days trip. And we don't have a way to get there." Nova exclaimed, getting antsy.
"We can take a boat. I know how to sail, I'm literally the Master of Water. We'll just need to change and get some food. Who's in?" Nya said. What has gotten into her.
I agreed. Which is how we used Nova's powers to zap into me and Nyas room. Surprisingly it was not Guarded on the inside. But I could hear people on the outside.
Me and Nya both got dress quickly. I put on a thermal, dark purple long sleeve shirt. The material was designed to keep the warmth in without heavy layers. It was designed for our Royal Guards and Knights so that when the fought or did training during harsh winters, they would be ok. I then slipped on black thermal leggings, with some fuzzy socks and some mid thigh black boots that were tight. I buckled and sipped them up. Then I put on a vest that had armor in it (think like winter solider and his vest. We are trying to look badass) and I grabbed a spare cape/coat? Whatever those long things are called that cover you whole body but are draped. They weren't thick but were made out the thermal material. I also put on leather fingerless gloves that had the thermal insides. I grabbed a bag and put all of the journals Nova found into it. Nya grabbed a few other bags for food and a few other things. Next was Nova's room where she changed into the exact same thing but a yellow color.
Next stop was the kitchen, Nova held the books and kept an eye out as me and Nya filled the bags with food and water. Once that was done it was time for weapons. Nova poofed us, gotta come up with a better name for her poofing skills, into the Knights changing room. Where all the weapons just so happened to be. I grabbed a long knife, not a sword, and a holder for it and stuck it on my left thigh. I grabbed two swords and stuck them on my back, I didnt have my cape coat on just yet, with a holder. I also grabbed a bow and filled a bag with arrows that had the tips wrapped so they didn't break. Nya and Nova had grabbed their desired weapons, but Nova didn't really grab much seeing as she wasn't trained. Aka, she followed the ruled and was the book worm. Which also meant she was the smartest and knew what she was talking about.
"Ok, there's a boat at the port we need to get to. It's on dock B, and it's on loading area 5. It's called the Speara (think if it as an exact replica as the new bounty, with less tech)." Nya explained. "Its the best boat for longer travels and can stand ice, since we are going so far north."
"Ok, but I've never been to the Marina. So I'm going to bring us to the closest place I've been over that way, them I can only travel as far as I can see." Nova said. We gave her a nod and pretty soon we were on our way. It wasn't to far from the Marina that Nova got us to, and from there it was only a few poofs that we were at the right dock. It was night time already so it was extremely dark on the docks.
"Over here!" Nya shouted to get our attention. She found the ship, nice. "Wait, the ropes are locked onto the dock. We need a key."
"Oh no." Nova said in a panicked voice.
"Here, let me." I said, using my power and I guess my whatever calling was taking over wanting to find my lost Kingdom. I yanked on the lock and it broke and came right off.
"That works." Nya said and quickly got to work undoing the ropes. Now, I have never sailed, or really stepped foot on a boat, so I had no idea what I was doing. Luckily for us, Nya knew exactly what she was doing.
Or maybe she didn't and because neither me or Nova had no idea what any of this stuff was what she was saying, and with the confidence she had, made her seem like she knew what she was talking about.
But it wasnt long before the ship was no longer attached to the dock and we were floating.
"What about the sails?" Nova asked.
"Not yet, I'm going to use my powers to bring us out far enough away so they won't see us, then we can raise the sails. Y/N, which way do we need to go?"
"Well, straight actually. We are headed north. Might need to go a little east at some point according to the map but for now, just keep going the way we are." Nya nodded at me and then raised her arms, teal power surrounded her hands and the water started to form too. We started moving, and I quickly climbed up to the bridge and looked out the back and saw the island that held the Kingdom of Elements getting smaller.
We were only an hour in, not doing to bad. Nova had gone below and put all the food away in the kitchen area. Me and Nya had the map and compas on the main table as well as the bag with the journals in it.
"Theres a thing on this control board that brings up a screen. We can make a copy of the map and put it up to make it easier." Nya suggested.
"That's probably best." I agreed. Nya grabbed the map and did whatever it was that she was doing to get it up, but it worked so I didn't question it.
"We should keep the original map, we will probably have to put it back afterwards, if it ends up being that no one knows we took it."
"Yeah, that should be an issue we worry about on the way back." I cringed, knowing that Ray, Maya, and the other people who know about me probably know that I took it. And the others have probably been told about me took. Especially considering the title they are training to have. They were bound to find out, I'm just disappointed that it happened this way.
"Hey, what's wrong." Nya said, Nova came up and noticed it to.
"I just - I don't know. I knew one day everything about me would come crashing down. I just didnt realize how bad it would be. Or that I would be dragging you into this. Which, I'm sorry about." I sighed.
"Hey, we can willingly. I also kinda just forced it on you." Nya said.
"Well, mystery voice kinda did too. Still trying to figure out what it actually was." I pointed out.
"Maybe it was your dad?" Nova said.
"I hope not. But it could be possible. Him and I were the only people that really survived. Other than you mom and dad, but they didn't have powers connected to the island. I'm the only one who could hear it." I shrugged.
"Well, change of subject. I'm interested in that Book of Dragons. Should we open it?" Nova asked.
"Why not. Let's see exactly what lived there." I said getting the book out of the bag. It was a bigger book, pretty thick with pages, a nice dark leather cover with gold writing on it. The Coat of Arms was on it as well.
"Deadly Nadder?" Nya questioned as I opened it. "First Dragon in and I'm already terrified."
We continued to read ths whole book, Nya was particularly happy with all the water Dragons and Nova was happy with them all honestly. She was just happy to nerd out.
"Hey, do you guys mind if I take the first sleeping shift, I'm starting to get sleepy." Nova asked.
"Yeah go ahead." I said, Nya nodded in agreement showing she was ok with it too. Nova smiled and walked off to go to the sleeping quarters.
"You know I have your back, right?" Nya asked.
"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry for not trusting you earlier with all this."
"Hey, you grew up seeing what happened to Lloyd and his father. Not to mention you honestly didn't know a lot of this stuff anyway. I don't blame you. I'm just happy I could join you and you didn't go wondering alone."
"Well, I'm reckless but not that reckless. But speaking of secrets, since Nova is here, should we tell her about you and the others training to be Ninja-"
"WHAT THE HELL!" Me and Nya perked up at Nova's outburst and immediately rushed down to the resting quarters, swords in hand, ready to -
"Jay?!" Me and Nya questioned.
"Oh, I found you guys!" Jay said, in his normal quiet voice but had some extra excitement.
"Oh my god, we have a stowaway." Nova panicked.
"Stowaway?" Jay questioned. We ignored him.
"How did this happen?"
"We didn't check the boat before taking it." I said looking at Nya.
"Jay, how long have you been on here and why are you here in the first place?" Nya asked.
"Well, after Y/N's outburst we were all given sections to search-" Jay started.
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