《Jade Garmadon: Lloyd Garmadons little brother》Chapter 9 ~Happy Birthday!!
"Lloyd!" I giggled as I poked his sleeping face. I carefully climbed up onto his huge bed and poked his face again. He snored softly as he rolled over, pulling his blanket up over his head.
"Feve mwore mwinetes" Lloyd mumbled. I huffed and jumped onto Lloyd.
"Oof!! Ok ok! I'm up!" Lloyd groaned and sat up. I giggled and turned into my shadow form and bounced around the room.
"Jade? What are you doing up at...2:37am?!"
"Don't u remember??"
"Err...dont tell me...its your birthday right?" Lloyd chuckled and flipped his side bangs out of his face.
"YEAH!! I turn 8 years old today!" I giggled, and jumped into Lloyds lap.
"Heh. It seems like yesterday I was reading comics with a 6 year old." I smiled and went back to my normal form. "So what do you like to do on your birthday?"
"Oh uh.....um..." I stuttered and looked at the ground.
Dad grabbed me by my arm and threw me into a wall.
"I don't care how old you are, you're a child so respect me or else I'm throwing you outside for the rest of the day!"
"B-but...its my birthday.."
"That's it!!!" My dad grabbed me by my hair and tossed me off the porch, and onto the stone sidewalk. I cried in pain, and looked back up to see my dad slam the front door shut and locks it.
He didn't let me back inside till next morning.
*end of flashback*
"I never really....celebrated...my birthday.." I muttered and curled up in Lloyds comforting arms. For somewhat being new to this brother thing, Lloyd is really good at it. I mean, the team all consider each other as brothers but Lloyd seems like this isn't as such as a new thing. He acts like we knew each other from the start and that we were never separated. I was snapped back to reality from my thoughts when Lloyd picked me up and placed me on his shoulders. I'M A GIANT NOW!!!YAAAHS!! I smiled as I gently held onto the top of Lloyds head.
"Don't worry bro. I'll make sure you will have the best birthday ever, I promise." Lloyd smiled.
"Can we invite Clem?? I want her to be here too!" I begged
"Of course. Anything for you, Jaddie."
Clem, Jay, Kai, Nya and I were playing outside. Everyone told me that I wasn't allowed to go inside till they said so. I listened to them of course and I stayed outside. Clem and I were playing soccer with Jay and Kai while Nya stood by and watched us from the door.
I kicked the ball up with my right foot, jumped up and kicked it right past Jay the goalie, and right into the little goal. I ran around yelling on the top of my lungs
"And the winning team is the kids! Clem and Jade!!" Kai cheered as he picked me up, throwing me up in the air and catching me.
"Yeah!! Go kids!!" I laughed and threw my fists up into the air in victory. Clem laughed and hugged me and I picked her up and spun her around. She squealed in surprise that I could pick her up, and I laughed.
"Jade! Clem! Time to come inside." Nya called for us as she motioned for us to come inside. We ran inside and up to the living room. All the lights were turned off, and I couldn't see a thing. I reached out behind me to take Clems hand or possibly Nyas hand, but I couldn't find any hand to hold. I started getting a bit scared.
"Hello?? Guys? Mom? Clem??.." no answer. "Lloyd??! What's going on??"
Still no answer....I ran my hand along the wall, searching for the light switch. Finally I found it and flipped it on. Everyone jumped up out of their own hiding spots and cheered.
"SUPRISE!!!!" Everyone yelled and threw their hands up in the air. I stood their with my mouth wide open but smiling. Lloyd picked me up and hugged me.
"Happy birthday, baby brother!" He cheered.
"Thank you all so much!" I was still smiling.
"Don't thank us yet! You still gotta open up the presents we got you." Cole grinned and held up his wrapped up present. Lloyd sat down on the couch with me in his lap and helped me open the presents. I got some new video games from Jay. A black leather jacket that fit me perfectly from Kai. Cole got me some constalation book, every page filled with information about the solar system and the constalations. Zane got me a telescope. Mom and Wu got me new comics and new historic and fantasy books. Nya got me a new pair of purple and black sneakers. Clem gave me a camera. She knew I liked taking pictures. All that was left was Lloyds gift.
"I wanted mine to be last because I knew you would like it the most." Lloyd grinned and handed me a box. I took the lid off and held up the piece clothing. My eyes widen in disbelief. It was a black and grey ninja gi with shinny purple swirls.
"My own ninja outfit!! Thank you, Lloyd!!" I giggled and hugged Lloyd tight.
"I'm glad you like it. And the best part about the suit is that when you turn into your shadow form, the go turns into a shadow as well so you can blend in with the darkness even more." Lloyd messed up my hair and smiled.
After the party, Mom took Clem back home. I was exhausted. I laid my head down on the table and slowly drifted off to sleep. I ate so much cake and ice cream, I managed to make myself pass out into a food coma.
(The end!!)
I walked into the kitchen to see Zane and Nya cleaning up. Jade was asleep with his head on the table. I chuckled a bit and picked him up. He was really adorable when he was asleep. Why do the little siblings always have to have the good looks?
I carried Jade into his room. He only woke up slightly, and I asked him to get into his pjs. He got changed and then collapsed into my arms. I laid him gently down on his bed and tucked him in.
"Happy birthday, Jaddie." I whispered softly and gently placed my hand on his head, and moved the few strains of his hair out of his face. He mumbled something and curled up under his blankets. I smiled and stood back. I was so happy to have a little brother. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. As I turned to leave, I saw a piece of paper taped on Jades mirror. I carefully took the paper off and looked at the writing on it.
"You can't keep him safe forever, Greenie. I will get my hands on that boy one day, and you'll never know when it will happen exactly.
He will be under my control soon."
hope and will continue reading when hope you all have a FANTABULOUS day!!
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