《Jade Garmadon: Lloyd Garmadons little brother》Chapter 8 ~Fight back
*a week later*
Jades pov:
I walked up to the school, ignoring all the whispers, giggles and fingers being pointed at me. Blake made sure my reputation was bad, so it was hard for me to make friends.
I didn't let it get to me though. I kept my head up, and I kept walking.
I walked down the hallway towards my locker, and just as I was about to open it, I was picked up and slammed into the lockers. Groaning in pain, I glanced up to see Blake and his friends glaring down at me with an evil smirk.
"I don't know how you're still showing your face here at school, but you go guts." Blake grinned.
"Just leave me alone. I don't want any trouble." I whimpered a bit.
"Hah! You're in my terf now! Your little cries for help ain't gonna save you!" Blake brought up his fist, about to take a swing at me...
...it happened so fast...
A girl swiftly ran up to Blake and punched him square in the nose!
"Get lost, Blake! Before I throw you out of the clock tower!" The girl held her fist up again as she threaten Blake. Blake and his friends ran away as the other kids laughed at them.
"You okay?" The girl was smiling at me with kindness in her eyes. She held her hand out to me. "My name is Clementine, but most people call me Clem."
I smiled and took her hand as she pulled me up to my feet. "My name is Jade."
"It's nice to meet you, Jade. Wait...arent you in Mr. Sleeman's class? First period?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Im in the same class...no wonder why you looked so familiar. Anyways, wanna walk to class with me?" Clem giggled and held her hand out.
"Yeah, I'd like to." I smiled and took her hand, and walked to class.
I carried my lunch tray to my table and sat down....alone. I picked, with my fork, at the disgusting "taco" meat that the cafeteria provided as lunch. Just then someone plopped their tray onto the table next to mine. I looked up and saw Clem.
"Hey Jade, how was english?"
"Meh. Just learning new vocab and practicing writing sentences. Usually things for 7 years old to do."
"Ah, I see." Clem nodded as she sat down next to me. We both made silly jokes and I listened to Clem gossip about the snotty girls and the bloated head boys.
As Clem and I walked out of the cafeteria, we heard evil laughter coming from behind us. I looked back to see Blake and Jarred walking up to us. I turned to fave them, and pulled Clem behind me to keep her safe.
"What do you want, Blake?!" Clem growled.
"To finish off what started this morning!" Blake punched his fist into his palm as he glared at me.
"I don't wish to fight." I calmly replied.
"I don't care!" Jarred yelled as he shoved me.
Clem pushed Jarred to the ground, then Blake went to go punch her. I ran infront of Clem and blocked the punch. Jarred got up and kicked Clem and then punched her face. Before I could do anything, Blake pulled me hair, and punched my face till my eye turned black and my cheek was bruised. I pushed Blake to the ground and ran over to Clem and helped her. Jarred started kicking my stomach over and over. To be honest, I was glad it was me getting hurt mostly, not Clem. The fight kept going, sometimes Clem and I would be able to push or punch back once and awhile, but Blake and Jarred got the most moves out of the fight.
"I am very disappointed in all of you." The principle, Mr. Wotts, placed his hands on his hips and glared down at Clem, Blake, Jarred and I. Lloyd and Zane stood behind my chair. I'm assuming Blake's parents stood besides his chair and Jarreds stood by his chair...but where was Clem's parents?
"You four should know better than to start a fight in this school." Mr. Wotts continued. "Your lucky no severe harm was done to either one of you."
"You're kidding me right?!" Clem crossed her arms. "Jade has a black eye and bruises everywhe-!!"
"Enough, Miss. Grey!" Mr. Wotts put his hand up. "I suggest you four go home and take the rest of the day to think about your actions. This will not happen again, Understand?"
"Yes sir." I nodded
"Yes, Mr Wotts" Blake and Jarred said in unison.
We all left the office and Blake and Jarred secretly grinned at me evily then ran off. I stood next to Clem and went to say something to her but then I heard Blake's parents talking.
"You better control that boy of yours! He could have seriously hurt my baby boy!" Blake's mom scoffed as she glared at Lloyd. Is she for real?!! And how dare she talk to my older brother like that!!
"If that child hurts my son again, I'm calling the cops!!" Blake's father threatened, then he wrapped his arm around his wife and left the building. This can't be happening.
Clem hugged me goodbye then vanished as she left the school. I turned back to Lloyd and Zane. They both looking down at me. I felt the stinging tears burn my eyes as they formed, and wiped the tears away with my sleeve.
"I-I swear it wasn't my fault...I only tried to protect Clem, but Blake and Jarred kept punching and kicking me. I told them I didn't want to fight, but they didn't care.." my voice cracked as I choked back more tears. Lloyd knelt down and hugged me.
"I'm not upset at all. I'm proud that you protected your friend." Lloyd smiled a bit and picked me up.
"I agree, but maybe we should teach you more self defense, so you are more prepared when those boys attack you again." Zane patted my shoulder lightly. I smiled a little bit, but Lloyd frowned.
"Your friend was right. You do have a lot of bruises and a really bad black eye." Lloyd sighed as he moved a few strains of my hair out of my face. I rested my head on his shoulder as he and Zane took me back to the monistary to tend to my bruises. I couldn't stop thinking about Clem though. Where were her parents? Where did she go? Does she even have a home? I just hope that she is somewheres safe and out of danger.
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