《chef d'oeuvre | JeongMi | by festoon》2) Éblouissante


Someone pulling open the curtains making Jeongyeon wakes up. When the curtain opens, the sun is revealed, radiating at her.

Jeongyeon groaned and whirled around facing the pillow.

Nayeon wakes her up. "Jeongyeon~ Jeongyeon~"

"How did you get in?" Jeongyeon mumbled over her pillow.

But Nayeon didn't respond because she couldn't understand what she said. She kept shaking Jeongyeon for her to get up. Jeongyeon sits up in annoyance, making a frown. "Im Nayeon." That made Nayeon scared, her full name being called by Jeongyeon. She immediately run away from Jeongyeon's room before she was about to hit by the pillow Jeongyeon had thrown at her.


"Here's your coffee." Nayeon handed it to Jeongyeon with a nervous smile while her friend is glaring at her. She taps her fingers at the top of the kitchen island, watching Jeongyeon takes a sip of her coffee.

"So, why are you here?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I'm just here to check on you." Nayeon shrugged.

"I don't believe you."

"Aww. You really know me. I'm touched." Nayeon gave her a cheeky smile while Jeongyeon's cringing at her.

"Just tell me what do you want from me." Jeongyeon said in monotone voice.

Nayeon sits across Jeongyeon.

"Ok. So... I want you to come with me." She said still wearing her smile.

"Where?" Jeongyeon asked and takes a sip.

"To my girlfriend's class."

Jeongyeon choked by the latter's statement. Nayeon quickly grabbed a tissue and gave it to her.

"You have a girlfriend?" She asked in disbelief.

"Of course, what do you think of me?" Nayeon questioned her, expecting something.

"Annoying." Jeongyeon joked but she kinda meant it. "I thought you like boys but anyway, I feel sorry for your girlfriend."

Nayeon gives her an angry look.

"What did you feed her?" She joked again.

"Jeongyeon~" Nayeon whined.

"Ok I'll stop but I will not go with you."


"Where are we?" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon. They are in front of the music school where Nayeon's girlfriend takes class. Well, Jeongyeon could not do anything by Nayeon's stubbornness so she had no choice but to go with her. Nayeon kinda persuaded her to make the most of the weekend, not just sitting in front of her canvas, thinking for hours of what she could paint. Also, Jeongyeon already has a job tomorrow so Nayeon said she needs to have fun. But she don't think she'll have fun here.

Jeongyeon, luckily, found a job the week since she moved place. She needs a job because she no longer has a parent to lean on.

"Do you know where Momo is?" Nayeon asked the staff, moping the floor. The staff pointed out where Momo is, her girlfriend.

"Thank you." She smiled and pulled Jeongyeon with her.


"We are here." Nayeon says when they are in front of the door where her girlfriend is.


Jeongyeon noticed something, there's a white heart sticker glued to the doorknob. She thinks it's cute.

Nayeon knocked and entered. She greeted her girlfriend with a hug. "Momo!"

"Did you wait long?" She asked Momo as they pulled out from their hug.

"You arrive just in... time." Momo answered looking at Jeongyeon confusedly. "Who is she?" She whispered to Nayeon.

"Oh, right. She's Jeongyeon, my friend." Nayeon announced. "Say hello to them." She leaned closer to Jeongyeon and whispered.

"Hi." Jeongyeon plainly greeted.

'Cold.' Mina thought.

The room was filled in silence for seconds.

"By the way," Momo tried to break the silence. "They're my friends. Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Mina." The girls waved at them and Nayeon waved back but not Jeongyeon.

It's very awkward for them.

"Uhmm. Let's go, Momo." Nayeon said, grabbing her girlfriend's arm.

"Wait. Where are you going? You're leaving me?" Jeongyeon stops Nayeon.

"Yeah. We have a date so... Have fun!" Jeongyeon cursed Nayeon in her head.

"We'll leave too." Jihyo said, fixing her things. "Let's go, Sana."

The three of them were left in the room.

Jeongyeon recognized Mina. 'She's the rude girl.' Dahyun felt the atmosphere heavy so she thinks she needs to leave. "I guess, I'll leave too." She bid goodbye leaving Mina still packing her things.

Mina felt Jeongyeon's stare. It's scary, she thinks. And she thinks Jeongyeon looks familiar.

"Do I know you?" Jeongyeon didn't respond. Mina stopped on what she was doing. "I think I've met you."

"Well, you're the girl who bumped into me last week." Mina's eyes widened at the memory.

"You're the girl...?"


"I'm so sorry." Mina apologized looking at the latter's eyes in sincerity. She stood up and approached Jeongyeon. "I'll make it up to you."


The cozy atmosphere, the choice of music making the mood bright, the aroma that makes you feel like in paradise.

"Here's your coffee." The waiter handed.

"Thanks." Mina smiled. She turned her attention to Jeongyeon. "You sure you don't want coffee?"

"I just had it earlier." Jeongyeon respond.

"But I said I'll treat you." Mina pouts. "Oh wait." Jeongyeon stares at her puzzlingly. "I'll just order a slice of cake for you, is that okay?"

Jeongyeon didn't say anything and Mina took it as a yes. She smiled as she ordered something. Jeongyeon watches the latter grinning while approaching her.

"Here's a slice of cake for you." Mina, not taking off her smile, handed it to Jeongyeon.

'Cheesecake?' Jeongyeon thought eyeing the cake. She took a bite. Mina observes her, expecting something, and Jeongyeon already knows what Mina wants.

"Not bad." She commented while Mina's smile widens more, eyes sparkling.

They're quiet but the silence is comforting. It's like their usual day even though they're strangers, they wonder why.


Being a bright and bubbly, Mina found a courage to say something.

"I am Mina, by the way." She started.

"I know. Nayeon's girlfriend it said earlier." Jeongyeon, not even caring for the latter's feelings, said it, busy on her cake.

"Oh, right." Mina felt embarrassed. Jeongyeon noticed the girl across her is frowning. She thinks maybe she's being too much. She feels sorry. Jeongyeon let out a sigh.

"You attend music class, right? What instrument do you play?" Jeongyeon started, acting interested at Mina. While Mina grinned quickly because she thinks Jeongyeon is being considerate, aware that she's not really interested at her.

"I am a violinist."


And they were filled in silence again. But this time, Jeongyeon breaks it.

"Uhm..." Being awkward, she averted her eyes from Mina. "Who's your favorite composer?"

Mina is really grateful for the latter. She knows that Jeongyeon doesn't like talking, she's not interested, and she's cold. 'But who knows?' Mina optimistically thought.

"To be honest, I don't really have one." She shyly chuckled and Jeongyeon darts her eyes back to her, curious.

"Why?" Jeongyeon asked and this time, she's interested. Really.

"I don't know. Maybe because they're all good?" Mina shrugged. "They are all the inspiration of every musician today," She continues. "And they are one of the cause of the present today. They're part of our history, not just in the field of music. I think that's why it's hard to have a favorite composer?"

Jeongyeon chuckles and the violinist's heart melts. It's the first time today she saw Jeongyeon smiled and it's blinding. 'Of course, who wouldn't melt on that?'

Mina cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. She slapped her own face leaving the latter dumbfounded. And Mina, again, was embarrassed for that. She cursed herself for doing just embarrassing things today, when she needs a good impression for Jeongyeon.

'I am hopeless.' Mina pessimistically thought because she left a bad impression for the latter. She bumped into Jeongyeon, spilled her shirt with coffee, she left her thinking for her own self, not apologizing, and now she wants to make it up for her, but the day does not seem to be in her favor too.

She sighed sadly.

Mina shyly stared at Jeongyeon. She noticed the scar on her head.

"There's a scar on your head?" She curiously asked.

Jeongyeon touched her scar on her upper right forehead and smiled at the memory of how she got it. Mina was bemused by how the other girl reacted. "Don't worry, it's a beautiful scar." Jeongyeon smiled in reassurance and that made Mina jealous. Because she's not the reason why Jeongyeon smiled, it's because of the scar. She's jealous of this 'beautiful' scar on Jeongyeon's head. But jealous is kinda big word for someone who you just met. Maybe bitter. Mina's feeling bitter.

But that's not all it takes for Mina to give up, not now that she's taking an interest at Jeongyeon.

"You." Jeongyeon gazed at her, making her frozen. She can't seem to find a strength, her knees wobble, as if she wanted to kneel down before Jeongyeon and worship her. Because she's literally a goddess. Her fingers shaking, and she can't focus at all. Jeongyeon's gaze pierced something in her chest, making her heart to stop. 'Is this my death?' But she still does not want to disappear from the world because she doesn't want the idea of 'she will never see Jeongyeon again, if ever'. It's really weird for someone who you just met but that is what Mina's feeling right now.

"What about your hobbies? I mean, do you love to do something?" Thank God, Mina could still speak.

Jeongyeon's eyes glow because of what the violinist asked. Mina is celebrating inside because of it, she made the right move, she could barely compose herself. She knows that Jeongyeon is happy hearing that love for something.

"I love to paint." Jeongyeon gave a small smile but Mina is still happy with it. "I love art. It's beautiful. It is one of the only good thing people have done in history."

"...And music." Mina chimed in.

"Yes... Music." Jeongyeon said and ate the last bite of the cake.

They giggle.

"I'm really sorry about the other week." Mina apologized, reminded by it. It really bothers Mina.

They are about to leave the café.

"I told you it's fine. And besides, you already treated me so I think we're okay." Jeongyeon reassured because that's what Mina wants, reassurance. It will haunt her.

Before they parted ways, Mina said one last thing to Jeongyeon.

"By the way,"

Jeongyeon turned her attention to Mina before they could get far away from each other.

"I don't usually see you with Nayeon. Perhaps, you're new here?"

Jeongyeon nods. And it made Mina more curious about Jeongyeon but she never asked again because she doesn't want to pry into Jeongyeon's life too much. She knows boundaries. Maybe she'll know someday.

Jeongyeon is cold but there's a hope in Mina. Hope that someday,


Jeongyeon will let somebody get past the walls she built so high. And Mina wishes she will be that 'somebody'. She just needs to wait.

Because Mina took note of something about her. Jeongyeon maybe cold outside but she noticed that she's a warm-hearted person, based on Jeongyeon's action earlier. She's considerate. Maybe judging someone based on your first meeting is bad because Jeongyeon maybe a kind person, it's just not obvious.

Mina then gives Jeongyeon the warmest smile. And Jeongyeon was too stunned.

Too stunned by Mina's smile.

So she became intrigued by Mina.

Because this is the first time.

First time being amaze by a person's face.

First time being awestruck,

Not just in art.

"We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents."

- Bob Ross

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