《chef d'oeuvre | JeongMi | by festoon》1) Clef


The sun peeked through the clouds, smiling at a girl who is looking up at a seven story building. After Jeongyeon observed the building which is an apartment, she started to pull her luggage and entered. Then went inside the elevator to go upstairs. She looked down at her phone and called someone.

"Jeongyeon, why did you call?" Said from the other line.

"I have a question. What's my room's number again?"

"It's Room 312." Nayeon answered.

"Thanks." She simply replied and hung up the phone.

Jeongyeon moved away from her family to study. Well honestly, she ran away. Her family doesn't want her to study arts, she's very passionate about it, she loves art, so she decided to move away. Luckily, she's Nayeon's friend but not her friend because she never admitted that she had friends but art. Nayeon helped her, she's the one who suggested the apartment where she can live and continue her studies.

Jeongyeon graduated high school and now entering college. She actually planned this, running away. She needed to finish high school first and she'll study elsewhere away from her family, away from pressures. It's summer break so it's the perfect time. She just needs to find a job and save enough money for her college.

Jeongyeon has two younger sisters, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. She envies them because they are her parents' favorite. Chaeyoung said she wants to study medicine while Tzuyu wants to study law and that made her parents proud. Her parents kept comparing her to her sisters. They think that art is useless and she'll not benefit from it but they know nothing about it. They want Jeongyeon to study other field but Jeongyeon chose art, she chose it over her family, she chose it for her own happiness. And she's brave for that.

After fixing her things and her room, she took her canvas and arranged it with her easel. She then grabbed her palette, paint, and paint brush. Jeongyeon stared at the canvas first wondering about what she would paint. She thinks it's peaceful, knowing that nothing would interfere with her painting anymore. She began to dip the paint brush to the palette and gently stroke it. A smile formed in her face. Her hand finding its way everywhere on the canvas and the seriousness in her eyes. This relaxes her. Every time. And nothing can beat it so far.


Jeongyeon takes a break. She decided to go to a near convenience store to buy snacks and coffee.

"Thanks." Jeongyeon said after receiving what she bought. She stepped outside the store. But before she could get far away, she looked down at her hand to check her change. Then, she noticed that the cashier gave her too much change. So she turned back to return the extra change but her head bumped into someone for as she's looking down. Therefore, the coffee was spilled on her. She caress her head due to pain. She tried to glance who she bumped to but the girl quickly ran away from her. "What an unlucky day." She heard the girl muttered before she ran. She thinks that the girl is rude for not apologizing. Well, it's kinda her fault too because she's not looking but the girl is still impolite for not caring for her.

Jeongyeon just ignored the spilt coffee on her shirt and got back on her objective. She heard her phone vibrate in her pocket. She looked at it and saw Nayeon calling at her.

"Jeongyeon. I'm sorry I couldn't go there and help you fix your things."

"It's fine. Don't worry. I'm done doing it."



"Anyway, congrats for escaping lions' den! Thank God you're free." Nayeon let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll hang up the phone now. Bye."

Jeongyeon went back to her apartment and continued painting.


Sunrise greeting Mina in the morning. She opened her eyes and smiled. She glanced at the clock, her smiley face went nervous quickly. She realized she'll be late soon if she'll not hurry. She rushed to the kitchen to make coffee. While she's waiting for the coffee to brew, she took a very quick bath. Out of haste, she drunk the coffee without thinking. Her tongue burned. "Ow!" She winced in pain.

But she just ignored the pain because she doesn't want to be scolded due to her lateness.


She dashed.

While running, she bumped into someone because she was not expecting the girl to turn around and the timing was perfect. They crashed into each other. She wants to help her but there's no time. She got to put herself first. So, she disregard the girl on the floor caressing her head. "What an unlucky day." she said under her breath.


Mina let out a deep sigh as she is in front of the door, holding the door knob. She opened it and was greeted by her friends' stare and her teacher's glare. She swallowed her own saliva.

Her teacher looks at his wrist watch. "You're twenty-two seconds late." He said.

"It won't happen again, Sir Park." Mina apologized.

"You'd better." Her teacher said and she breathed out because she wasn't scolded. Jin-young Park. A music teacher, specifically string teacher. He's a strict one so they fear him.

Mina made her way to her sit and grabbed the violin.

"Mina. Why are you late?" Her friend asked her, Sana.

"I stayed up all night." Mina answered.

"Why?" Jihyo questioned her.

"I couldn't sleep."

Her friends hummed.

"Enough talking. Let's start." Mr. Park said.

Momo picked up her cello while Dahyun took the bow next to her for the violin. Sana and Jihyo prepared too. Sana is a double bassist and Jihyo plays viola. They're quintet.

"Okay we'll play 'The Brandenburg Concertos' by Bach." Mr. Park said clapping his hands.

The girls start to get ready.

"Okay one, two, three!" And they started to play while he plays the piano.


"Stop! Stop!" Mr. Park yelled. He scratched his ear in annoyance.

"What's wrong with you?!" He said raising his hands aggressively.

"Is that even music?!" He asked them.

The girls are confused because they did nothing wrong. They think the notes they played were correct.

"There's something wrong. Please feel the music not just listen to it. Maybe you didn't notice that you did something wrong." Mr. Park nags.

"Let's try again."

And they did try to play again. Mr. Park listens carefully, observing the song they play.

"Okay, stop." They paused. "Now I know what is wrong... The timing. Don't just listen to what you play, focus to others as well." Their teacher stated and they all nodded. Mr. Park signaled them to start. The girls follow what their teacher told them. And great. It was perfect. Mr. Park can't hide her smile and complimented his students. The girls are happy by his praise.

"Because of that, let's celebrate and eat jokbal!" Momo rejoiced and they all laughed at her.

"Ok. Mina's treat." Dahyun said.

"Why me?" Mina asked pointing at herself.

"Why? Because you were late." Dahyun reasoned out.

"Dahyun is right." Sana said and placed her arm to Mina's shoulder. "You better treat us food."

Mina looks at Jihyo.

"They're fooling me." Mina whined, pouting at Jihyo. She expects Jihyo to side with her but she agrees with them. Mina could do nothing so she sighed.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to eat?" Mina frowns while her friends beam.

"Yehey!" And they all chortled except Mina.

The girls celebrate. They're very happy because Mr. Park rarely compliments them and he's a very serious guy. So they make the most of the day.

"It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself."

- J.S. Bach

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