《Broken & Rejected (Werewolf Romance)》4.


I am surrounded in nothing but darkness. I can hear a faint voice calling my name, I look around and see a faint sign of light. I try to make my way to it. I try to put a face to the voice calling my name but the only one I can think of is his.... Jamie's. As soon as I think of him, I feel like I am pulled right back into the darkness.


I finally manage to slowly open my eyes, as I do, my vision is blurry at first. I think I can see the silhouette of a person by my bedside but I'm not sure.

"Hey there Felicity, don't panic I'm Dr Wilson" A male voice said

I blinked my eyes a few times until my vision became clearer. I noticed the man now known as Dr Wilson was stood by my bedside. He looked like he was in his late 30's early 40's, brown hair spiked up at the front, blue eyes, he was over 5 feet in height and had a slim build. I tried to speak but my throat was dry and sore.

He carefully helped me, so I was in a more comfortable position sitting up and poured some cold ice water into a plastic cup before holding it to my mouth. I was confused until I looked down at my hands and saw all the different wires and drip in them. I gladly accepted the cold drink and slightly parted my lips so Dr Wilson could place the cup between them. The cold water felt both soothing and fresh. My throat felt a little better as well. I took a few small sips before letting Dr Wilson know he could place the plastic cup back down on the white table.

"Thank you" I said offering a small smile

"Your very welcome, your also very lucky that Alpha Kieran and some of his pack members found you when they did" He replied immediately catching my attention.

"I'm in Alpha Kieran's land?" I asked shocked and uncertain

"You didn't know you were on his land when you fell and hit your head?" Dr Wilson asked

"No, all I remember is being in the woods and feeling lost in the dark" I explained

"A few members of the pack found you and they alerted Alpha Kieran; he had doubled the parole and asked all members of his pack to keep an eye out for you" Dr Wilson told me


"Why was he looking for me?" I asked

"He went to see you at your home, but you weren't there, he saw the letter you left for your parents, when he came back here, he was extremely worried about you, he wanted some of the male wolves / guys to keep an eye out for you" Dr Wilson answered.

I sat quietly for a moment just thinking over what Dr Wilson had just told me.

"He was very worried about you, once he was allowed in this room after I ran tests on you and got you sorted out, he stayed with you for quite a while, he refused to leave your side, but I managed to persuade him to go to his room and get some sleep and a shower to freshen up" Dr Wilson added.

"Can you check me over then I can be on my way before I cause any more trouble for you here" I asked him pleadingly

"Your still not ready to leave, your body is still weak, you need to rest and give your body time to heal" Dr Wilson instructed me

I only nodded back in response to him unsure of what to say

"And you're not causing me any trouble" Dr Wilson added offering a small smile

"She's also not causing me any trouble either" A male voice said causing us both to look over by the doorway.

Kieran stood there leaning against the doorframe arms folded across his chest with a serious facial expression on his face. His eyes went from Dr Wilson's then landing on mine.

"Alpha" Dr Wilson said before walking out the room.

Kieran nodded his way sending him a small indication of acknowledgement. Kieran moved from his spot by the door and over to me.

"It's good to see you awake and talking" Kieran said taking the seat next to my bed.

"Thank you for finding me and bringing me here to Dr Wilson, don't worry as soon as he says I'm fit enough to get up and walk I'll leave" I said

"There's no rush, like Dr Wilson said, your body needs rest and time to heal" Kieran said in a serious tone

It was silent between us for a while, I wasn't sure what to say.

"You really gave me quite the scare Felicity, first running off with no word of where you were going then you turn up on my land unconscious after hitting your head then seeing you lying there on that bed like that, I really thought the worst would happen" Kieran said in a concerned voice as his hand reached for mine.


"I'm sorry but I just had to get away from there from him and them all except my parents obviously" I explained in a low voice

"I promise once I'm feeling better, I'll leave, you know I'm not a threat to you, technically yes I am a rogue since I left my pack" I added

"There's no rush or need for you to rush to get better or leave here, after what happened that night in the gardens, I went to your home to talk to you, but you had already left" Kieran said sounding a little calmer

"Why did you go to visit me?" I asked him giving him my full attention now

"Because I wanted to check on you and see how you were and also to talk to you about an offer I had in mind" Kieran replied as he looked at me intently

I sat up in the small single bed more and got as comfortable as I could before nodding at him to continue.

"Promise me you won't freak out" Kieran asked as he kept his intense gaze on me

"Why?" I tried to ask but Kieran cut in before I could ask or say anything else

"Just promise me please?" Kieran asked almost in a pleading voice

"Okay I promise I will try and not get freaked out now will you please just tell me about this offer you mentioned?" I asked eager to hear what he had to say

"Okay well as you now know, I am a rejected mate just like you, Jamie is with my true mate, Sarah but she rejected me, not as cruel as how Jamie rejected you but still it hurt, so I know what you're going through and feeling" Kieran began

"Yes, but I didn't know that until that night in the garden I swear" I said almost in a pleading voice

"Yes, I know, anyway the offer I wanted to make was to offer you a place here in my pack, by my side" Kieran finished

"What exactly do you mean by your side?" I asked a little uncertain. I had a feeling I knew what he meant and what he was offering but I just needed him to say the words to confirm my thoughts.

"I mean as my mate and Luna" Kieran answered confirming my thoughts.

I sat there on the bed looking at him in utter shock.

"Can we do that? How would it even work between us? We're not true mates" I began to fire question after question to him.

"Relax Felicity we can get to know each other first and form a bond, I won't rush you right now for an answer, get some rest try not to think too much of it, we can talk if you want" Kieran said as he reached for my hand and gently held my hand in his. His thumb rubbed small circles on mine, for a moment it almost felt comforting.

"I can go now if you want me too if I've made you feel uncomfortable" Kieran said about to stand up

"No" I said as soon as he began to get up. I shot my hand out to stop him from leaving me on my own.

"Sorry, you don't need to leave, I'd like it if you stayed with me a little longer, if you can I mean if you have the time too" I added

"If you're sure you want me to stay then I will, don't worry I'll always have time for you" Kieran replied with a small smile.

I smiled back in return

"Maybe we can start now and get to know each other a little bit more?" I suggested but it came out as more of a question

"Okay, where shall I start? I take it I was going first with this?" Kieran asked with a lot of humour in his voice.

I was grateful that Kieran was able to stay with me for a while longer. I had fun getting to know him more and hearing some of his stories which were funny and humorous. I have to admit I was shocked and a little scared when I woke up here in the infirmary and found out I had stumbled onto Kieran's land. I didn't know him that well but now that I have spent some time with him and seen how worried and concerned, he was about me I guess I felt a little more at ease and relaxed. I didn't feel like I was in any kind of danger here.

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