《We're Just Friends (Clexa AU)》Chapter Twelve


On Tuesday during lunch Clarke was talking to everyone about her new photography project, while Finn was talking to Lexa about DaBaby's newest song. She liked that he was extremely happy talking about it even though she hated rap, but she listened anyway.

"Hey Lexa can I use you?" Clarke asked.

"For?" Lexa asked confused.

"Have you not been paying attention?"

"N- no I was talking to Finn." Lexa said pointing at the shaggy haired boy beside her.

"I was asking if I could use you for my photography project."

"Oh, umm why me?"

"Because you're hottest one here, and the hotter the subject, the better the picture."

"Oh uhhh o- okay, s- sure, I guess." Lexa said stuttering and blushing as she watched a smile grow on the blonde.

"Cool, can I come over later today?"

Lexa nodded her head yes and then Clarke went back to talking to Raven and Luna.

Later that day Clarke went over Lexa's house, plopping herself on the brunettes bed, and wrapping herself in a blanket.

"So what do I have to do?" Lexa asked when she walked in her room with two waters.

"Look hot."

"Seriously." Lexa said rolling her eyes.

"Well the assignment is like an advertising thing. So pick something in your room to take pics with."

"How bout this?" Lexa asked picking up her bottle of perfume.

"That'll work."

Clarke got up and went to her backpack. When she opened it there were three different cameras, four different lens, a flash speedlight, a tripod, batteries, memory cards, a macbook, and charges in it.

"Oh," Lexa said looking at the bag, "I thought you were just gonna use your phone or something."

"Of course not, I take my photography class extremely serious, well all my art classes. Now let me just figure out where has the best lighting."


"Oh umm okay." Lexa said starting to get nervous.

After about three hours of Lexa modeling, Clarke editing pictures, and Clarke taking three snack breaks she was ready to show Lexa the pictures.

"Okay so I think I'm going to go with these three. This one because it focuses just on the perfume."

"This one because once again is focuses on the perfume but also because your eyes, well eye, is so pretty here."

"And then this one because you look hot." Clarke said laughing a little.

Clarke looked at the last photo again then down at Lexa's hands, "Wow."


"Your hands."

"What about them?" Lexa asked starting to feel self conscious.

"I just never realized how long they were."

"Oh, yeah, I hate them."

"No that's a good thing." The blonde said smirking a little.

Lexa gave Clarke a confused looked.

"Anyway you can post the ones I don't use or whatever." Clarke said as she sent Lexa the rest.

"Okay thanks."

Clarke left after packing everything up and Lexa decided to post the pictures on instagram.

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🥵🥵why sexy lexy so hot

wow i'm such a great photographer


You look amazing Lexa.

I- shit my wife is hot

The next day during school Finn seemed to be more possessive. Whenever Clarke said something to Lexa causing her to blush he would wrapped his arm around her waist or shoulder, like he was trying to prove something. She thought it was kind of annoying but didn't say anything, hoping that he would just stop.

After school Clarke, Raven, and Octavia went over Lexa's house to study for the upcoming science test. They all loved Aden and when they were done studying he made Lexa and Clarke train for the race. After they trained Octavia and Raven left but Clarke stayed a little longer.


While Lexa was down stairs getting snacks Aden begged Clarke to help him with something.

"Clarke last night Lexa was tickling me and she wouldn't stop. I COULD BARELY BREATHE. Can you help me?"

"With what Aden?"

"She's to strong for me. I need you to keep her still so I can tickle her. PLEASE."

"Yeah sure I guess can help."

"YAY," Aden said jumping up and down, "I'll go hide in the closet and when your ready yell now Aden and I'll come running out and tickle her." He ran into the closet giggling.

When Lexa finally came back up she saw a big smile on Clarke's face. Lexa gave her a questioning look.

"Nothing. Wanna watch some tv?" Clarke asked laying down on the bed.

"Yeah sure." Lexa replied laying next to her.

When Lexa put the tv on Clarke got on her knees and moved so she was right next to Lexa.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked confused.

Clarke didn't say anything she just smiled. She straddled the brunette lap while pinning her arms to the bed. She saw Lexa starting to blush and couldn't help but giggle.

"Clarke wh- what are you doing? Y- You can't do this. We can't. Get off. We- we can't I'm str-" Lexa stuttered trying to wiggle free.

"ADEN NOW!" Clarke screamed laughing, as she cut Lexa off.

Aden came running out of the closet and jumped on to the bed. He started tickling Lexa making her squirm around underneath the blonde.

"Stop. Stop. I can't breathe." Lexa said laughing.

"Never" Aden said.

The two girls were still laughing when Aden finally got off the bed and walked to the door. "Clarke I think Lexa's learned her lesson. You can let go now." Then he walked down stairs.

But Clarke didn't let go right away. Instead she stayed there smiling into the green orbs under her, Lexa smiling back. After a couple minutes Lexa spoke, "Hey Aden said he was done. You can get off now." she said wiggling her hands free.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Clarke said getting out of her trance.

Clarke finally left around 9pm and Lexa was excited for tomorrow. Not because of the date that she completely forgot about but because she was going to see Clarke. She didn't want to be excited but she couldn't help herself.


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