《We're Just Friends (Clexa AU)》Chapter Eleven


During the date Lexa could only think about two things, what happened with Clarke the night before and her match tomorrow. She also felt bad for Finn because his exact words were "I wanna make this a fun date because I know you're nervous about tomorrow" and the date was fun. He brought her to the Arkadia Pier, they went on rides, they played some games, they ate on the beach again, then walked along that beach.

"I had a really great time." Finn said as he walked Lexa to the door.

"Me too."

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out again, umm Friday maybe?"

"Oh my friend from Australia is coming to visit than."

"Oh okay well how about Thursday. We have a half day. We could go on a picnic after school."

"Yeah that could be cool."

"Great." Finn said with a smile.

He leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips but she turned her head so he kissed her cheek instead.

"Well bye see you tomorrow." Lexa waved and went inside the house.


She ended up texting Clarke, Raven, and Octavia saying the date was great, explaining everything they asked. While she also texted Callie but said how it was horrible because she once again wasn't really there, she was physically there but her mind wasn't.

The next day was her match. When she looked at the bleachers she saw her parents and Aden near the front then looked up and saw all her friends at the top. Clarke was holding a sign that said "GO SEXY LEXY #7" in big bright colors and in smaller letters "Go Rae and O #5 and #14"

Clarke watched the game not knowing what was happening, even though she now had three friends who played. All she knew was that Lexa looked hot at whatever she was doing.

Lexa's team was winning, it was match point, and it was up to Lexa to win the next point.


"O will pass it to me and I'll pass it to you, all you gotta do is spike the ball between number 6 and 10 because their ass. It'll be easy."

"Yeah so easy." Lexa said rolling her eyes.

"You got this." Raven said right before getting in position.

Lexa took a deep breath and watched as the server got ready to hit the ball. Once the girl served, the ball went near Octavia who bumped it over to Raven, who then bumped it near Lexa. Lexa ran, jumped, and spiked the ball over the net causing it to go right in between girls 6 and 10. She watched as the two girls fell trying to get the ball and when the ball hit the floor all her teammates came running towards her.

"That was the best kill I've ever seen." Some random girl on the team said.

"See told you it'd be easy." Raven said giving Lexa a high-five.

Lexa put her hand up to show Raven it was still shaking, "I was so nervous."

"Nervous and hot." Clarke said from behind Lexa, making her blush.

"I- I- umm hey guys." Lexa said turning around to all her other friends.

"You did great." Finn told Lexa.

"Like my sign?" Clarke asked it holding up.

Lexa blushed a little more while looking at the sign.

"Hey how come our names are tiny?" Raven asked looking at the sign.

"Because you're not as hot as her." Clarke answered.

After everyone praised Lexa, she went home with her family to take a shower and a nap. almost two hours later she was woken up by people jumping on her bed yelling at her.




She squinted her eyes open to find five people in her room. Raven, Octavia, and Clarke were on her bed yelling at her, while Aden was showing Murphy his spongebob toys.


"Dude I love your brother he just gave me this." Murphy said walking over with a small spongebob plushy as Aden left.

Clarke pulled Lexa's blanket off leaving her in only a light yellow thong with a daisy on the front from Pink and an oversized T-shirt that rode up while she was asleep, stopping right below her breast to show off her stomach.

"Is anyone else extremely turned on right now?" Clarke asked staring from Lexa's tone stomach, down her long legs, then back up.

"CLARKE!" Lexa yelled grabbing her blanket.

"Two things, one I think daisies are my new favorite flower. And two, is this how you always sleep, because I wouldn't mind sleeping with your-"

"Clarke." Lexa said warningly.

"Sorry I forgot. But is this how you sleep?"

"No I was just to tired to finish putting clothes on and I didn't think anyone would rudely rip my blankets off. Wait, w- what are you guys even doing here?" Lexa asked extremely confused then looked over at Clarke, "Did you just curse in front of my brother?"

"Your dad let us up and if ass is a curse word then maybe." Clarke said.

"Why are you here?"

"Beach." Raven answered.


"We're going to the beach." Murphy answered, "Everyone else is outside waiting."

"And you," Clarke said pointing at Lexa, "are coming. Now go change."

Lexa started to stretch but then was pulled off the bed by her ankles.

"HEY!" Lexa yelled as her ass hit the floor.

"You did it to me so I had to do it back." Clarke said laughing.

"That hurt."

"I know, now go get ready."

The brunette went into the bathroom and changed so she was in a black one piece, and wore a very big white button up over it for coverage. When she came out she found all four of them, including Murphy, laying on her bed.

"Your bed is really comfy." Octavia said, staring up at the ceiling.

"So I've been told."

After she grabbed all her beach stuff she pulled Clarke off the bed.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Clarke yelled when she hit the floor causing everyone to laugh.

"Alexandria language!" Lexa's mom yelled from down the hall.

"It was Clarke."

Lexa's mom walked over to Lexa's room, "Clarke could you please try and not use that kind of language in my house when Aden's home."

"Y- yes of course, I'm- I'm sorry Mrs. Woods." Clarke said nodding her head.

"Is someone scared of Lexa's mom?" Murphy asked laughing once Mrs. Woods left.

"She's intimidating." Clarke said.

"And hot." Octavia said.

"True, I see where Lexa gets her looks from." Raven said causing Lexa to roll her eyes.

"Let's just go." Lexa said walking out her room.

After a couple hours at the beach, tanning, swimming, playing spikeball, just talking, and Lexa looking at Clarke in her bikini when no one was looking one to many times, everyone one went home. Lexa went home and posted on instagram then scrolled through, liking some of her friends posts.

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in my element 📸

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SEXY LEXY🥵🥵😮‍💨😮‍💨🤤

that smile could stop a pandemic


just take the damn compliment

My wife is so hot

You look great Lexa

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come on in, the waters fine💦

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Okay Murphy we see you👏

No pic credz i see


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beach after a dub? i think yes 📸

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love ya babe


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skip first pic...when sexy lexy is a swimwear model😍😍

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two of the hottest bitches


Lexa's totally blushing rn

i'm not

i don't recall giving permission for theses pics to be taken and posted


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