《Naruto-Gold & Silver》Luck
A day after the Motel incident...
Naruto , Hinata and Jiraya went back to the road"Ok ,kids let's take a break for now."Jiraya told his students.
Naruto and Hinata felt to the ground "Finally we have being walking for hours"Naruto was exausted
"Wait kid this isn't a break break , this is a break so I can train you two."
"What?!"Naruto was pissed
"Yeah Kid.Now how good are you with your chakra chains?"
"It's kinda good I can properly control them but I still on the same level since before the chunin exams."
"And you Hinata have you studied fuinjutsu?"
"Y-yes. I was able to use the Fuined jutsus with out a problem at the motel."
"Good good. Now Naruto keep practicing your chakra chains until you are able to keep them indefinitally. Hinata we will keep your intensive."
"Hai , Ero-sennin."Both said
"What have I done to you call me that too Hinata?"Jiraya was sad
"Well you felt in love with that girl at the motel just because of her body."Hinata told the old pervert
"Can't a man just be a man."
One days later...
Jiraya was doing another training break."So Hinata when you add chakra at this frequncy/
"Hey pervy sage I think I got it now!"Naruto said while puffing away an army of clones."I'm going to start the Hirashin now."Naruto said while puffing a scroll into existence
"Wait Naruto first..."Jiraya gave a chakra-paper to Naruto"Apply the Kurama's chakra into it."
"Kurama said that he has all five"Naruto said rejecting the paper
"Thank you Kurama , this stuff isn't cheap.Here"Jiraya took a lamp out of a scroll and gave to Naruto"Try turning it on with chakra"
"Why do I need to do this?"Naruto asked
"Simple the Hirashin of your father at least has the lighting element on it so you better start training your lighting affinity before trying his Hirashin."
"All right."Naruto applyed some chakra into the lamp
The lamp shined red before*Pum*it exploded
"Good , you just don't know the amount of chakra to put, here "Jiraya gave a scroll filled with lamps to Naruto "You will lear quick. Now back to where we were Hinata."
"Alright Kagebushin no jutsu!"Naruto created an army of clones and gave each one of them a lamp"You know what to do."
"Alright boss!"They all shouted
A hour later...
"And for some reason this is an exection to the rule."Jiraya was teaching Hinata advance fuinjutsu
"Hey Ero-senin I got it."Naruto showed an red glowing lamb.
"Good thing now before you try Hirashin..."Jiraya took a Kunai marked an X in the ground and threw the kunai about five meters away from the X "Try creating a current of Eletricity towards the Kunai from the X spot. The distance is five meters."
"Alright!"Naruto created an army of clones and started his training.
One day later...
Jiraya , Naruto and Hinata were on the road."Hey Ero-senin won't we have a training break?"Naruto asked
"No we are almost arriving in our destination."
"Is that town over there?"Hinata pointed at a town at the horizon
"Exactly.Hinata.Now let's go! I heard that this town has some beutys!"Jiraya ran towards the town
"Wasn't this the Jiji last mission?"Naruto asked Hinata
"He's such an ero-sennin."Hinata said disapointed for being right. They ran after their sensei.
At the town...
They were in front of a Cassino and Jiraya was asking around for a woman with big assets."He's a lost case."Naruto said to Hinata disapointed
"Hey kid wanna try?"An seller offered Naruto a try on the slot machine
"Ok."Naruto pulled the lever and the machine went crazy. He just won the big prize.
"Wh-what?"The seller wasn't believing in it.
"Hey Hinata check it out the amount of money I won!"Naruto shouted carring more money that he could carry
"What about you young lady would you like to try?"the seller directed his attention towards Hinata.
"O-ok."Hinata pulled the lever and just like Naruto's the machine went crazy. She just won the big prize.
"Wh-what?"The seller wasn't believing in it.
"Wow Hinata you won as well , amazing!"
"How-how-ow?"The sells man wasn't believing in it"You two are cheaters!"he shouted"We got cheaters right here!"As the man shouted a great amount of people came surounding them.
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this Hinata?"
"Allow us to show you two what we do to cheaters."One of the man who was surronding the two said.
"Hã?"Both were cofused
"Kids what are you doing?"Jiraya showed up "I found out where we need to go. So stop being a burden to this people and let's get moving."
"Ero-sennin."The pair said
"I told you two to call me by my name , Jiraya you morons!"
"Hey, you are Jiraya? Like the Jiraya?"
"Yes and do you know who I'm?"
"Of course!"The man shouted as he and everyother man with him picked up something from their pocket"Please give us an autograph!"The man bowed and extented some orange book.
"What a buch of perverts."Naruto said as he saw the books"Reading that porn book that Ero-sennin wrote. And he even forced me when I was like six to edit it."
"Ero-senin trully has just hit a new low for me."Hinata said even more dispointed with her master.
"Arigato!"The group of man completely forgot about Naruto and Hinata.
"Alright kids let's go to the town of Tanzaku."
A day later In the twon of Tanzaku...
Jiraya , Naruto and Hinata were at an game house where Jiraya was trying to collect information on a woman.
"Alright I will give you the information , but you will have to beat me in a game of Han and Chou , but if I win you own me a thousand yein."the guy that Jiraya was talking said
"Oh right I won't be the one who will play. It will be one of this kids"Jiraya said pointing at Naruto and Hinata.
"Hã why us ?"Naruto asked
"Don't asked questions and just play , that's how gamble works kid"the man told Naruto "So han or chou?"the man throwed the dices inside an cup shaked it and putted it on the ground.
"han, odds."Naruto said
The man then removed the cup "Hã? "it was han "Beginers luck, now it's the young lady's turn."he did the same thing as before
"Hey that wasn't the deal."Jiraya compleined
"Chou, odds"Hinata said
"Hã?"the man removed the cup and it was Chou"Another round you cheated"the man wasn't acepting defeat.
"That wasn't the deal"Jiraya spoke to the man
"This time if I lose I will give you money"
After a few rounds of han or chou...
"Impossible!!! They are cheaters you two guessed every single round !!!!"the man was in shock
Jiraya was couting the money he just won"Alright since you don't have anymore money just tell us already what I want to know."
"Afff she ins't anywhere..."Jiraya said as he walked down the street
"Hey ero-sennin why do we need to find this woman for Jiji?"
"You will find out later. Luck-Moron"
"Aaaah run!!"a group of people said while runing towards them.Jiraya then asked
"Hey! Why are you running?"
"There's a monster in that destroyed the castle!"
"What type of monster?"
"A gigant snake"the civilian said before getting back to running
"Hmm interresting."Jiraya thought out loud"Well let's keep going, we need to find Tsunade"Jiraya , Naruto and Hinata went back to search for this woman
some hours later...
"Ero-sennin I'm hungry..."Naruto protested
"We still need to find Tsunade."
"I don't care, I'm hungry tired and I bet that Hinata is also like this.Right Hinata?"
"Na-naruto-kun is right may we take a break, Ero-sennin?"
"Fine, let's go to this bar right here."Jiraya proceded to enter the bar"Oh!"he said as he saw a familiar face in the.
"It can't be...Jiraya!"
Both shouted as they saw each other
"Finally we fond her!"Naruto shouted
Jiraya aproched the table where Tsunade was"May we sit here, Hime?"Jiraya, Naruto and Hinata sat along side Tsunade and her assistend Shizune.And started to eat.
"It's like a reunion,All the same old faces coming back at the same time."Tsunade said
"So you mean Orochimaru"Jiraya said"So what happended?"
"Oh nothing special we just said Hi that's all"Tsunade said as she took a poker deck and started to shuffle it"So why are you looking for me?"She said as she passed the deck to Jiraya
"So I will straight to the point."Jiraya cutted the deck"Tsunade Konohagakure as elected you the fifth Hokage."
"Hmmm!"Everyone was in shock , Naruto even choked
"Cof cof cof "
"Na-naruto-kun are you all right?"
(Fifth Hokage?So that's why Jiji wanted us to go after this woman)Naruto thought
"So you heard about Hiruzen right?"Jiraya asked
"Yes he died because of Orochimaru's poison."
"Wait Orochimaru? Isn't that the same pedophile that attacked me and my team at the Chunin Exams?"
"Pedophile not the best word to describe a sannin but for Orochimaru that's really fitting.Haha"Jiraya laughted
"That Pedophile was one of the three great sannin?!But why would he do/
"Shut up Blond. Jiraya who is this gacky?"Tsunade interrupted Naruto
"This is my new disciple and my godson,Naruto Uzumaki."Jiraya said
"Your god son? Who in- wait he's the son of who I think he is?"
"Yes my father is Namikaze Minato, also known as the For/
"Naruto shut up."Jiraya shuted Naruto's mouth
"Hmm the son of the yellow flash, and who would be this Hyuga girl?His girlfriend?"Naruto and Hinata blushed from Tsunade's joke"Haha just kidding."
"Hahaha.Good one Hime."
"Hey Jiraya isn't he the..."
"Yes he is the Kyuby boy."
"Wait a second! What about Orochipedo?!"
"Pfff that was a good one Naruto, i going to use this one from now on.Hahaha"Jiraya laugh
"Shouldn't we go after him?!"Naruto stood up
"Naruto just sit and let the adults do the talk."Jiraya and Tsunade started to play cards"So i will say it once more. The Hidden Leaf has took a decision , and you was nominated the fifth Hokage."Tsunade didn't said anything"So what's your answer?"Tsunade stood quiet"Do you accept?"Tsunade stood quiet"So I'm waiting..."
"Impossible ,I refuse."Tsunade answered
"hã?"Everyone else was in shock
"You know those words remind e of the same ones you said when I asked you out"
Naruto punched the table"How dare you refulse it!"
"Don't worry Naruto she knows she can't refuse. She is one of the responsibles for the Leaf's victory in the last war, the responsible for what's now a common thing in every shinobi team. A medic per team. And she's also the granddaughter of the First Hokage. Haven't you learned that in the academy?"
"No you took me out of there pretty early remeber?"
"Oh right."
"Still I refuse."Tsunade said shoking everyone"The Hokage needs to die for the village and risking your life for the supremacy is a fools bet."
(A fools bet?)Naruto got angry
"My grampa , his successor , old man Hiruzen and you father kid. They all were dispose to die in order to deafend the village. And no offence kid but they are all dead now"
"My my , Hime what Happend to you to you say such things."
"Hump, what's the matter kid can't handle the thruth?"Tsunade saw Naruto shacking in anger"Playing Hokage that's a fools game."
"That's it!"Naruto punched the table and jumped in the table with a red Rasengan in his right hand.Only to be stoped by Jiraya.
"Stop this Naruto.People are looking."Jiraya said
"The Rasengan? And it's red? But only Bijjus-"Tsunade stoped as she saw the boy's eyes" Kyuby. Jiraya, is this boy using the Kyubys Chakra?"
"Yes. He has some kind of condition where he's chakra is just too strong for him to use it."
"Condition is what she's going to have after I beat her up!"Naruto shouted
"Really and the Kyuby's Chakra isn't strong."
"Well if you don't believe me check it your self."
"Fine , now over energetic blond stay quiet for a second."Tsunade putted her hand on Naruto's head and then they started to glow green and then gold."Impossible! What's is this? His chakra color is gold?! And it's very potent as well."
"Told ya Hime."Jiraya said as he stoped containing Naruto who just sat in his place with an annoyed face.
"So this boy is special and what about this girl? I still don't know why you brought her with you. And I dout that's to help you with your research."
"She has the same condition as Naruto here. You can check on her as well"
"Hey Hyuga girl come here for a second"Tsunade touched Hinata's head.Her hand started to glow green and then silver"What? Gold and silver chakra that's new."Tsunade removed her hand from Hinata's head."Jiraya why do they have such powerfull chakras?"
"Well Hime I can't tell you in front of you know."Jiraya looked at the the two pre-teens
"Ok, so kid do you know how to play?"Tsunade gave Naruto five cards."You two girl"she gave Hinata five cards"Jiraya give me those back."Tsunade took the cards from Jirayas hand."Me and Shizune vs this two. If I win you guys give me all of your money and I won't be Hokage."
"Hey this isn't fair I don't even know how to play this game!"Naruto shouted"So if we win you will come with us be Hokage and also give me this neckless."Naruto pointes at Tsunade's neckless.
"Tsunade-sama you can't bet you neckless"
"relax Shinuze there's no way I going to lose against kids that don't even know how to play. Hahaha" Tsunade laugh
"Why do I have a very bad felling about this"
"Hey Hinata? Do you know how to play?"
"No ideia Naruto-kun"
"Hahaha this is going to be fun"Tsunade laugh again
- In Serial52 Chapters
Modern Age Online Book 1
(Book Two on Amazon here) (Book Three on Amazon Here) Both books should be available through Kindle Unlimited. It is the Future. The realm of online video game entertainment has grown, creating vast and wonderous worlds for people to explore and enjoy. This is the story of Kaleb, a young gamer, and his adventures in the latest Super-Hero Virtual reality MMO: Modern Age Online. Join him as he takes on villains (both player and NPC), joins forces with other player heroes, and even deals with some of the bureaucracy of being a hero in a perfect virtual recreation of the world. No cheats, no guides, just one newbie Super-Hero against the forces of villainy in his new virtual home. Notes: 1.) While not my first time writing, this is my first time throwing anything I've written at the tender mercies of the internet. All criticisms welcome. 2.) Just to inform people early: There is no evil corporation looking to control the world with VR, there is no Krueger-esque "if you die in the game, you die for real.", and this isn't a story of some OP harem-loving god of the system. Nothing wrong with those stories this just isn't one. This is a simple story about a guy playing a game and finally 3.) This story is extremely rough, i did very little editing, this is just me gauging interest really. oh, and English is my 1st language, if for some reason you find that important. Note 2) from now on Book 1 will exist in its entirety on Royal Road while Books 2 and 3 (and any others) will be released on Amazon. I want to thank everyone who has been reading and has taken this weird journey with me. I will continue to write in my spare time and will always be thankful to Royal Road for giving me a space to be creative. Thank you to everyone.
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Unexpected Consequences
All that occurred in this tale came about because the Gods Of Light overreached. Becoming complacent with easy victories they bit off more than they expected. The resulting chaos in the five worlds that they controlled brought great changes and opportunities. NB: This story uses UK English spelling.
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Restart (Reborn as a Reluctant Demon Lord, Book 2)
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] This is book 2 of the series! If you haven't read book 1 (which you can find here https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/34776/new-game-reborn-as-a-reluctant-demon-lord-book) then you should probably do that first to avoid spoiling yourself in the synopsis. But that's just a suggestion. If you want to be confused, go ahead. Have I used enough space so that you can't see this in the preview yet? Okay, good. ----- For a [Demon Lord], not even death is the end. So, after death, I found myself revived once again in the world of Placeholder as a grotesque monstrosity. That was my first reincarnation, but it would not be anywhere near my last. Disillusioned with the admins and their quests, and wanting nothing more than to fix the mistakes of my past, I set out with a new goal in mind. To bring back the woman I loved. Or maybe... to ensure that she never died in the first place.
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The Gatriel Decebal Chronicles
The Nephilim, a legendary race of beings long lost to the passage of time. Descendants of celestial beings, they were stronger and smarter than any other race in the world, through their efforts and blood, the forces of evil were sent back to the depths of hell. They were heroes, warriors, the benefactors of freedom in the old age. But now they have become nothing more than stories of the past, whispers and myths long forgotten to man. They have been gone for so long, that there is no records of them left other than the stories passed down from mouth to mouth - if any. Their legend now lays distorted by time, obscured by visions of the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter word count: 1800 - 2700Contains swearing and gore viewer discretion advised Publishing frequency: once every three weeks(schedule may vary depending on real life situations, may take long but release long batch of chapters instead in some instances)
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Lear County Outlook
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bald kurapika x reader
bald kurapika(10-18-20) #4 in BaldKurapika(10-20-20) #350 in Kurapika (out of 4k stories)(10-26-20) #3 in BaldKurapika(10-30-2020) #2 in Baldkurapika(11-16-2020) #1 in Baldkurapika
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