《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The Sannins
"I can't believe it!"Tsunade shouted"How the hell you two got a royal flush four times in a row?!"
"Royal what?"the blond and the blue hair asked."So does that mean we won again?"they said together.
"Yes." Jiraya said happy
"Let's play again!"Tsunade demanded
"Nah, I don't want to play again this is the forth time we play again, just give us the collar and come with us already."Naruto said as he was tired of playing
"Grrrrr, I don't know how but you cheated!"Tsunade shouted
"Hime they aren't cheating they are just extremely luck"Jiraya said with a smile
"Tsunade-sama please calm down."Shizune asked her loser sensei
"Fine I admit I have lost"Tsunade said with anger in the eyes.Until it changed to a evil smile"Ok I will go with but with one condition."
"Hey the condition was that me and Hinata beated you in this game!"the blond winner shouted
"Shut up brat, I will go with you three I just need to ask you two a favor."
"No we /Naruto was shuted up by Jiraya
"So Hime what's the favor?"
six days later...
in a game house
"What?!!!Three royal flush in a row???!!!!"an random guy shouted
"That's impossible isn't she the legendary loser?"asked another guy that was playing with Tsunade.
"Hehe I won again who would say this week might be my luck one."'Tsunade' said with a mountain of money behind her."I think I will be going now."She said before sealing all the money in a scroll
"..."Everyone that knew who she was was with's chin in the ground , they could not belive in what was happening the lengendary loser had been winning for the six day in a row.
'Tsunade'left the game house and went in direction of her hotel room , where there were Jiraya , Shizune and Another two Tsunades."Hey brat you back, so how was the today?"Tsunade said while she counted a buch of cash.
"Good Tsunade-Bachan. But I still don't get what's the fun of gambling"'Tsunade' siad while she puffed into Naruto.
"Oh kid you never will enjoy gambling and I'm happy for that"Jiraya said
"Here's todays money."Naruto said while giving a scroll to Tsunade
"Only three million kid? Your girlfried got four million"tsunade said as she look at the value at the scroll.
"What ever can we go now?"
"I don't know? Shizune?"Tsnade asked her aprentice
"We have payed our dept three times Tsunade-sama"Shizune said
"Ok I think we can go now- "Tsunade said as she remembered something"actually we will need to stay until tomrrow."
"Why?"everyone but Shizune asked
"Tsunade-sama please don't tell me that you/
"No Shizune I haven't accepet that Pedo offer."
"So Pedochimaru indeed tryed to negociate with you. What he wanted?"Jiraya asked
"He wanted me to grow he arm back.In exchange of bring Dan and my nephew back to life."
"You din't accept did you?"
"He gave me a week to think. And for more that I want to see them I don't want them to see me. I don't want them to see what I have become."Tsunade cried
"Don't worry Hime , I know that they would be proud of you."Jiraya said trying to confort her
"Thanks jira/
"106 who wound't be proud of that. Hahaha"Jiaraya laugh before been puched in the face by Tsunade.
"You Ero-sannin. Is that what you two call him right?"Tsunade asked the two luck kids
"No we call him Ero-sennin with an E insteed of A"Naruto corrected the woman with 106 centimeters of chest
"Close enough. Shizune heal him we will need him tomorrow."
"Just a second Jiraya-sama."Shizune said as she started to heal Jiraya's face.
"Thank's Shizune-chan, and Tsunade what do you mean, you will need me tomorrow? "Jiraya asked confused"Don't you tell me..."
"Yes I want to kick that Pedophile's butt."
"May I ask you why?"Jiraya was surprised with Tsunade
"Simple I heard the rumors about him and i will make him pay."
"Yeah let's get Revange for Jiji!"Naruto shouted
"Naruto what have I told you about revange?"
"Revange is never right kills the soul and starts another fight. Yeah I remember that."the blond answered.
"It was about the cycle of hate but what ever. So do you have a plan Tsunade?"
"Of course!"
The next day...
Tsuanade was meeting with her old team mate, Orochimaru , and his assistent Kabuto"So Hime what's your answer?"the snake sannin asked
"Yes"Tsunade said carring a passed out two random dudes.
"Kukuku , I'm acctually surprised that you agreed with my terms, Kukuku.Hime."
"Hm...What are you waiting for..."Tsunade said as she dropped both bodys into the ground
"Kukuku, first I need my arm back, Hime."the one armed sannin said"With out it I won't be able to do the jutsu.Kukuku"
"What ever..."Tsunade approched Orochimaru and started to heal him.Her hand glowed green and chaged to purple."This will take a whi/
"The hell you think you doing?"Kabuto took Tsunades hands away from Orochimaru."I may not be as much experient as you Tsunade , but I know the difference between Healing and 'Healing'"Kabuto said angerlly
"What a shame Hime. What a shame.Kukuku. So long time no see Jiraya, Shizune-chan."He said as he looked at the two bodys, that puffed to reaveal Jiraya and Shizune."Kukuku , shall we begin?"
In the hotel room...
"Afff... Why can't we go help? I want to avenge Jiji as well."Naruto said pissed
"Na-naruto-kun, re-relax"Hinata tryed to calm the blond down.
"Hmp, we can't even go outside thanks to seal that Ero-sennin put at the door, after he left."Naruto said as he throw a kunai out of the window."Wait I have an ideia!"
"What's is you ideia?"the pearl eyes asked confused since the blond's last attempt of using the winodw as an exit didn't went as planned.
"I just need to finish the Hirashin!"the blond shouted, while taking a scroll out"Let's see...Damn it I need an special Kunai, made out of chakra metal."
"Like the ones that your father used?"
"Yes Hinata, why do you know how we can get one?"
"Yes, once Jiraya as giving me a lesson about chakra metal and he showed me a Forth's Kunai."
"That doesn't help either I bet that he is with it."Naruto said disapointed
"I don't think so Naruto-kun. He didn't left with that big scroll that he keeps in his back."
"So Hinata where is it?"
"Byakugan! It's inside this closet"Hinata pointed at it.
"Thank's Hinata, now let's get it... and it has a security seal on it... But that ain't aproblem for me."The blond started to anylise the seal"Oh easy pease."The blond quickly unsealed the closet "Now let's get the kunai"Naruto said as he opened the big scroll."let's see, porn , porn , porn , porn , porn, even more porn, even even more porn.Kami how much porn! Finnaly something that isn't porn."Naruto talked as he scrolled the scroll"Got it!"Naruto puffed the Kunai into existence."Great now let's see what we have to do now."Naruto reopened his Hirashin scroll"Oh right."Naruto procced to take some ink removel and pass it on his father's Kunai. Removing the seal writting.
"Na-Naruto-kun, why did you removed the seal?"the ex Hyuga asked
"Simple the seal is writen in blood so that the only person that can activate it is the owner."Naruto said as he cutted his finger"Let's see the pattern"Naruto then started to re-write the pattern in the Kunai."Apply some Chakra and Done! Let's go Hinata!"the blonde grabed the blue hair girl in bridal style.
"Na-na-naruoto-kun yo-you sure this is a good i-i-ideia?"The ex-Hyuga was a little worried"This is the first time you doing this , and/
"Don't worry Hinata , we will be alright."The blond throwed the Kunai out of the window into the street."Are you ready?"
"Ha-hai."the lavander eyes girl said as she closed her eyes.
"Here we go!"the blond and the blue haired disapiered in a gold and silver flash, and reappered in the street right in front of the Kunai.
"Hã? We did it?"the girl asked
"We did it? We did it ! We did it Hinata-chan! We did it"Naruto said as he hugged Hinata who was doing her best to not pass out"Now let's go Help Ero-sennin and Bachan!"The blond started to run.
"Na-naruto-kun I can walk."the Tomato girl said as she was carried by the Uzumaki
Back with the sannin...
Shizune was fighting kabuto while Tsunade and Jiraya faced Orochimaru.Who was giving a good fight."Kukuku, Yu two lost are getting old, Kukuku."Orochimaru said as he wans't in a old body.
"You two Pedochimaru."Jiraya said as he dodged the Pedochimaru's attacks.
"No I can't get old, I'm immortal!"He then procced to turn his arm into two snakes.
"Leave this to me!"Tsunade burried her hands in the ground and raised the ground as a wall. Where the two snakes hitted their heads on it.
"Rasengan!"Jiraya appered behind Orochimaru.
"Kukuku,*glarp*"Orochimaru quickly throw up his sword Kusanagi and almost sliced Jiraya in two. But the toad sage blocked the sword with the Rasengan making both of them fly away from each other."Kukuku what a desapointment Jiraya.Hã so reinforcimnt's are coming."Orochiamru felt Naruto and Hinata's chakra."And I got say what a interresting chakra they have,kukuku."Orochimaru said as he moved his head to avoid a kunai aimed at his head."Kuku-this Kun/
"Rasengan!"the blond appered in a gold flash with a red rasengan in his hands, smashing it into the Pedophiles face. Making him fly a few meters.
"Sor-sorry for that. Tsunade-sama , Ero sennin."Hinata ran where Jiraya and Tsunade were.
"So he completed the Hirashin I knew it was a good ideia to leave my big scroll behind..."
"Hinata-chan I have a question for you."Tsunade said with a smile"What was inside that scroll?"
Jiraya face became so white that the Byakugan would be envy."Hinata-chan..."
"Shut up Ero-sannin."Tsunade demanded
"Lots of Porn..."Hinata said with disapointement in her eyes
"Books or movies?"Tsunade asked
"Both..."Hinata was with even more dispointment in her eyes
"Hey Orochimaru it's a tie , he has both in it!"Tsunade shouted at the snake sannin
"Damn!"Orochimaru shouted as he smashed Naruto to the ground
"Shouldn't we help Naruto-kun?"Hinata said worrired as not her boyfriend was having his ass beating
"Right, and don't worry about turning the heater on tonight."Tsunade said with an evil smile, before jumping back into the fight.Making Jiraya as pale as Hinata's eyes.
"Hina-hinata-chan go help Shizune-chan."Jiraya said jumping back to the fight as well.
With Shinuze and Kabuto...
Shizune was on the ground poisoned and bleeding ."Sorry Shizune but this ends now."Kabuto was about to decapitate Shizune when...
"Fuin:Futon:Great Breakthrough!"An gran wind send Kabuto flying, for more then a mile.
"Thanks Hinata-chan."Shizune said before passing out
"Shizune-san!"Hinata activated her Byakugan to scan Shizune"Poison! And a strong one." Hinata took a scroll out and started to scroll it."Hold on Shizune-san I will find the antidote."Hinata scrolled until she found what she wanted and puffed a herb into exixtence "This is a special herb it will delay the poison." She then procceded to put the herbs in Shizunes injures."Now applay some chakra into them."as Hinata applyed chakra into the herbs the herbs caught fire."No I used to much chakra!"Hinata shouted in panic"Wh-what?"
"Hã ,what happened?"Shizune woke up."Hã you healed me?"Shizune was confused"You know healing?"
Hinata who was more confused then Shizune only said"N-no."
"Then ho/
Shizune was interrupted by a huge smoke cloud that appered where the three sannin and naruto were fighting, coffered the field. As the smoke went away it was possible to see an gigant, purple snake, a white and blue slug and a orange toad.
"Kukuku"Orochimaru was laughing
"One handed signs , Orochimaru... I'm impressed"Jiraya and Tsunade said.
"Orochimaru I want one hundred sacrifices after this."the gigant purple snake , Manda, demanded.
The tree gigant animals started to fight.The gigant toad ,Gamabunta, blocked an tail attack from the snake and the slug , Katsuyu, jumped into Manda , forcing Orochimaru to jump off Manda's head.
"Orochimaru-sama."Kabuto said as he appered next to him, tired and injured from his flight."I think we should escape."
"You right Kabuto, there's nothing to win by fighting them"Orochimaru and kabuto then Sushined away. Puffing Manda away from the field.
"Hey you won't escape!"Naruto shouted as he throwed his Father's Kunai where Orochimaru and Kabuto were.And teleporting there."Damn it they escaped."
"Relax brat."Jiraya said as he and Tsunade dis-summoned , Gamabunta and Katsuyu.
"Tsunade-sama!"Shizune and Hinata ran towards Jiraya , Tsunade and Naruto were.
"Shizune are you alright?"
"Yes Tsunade-sama.Thanks to Hinata-chan here."Shizune said making Hinata blush.
"Yes Hinata is awesome isn't she?"Naruto congratulated the red girl."But what about me ? I Hirashined and smashed a Rasengan right at the pedophile's face. Hahaha"
"Naruto-kun, I thought that that was amazing."
"Yeah your girlfriend is right Hirashin while executing a jutsu isn't some thing easy."Jiraya said making Hinata and Naruto blush.
"Hey , Hinata-chan isn't my girlfriend."
"You even put chan in the end. Hahahaha."Jiraya laugh
"First stage denial"Tsunade jocked"So Shizune how did Hinata helped you?"
"Oh, I was poisoned by Kabuto , and she made him fly away, that was th last thing I remembered before waking up with my injures healed."
"You know, Healing?"Tsunade asked Hinata
"N-no, I only know a few things about herbs. I tryed to use some but they burned when I applyed chakra into them. And for some reason Shizune was fully healed after."
"Amazing. So girl do you want to be my apprentice?"
"Sorry Tsunade but she is already my apprentice."
"No she's my apprentice now."
"No she isn't. She already has the toad summoning contratct."
"She can have more then one contract."Tsunade andJiraya were head to head looking angerly at each other.
"She needs to learn sage mode Tsunade. And last time I checked you don't have one."
"I may not have one but the slugs do."Jiraya and Tsunade were about to fight each other when
"Now kiss"Naruto appered behind Jiraya ,pushed him towards Tsunade making them both kiss each other. Both Jiraya and Tsunade blush almost as hard as Hinata normally do. Insteed of immediately break the kiss thay stayed like that for a few seconds before. Jiraya immitade Hinata and passed out."Hahaaha"Naruto was laughing while Tsunade was in still in paralize.
"YOU BRAT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"Tsunade shouted as she run towards Naruto.
"Oh oh"Naruto was punched in the face making some blood fell into Tsunade's face paralising her for real this time.Naruto flew a few meters.
"Na-naruto-kun are you alright?"Hinata asked her crushed crush.
"Tsunade-sama!"Shizune was screamming"Tsunade-sama!"
"What happend?"Naruto asked as he was checking if he lost a teeth or two.
"Tsunade-sama has hemophobia."Shizune said as she cleaned the blood from Tsunade's face.
"Well she will never get to meet Sasuke-teme. Hahaaha"Naruto laugh
"Hemophobia is fear of blood you moron."the now awake Jiraya said punching Naruto's head." First of all never do that again. Second Thanks."Jiraya said as he cleaned the blood in his nose.
A/n: So this was the Tsunade search arc, hoped you liked. And who do you guys want to train Hinata? Tsunade or Jiraya? And also I don't know if there's an arc before the Sasuke retrievel arc. so or I will go straight towards it or make another OG one, Sorry for taking this long to post. Collage is killing me. So see you guys next time. Hope you enjoying it. Bye...
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