《Naruto-Gold & Silver》We met again
After Orochimaru ran away, the sound and sand forces were defeated and sended back to their village. The council tryed to use this as a justification for war, but Hiruzen even suffering from Orochimaru's poison to avoid the war at all cost, saying that Orochimaru was the responsible for the attack not the sand. Also that Konoha should focus in rebuilding it self instead of revange. Three days had passed since then and Hiruzen was on his lasts moments, for more that he wanted to go, saying that his time was gone, Jiraya did the impossible to keep him alive. But in the end he letted his Sensei go. The funeral was in the following day , where every citezen of Konoha attended.
After the Funeral...
Asuma, kurenai ,Naruto , Hinata and Konohamaru , were at Hiruzen's grave , they were wearing a formal black atire, Naruto and Konohamaru were crying rivers of tears. While Hinata tried to confort them both.Asuma was crying , and Kurenai was trying to confort him
"Jiji. I'm going to miss yo-ou. I-I-I would do anything to get you back."Both Konohamaru and Naruto cried
"I know you are sad Naruto. But now we have to go"Jiraya showed up behind them
"I-I-I don't want to."Naruto cried
"Kid I know how you feel. So why don't you and Hinata here don't help me with the last misson he gave me before he died."
"Su-sure. If that would made Jiji happy I will."
"I will go too. I want to make Jiji happy as well"Konohamaru cried
"Sorry , Konohamaru-chan but you aren't a ninja yet so you can't go on missions."Jiraya felt sorry for the kid"We are leaving in a hour so go Home and prepare for a mouth of travel,also bring with you yours traning scrolls we will do some training along the way."Jiraya told his two travel companions before leaving.
"Don't worry Jiji , I will complete your last mission , and that's a promise."Naruto said before he left.
One hour later at the Gates...
"Alright are you both ready?"
"Yes Ero-sennin"
"Hai, Jiraya sensei."
"So let's go."
The trio left the village...
At the town of Otafuku,at a motel...
"Alright kids we will be sleep here today."Jiraya said as he just did the check in.
"But it's still early Ero-senin we still could walk more."
"Well I don't care kid I'm tired and we will stop for now."
"Na-naruto-kun , maybe the next town is just to far away to we arrive in it by today"
"Yeah kid you should listen to your girlfriend of yours."Jiraya told his godson.Right before an beautful woman passed by the entrance of the Motel.(She's hot)Jiraya thought and looked at her like an idiot.
(He truly is an Ero-senin)Both Naruto and Hinata thought.
"Here the keys for your room kids. And remeber you still to young to have fun like me. Try to studid at least a little.Hehehe "Jiraya said as he gave the keys to Naruto and left to have a date with that hot girl.
Both Naruto and Hinata blushed as Naruto shouted "SHUT UP YOU PERVY OLD MAN!!!"
"Na-naruto-kun le-let's just let him be."Hinata tryed to calm Naruto down
an hour later...
Naruto and Hinata were in their room , and instead of making Jiraya proud , they were reading their scrolls. Naruto was studing his mother Chakra chains , while Hinata as studing fuin.
"Man he's an ugly old pervy man , how on earth did a girl got attracted for him. She must be in some kind of Genjutsu. What you think ,Hinata?"
"I-I don't know , love works in mysterious ways."
*knock knock*Someone was at the door.
"It must be pervy sage asking for mo-"Naruto opend the door and saw an man with a black cloak with red couds in it with the sharingan in his eyes.(Sasuke? No who is he?)Naruto was afraid for some reason.
"Hm its hard to believ that this kid carries the kyuby."an blue man with a sword on his back said as he appered.
{How do they know about you , Kurama?}
{I don't know kit but prepare to fight.}
"Naruto you will come with us."The Sasuke looked alike ordered
Naruto was paralized in fear.So as was Hinata
"Why don't go for a walk."The Uchiha oredered.
Naruto then walked out of the room."Na-naruto-kun please don't/
"Silince girl , unless you want to trouble"the one with a sword warned her
{Wait a little more}
"It's been a while"The Uchiha said all of the sudden"Sasuke."
Sasuke was right behind them,with his Sharingan activated"Itachi Uchiha"
Naruto and Hinata were in shock"Uchiha?"they both asked,as the tension grows more and more
"Sharingan? And he looks more threatening then you. Itachi who is the boy?"The Shark wannabe asked
"He's my little brother."Itachi said shocking everyone
"Strange didn't you eliminated your entire clan?"The one with sword asked
"Itachi , I hope you ready to die."Sasuke said in a threatening way.
(So that what happened...And that's the one he said he wanted to kill...)Naruto thought in shock
Even Kurama was in shock
"And just like you said brother , I feeded my fury for you!"Sasuke said activating his Chidori"I lived my live for reason only.KILL YOU!!!"Sasuke started to run towards Itachi with his Chidori against the wall.Leaving a path of destruction"DIE!!"Sasuke shouted
*BUM*an enourmous explosion occurred
As the smoke came down it was possible to see an hole in the wall and Itachi holding Sasuke's arm.
"Weak..."Itachi started to hold Sasuke's arm tight
Naruto took a scroll out,and with Kurama's eyes "Fuin:Katon:Fire ball!"The fire ball went straight towards them.But the shark wannabe blocked with his sword.
"Itachi this kid already can use the Kyubys chakra at will"
"Aaahhh"Itachi broke Sasuke's wrist.Making him felt to the ground in pain
"Now let's go for the Kyubi."The shark look alike said as he swang his sword towards Naruto
"Fuin:Futon:Great Breakthrought"An wind coming from Naruto's and Hinata's room making the blue one fly throught the hole in the wall.
"Hinata!"Naruto saw the girl joining the fight
"Kisame you idiot you letted your guard down."Itachi told his pair.
"I didn't . I acctually tryed to absorve the jutsu with Sameada but it failed for some reason"Kisame said as he went back to the hall."I flew about three blocks. That girl is strong."
"Kisame stop playing around..."
"Ok I going to kill the girl alright"Kisame raised his sword, he tryed to swang it down but"Hã? where did this tongue came from?"
"It's a toad's tongue"
"Ero-sennin."Both his students said as they saw him with the woman from earlier on his shoulder , on top of a toad around their size holding the sword with his tongue
"You too Hinata?"Jiraya was disappointed"Well, why a group of mercenarys like the Akatsuki is interest in the Kyuby?"
"Nothing of your bussiness."Kisame said as he took Sameada away from the toads tongue
"Really, you even putted a genjutsu on this woman to try, to seduce me, but that was yours first mistake. Women can't seduce me ! I'm the one who seduce them!"Jiraya shouted in proud
(Said the guy who litteraly felt in love in litteraly blink of an eye.)Both Naruto and Hinata thought
"What a dirty trick, use the Sharingan , to put a genjutsu on pretty girl to get me away from Naruto."Jiraya said as he putted the girl down.And unsummoned the toad"So why are you after Naruto?Is it because of the Kyubi right?"
"Yes he is what the Akatsuki wants and we will have him."Itachi said
"Well , this is an inconvinent. I could eliminate both of you at the same time."Jiraya told them
"Stay out of this."Sasuke spoke as he got up"The only one who will kill him is me!"
"Go away, I'm not interrested in you at the moment."Itachi told his little brother
"I don't care!"Sasuke tryed to punch Itachi with his unbroken right fist.Only to be kicked right through a wall at the end of the hallway.
"Hey! Sasuke!"Naruto shouted in worry for his team mate
"Naruto don't get involved! This is personal!"Sasuke shouted"I told you Itachi I lived for this moment.This I my fight!"Sasuke said as he got up.He then ran at Itachi.
"Weak"Itachi said as he punched Sasuke's stomach. He hanged him by the wall by the neck "You weak, you lack hatred."Itachi said as he applyed a genjutsu in Sasuke making him pass out
"Sasuke!"Naruto shouted
(What cruel guy. Use the Tsukuyomi on his on brother.)Jiraya thought
"That's it!"Naruto activated his one tail Chakra cloak and jumped at Itachi.
"No you won't."Kisame swang his sword by Naruto and absorved his chakra cloak, making him fell to the ground, unconcious
"Naruto-kun! Fuin:Suiton:Water drill!" Hinata opened an scroll an a jet of water came out of it , going straight towards Kisame. He tryed to block with his sword but he failed again.And he went flying towards Itachi , who avoided getting hit by him.
"There's something wrong with this girl chakra.Sameada is saying that's too powerfull to absorve."
"Hã?"Itachi was confused "More powerfull then an Bijju's?"
"Well talk time is over time to get this over as well"Jiraya said as he did a feel hand signs and the wall became like it was made out of meat"Ninjutsu:Toad mouth trap "
"What?"Kisame saw that the hallway started to try eat them
"Kisame let's go."Itachi ordered and both of them started to run away.
"Useless."Jiraya said as he aplyed more Chakra to the jutsu."Hã?"Jiraya got up and went were they ran.There was a hole in the wall with some black flames around it"Hmmm"
"Ero-sennin. What about Naruto-kun?"Hinata asked as she aprocched her sensei
"Even you Hinata?"Jiraya was sad"He will be fine he just need some rest that's it."Jiraya sat down and opened an empty scroll and wrote a seal on it , he did a few hand signs"Fuin: Fuin Fire!"and he sealed the balck fire away."Hinata would you please take care of Naruto while I take a look at Sasuke here."Jiraya said as he disbanded the toad mouth trap
"Hai"Hinata them went to Naruot location. While Jiraya went to Sasuke's.
"Well let me take a look at you Sasuke.Hmm he won't wake up so early."Jiraya then looked at the seal Naruto did"Good job kid. This thing will only allow the Orochimaru's seal to activate if he allows it. And even if he allows it Orochimaru's soul won't have any influence on him. Impressive."
"DYNAMIC ENTRANCE!!!!"An Man in a green spandex kicked Jiraya's face.
A few moment's later...
"I'm sorry. I didn't see that it was you , great Toad sannin.My name is Might Guy I was looking through that hole in the window with my head band and/
"I don't want to know. Just take this kid to the hospital. I'm worry about him."
"Roger that!"The guy that looked like Lee father said"Hey Hinata."He then saw Hinata, along side an inconcious Naruto"Kurenai had being looking for you."
"I went in a mission with Naruto-kun and Ero-sennin, didn't he told her?"Hinata looked at Jiraya.
"Ero-sennin?"Guy was confused"Oh Jiraya-sama. No he didn't but don't worry I will tell her. Now if you excuse me."The Lee father wannabe took Sasuke and went away.
A/n: I letteraly had to watch the show while writting it, because I didn't remember a thing about this fight. That's why the dialogues are diferent from my style. I amost skiped it and went straight to the search for Tsunade, but luckly I remebered that Kuranai tryed to apply a genjutsu in Itachi and I remenbered that it was in this arc. So hope you enjoying it.
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The boy who fell in love with a tree
This is a story about a boy who fell in love with a tree… A story about powerful people changing the rulebook to stack the odds and line their pockets… I aim to create a story that will transport us so we get a glimpse of what that boy felt. The first 4 Chapters might be classified as a prologue depending on how you look at it. The boy quickly grows and the story really starts when the System arrives on Earth. I’m trying to achieve a relatively slow power progression and guide what we learn at a pace following the people in the story. There will be fighting but It’s more focused on base building. The MC is not all-powerful and all-knowing but he has some significant advantages. I’m trying to create a universe that makes sense in its own context. Much of what you will find, are my own world views, in a magnified way, as to make it for interesting fiction. The story took a life of its own when I started to write and I’m really happy with it. Not all of the tags I have marked will immediately be applied. There is stuff planned for far in the future such as the Sci-fi tag. There might be some cursing and gore but it is not very often. -------------- English is not my primary language, so I ask everyone to be forgiving. If you see a glaring error I would appreciate a msg but it is not feasible to fix everything. And if the story offends you, I wish you happiness, reading what you enjoy. ------------- Img link: https://unsplash.com/photos/EwKXn5CapA4
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The Psysword Chronicles (HIATUS)
"Definitely above average. You've woven in enough goodness in the first 5 chaps to warrant a deeper dive." -RaccoonMage "A well written Isekai." -TaxReligion "When I saw it was an isekai I expected the same old tropes. And, while the main character was indeed transported to fight the main villain, that is as far as the main tropes go[...] I was pleasantly surprised." -doravg "[T]his novel has lot of good things going on for it[...] I can see this becoming one of top tier novels on this site." -Crow3r A fantastical world called the Ecumene. A sinister invasion by forces of the Underworld. A war that threatens to rend the Three Realms asunder. 18-year-old Kendrick is from another universe entirely, summoned to be the hero the Ecumene needs... but he's kind of a clumsy goof. Two companions—a fiery, battle-ready witch named Bellara and a soft-spoken, friendly healer named Sahni—welcome him to the Ecumene for one purpose: he may be the only one that can save it. Why? Precisely because he's an outsider to their world. And how? With an ancient weapon that seems tailor-made for him alone: the Psysword. Book 1 complete.
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