《Naruto-Gold & Silver》Invasion
At the Kage's stand...
"Kazekage what's the meaning of this?"Both Hizuren and Mei asked
"Kukuku, you are getting old , this isn't even is one of my bests disguises.Sensei."The Kazekage then removed his clothes only to revel...
"Orochimaru!"Both the Hokage and Mizukage shouted
"Kukuku"Orochimaru was attacked by the body guards of Mei and his former sensei.Only to kill them in seconds
"Orochimaru what have you done to the Kazekage?"His sensei questioned
"Kukuku, I killed him and assumed control over the sand, simple as that. The sand already had some hate towards the leaf so convincing them to cooperate in the invasion was easy. Now enough talking let's get some where more private."Orochimaru grabed the Hokage and went to roof.Where four sound nins were already there.As he landed on the roof with his ex-sensei he shouted"Now! I don't want any unwanted guests!"
"Hai lord Orochimaru!"The four sound nin did a few hands signs and a purple barrier envolved the roof.
"Hokage I will help you!"Mei said as she entered the barrier,getting rid of her cloak, in the last second.
"Thanks Mei-chan."
"Kukuku , two against one? Kukuku if it is to be an unfair fight I would prefr to be in my favor. "The snake sannin proceded to do hand signs"Kyoshinose Edo-tensei!"As he did the jutsu two coffins rase from the ground.
"No it can't be!"Hiruzen could not believe his former sensei and his brother were revived,the first and the second Hokages.
"This isn't good"Mei said
"Hey is that little Hiruzen?And he's the Hokage!"The first asked
"Yes I made him the Hokage before I died.And most importantly we were brought back , by that horrible ideia of a jutsu that I made."Tobirama then saw that his former student wasn't alone "And who would be you young lady?"
"Name's Mei,and I'm the fifth Mizukage"
"The hell are you doing in Konoha??!!"Tobirama questioned , as he remembered that Kirigakure were considered allies of Konoha at the times of war.
"A lot has change , sensei. Konoha and Kirigakure are allies now. She's here because of the chunin exam's."
"Enough talking let's have some fun.Kukuku."Orochimaru ordered the former Hokages to attack both Hiruzen and Mei.
At the Arena...
"The hell is going on?"Sasuke asked him self"Hã?"the gigant sand arm of Gaara attack him againg before going back to the dome."That was close."The dome then was absorved back by Gaara who now had that sand arm as his own."The hell are you?!!"
"Arrrrr!"Gaara jumped into Sasuke , who dodged at the last second.He went away from the arena.Followed by his siblings
"You won't escape!"Sasuke went after him
At the participants stand...
The genin confused with what was going on.Then Kakashi appered along side Zabuza , Hinata and Sakura."Everyone I have a mission for you."Kakashi said in a serious tone"I need you to go after after Sasuke and the sand Genins understood.Everyone who is awake will go in this mission.And that includes you Shikamru."
"What a drag..."Shikamaru who as fake sleeping complained
"The team will be Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Shino,and Shikamaru as the leader."
"Haku go with them"Zabuza said
"Hai!"All the genin shouted.Before Zabuza and Kakashi vanished back to the battle.
"So where did they went?"The blond asked
"Hinata."Shikamaru ordered
"Byakugan!"Hinata scanned the area"Follow me."She jumped out of the participants stands.
Back at the roof...
Hiruzen and Mei were having a hard time trying to fight Orochimaru,the first and the second Hokage.Hiruzen had two shadow clones fighting the ex-Hokages while the real one fight's Orochimaru. Mei was against the second Hokage and she wasn't in a good spot either.
"Suiton: Water needles"Mei she used the moister in the air to execute her jutsu, and attack the second Hokage.
"Suiton: Water barrier!"He blocked the needles"You are good miss Mizukage, Suiton: Water Dash!"He surfed into the Mizukage.
"Boil: Water acid!"As Mei did her jutsu the water under the Seconds feet , became an strong acid that corroded his entire body.
"Good thinking but I don't think this i be enough against my Edo-tensei."Tobirama told Mei as he body started to reform.
"Hiruzen do you have an ideia? I don't think we can keep fighting forever."
"Go help the real one I can handle this."The clone spoke
With Orochimaru and the real Sarutobi...
Sarutobi had summoned Enma and both of them were in trouble"Kukuku, you getting older,Sensei."Orochimaru was deflecting Sarutobi's blows with his sword.
"This will happen to you too Orochimaru."
"No it won't."Orochimaru started to attack even more furiously.Until he got a small slash at the thirds elbow."Kukuku it's over , you won't last longer with my poison."
"Arrgh"Hiruzen felt to the ground and his clones puffed away.
"Time to finish this..." Orochimaru was about to cut his ex-master's head off when
"Boil: Acid bullet!"Mei shotted at Orochimaru's hand blowing his right one of them up.Making him drop his sword.
"Aarrgghh! You will pay."tryed to release snakes from both his arms but he only actived success with one.Mei easily avoided the attack"What have you done!?"Orochimaru noticed that the acid was corroding his entire arm.
"Just my Kenkkei genkai"
"Hmmm your dead body will be very usefull for my experimets"Orochimaru said as he amputed his arm."I don't need both arms to kill you bot/Hiruzen cutted Orochimaru's other arm with his own sword."Kukuku, I can still do this."Orochimaru then opened his mouth and another Orochimaru came out of it."Why don't I have my right arm!?"He questioned
"I don't know"Mei said to the now one armed Orochimaru
"This won't matter.It's still a three against two , ans soon three against one."As Orochimaru said that a part of the barrier broke, only to recover almost instantly
"Orochimaru!"an familiar voice shouted
"Jiraya!?"They all shouted
"This won't make a difference for long. Kukuku.I still have the Hokages on my side."As he said that Tobirama Hirashined him self infront of Mei.
"Suiton:Water Dash!"Tobirama bashed Mei away.
"First go take Jiraya.Kukuku"
"Mokuton: Whip Roots!"
"Ransengan !"Jiraya destroyed the roots like they were nothing
"Kukuku where were we Sensei?Hã?"The snake sannin saw a small toad approch Hiruzen and put a tag on him."Health?"he reads.
"Jiraya is getting better and better at fuin don't you think?Katon: Great Fire ball!"
Back to the genin team...
"We are getting close !"Hinata told the team."Wait one of them slowed down."
"Which one?"Shikamru asked
"The one who forfeit before the fight."
"What a drag we don't know nothing about this guy.Haku Shino you two take care of him."
As the genin team was approched by Kankuro Haku and Shino immediately attacked him.Allowing the rest of the team to pass.
"Surrender Now. It's two against one and you know what we can do."Shino demanded
"Knowing what your enemy can do is an advantage.So, do you know what I can do?"Kankuro asked. As he puffed another mummy bag into exixtence.Shino and haku didn't thought twice before attacking.Shino attacked ith his bugs and Haku with Ice needles. After the shock there was an small cold cloud of smoke.And Kankuro was gone.
"Where's he?" Shino asked, before he felt something"Watch out!"He jumped into Haku ducking them both, avoiding some senbons.
"There!"Haku launched his own sunbuns at where that senbons came from.
"Watch out again!"Shino did the same thing,and some senbons coming from another direction came.
"His changing poisition? That quick?"Haku asked before an big amout of senbons were launched at them."Hyoton: Ice wall!"Haku protected them from the senbons.But at the same time another wave of neddles came from their back.
"Crap!"Shino and Haku had to leave the trees and were now on the ground."He's shotting from two different locations this is bad Haku."
"I know. Is that Kage bushin?"
"I don't think so.It seem's that the battle became a hunting game and we are already trapped. How are you?"
"I'm starting to get low on Chakra, but I still have plentty.You?"
"I'm not, but my bugs are useless to defend us from neddels. We need to know where he is. But how?"
"Hey guys Kurenai sensei send me here to help. Where are the rest"Kiba and Akamaru showed up
"Kiba-kun we need you to find a the guy who is attacking us."
"Ok , Shino, *Sniff* *Sniff* there are three smells two are from wood , and one is from a person. The person is there"Kiba pointed at a tree.
at the tree...
"Crap! They spot me."Kankuro said as an cloud of came into his direction.He tryed to move but he felt a cold touch in his shoulder"What?"It was Haku , getting out of an ice mirror . He then punched Kankuro's face but he Kawamaried him self with a wooden horse head puppet.Which broke thanks to Haku's punch.
"Ouch."Haku felt pain as he destroyed the puppet in one punch.He then returned to Shino and Kiba with the puppet in hands."He seem's to be a puppet master."He said as he throwed the puppet to the ground.
"Allow me to destroy this."Shino released some bugs that started eating the puppet away.The only thing that was left was some senbons and a bag of poison."The senbons are poison.Kiba find him again!"
"Roger that! *sniff*"As Kiba started to sniff again an big purple cloud surrounded them."Arg poison! I can't smell him anymore!"
"Au au!"Akamaru barked
"What Akamaru you can hear him?"
"Kiba try doing this as well."Shino orderd Kiba
"I will try."Kiba focused Chakra in his hears"Senbons, coming from behind!"The trio ducked avoiding the attack
"Kiba , Akamaru find him quick!"Shino shouted as the poison cloud was getting closer and closer
"I'm trying this the first time that I'mdoing this ,this is considered advance stuff for my clan."Kiba focused
"Haku before you go."Shino gave something to Haku.
"That three!"Kiba shouted poiting at a tree.
at the tree...
"Not again."Kankuro felt a dejabu and a cold touch in his shoulder, he them kawamaried with another puppet, that Haku destroyed with a punch.
"Shino!"Haku shouted as he gave the puppet to Shino destroy.
"This won't be nescessary."Shino released an great amount of bugs into the air and after a few seconds.
"AAAHHH!"Kankuro screammed from a tree and felt to the ground inconcious
"Let's get away from here.Before the poison get to us."Shino ordered.
The trio them left the poison smoke leaving Kankuro behind."Shino how did you knew where he was this time?"Kiba asked
"Simple, I gave a female bug to Haku put on him."
"Female bugs releases pheromones , that the male bugs go after. That's how I found him."
"O-ok."Kiba still had not understood
With the others genin...
"Hinata how close we are?"Shikamaru asked
"They stoped. And Sasuke is trying to fight some kind of monster."
"How close?"As Shikamru asked an flying Sasuke passed by him
"We arrived."Shikamaru said. The monster that was Gaara had knocked out Temari and sended Sasuke flying."Ok how do we fight this thing?"As he asked this question Gaara jumped right at Naruto.
""Gaara shouted as he grabbed Naruto and smashed him against a tree.
Shukaku shouted.
""Kurama said as he envolved Naruto in his one tail cloak and punched Shukaku's face,sending him flying.
"The hell?"Shikamaru was in shock and confused.
"It-it's just like when we fought Orochimaru in the forest"Sakura pointed out
"What?!"Shikamaru was in even more shock
"Dope did?"Sasuke returned injured
"Sasuke-kun let me check if you ok."Sakura started to touch Sasuke.
"Ouch!Sakura stop!Ouch!"Sasuke shouted usellssness
"Ok nothing is broken. But you got some injures in torax and some ribs are about to break"Sakura gave her diaginost
"Sakura on that girl , Temari, also."Shikamaru ordered
Sakura checked Temari as well"She's fine , just unconcious"
"Wake her up I have some questions for her."
Back at the roof...
Jiraya was fighting the first Hokage, Mei the second and Hiruzen Orochimaru.Jiraya was trying to get close to the first Hokage in order to seal him away."This isn't getting anywhere. Kyochinose no jutsu!"He summoned two old toads
"But Ma I told you that-hã?"
"No excuses Pa-hã"
"Jiraya-chan why did yu summoned us ?"The male one asked"Is that the first Hokage?! What's going on?"
"No time to explain but I need to enter in sage mode."
"Ok , Jiraya-chan. And Pa this ain't over yet."The female toad said as both of them jumped into Jiraya's shoulder."This will take a while"
With Mei...
"So you are telling me that the forth Mizukage did a masacrer with all the kenkkai genkai of the mist?"Tobirama talked to Mei as they were fighting
"Yes.But we were able to do revolusion and take him down. Boil:sticky ground!" Mei stuck the second to the ground"Boil: Sticky cloud"Mei finally imobolized the second.
"Finally you immobolized me . Now tell me more about that kenkkai genkai massacre"
"Sorry Tobirama but you won't be able to hear it."
"Jiraya is that you?" Mei asked
"Jiraya how did you became so ugly?! You were such a cute boy when I met you."Tobirama was in shock.
Jiraya was now in his sage mode, with a big nose , frog eyes ,with most of his face red, and with two toads in his shoulders."This is my sage mode Tobirama-sama. Now if you excuse-me I will have to seal you."
"Just go quick with it."
"Fuin: Jutsu fuin!"Jiraya shouted as he pressed a scroll against Tobirama. He got sucked to insede the scroll and disappeared."Good now let's help Hiruzen."
With Hiruzen...
Hiruzen was destroying the one armed Orochimaru."How does it feel Orochimaru?To lose to an old man."
"Kukuku, Sensei , I could had killed you when ever I wanted , i just wanted to kill you slowlly."
"Hiruzen we will help you!"Mei and Jiraya showed up
"Kukuku, what a shame , for more that I wanted to watch your slow death Sensei , I will have to go now."Orochimaru did a sign with his left hand and the barrier disappeared, he then sushined away.
"Sensei, are you hurt ?"
"Just a small cut.But I will be fine."
"This is Orochimaru we talking about I will go get help immidiately."Jiraya left the roof
"Hiruzen how you really are?"Mei asked
"Mei-chan I have a favor to ask you , please be friend my successor."Hiruzen said as he know he had not much time left"The health seal is losing it's effect."Hiruzen passed out.
Back with Kurama and Shukaku...
Kurama was using the three tails cloak to beat the crap out of Shukaku.Kurama asked as he smashed the half transformed head of shukaka against a tree.
""Shukaku screamed
Kurama told his little brother before giving control back to Naruto.
"Ok let's see what we have here."Naruto lifted Gaara's shirt"Kami-sama this has to be one of the worst seals I have ever seen.The chakra filter is wrong, the separator also , and where the hell is the return?! But don't worry I will fix it."Naruto puffed some ink and a brush.
"The hell just happen?"The other genin were confused.They had just watched Naruto envolved in a red chakra claok with three tails , destroy a big part of the forest while beating the shit out of a monster made out of sand,shouting insultes at each other like they were family.
"All done."Naruto said
"Hã? What happened the voices , mother voice is gone."An half-concious Gaara spoke
"Oh I just fixed your seal wannabe."
"So I can finally sleep?"
"Yes? You were having problems sleeping?"
"Yes mother's voice always keeped me awake."
"That wasn't your mother that was Shukaku the one tailed beast."
"So I wasn't mother?"
"Thank you..."Gaara said as he felt as sleep.
"Guys do you need ...help?"Haku, Shino and Kiba arrived.
"Naruto remeber that thing you promised to tell us? That thing that happened in forest of death with Orochimaru and Happened again now."The pink haired girl demanded some answers.
{Crap.What do I do?}
{Should I tell them?}
"Ok do you about the Nine-Tails right?"
"Yes it attack the village twelve years ago. But the forth Hokage killed it"Sakura remebered
"Well, you can't kill a tailed beast. Only sealed it , in side a person."
"No way."The genin were in shock
"He sealed the fox inside a newborn baby..."{Should I tell them about father?}
"And that baby was me."
"I can't believed..."The genin were in shock. exept Haku he was confused.
"So if you want to stop being my frie/
"No."Shikamaru said" You aren't a monster , you aren't the fox demon. Some people may be just to stuped to know the diference but we aren't stuped. You are Naruto the ninja whose dream is to be Hokage."
"You , right Dope isn't a monster."Sasuke spoke
"Naruto you are a moron not a monster"Sakura also spoke
"Au au au au au"
"Akamaru is right , you aren't a monster, neither the dead last . " Kiba translated
"You aren't a monster Naruto-kun. My insects and i know that"
"Yes you are a font of inspiration Naruto-kun. I can't see you being evil."Hinata spoke
"Yes , you only a monster when it comes to fighting , Naruto."Haku said
"Thanks everyone, oh and one last thing"Naruto got everyone's attention"he isn't really a monster , he's name is Kurama and he was being controled during the attack."
"Yes , furball is only annoying not evil. We are actually pretty good friends."
"Naruto you sure that isn't the fox trying to persuate you, to remove the seal?"
"Yup, I already removed the seal , it has some years since I done that."
"What?!"The genin were in shock
A/n: First I would like to thank you all for the 1K reads. Thank you all very much for reading my story.
Second: My favorite part of this chapter was the Kankuro fight. I was inspired.
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