《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The Forest of Death
"So who keeps the scroll?"
"I will stay with it.Teme"The blond of the group voluntered him self
"And where are you going to keep it?"Sakura questioned Naruto
"In a seal."
"A scroll inside a scroll?"
"No Teme, I'm going make a temporary seal and seal the scroll in me."
"Seens like a good plan-Dope!"Sasuke interrupted him self as he saw Naruto taking his shirt of"Do it on or hand you dumb ass."
"That's a much better ideia.I think i can make the seal hand sized."Naruto then took a brush and some paint from one of the scrolls in his wait and started to draw in his left hand."It's done give me the scroll."Sasuke passed the scroll to Naruto witch after touched Naruto's left hand puffed away from exixtence."Now that this is out of the way , what do we do now?"
"We are going to hunt down anyone who has the other scroll the earth scroll."
"So how do we do this Teme?"
Sasuke took a few seconds before answering the question"I have no ideia let's go straight to the tower and hopefully we will find another team there.So let's go?"Sasuke assumed the status of leader and guided the group in direction to the tower.
one hour later...
Team 7 was going straight to the tower when"Guys I need to pee"
"Serious Naruto?"the pink haired girl compleined
"It's a five days test I think I would need to go one hour or another."The blond gave his defence
"Just go quick dope."Naruto then went to a nearby bush and opend hs zip "NOT HERE!"
"Fine I will go in another place then."Naruto went behind a tree.
"Let's take a small break Sasuke we have been running for one hour straight"
"You right Sakura."As Sakuke and Sakura srted to take a breeak they heard:
"Fuin:Futon:Great Breakthrogh!"Three rain ninja were lauched from the tree where Naruto was peeing."Can't a guy just take a piss in peace?"Naruto said as he jumped from behind the tree ajusting his zipper.
Sasuke then knocked the three semi-concious raining nin and took their scroll."Crap it's the same as ours."
"What do we do about them?"the kunoichi asked
"Let's wrap them."Sasuke then took a small scroll from his minibag and puffed a rope.
"Teme you are getting good at Fuin."
"I know."Sasuke then proceded to wrap the trio of raining nin together."Alright now let's take a five minu/ A great wind flux cut of Sasuke and scared Team 7."Th-the hell"Sasuke and his team were Paralize in fear.
{An-and who m'I afraid of?}
"Grettings"an grass 'genin' showed up."You must be Sasuke-kun and his team,right?"the grass ninja started to aproche team 7."Allow me to test you Sasuke-kun."The grass ninja was about to jump Sasuke when Naruto High Jump kicked him.
an one tailed chakra cloaked naruto shouted.
"Kyuuby?Sorry but I'm not interrested in you at the moment"the genin said as he face started to melt"This disguse won't be nescessary anymore"he started to take his face off"I'm the snake sannin Orochimaru."
Kurama said before jumping on him again.
"Kyochinose no Jutsu"Orochimaru summoned a gigant snake that swollowed the Jinchuuriki"Now back to business."Orochimaru then reproced to approche Sasuke but Kurama High Jump kicked his face again
"How idiot of me."Orochimaru's arms then turned into snakes and attacked Kurama.
Kurama did nothing and just watched as the snakes burned away as they touched the chakra cloak.
"Hmmm this is going to be harder than I thought"*Uerp*
Kurama asked as Orochimaru started to do some refluxes.a Sword came out of his mounth.
"Looks like I will have to take this serious"Orochimaru said while holding the sword with his tongue."Kusanagi's dance"Orochimaru's sword Kusanagi , started glowing a white bluest tone.
"/ Kurama as interrupted by a sequences of swings from Orochimaru.He dodged most of them, but the one's that hit did deep cuts""Kurama said as he noticed that the wounds weren't closing imidiately. two more tails came out of the cloak
"What the hell is Naruto?"Both frozzen in fear genin asked as the only thing they could do.
Kurama's wounds healed and he started growing chakra claws and jumped into Orochimaru.Who defended him self using his sword.Kurama and Orochimaru started exchanging slashes.(This is problematic)Orochimaru thought as he then looked at his objective.(Let's try this out.)Orochimaru kicked Kurama away and throw two Kunais at Sasuke and Sakura who still were paralized in fear.
The world started to move in slow motion for Sasuke (Come on move , move move, god damn it)Sasuke them took a Kunai out of his pocket bag and stabbed him self in the leg letting the adrenaline run.He jumped into Sakura droped her into the ground , making both of them avoid the kunai"Sakura!Wake up and let's run!"
"What about this?"Orochimaru throwed a few shuriken"Kage bushin no shuriken "The few shuriken became hundreds and went straight into Sasuke and Sakura.They were contempling what looked like their last moment alive when Kurama jumped infront of them and used his cloak as a shield."Just as plan"Orochimaru appered behind the trio"Five Element's seal"Orochimaru's fingers became infused with purple chakra and as he pressed them against Naruto's belly making his chakra cloak desappear while he passed out."Now allow me to give you a present too Sasuke-kun."Orochimaru's neck strached and he bited Sasuke's neck,giving him a curse mark.
"AAAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!!"Sasuke screamed in pain as he lost his councious.Letting Sakura the only member of team 7 awake.
"No worrys little girl I will not harm you."Orochipedo said in a disgusting way"That much"as he approched the Haruno, a female scream as heard.
"OROCHIMARU!!!!!"Anko tryed to high jump kick Orochimaru , but he avoided it with time to spare.
"Haven't I taught you stealth ?"Orochimaru asked his ex-apprentice.
"The only thong you taught me was what a monster you are."Anko's arms mutated into snakes and went straight to Orochimaru.
"Sorry Anko-chan but my play time is over"Orochimaru then Snake shushined him self away from the fight.
"This ain't Over!"Anko started to jump to where she thought her ex-sensei could be , leaving Sakura and her incouncious team mates alone.
(This is bad.This is bad.This is bad.This is bad...)the traumatized Kunoichi thought for about five minutes (I have to get us out of here)Sakura started to carry both of her team mates into a safety.
After two days...
Under a tree Sakura was trying to awake her team mates.Like she have being doing for the last two days but then.
"Well,well , well , what do we have here."a male voice said.It was a trio of genin from the sound village.Sakura as she heard that she stayed quiet."We know you are here"
Sakura looked at her options and decided to offered their extra scroll."You can have our scroll"She said standing her arms to the other trio.
"May be later , now we are here for Sasuke.So excuse us."The sound nin took another step*Crack*And some sembuns here shoted out of near by bush,"Pathetic"The bandaged nin activated his metal glove *Screeechhhh*an high pitch noise formed a barrier protecting them from the needles."Now let us fight the Uchiha."they gave another step*Crack* then a tree felt right where they were"You almost got us there."The trio appered behind Sakura and the girl of the group grabed Sakura by the hair."Kin take good care of her while I take Sasuke"
(I won't allowed)Sakura took a kunai from her pocket cutted her hair and kicked Kin.Who droped Sakura's hair.(I have an ideia)Sakura took her hair and applyed some chakra into them making a whip."Take this "She swanged the hair whip into Kin who dodged the attack.The whip hitted a tree and did a shallow cut.
"Kin stop playing Around"the Leader said as he carried Sasuke in his back.
"Konoha Sempu!" A green blur shouted as he tryed to kick the leader.
"For a ninja you are just to loud"the leader said as he avoided the kick.But letting Sasuke go.
"I won't allow you to hurt a pretty girl like Sakura.It is Un-younghful"Lee standed in between Sakura and the sound Trio.
"Kin."The leader gave the kunoichi a order.
"Considered done,Dosu."kin tryed to reach her pocket but"I can't move."
"What?!"Dosu then saw that Lin's shadow was weird and longer then normal,it went from her feet to a bush behind her."Zaku destroy that bush."
"Sound style vacum wave!"Zaku shotted his jutsu at the bush
"Run!"a familiar voice could be heard from the bush.Them a trio jumped out of the bush in order to avoid the jutsu.It was Shikamaru and his team mates."Damn it "Shikamaru said as he noticed that his jutsu deactivated.
"Kin Now."Dosu ordered Kin again and this time she took some bells from her pocket and acivated some weird genjutsu, making every one frozze.And awaking someone.
"Zaku take the Uchiha."Zaku was about to do as he was told when their heard.
"Sakura...Who did this to you?"an Uchiha filled with black marks asked "Were they right?"Sasuke said looking at the sound trio.
"Y-yes"As she said that Sasuke jumped into the closest one of them , who was Zaku, putted him with him to face the ground while holding both his arms strached to their limited.
"Let's see if you can handlle a life with no arms "Sasuke started to pull the poor genin's arms
"AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHH"Zaku screamed in pain as his arms dislocated.
"Let him go and we give you our scroll."Dosu said as he rolled the scroll into Sakura who quickly grab it and putted on her pocket.It was the scroll they needed
"Sasuke let him go..."Sakura asked her team mate.Only to get no response
"AARRRRRGGGHHHH"Zaku screamed again as he's muscles were staring to rip apart.
"Sasuke, please stop I'm fine now."Sakura said as she hugged the mad Uchiha.Who stoped pulling the genin arm's.
"Go."He said as he kicked Zaku away.
"We will remeber this."Dosu said as he picked his team mate and vanished away.
"Sakura what happend?"Sasuke said as his marks went back to the curse seal.
"I-I don't k-know."The pink haired girl said trembeling in fear.
"Hey!"Shikamaru called"I know it's a drag ,we are friends and all, but we need your scroll ."
"Witch one do you need?"The pink haired kunoichi asked
"The one you offered to them, the heaven scroll."
"Oh you can have this one, we have two."
"Wow that was easy, but..."Shikamaru looked at Lee.
"Don't worry me team already as both the scrolls speaking of them I need to find them so see you guys soon."Lee desappered in a green flash
"We are going to give you the scroll with one condition."Sasuke said"You will help us get to the tower.Deal?"
"Shikamaru why are you helping them?Just a while ago you said it didn't matter if they were our friends."An angered Ino asked
"What a drag,Ino I only said that because they were competion, but now we can help each other out. They gave us the scroll and we help them getting into the tower."The Nara said shuting the Yamanaka's mouth.
"Ok, so help us with Dope."
"What a drag."
Team 7 and 10 were going into the tower when Sasuke heard some girl scream's.
"I will be right back."Sasuke then vanished.
"So Sakura how did your team end up like that?"Sakura childhood friend asked worryed about her.
"We were attacked by Orochimaru."As Sakura said that team 10 frozze.
"...Orochimaru?The Orochimaru?The legendary Sannin Orochimaru?Why?"Team 10 was confused and in shock.
"Yes he wanted something with Sasuke-kun, he beated Naruto, and gave Sasuke-kun a seal."
"This is bad."
"What is bad?"Sasuke asked as he returned to the group
"That Orochimaru is present in the exams.He must be planing something."The Nara suppose
"Let's just get to the tower and inform a jounin."
As they entered the tower:
"Hã?"the blond started to awake."Where m'I?"
"Dope!Naruto!"Sasuke and Sakura shouted
"What happened? "
"We were attacked by Orochimaru.We got the scroll we needed and we are now in the tower,Dope."
"Nice I knew we would do it!"
"Guys I think we should open the scrolls now."Shikamaru said to team 7
"Wait what is Shikamaru doing with us?"The blond was confused
"They helped us fight some sound genin.And saved our lives."Sakura answered the blond
"Really , thank you Shikamaru."
"What a drag let's just open the scrolls and proced with the exam."
"Ok just give me a second."Naruto undid the seal in his hand , making a heaven scroll apper on it.Naruto then gave it to Sasuke and he opened both his scrolls at the same time as Shikamaru.They putted the scrolls on the ground where two smoke clouds came out of them and two figured puffed into exixtence.
"Congratulations on passing phase two."Both figures spoke at the same time.They were Iruka for team 7 and Asuma for team 10.
"Hey , team 7 is with you."Asuma was surprise"Shikamaru haven't you told me that there were no friendships during the exam?"
"What a drag."
"Asuma don't go so hard on him , his kind right you know."Iruka defended the lazy ninja.
"Anyway we are really proud of you guys for completing the exam with two days to spare."Asuma said
"So you guys can spend the next two days here at the tower there will be habitations and food."Iruka completed
"Food."Choji said.
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