《Naruto-Gold & Silver》Preliminarys
one day after....
"Dope you sure this is going to work this time?"Sasuke said while shirtless and covered in fuinjutsu symbols.
"More sure impossible."Naruto said as he painted more symbols on Sasuke's back"This fuin matrix will for sure seal the deal.That Pedochimaru Isn't very good at seals.I removed the seal he put on me in a hour. I'm going to seal yours away."
" Seal?What do you mean? Dope ,you said you were going to remove it."
"Yeah that was before I noticed that the only way to remove it is by killing Orochimaru and YOU need to do the release, which would resurrect him."
"Don't you think we should tell some one about this?"Sakura said outside the habitation room , because Sasuke didn't wanted her to see him shirtless.
"And have the chance of being desqualify never."Sasuke almost shouted.
"I'm almost finished , annndd done."Naruto finished the fuin-matrix after three hours"This is going to hurt a little,Fuin:Triple Cage Seal of Null return"As Naruto did the jutsu all the fuin-matrix around Sasuke went to the curse seal and formed a circle inside a triangle inside a square made out of them.Sasuke didn't even felt pain he just passed out immidiately."All done let me just put you on the bed and Done.I'm going to eat something I'm starving."Naruto opened the door to get some food.But was stoped by Sakura.
"Is he/Sakura saw the passed out Sasuke "Naruto you have ten seconds to tell that his fine.If not..."
"Re-relax Saku-kura-chan he's fi-fine.The sealing that was a little bit to stressful for him.He's just sleeping.He will be fine tomorrow.I swear."Naruto said while protecting his face.
"He better be."Sakura said as she entered the room and closed the door.
{Why doesn't she loves me back Kurama sensei.}
Naruto walked to cafeteria when he saw Hinata alone eating a cinnamon roll and reading a scroll."Hey Hinata how's are you ?" The blond asked as he approched her.She didn't responded.(She seen's really focus.)He then went behind her , without she noticing it and got as close to her as possible and poked her chick"Hinata?"
"Ahhhh! Na-na-naruto-kun?"The blue hair girl said as she recovered from her almost heart attack.
"What are you doing?"Naruto proceded to take a look at her scroll"Hey that's the scroll a gave it to you.Are you enjoying it?"
Hinata blushed a little before answering"Ye-yes."
"I knew you would like it.Hey do you know how can I get some food around here?I arrived yesterday but I was lock in my room for the entire day.I'm starving."
"Su-sure.Just go for one of those seals on the wall and put some chakra on the seal that has what you want."
"Thanks Hinata."Naruto went to the seals got a soda and a sandwich."Hey do you mind if I sit with you?"
"N-not at all."
"Thanks again."*Chomp*Naruto took a bit at his sandwich"What a shame they don't have ramen here."
"Y-yes it is your favorite food isn't it Na-naruto-kun."
"Of course it is.It's the best food on the world t'bayo!"The blond shouted his love for ramen"So what is your favorite food, Hinata?"
"Cinnamon rolls!"The pearl eyes answered as she took another bite from her lunch.
"I never ate one. Can I taste it?"
"Su-sure."The now Tomato Hinata offered the cinnamon roll she was eating.The blond then bit it.
"Hmmm.It's delicious."The mounth full complimented the food."So wanna study fuin together?"
"Su-sure."The yellow and the blue hair started to study together each one with a scroll.
About one hour later...
An mist genin was passing by the cafeteria when he saw his favorite couple."Hello there , Naruto, Hinata.How is my favorite couple doing?"Haku asked getting a blush from both of them as a answer.
"Ha-haku-san we-e aren-en't a co-co-couple."The one who wished he was right answered back
"Sorry, my mistake.How is my favorite unofficial couple doing."Haku corrected him self
"Stop jocking about that Haku!"
"Sorry Naruto, but no."Haku responded the blond in a way to mock him even more."So what are you two doing?"
"We are studing Fuinjutsu Haku-san."
"How cute you are studing together like the cute couple you are."Haku spoke before a very red , from both blushness and anger ,jumped into him.
"I told you to stop!"Naruto shouted at the shipper before facing the wall"Ouch."
"Hahahahahaha.I was nice to talk to you two but I have to go back to my team.And recommend you two to do the same.Something is telling me that tomorrow will be a crazy day."Haku told his couple while geting some snakes, before return to his room.
"I think his right Naruto-kun.We should try get some rest before tomorrow"
"Yeah.So see you tomorrow Hinata.Good night."
"Go-good night Na-naruto-kun."
The next day...
All the genin teams who had passed the second phase of the exam ,and their jounin sensei,were reunited at a great wall.The teams were Team 7 , Team 8 , Team 9 , Team 10 , Kabuto's Team,Sound's Team , Mist's Team and Sand's Team.
"Ok Time is up ."The jounin in the room announced"Everybody here as officialy passed the second phase of the chunin's exams."
"Yes we did it!"the over energetic blond celebrated.{We did it Kurama!}
{Really,how can you be tired? The only thing you do is sleep all day}
"The third phase of the exam is going to be a tournament.*Cof cof*But unfortunately since so many of you passed we will need to do some preliminares.My name *Cof *is Hayate and I will be the productor.*Cof*But first some words from our Hokage-sama."The Hokage than gave a speach about the true meaning of the exams.But nobody was interested on it."*Cof cof*Thank you for your words Hokage-sama now for the start of the preliminarys.*Cof cof*Allow me to present the rules.You see that big screen.Two names will apper on it.*Cof cof*Those two will fight to determine who will pass to the third phase.*Cof cof*And the other thing if I say the fight is over it is over.Now let's begin."Hayate then pressed a button and the big screen started to generate random names."*Cof cof*Alright Sasuke and Suigetsu Please come to the center of the arena.*Cof cof*The rest please go to the stand"The two combatents went to the center of the arena."Are you two ready?"Both of them noded"*Cof cof*Hagime!"Hayate started the match and then jumped away.
"Bring it on Uchiha."Suigetsu said while draing his sword.I was a drop shaped blade without a point "This is my sword Suijin the newest sword of the mist Swords."
"And I with it?"Sasuke activated his sharingan"Katon:Fire ball"A fire ball went straight into Suigetsu.
"This ain't nothing"He used his sword as a shield protecting him from the fire"Now allow me to show/Suigetsu was interrupted by a kick to the chin from Sasuke.
"What?"Sasuke got confused as water splashed into his face"What the..."He then saw that suigetsu was made out of water.
"Yeah everybody reacts the same way when they see this for the first time."
On the other side of the arena the sound jounin was thinking(What a interesting kenka genkai of his.)
Back to the arena"Katon:Great Fire ball "Sasuke did another fire ball at this time at close range.
"Baka don't you know that water beats fire."Suigetsu this time didn't used his sword to protect him self.And got hit by the full power of the fire ball.
"Idiot."Zabuza said from the stands
An great steam cloud covered the entire arena."You see you can defeat me,with fire...Wait where is my body!!!???"The water head on the middle of the arena asked in panic.
Zabuza appered on the center of the arena"The match is over Suigetsu you lost."Zabuza said as he looked at his student"How many times I have to tell you water 'boils in high temperatures'."
"Winner Sasuke Uchiha!"
"Is there a font of water near by?He's going to need it."Zabuza asked as he puts Suigetsu head on a bottle.
"Hey , hey there's no need for putting me on/Suigetsu voice was unheareable after Zabuza closed the bottle.
"You did it Teme!"The spiky hair blond shouted
"Sasuke-kun you were awesome!"The fangirl shouted as well
"Good thinking Pinky Sparkle,water may beat fire , but fire boils water."Pink Sparkle the second complimented his student
(Strange I don't feel the seal on him.)The sound teams jounin sensei thought.
"Alrght next fight..."*Cof cof*Hayate waited for the names to apper on the screen"Shikamaru vs Kin.*Cof cof*"
Both Shikamaru and Kin went for the center of the Hall."Don't you think I will fell for yor stupid jutsu again."
"What a drag."
*Cof cof Both "Ready?"Cof cof*Both genin noded "Hajime!"Hayate jumped away.
"Shadow Posession"
Kin avoided the shadow and throwed a kunai with some strings and bells on it into Shikamaru direction missing him"Gen/ Wait how?"Kin noticed as she already was possesed by the Nara's signature jutsu.
"What a drag.You were so busy looking at the shadow on the ground that you forgot about the baseboard .Look"Shikamru them made the both of them look at the walls"Now for the gran finnaly"Shikamaru then bowed backwards making Kin hit the wall at full force with her head, knocking her out.
"Winner Shikamaru!*Cof cof*"
"What a drag."Shikamaru then proceded to go back to the stands.
"The next fight will be...*Cof cof*"Hayate waited for the screen to generate the names again"Haku and Tsurugi,Please."Both fighters went to the center of the hall."Are you ready?"Both nodded."*Cof cof* Hajime!"Hayate said before jumping away.
"Don't think I'm going easy on you because you are a girl."Tsurugi said while doing hand signes.
"Oh,don't worry about it.Hyoton:Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals "Haku did his signature jutsu and put Tsurugi inside an mirror dome,and to finish it he made him a hedeghog of senbuns.
"That was quick."Sasuke pointed out.
"Yes,and we know that this isn't even half of his capabilities."Kurenai remembered the battle on the bridge they had.
"*Cof cof Winner Haku!*"Hayate said as the medics took Tsurugi to the enfermary."*Cof cof * Next battle is..."He waited fot the names to show up."Shino vs Zaku.Please."Both genin went for the middle of the hall"Hey you sure you want to continue , both your arms seem to be in a bad state."
"Of course."Zaku then proceded to show that one of his arms was fine.
"Ok.*Cof cof*Both ready?"Both nodded."Hajime!"
"Prepare to lose.Vaccum wave!"Zaku tryed making his jutsu but instead his arm started to inflate and he felt lot's of pain"AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!What's happening?"He then looked at his arm."Bugs?Bu-but when?"
"Right before the battle started I was already prepare."
"So what about this!"Zaku then moved his other arm.Only to end up the same way."AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!"
"Surender now and I will remove the bugs."
"NEVER ! LET'S SEE HOW MUCH PREASSURE YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS CAN HANDLE!"Zaku started to use his jutsu again but this time , his arms exploded."AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH/he passed out.
Everyone in the stand was in shock , with the brutal result of the fight.
"Winner Shino*Cof cof*Medics!"Hayate shouted and the medic team came to take Zaku and his arms."Next battle"He waited for the names to apper again on the screen"Chochoru and Sakura.Please.*Cof cof*"
"Chochoru."Zabuza called his student before he went for the match"Don't you dare go easy because she is a girl."
*Glup*"Hai Zabuza sensei."Chochoru then proceded to go to the center of the hall.
"Both combatent's ready?"Both nodded."Hajime!"Hayate jumped away and Chochoru jumped into Sakura.
"I'm sorry."Her apologised before smashing the side of his sword against Sakura making her fly into a wall,knocking her out.
"That was quick."Everyone noticed.
"Winner Chochoru."Hayate said as the medics took Sakura to the enfermary.
"Good Cho.You went all out againts a girl , for the first time."
"Than-thanks I guess"Chochoru was confused with his sensei compliment.
"Next battle...*Cof*Temari and Kiba.Please.*Cof cof*"Both genin went for the center of the hall."Are you ready."Both nodded."*Cof cof cof* Hajime!"
"Sorry girl but you are going down"Kiba said thinking he would win"Gatsuga!"Both Kiba and Akamaru did the Inuzuka signature jutsu.
"What an idiot."Temari use her fan to send Kiba straight to the wall.Making him face it at full force.Knocking him out.
"Winner Temari!*Cof cof*"
(That was quick again)Everyone at the stand thought .
"Next Battle....Choji vs Dosu*Cof cof*"
"Sensei I don't know, should I forfeit?That guy looks strong."
"Choji if you win this match I'm going with you to yuor favorite barbacue restaurant."Asuma really fired up Choji's fighting spirit.He jumped into the center of the hall with his reward in the eyes.
"Both of you are ready?"Both nodded"*Cof cof*Hajime!"
"Human bullet "Choji inflated into a ball and rolled into Dosu.Who simple dodged it making Choji roll into teh wall.And while Choki was still on the wall he pressed his gauntelet against his body and some how knocked choji out.
"Winner Dosu *Cof cof*"
(Really this match was really quick)Everyone thought.
"*Cof cof* next fight...Ino and Kankuro please."Both of them went to the center of the hall"Are you ready?"Both nodded"Hajime."
"Mind transference!"The Yamanaka immidiately did her clan's signature jutsu passing out into the ground.
"Did I won?"Kankuro was confused.
About thirty seonds later...
"Winner Kankuro.*Cof cof*Medics!"
"Hey Kakashi sensei what just happened?"The blond was very confused
"Well Naruto the Yamanaka clan is known for their mind transference jutsu.When they do this jutsu they lose their consciousness and take control of their target, but why it failed this time I have no idea.Asuma?"
"Me neither Kakashi."
"Ok next fight...Rock lee vs Kabuto."
"Sorry Hayate sir but i would like to forfeit.I'm not in condition to fight against him."
"Ohh..."Lee was kind disapointed
"Sorry , but you are much stronger then me.It wouldn't be an good fight."Kabuto said as he left the stands.
"Don't cry Lee.He's right you wouldn't want an one sided fight right?"
"No Guy Sensei."
"Oh Lee."
"Guy Sensei!"
"Guy sensei."Both Not father and son hugged each other creating some strange sun set genjutsu.
"Ok next fight...Naruto and Tenten.Plaese *Cof cof*"Both fuinjutsu users went for the center of the hall.
"Hey you you Fuinken?The art to fight with fuinjutsu too?"The level 5 fuin master asked the ponpom girl.
"Yes, I can't believe I found another fuinken user in the village.What level are you?"Tenten asked exicited
"In fuin level 5 in fuinken I'm pretty good.But in fuinkenjutsu I beat my sensei everytime we fight. "
"Fuinkenjutsu?Never heard of it."
"Really? It's like the evolution of fuinken.But instead of weapons we use jutsus."
"Hmmmm...Sealing jutsus.I knew it was possible but I never saw it before."
*Cof cof*"If none of you die.You can chat later*Cof cof*Are you botj ready?"
"We chat more later.And after I seal your ass away I can teach you some of the things I know."
"What a disapointment I really wanted to learn from.But it seem's it won't happen."
"*Cof cof *ready?"Both nodded and Hayate jumped away "Hajime!"Both genin took some scrolls and scroll them.Naruto took a small scroll while tenten a big one.Naruto closed his eyes and they both started to puff shuriken's and kunais into existence,that already had momentum with them,and they went straight to their target before colliding on the middle of the way.
"Go-good look Na-naruto-kun."
"You can do it TenTen!I believe that your youth will supass the Naruto-kun one's"
"Finnaly ,thanks to Dope we will have a good match."
While both gennin were spinin their scrolls in the air and puffing weapons like crazy.They decided to chat"For sure you are good.What's your name?"
"Naruto Uzumaki."Both proceded to throw even more at each other when"Oh oh..."Naruto reached the end of his scroll.he had to dodge some of the kunais and shurikens flying right into him,only getting a few cut in the process.
{Don't heal them Kurama.People will find it weird.}
{I'm not the one who does the healing.It's your chakra that does it.}
{What?}Naruto was having a mental conversation with Kurama while avoiding getting hit
{What do you mean?}
{Right}"Well I'm out ammo but you aren't.Allow me to show how good I'm."Naruto said as he took the same scroll he was using and started to spin it around him self.
"What are you doing?"Tenten was confused.But then a bunch puff smoke started to apper around Naruto and her's kunais and Shurikens were no where to be seen.She stoped for a moment"What the hell?You just sealed them all."Tenten was surprised"Well most of them "Tenten then saw some cuts and holes at the scroll that Naruto was using."Are you ok?"She noticed that a few had hit her target
"I'm fine"The Fuinken fighter started to remove the 5 kunais and shurikens that had acctually hitted him."Well it seen's that we are even in throwing.Want to go close range?"
"Let's go!"Both genin stoped the puff-throwing shurikens and kunais and puffed some some weapons.Naruto and Tenten both puffed a staff.And jumped into one and other."You good at close range.But this is fuinken."Naruto said as he puffed a machete.
"I know."Tenten did the same and blocked the machete.Both then droped their weapons in the ground an summoned another weapons,Naruto two axes and Tenten two clubs.Both bloked each others attack and dropped thair weapons into the ground.
"Interesting they are droping every weapon to the ground"Shino started to notice
"Yes this is part of the fuinken fighting style,disposing weapons afeter use.Its kind a double edge sword.Because you are wasting lot's of weapons and your oppenet can take them from the ground, but so do you."Kurenai explained to the genin.
Tenten and Naruto were, in the middle of exchanging blows and puffing new weapons after each blow."You good but soon enough this will be over."Naruto said right before he summoded a long chain."Now."He kicked Tenten away.And wrapped her arm with the chain.Before pulling her back at him only to recieve a kick to the face making her fall to the ground."It's over"The one pointing a Kunai at Tenten's neck said.
"*Cof*Winner Naruto!"
"Uhhhuuuu"Everyone was cheared by the exiting fight
"The best fight so far.Dope indead put a show."
"Now can you please retrive your weapons, so we can proced with the exam."
"Right ."Both said
"Let me just unwrap you Tenten."
"Hey remember that you promissed to teach me the fuinkenjutsu."
"Sure.What level of seal master you are?"
"I think level 1 one they only had four scrolls at the library,Fuinjutsu level 0, level 1 and Fuinken for dummys, and basic ."
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