《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The chunin Exams
{Coversation in another plane}
/ interruption
A few weeks later...
Team 7 was doing a D rank mission
-"I got him!!!I got him!!!"Naruto got the target
-"Good job Dobe."
-"Finally we got him.Again."
*MIIAAAAUUUU*the cat demon tryed to scratch Naruto's face like he usually do . But Naruto was ready for that, so he avoided every single attempt of the cat to scratch him
"Really we have done this mission so many times that I memorized everything we have to do to complete it"Naruto said while dodging the claws of the oldest member of the village.
"Dobe is right , we didn't even used the radios this time."
"We just knew what to do."
"Well well well if my precious gennin are already this good at the infamous Tora mission.Let's go to the Hokage.Finish this already it's the forth time today we complete this mission and it's still 10 am."
At the hokage's office
"Hokage-sama"The masked jounin said while entering the room"We got the cat, again."
*OH MY PRECIOUS TORA!!!!!GIVE ME GIVE ME HIM!!!!!*The fire lady screammed.
"Here "Naruto was about to give her the cat when she just tooked the cat from his hands with a speed that was beyond normal.
*TORA MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU IRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room
*TORA COME BACK HERE!!!!!!*The woman from before screamed form more then a block a way.
"Affff...We will go do the mission again,Jiji"
"Naruto you and your team can take a day off."
"Awesome!Hey do you guys want to go to Ichiraku?!"Naruto asked his team as they left the room
"So Kakashi the others should be arriving soon"And just after saying that , Kurenai , Asuma and Iruka entered the room."Since everyone is here let's begin."
"I Sarutobi Asuma , indicate team 10 , Shikamaru Nara, Yamanaka Ino, and Choji Akimichi to the Chunnin Exams."
"I Kurenai Yuhi , indicate team 8 ,Kiba Inuzuka , Shino Aburame and Hinata Hyuuga to the Chunnin Exams."
"I Kakashi Hatake, indicate team 7 , Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki to the Chunnin exams."
"Understood , so Iruka any objection, for the roockies participating the chunnin exams?"
"None Hokage-sama."
"Good so tomorrow give this papers for your students."
"Understood Hokage-sama."
"Dismissed."And not even a second later the jounin were gone
Back with Team 7...
"Please Sakura-chan."
"For the last time Naruto no."
"Come on Sakura-chan you will-Konohamaru."Naruto said to the square rock on the middle of the road, that puffed away from existence
"As expected from you boss."
"Konohamaru rocks aren't aquare shaped."
"You amazing boss you can see every flaw of mine."
"It was a square rock.Square rocks don't exist"
"And who you think you are to speak to boss like that?Obviaslly not his girlfriend..."
"Thanks I have being trying to tell him that/
"You are to ugly."
As Konohamaru signed his death sentence Naruto only could only give one last leason to his student."Run!"
"Hã?why?"Then konohamaru felt the killing intent of Sakura coming toward him"Aaaaaaahhhh!"Konohamaru started to run at his maximum speed. Until he hitted something"Ouch!"
"Hey you moron look where you going"a cat cosplayer grabbed Konohamaru by the collar"So you Konoha nin think you can disrespect other village's ninjas, with out concequencies , well you are wrong."
"Kankuro let him down it was an accident and he's just a kid."An four ponytails girl asked
"I will show him what's an accident , Temari."
"Hey his just a kid there's no need for that"Sakura tryed to racionalize with Kankuro
"Of course there is."
"Hey let Konohamaru down!"Naruto shouted
"No.Now how should I payback."
"Do as Dobe says and put the Third Hokage's grandchild down."
"Wha-what he's the grandchild of the hokage?"Kankuro putted Konohamaru down like his live depended on it.And it depended
"We are so sorry for this incident.Right Kankuro?"Temari bowed in apologise.
"Teme right on time for the rescue."
"You."An mysterious voice said and the air got colder and tense.An Red head boy appered in the middle of the situation in a sand sushin and stered at Sauke."Mother want's your blood."Then sand started to come out of the coccon in his back.
{I can see that}
As what looked like a fight was about to began.A mysterious mist covered the area."No , kids this ain't time for fighting."Zabuza Momochi , appered in between then.stoping the fight.
"Zabuza."the trio of leaf gennin were both happy and scared of seeing him"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for the chunin Exams and because Haku wanted to say Hi."
"Hi Naruto , how are you and Hinata going?"Haku ice sushined right into Zabuza's left
"We are fine I think."
"Is this Hinata your girlfriend boss?"
Naruto blushed a little"N-no.We are only friends, that's it."
"If you guys of the sand have already calmed down."Zabuza dismissed the mist and the Sand trio was gone."Hm not even to say good bye.Let's go Haku you already said hi."
"Bye Naruto."
"Bye Haku"Haku and Zabuza disapiered in a sushin
"Hey Naruto how did you end up being friends with the third grandchild?"The Pink haired girl asked
"I met him while I was giving my photo for my ninja Id."
"And boss deafted me like a boss."
"Hey here you guys are meet me at training ground 7 in one hour."Kakashi said and disapired in a second
"Ok let's go then."The trio said as they said good bye to Konohamaru
Training ground seven one hour later
"Hello my beatiful genin."
"What you want Kakashi sensei , I wanted to enjoy the day off that Jiji gave me."
"No worry Naruto I promise this will be quick.So long story short I recommended you three to the Chunin exams."
"What do you think we are ready?"
"Of course Not-Pinky-Sparkle.You three have proffed to be chunin level.So here are the documents you will have to signe in order to take part on the exam.Any questions?No? Good. Just remember you are not obligated to do it."Kakashi then disapeired in a sushin.
"So will you guys take part?"The blond asked his team
"Sure Dobe."
"Of course Naruto no Baka."
"Alright ! We are going to become chunin's t'bayo!"
One week later...
"Ok Kakashi sensei told us to go for the room 301 in the academy"The pink haired girl told her firends while they were entering the academy"Ahh the academy so many good memories, I don't missed this place what about you guys?"
"I didn't passed much time in here."Naruto poited out
"I'm indiferent"
"You two...So let's go"As team 7 was on the second florr they saw a boy wearing a green spandex being bullyed by two chunnin.
"Go away kid you don't have the required to be a chunnin."He said as he pulled the kid away.
"Are you ok?"Sakura asked the boy.
The boy saw Sakura and it was love at first sight , one sided at least."My name is Rock lee and I'm going to prove that I can be a great ninja only using taijutsu!"
"Wha-what a dream.My name is Sakura."
"Hey Lee stop playing around and let's go this isn't the third floor it's agenjutsu."another boy but this time with some white clothes said.
"Come on Lee we can't be late."
"This is the second floor how dumb I'm.Any way I will be right after you guys I just need to one thing."
"Hey you have the same eyes as Hinata are you two related?"The blond asked the other Hyuuga
"Come on Lee we don't want to get mixed if failures."The Hyuuga started to pull Lee away from team 7.
"That was weird anyaway let's go."The blond guided the way.to the right room
At the entrence of the room 301 there was Kakashi
"So my beautiful genin are you ready to take the next step in the shinobi carer?"
"Of course we are t'bayo!"
"So good luck."Kakashi left the entrance with a sushin.
"Alright here we go."The trio opened the door and saw more then a hundered gennin looking at then.
"What are you looking at?!"The blond shouted at everyone in the room"I'm Naruto Uzumaki the next Hokage so remember the name!"
"The won't even remember you after they killed you."Shikamaru along side his team , team 8 and Haku's team aproched Naruto.
"Hello Naruto."
"Hello Haku"
"Hey Whiskers did you needed to be so damn lound.Poor Akamaru here almost got deaft. "
"Au au."
"Sorry Akamaru.Hey Hinata how are you?"
Hinata blushed a little."I'm fine , after the exams cou-could you led me the Level 1 fuin scroll?"
"For sure.So Shino will Fu come?"
"No she is already a Chunnin."
"Hey don't you guys think you are doing too much noise"an gray haired on a pony tail with circular glass said as he aproched the group.
"And who would you be?"
"My name is Kabuto and I'm here to help you as a konoha mate.So the first thing I recomend you guys doing is stay quite."
"Understood."As Kabuto was about to say something the instructor appered.
"All right,everybody sit down on your determineted places and let's start the test."The genin sitted where there was a tag with their name.And for Naruto's luck he sitted next to Hinata."Alright this test has a total of ten questions and you lose a point for every wrong question do you undestand.Good.Next the tenth question will only be reviewed at the end of the exam.And one last thing who ever get caught cheating will lose a point if you lose ten point's you and your team are out.So let's begging you can flip the test's now."
"Go-good luck Naruto-kun."
"Thanks Hinata but I don't need luck. I have this do you want?"
"What is this?"
"An auto question sheet seal .Do you want?"
"No-o thanks."
"Ok then.Fuin:Answers."Naruto did the jutsu and the exam sheet got fill with the correct answers."I'm going to sleep good exam Hinata."
fifteen minutes before the end of the exam...
"Alright!Time for the tenth question!"Ibiki shoulted waking up Naruto
"Hã what did I lost?"
"Well a lot of teams had being caught cheating and were expelled from the room"Hinata explained to Naruto
"Pencils down.I have to make an annoucement first.If you respond this question wrong you will be a genin for the rest of your life.So those who don't want to take the risk please get out."As Ibiki said that a buch of gennin left the room"Alright anybody else?This you can leave and try/
"Just tell us the damn question already!We are ninja ! We will take the risk! Taking risks is what a true ninja do so just drop it already!"Naruto shouted giving courage to the remaining genin in the room.
"Ok so everybody who still is in this room . You passed!"
"Heeeee?But what about the tenth question?!"All the genin asked
"That was the tenth question , to see if you were ninja enough to take risks, so congr/
Some purple figure crashed on the window nailed a piece of cloth into the black board and said"Alright , Hope you guys are ready for the real exam!My name is Anko and I'm the responsible for the second part of the chunnin exems!"Anko took a look at the reamaining gennin"69, 23 teams,nice Ibiki you are losing you touch."
"Well thanks to that blond one a lot of they got the courage to continue."
"Don't worry , they will be reduce to less then half anyway.So follow me for the trainig ground 44 where we will start teh second part of the exam"Anko then proceded to jump from the window"You have one hour or you and you team will be desqualify!"As she said that the genin started to run into the training ground 44.
forty five minutes later... training ground 44...
"Alright. Since everybody is here let's begin by signing this paper's stating that it's not our responsability if you die or not."Anko then proceded to give the document's to the genin."After you said that it's not your problem if you die please go to that tent over there to get a scroll I will explained t later."
five minutes later...
"Your objective is to go to the tower located in the center of the florest and you will need both scrolls for it.So hunt down who ever has a different scroll then yours.Alright let's go!"
Naruto and his team went for their decigneted gate."Alright let's go!"the trio entered the Death florest led by the blond.
: Somethings I want to make clear I forgot about the sand chunin exams in shippuden so i made Fu a chunin because i didn't wanted to write about another team. Second I skiped some parts because I was kinda tired while I was writing this chapter so that's why.
So hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.
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SEDATED, kaz brekker
𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 we're nursing on a poison thatnever stung, our teeth and lungs are linedwith the scum of it❪ six of crows - crooked kingdom ❫❪ all of the characters and the plotbelong to the author, leigh bardugo ❫❪ © STARSUMMONER, 2020 ❫
8 107