《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The Basement
{Coversation in another plane}
/ interruption
In the basement...7:30
"Naruto seal the door,and in a way only we will be able to open it later."
"Hai Kakashi sensei."Naruto then took a brush and painted a seal in the middle of the door"It's a simple seal but quite unbreakable."
"Good now , there's three doors , so let's devide in three groups.Our regular teams is that alright?"
"Kakashi I don't think that would be a good ideia. Let's put a member of Kurenai's treking team in each group.This place might be big and easy to get lost."
"Asuma this a hotel basement how big do you think this place is?"
"I don't know but my gut is telling me that this place is big."
"Ok , team 1 Whiskers, White eyes not a blind, Pinky-Sparkle,and Me go to the left.Team 2 Pineapple , Buggy , oxygenated blond and Red eyes not a Uchiha center.Finnaly team 3 Underwear hat, Doggy ,Not-Pinky-Sparkle and Smoky right.Let's go."
"Underwear hat?"(At least he didn't called me fat)
"Oxygenated blond?"
"What a drag."
"You get used to the nicknames"Sakura felt emphaty for team 10.
"Ok Pinky-Sparkle Hahaha."the natural platinum blond laugh
"Actually I'm Not-Pinky-Sparkle."
"What?!So who is Pinky-Sparkle?"
"It's a long story."
"Hey!You two we are going"Red Eyes not a Uchiha called
team 3...9:30
"I told Kakashi this place was huge."
"Right as always *Chomp* Asuma sensei"
"We have being walking for more then two hours can we take a break?"Kiba and Sakura tiredly asked
"Back in my day , shinobi were suppose to fight for three days and three nights with out resting in between.But I believe that this generation is better then that ,so let's keep going."
"Hai"Both gennin agreed with Asuma.
"Asuma Sensei I smell something"Choji said
"Is it food?"
"Yes.In the next room"
*Sniff sniff*"He's right"The Inuzuka confirmed
"Ok I'm going to open the door you guys get ready to fight.1...2...3."Asuma slowly opened the door and saw six man having breakfast at what looked like to be a cafeteria.
"Hey, how was the night shift?"one of the man talked to another
"Good , I brought a deck and we played all night long."
"Yeah I'm going to do the same thing."
"Yes, why do we need to guard this place is not like some one would just get in/before the guard could react an kunai stabed him in the head
"What/the other one was also hitted in the head by a kunai
"Good job Sakura , now let the rest to us.I will take the bigger one."Asuma, Kiba and Choji then proceded to engage the other three guards left
"Gatsuga!"Kiba drilled the guard who as eating a baguel to the wall.
"Bubun Cho Bakai! "Choji's hand growled into ten times it's normal size and puched the seconde guard into the wall
Asuma just one punched his.
"That's it let's get back into exploring the place"Team 3 went for the back door of the cafeteria finding an exit to the woods"Hey I know this place this is near the frontier leaf waterfall"
"Now what Asuma sensei?"
"Well Kiba we will go back to reunited with/
*BUUUUUMMMMM*an huge explosion happened
"Let's check it out."Asuma and his team ran back into the basement.
Team 2...9:30
"What a drag this place is huge, Asuma sensei was right"
"Yes who would say that a hotel basement would be this big."
"Come on guys just this one more room and/as Kureani opened the door she was in shock "That's a lot of money."
"What do you mean Kurenai sense-Wow.We are rich!"
"No Ino we can't keep this money.Any money we find in a mission we have to give to the hokage or in this case to Waterfall village leader."
"What a drag."
"Kurenai sensei there's another door."Buggy noticed something peculiar about that door"And it seens to be a sound proff door."
"Let's check it out.Becareful"Kurenai oriented her team and slowly opened the door.And a cold smell of rotten meat came out of the room."Oh Kami."Kurenai was disgusted by the room, it was a frezzer full of gutted bodys.
"I think , no I'm sure I'm going to throw up."The Yamanaka didn't turned back on her words.
"What the hell is this place"Shikamaru was in so shock that he forgot to use his catch phrase.
"It seen's to be a frezzer and at the same time a embowl room."The Aburame pointed it out , while becoming green.
"This may be unbelievable but there are more places like this around the world.Better get use to it you may have missions on places similars to this in the future"
"Kurenai sensei this seens to be the last room, what we do now?"
"We will go back to meet the others."
"What about the money?"
"We will inform the village leader about it.Now let's go/
*BUUUUUMMMMM*an huge explosion happened
"Team let's check this out!"
With Team 1 8:45...
Team 1 just finished fighting another wave of guards.
"Wow there's alot of guards , do you thing that the others had to fight that much as well?"
"I don't think so Whiskers"
{How close?}
"Kakashi sensei I think we will find her in the next room"
"Ok Naruto."The group walked the long corridor until they encontered a sealed door"I think we found the room.Naruto check the seal.Hinata use your byakugan to check what's behind it."
"Hai"Both gennin proceded to do their job
"Byakugan! It there's a chained girl in there.And Something with chakra."
"Ok this will take some time , this one is more complex then the other."Naruto then took a scroll with the tag notes and started to study the seal.
"Ok this seal needs a key."
"Can't you make one Dobe?"
"No keys need to have the same chakra as the one in the seal. We can try to explode the wall from the outside , since this seal was made to contain what's inside , not outside."Naruto then opened his scroll with the tag Bombs, and puff a lot of bombs into existence."Some help?"
After about ten minutes all the explosives were in place.
"Ok here we/
"Wait a second Naruto Doton: Mud Banker"
"Good reminder Kakashi sensei,3...2...1...Now"
*BUUUUUUMMMMMM*An huge explosion,that would made Deidara proud, happened
After the explosion Kakashi dismissed the Banker"You really needed that much explosives Whiskers?"
"Yes."As the smoke from the explosion went down it was possible to see that door wasn't there anymore.
A girls voice came from the room"Who are you and what have you done to the door"The girl had short green hair, orange eyes, light brown skin an white dress and a chain above her left foot.
"We are here to rescue some girl named Fu.Are you her?If not we will still save you."Kakashi tryed to be simpatic.
"Yes I'm Fu.Can we get out of here quick.I don't want those two to come back."
"Those two? Who are they?"
"I don't know their names but one can't stop talking about his god Jabiroca, and the other had his face all covered, and they both used a black cloak with red clouds."
"Akatsuki.Anything else?"
"Yes when they left the putted those-where are they?"Kakashi sixth sense activated and he grabed Fu and jumped away from the where they were before an Fire ball landed."These are the masks he putted on the wall."Two black entitys with masks were standing in front of then.One with a mask with the Kanji for Fire and the other for wind.
"What are those things Kakashi sensei?"
"I don't know Naruto now prepare for battle.Raiton:Static "Kakashi claped his hands and a shockwave paralized both beings.
"Kagebushin no Jutsu."five Naruto puffed into existence
"Naruto try freeing Fu, Sasuke , Hinata fight the Fire one.Sharingan!Raikiri!"Kakashi rushed into the Wind mask one.
"Katon:Great Fire Ball !"Sasuke shotted the fire ball at the thing
"Naruto send one of your clones for help!"Kakashi said has he was fighting."Raiton:Voltage"The Eletricity from the lamps went diretly into the monster thing shonking it.
"They are already coming Sensei!"Hinata saw with her Byakugan
"How long?"
"The closest one is team 2 they are about one kilometer away team 3 is two ."
(Her byakugan can see this far amazing)Naruto , Kakashi and Sasuke thought.
Naruto had freed Fu"Fu run way form here."
"No I can help."
"Fu you are too weak for helping us right now.What was the last time you had a decent meal."Kakashi gave some considerable points while doing back flips avoiding Fire balls
Fu tryed to contest but had no Idea how"Ok but don't die ok."Fu then started to run away form the battle.
"Ok time for me to help,Fuin:Doton:Spikes!"Naruto pressed his scroll in to the ground and a grand amount of earth spikes came out of it in direction of the Fire thing, Impalating it.
"Good job Dobe."
"This thing has a heart I will try to shut it down, Juken:Cardial attack."Hinata then open handed hot the mask of the black thing.
*Scrrreeeechhhhhhhh*The thing started imiting a high pitch noise.The gennin covered their hears, while the jounin just endured.Then it deimpaleded it self and went flying to the one with the fire mask.Fusin together.
"That thing became even bigger."Sasuke was feeling threatened.
"Size isn't document."Naruto said as he was about to use another sealed jutsu but then the now two masked black thing shotted a Fire Tornado out of it's two mouths.Surprising everyone with it's power and almost killing them in the process.
"it missed?"
"Yes but only for a little Hinata."(Crap I'm almost out of chakra but I think I will have to use that jutsu.)"Guys make everything you can to keep this thing in place!"
"Hai Kakashi sensei!"
"Katon:Fire ring"Sasuke traped the thing inside a circle of Fire.
Naruto jumped into the thing and pressed a piece of paper on him"Fuin:Gravity seal"The thing then smashed the ground with such a great for that created a creater that was one meter deep.
"This will be more then enough Kamui!"A 3D space-time vortex appered on top of the moster and started sucking it away from this plane of exixtence.*Gasp*"I love and hate this jutsu."Kakashi then passed out from Chakra exaustion.
"Guys!"Team 2 along side Fu arrived only to see the results of the battle.
"What happened / Kakashi!"Kurenai went running into to check her jounin friend"you used that jutsu again."
"Guys are you ok?"Shikamaru and Ino asked.
"Yeah it was thought but thanks to Kakashi awesome vortex jutsu we won."The blond was extremely content with the results of the battle
"So Fu how are you?"Naruto proceeded to take a step foward only to be stoped by Shino and Fu
"Do you have any ideia of what you almost had done?"Both of then questioned Naruto with anger in the eyes.
"You almost steped on a Blue Fire beetle.They are extremelly rare and some say they are going to be extincts in about fifty years"Both the Aburame and the Waterfall Kunoichi said in unison.
"You understand a lot about bugs don't you?"The kunoichi asked
"Yes my clan entiry clan is to be honest."
"That's so awesome I never met another person that liked bugs and now you are telling theres an entire clan that likes then."
"We don't like bugs we love then."The insect's lovers started to chat like they were the only ones left in the world
"I never saw Shino-kun be so opened and happy with some one"his female team mate spoke
"Hahaha it's probably love at first sight!"The blond shouted trying to mock the two love bugs , only to be completed ignore.
Team 3 showed up a few minutes later.
"What happend here?Kakashi are you alright"Asuma ran to the passed out jounin"He used that Jutsu?"
"I think so.That enemy most had being strong"
"Let's get out of here Kurenai my team found a exit on my side.I will carry Kakashi.What did you found?"
"A room full of money and a frezzer full of bodys and guts."
"Let's inform the village leader about this place.Ok everybody time to go!"
Somewhere else...
"What's this time?"
"Let's go back to the Waterfall."
"Fuck you , you said after we enjailed the senven tails you would help me to spread the word of Jashin."
"I don't care. i think some thing happened in my hideout."
Two hours later...Waterfall leader officie.
"Fu I was so worry about you!"The leader hugged Fu with all the strengh he had
"Th-thanks Jiji, I-I can breath."
"Sorry but I was so worryed."
*Cof cof*Kurenai tryed to grap the attention of the Waterfall leader"So we found her in the basement , witch is more like a dungeon, of the hotel we were in.Along side tons of money and gutted bodys. I would recomend sending some shinobi to take care of the money."
"You right, and for payment I will give some extra for finding about that money.We actually had some rumors about a place that was being used to money wash , but I thought it was only rumors.Thanks.Do you need anything else."
"We would like to stay here until our friend get's better. He used too much chakra in his last battle."Asuma asked.
"I will provide him the best treatment in the village.You don't need to worry about him anymore."
"Thanks."Both Jounin thanked him
"Jiji I will go with them."
"Wait why?You need to recover."
"I will recover on my date"Fu then ran from the officie.
"Please tell me/
"Realax , I think we know who she's going on a date with and you don't need to worry he's a good guy , with's lot's in common with her."
"I hope, i not ready to see my little baby grow up."
Three days later...
"Alright My precious genin let's go?"
"I will send you letters."
"Me too"
"Hey love bugs!"Kakashi tryed to mock then but was ignored"Aff...Let's go."
"I'm going to miss you."The two love bugs said good bye to each other.
"Hey Shino nice girl you got there."
"Au au"
"Even Akamaru agrees with me."
"Yes you two are a cute couple.Hahaha.Just like me and Sakura-chan."
"Shut up Naruto."The pink haired girl punched Naruto
"Na-naruto-kun are you okay?"
"Yes Hinata, thanks for asking.Hey Hinata what do you thing about Shino and Fu?"
"I think they are a cute couple."
"You sounded just Haku when he referes to us.Hahaaha."this comment made Hinata blush a little.
{What do you mean,Kurama?}
"So anyway Hinata who do you think you will marry in the future?"
Hinata blushed even more "The greatest ninja in the world."
"Hey you saying you gonna marry me?"
Hinata passed out
"Naruto what have you done"Sakura punched Naruto.
Back at the hotels basement...
"Crap they not only took the money but the organs too."
"Not my problem"
"Let's see if"*click*"They didn't discover the secret compartment"A door to a room full with frezzers and money opened."Good most of my stuff is still here."
"Can we go now?"
"Just a second"he procedded to take two masks of a box with tha Kanji for Fire and wind."I hate this part"He took out his cloak and pressed the masks agains his back where some tentacles grabbed then"Arg,We can go now."
"Finally, let's go back to spred the word of Jashin!"
A/n: this was my first Og arc hoped you guys like.And what do you think about Shino and Fu I kind Shipp then an it's because they both are related to bugs.Hehehe.Next Chunnin Exams I think.
Also I did this art of the battle:
Did you guys liked ? I'm thinking about doing some more arts to the story. waht do you guys think?
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