《Inuyasha/naruto-crossover》There and back again, Kagome-chan!!


My brothers stared at me in shock, then I noticed that both of their blades were mid swing, my demon aura was released, and all normal humans backed away from me.

With a sickly sweet smile I asked "why hello brothers dear what have you men up to since I've been gone huh? well? answer me."

Both shivered but stayed as they were, I flash stepped behind them and smashed their heads together and punched their heads into the ground.

Dad shivered as he watched me torment my brothers, "uh mika I think we need to be introduced don't you? I for one want to meet them properly"

I looked up from grinding their faces to the core of the earth with a cherry smile, "sure" I chirped.

Small time skip

"And this is my new adoptive father and brother" i announced while gesturing to dad and Asuma.

Sheshy growled and dashed at my unsuspecting dad, in a second I was in front of him blocking his attack,

"This fool is not your father!" he hissed at me, and everyone stared at us, me staring down my brother who was glaring hatefully at dad.

I pushed him back and ripped his kimono, my shadows swirled around me giving me a dark hateful look, glaring into my brothers eyes I said in a surprisingly low voice,

"This man is more of a father to me then yours was," he looks at me questioningly, and I blink in surprise,

"He never told you?" I ask, "told me what?" he does in return,

"Not only did he not tell you about your only older sibling, he never said what he did to his oldest child,

Even though I am a stronger demon then he is, since I didn't bear the inu-demon marks when I was born I was abandoned as an infant in some random village,

I honestly don't know how they didn't sense my demonic aura though, when the villagers who hated me from the start finally figured out I was a demon they kicked me out,


And when I returned to retrieve my sword I discovered a lesser demon had attacked the village, I wouldn't have cared had I not seen it eating the only friend I had the, one person who didn't hate me for what I was.

I went berserk and mauled it till it was unrecognizable, Kakashi the reason I freaked on the bridge was because the scene reminded me of that" I called over my shoulder,

"When father was passing bye he heard the screams of a demon, I think he remembered he left me here and went to check it out,

He discovered me and the destroyed demon, commanded me to stop, then struck me, practically screamed that I was a disappointment and a failure then dragged me to the inu-palace,

My mother pretty much had the same reaction then they decided I was to be trained to fight,

And that's what the rest of my childhood was, training, eating, sleeping then getting the crap beaten out of me some more, soon enough I was skilled enough to battle and was thrust into his wars,

I fought and watched so many people die, some I knew while others were complete strangers to me,

At one point I was the only one left, all other Warriors were defeated, I was surrounded, in my desire to live my demon marks appeared and they ran scared knowing they were fighting the dog generals child,

I can make them come and go as I will but when father saw them he simply stared, I was given more responsibility and even lead some attacks so long as I bore the marks,

Later in life the war ended but "father" still had many enemies, one had ambushed our traveling party and while protecting my not-yet-known-to-the-world-but-known-to-me pregnant mother I was captured,

It wasn't till shesshomaru was about 20 human years that he had a run in with the same people,

on a whim he decided to destroy those who resisted his "wonderful" fathers rule and found me, he recognized the inu-marks and brought me home,


Father barley recognized me and waved me off, I couldn't stand them so I left the palace to be on my own, coming back every few years to visit little sesshy over there,

After 100 years of this, "daddy dearest" fell for a human, and Inuyasha over there is the result, a while later shit happened baby brother got shot to a tree slept for 50 years and then fell for another human,

Who *looks around* just so happens to not be here right now... but anyways she's awesome and I like her, where is she anyways inuyasha?"

My youngest brother looks down, "after you jumped into my Meīdo Zangetsuha we defeated the shikone jewel, the well disappeared for 3 days, and when we came out, she went back to her world and couldn't return here..."

I glomped him "YOU POOR BABY LETS GO FIND HER!" I yelled, "don't you think I've tried allready!" he said angrily,

"No prob, Kakashi activate eye squiggle thingy!" he doesn't object and lifts his headband to reveal the blood red eye,

"Good now look into my eye," I pulsed chakera to my eyes and pictures the place were Kagome lives as I have been there before,

"Alright, inuyasha come here," my brother gets closer,

"I know this will be weird but hold onto me" he grabs my waist, but I make him hug me tightly his face in my also silver hair,

"Kakashi hold still" he nods trusting my crack idea for some reason, "can you see the weird place?"i ask him,

Another nod, "good" I run and jump at his face while performing a complicated transportation jutsus handsigns,

Inuyasha flying begins me, but still holding on, "TRANSPORTATION JUTSU PLEASE WORK OR KAKASHI WILL HAVE A VERY SORE FACE GO!"

we poofed away, and landed... YES! in her bedroom, "made it" but my brother doesn't hear, he's already running to find his love,

I hear a screech downstairs then a hell of happiness, walking downstairs I see lover boy and his girlfriend in a tight embrace,

"Kagome, I need to ask you, do you want to return to the feudal era with inuyasha?" she looks to her mother who gives a "go on" motion and nods her head,

I make the signs again and say "then hold on," the shorter people (yes I'm taller then them even inuyasha) grab my waist and hug me tight,

We poof back to my original time I'm face to face with Kakashi about a centimetre between us while he stares at me with his Sharingan,

He blinks and backs away while replacing his headband, the two lovers had released me and were sitting together talking quietly, I smile at them.

"I think it's time to go home everyone" the leaf ninja all agree and I prepare to teleport us home, "WAIT!" I heard someone yell,

Kagome ran up to me and said "thank you" I smile and return the gesture,

"I'm going with them but I'll come and visit sometime ok?" both demons nod and sesshomaru surprisingly hugs me,

"I didn't know" he whispers "but I'm glad you found a new family... even if their humans" I giggle as he pulls away.

"Yup and their ninja too" he gives a rare smile and I teleport us home,

"Wait where is Oreo and the sound?"


Meanwhile back in the feudal era the said enemies are being viciously ripped apart by bloodthirsty demons that they have sadly underestimated ex) the cow demon...

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