《Inuyasha/naruto-crossover》Chunin exams part 2


Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating at all frankly but I'm graduating this year and thing for a lot more busy, I have a job and other school activities that lead late into the evening, I've come back and hope I can update a lot more thanks to everyone who has stayed with me through my period of absence, I love the comments and hope you'll give me more thank you all enjoy what I've put together.


I SURVIVED!! They ain't got nothin on this! yes both anko and Ibiki made attempts on my life but I'm just so ninja they couldn't touch this!

Sadly what they did was ask Gai to challenge me, I just ran from the green thing screaming youth, till I ran him through a wall... He's fine though don't worry.

But now I'm on top of this fence while anko explains the test and Narutois being chased by a box. rock. thing.


Ahhh he be here to interview people, and now I smell snake mom again. so that's where you are... that tongue is just NASTY!!

... Did you just pick up a kunai? now that's just wrong.

Now people are getting scrolls and now anko yelled start, and now their all running into the forest... wait... THEIR GOING ALREADY!

I jump down to anko "they just started didn't they?" she nods, "question, is there a bad person in this world that is a lot like a snake?"

She pales, and says "orochimaru" I asked who he was,

Anko proceeded to tell me how he was a monster and experimented on people, how he wants to be immortal and get the Sharingan, sauske and Itachi's weird eye squiggle thingy.

"Oh, well then I think he might be here since I've been smelling snake pee a lot"


She giggles then gets serious and says she's going to tell the Hokage, I nod and say I'm going after my group,

We part ways and I enter the forest, following my pups scent.

When I find them I am greeted with a sight that pisses me off quite a bit,

"OI" all heads snap to me, Oreo-thing smirks at me I flip him off and he scowls,

"Mika-sensei!" sakura cheers, and it seems as though snake butt has dismissed me, oh no you didn't motha fucka.

As his neck extends towards Sauske I create a huge ass sword and nearly chop his head off, sadly he pulls his head back to fast.

"Where did that come from?" he asks, "made it" i simply reply. his eyes grow wide as I attack.

Then the weirdo smirks as though he has something on me, "did your students know your a demon?"

I pause "yeah" and keep on attacking, "how about your village?" he asks desperately as I relentlessly give blow after blow,

"Yup" I stop for a second, "I'm also the Hokage's adoptive daughter" he stares at me and runs, "nope!" he yells and I stare at him,


"YES MA'AM" they shout and run, those are some good pups.

Time skip to prelims

All these peoples are looking beat up, except panda's, his group is fine, when dad starts to explain the prelims for the actual final round then this guy comes up and is like,

"Excuse me Hokage-sama but since I'm one of the proctors" *looks at me* "may I finish explaining" he gets this out between hacking fits which actually piss me off,

So when he is explaining he coughs and I'm like "HEALING THROAT PUNCH" and for those of you who don't understand I healed his throat in a very violent way.

"And now let's fight!! people's whose names are not on the board get yo asses up to the second level!" and the prelims again.

Do to the fact that I find children fighting very abuse based I shall just announce the winners.











"And you all win now go train for a month till you fight your opponents"

Silent then "WHAT!!"

hee hee hee

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