《Back to You | ✓》Bonus Chapter - A Special Moment
"I hate you!" Mia exclaims, throwing her keys on the table and shrugging her jacket off haphazardly.
Sebastian trailed behind her.
"Ah come on, love. You don't mean that," he tries to say, and instead gets a cushion thrown in his face.
Mia glared at him, whilst Sebastian just stood there, looking down at the cushion, and then back up to Mia.
There was just guilt all across his face.
"You left me waiting there for ages!" Mia said, looking around for something to throw, and found a small tea light candle to be good enough.
Unfortunately for her, Sebastian caught it, but looked apologetic about it.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't think I'd be this late. I did message you," Sebastian tried to make his case, but kind of made it worse.
"Yes, you did message to say you'll be ten minutes late...for the last hour you kept messaging that," Mia then reminded Sebastian, who winced at her words. "I looked like I had been stood up, as I practically begged the maitre d' to let me keep the table for longer," she then added.
Sebastian continued to walk after Mia, who had walked into the kitchen now.
"I didn't-" Sebastian began to say, but was interrupted by Mia slamming one of the kitchen cabinet doors.
She wasn't searching for anything, but had the urge to just slam the doors and create some noise, just to let out the anger she was feeling.
She then continued her ranting. "He, of course said no, because it was a popular table and he'd already let me keep it for forty minutes more than the usual allocated time, for when people don't show," Mia said the last words rather bitterly.
As Mia walked away, back into the living room, Sebastian sighed, and walked after her.
"I promise I remembered the dinner, but this meeting just wouldn't end," he tried to defend himself once more.
Since Richard had handed the company over to Sebastian, there had been a lot on his plate. He had been given the company as a sort of wedding present, but clearly Richard didn't realise that it was a lot to receive, especially when you were about to get married.
Nonetheless, Sebastian took on the responsibility, and had been both a great boss and husband.
However, recently work had been occupying more of his time. Despite working in the same company, he didn't get to see Mia much, unless it was a meeting, and at home, he was just tired at the end of the day.
The company was handling a big project, and the client was one Richard had known for a while. Sebastian knew he couldn't afford to mess this up, especially since succeeding would not only be beneficial to him, but for the company and his employees. He wanted this for them too.
Mia then stopped abruptly, causing Sebastian to walk into her back, and then quickly take a few steps back, in case she threw something.
With less of a distance, anything Mia would throw, would definitely hurt more.
"You said you could make it," Mia glared at him. "I've had this reservation for weeks!" She exclaimed.
Mia walked towards the fireplace, facing the photos that were set on top of the mantelpiece.
The one her eyes were set on, was their wedding picture. Of all of the pictures that were taken, this was her favourite one.
Sebastian had said something stupid, which caused Mia to laugh out loud, and everyone had turned to her, but she didn't care. Her eyes were closed as she laughed, and held Sebastian's arm to keep her balance, whilst he looked at her with a smile, shrugging.
It was a candid moment between the pair, and of all the posed and created moments, it was their favourite, because this was them.
Now six years after their wedding, she was really missing moments like these.
Sebastian sighed, looking at Mia.
"I can't just get out of my job like you-...shit," his eyes widened at his own words, and he knew he'd made a big mistake.
Mia stiffened slightly, and turned back around slowly to face him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your way of saying my job isn't that important?" She asked him, despite it not really being much of a question since there was clear answer.
Sebastian immediately shook his head. "Mia, I swear, I didn't mean it like that," he said, gulping under her stare. "We can have dinner another time," he then offered.
"This isn't about a dinner," Mia waved her arm about.
"Then what?" Sebastian looked at her, confused out of his mind. "As far as I know, we don't have any kind of anniversary today, so what am I missing?"
Mia opened her mouth, and closed it once more, holding herself back from saying what she actually wanted to.
"I just-...I wanted to tell you something," she said instead.
Sebastian let out an audible groan. "Are you serious?" He threw his head back, and then look at Mia again. "You're having a go at me like I've wronged you, all because you wanted to tell me something at dinner? Mia, you can tell me anything, at whatever time."
He'd been out of his mind, practically racing to the restaurant after his meeting, to get to her, and he couldn't believe this was all because she wanted to talk to him?
Mia shook her head. "No I can't, it has to be special," she told him.
"Why!?" Sebastian shouted in his frustration.
"Because I'm pregnant!" Mia yelled back.
Both stood in stunned silence at her words.
Mia stood there, breathing slightly heavy.
A few weeks ago, she'd been feeling slightly light headed, and a sense of sudden nausea.
Mia would've thought she was pregnant, but then again, she knew that these symptoms could possibly be something else.
Several pregnancy tests later, and she knew she was pregnant.
Her first call in that moment was going to be Sebastian, but she decided against it, not wanting to give him the news like that, instead she wanted something special.
Two years ago, the couple had actually been trying for a baby and they had a moment where they thought Mia was pregnant, however it turned out not to be the case.
Disheartened slightly, the couple decided instead of trying, they would just go with it, and hope that one day she would be.
This is why Mia wanted to reveal this in a special way, instead of blurting it out in the heat of an argument.
Sebastian stood there staring at Mia's stomach in shock.
"Y-you're what?" He managed to say.
Mia sighed deeply. "I'm pregnant," she said, with a sad smile on her face, and her eyes welling up.
"All I wanted was to tell my husband, who I love so much, that we're having a baby. We've both been so busy, and you're working so hard to keep Carter at the top, I just wanted this to be a special moment for us," she said, her voice cracking towards the end, as she placed a gentle hand on her stomach.
Sebastian felt his own heart break in that moment, watching the love of his life looking at him so...hurt.
What was meant to be the most magical moment between them, was now just an argument come to a conclusion, and he knew it was all his fault.
"Mia I-" he stepped forward, but Mia shook her head, quickly wiping away the few fallen tears.
"Forget it," she said.
Mia wasn't sure if pregnancy hormones even started this early, but right now, all she felt was sad, and overwhelmed. Nothing like she thought it would be, when she told Sebastian the news.
"I'm tired, Sebastian. I'm going to bed. Goodnight," Mia said, and just walked out the room, and upstairs to their bedroom, leaving Sebastian standing alone.
He was stood there, a little frozen, when finally he snapped out of it.
He wanted to hit himself.
"Fuck. Why am I such an idiot?" Sebastian whispered to himself, running a hand through his already tousled hair.
That night, Mia and Sebastian hadn't spoken at all, after she announced she was going to bed.
Although, neither one of them slept.
She laid in bed, curled up under the covers, facing the walls and just thinking about how this night went completely wrong, and not at all how she wanted.
Sebastian didn't even make it to their room, instead he was sat on the sofa in the living where Mia had left him, and just thought about what a massive twat he had been.
Ignoring Mia was never something he thought he'd do, and yet it was exactly what he'd been doing for the past few weeks.
He felt like an idiot for not even seeing any of the usual signs that Mia would be pregnant. He had invested himself into his work so much, he'd forgotten the promises he'd made to someone he loved more than anything in this world.
Sebastian knew that he could be stupid at times, he was a human who made mistakes, but one thing was for sure, he knew how to fix those mistakes too.
The next day, Sebastian had basically been out of the house the entire time, planning a way to rectify his mistakes and redeem himself as a husband.
Working up some courage, he walked up to their bedroom door, and knocked.
"Mia?" He called out, but received nothing but silence. "I know you're in there, and I know you're not talking to me, which kind of works out because I wanted to say some things," Sebastian said, but again heard nothing back.
He then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Mia. I've been such a dick lately, and hadn't even realised it. This project, it's a big one, and I got so caught up in it that I began to neglect you. And you, you're so amazing, that you never even complained about it," he began to say, feeling like shit as he said the words and truly thought about how bad he'd been to her.
"I'm an idiot, a big one," he confessed.
"You're pregnant, Mia. I'm going to be a Dad!" he said so happily, but then frowned. "I hate that I'm talking to you through a door right now, when instead, I should have you in my arms, kissing you, holding you, letting you know how much I love you."
Sebastian then sighed. "Mostly, I should be thanking you for not only loving someone as undeserving like me, but for giving me a chance to become a father."
Placing his hand against the door, he closed his eyes and thought of Mia's smiling face.
"I love you so much, baby, and I'll love our little one just as much. You're my everything, and I don't know when I stopped reminding you of that, but I'll never forgot it," he told her...well the door really.
Sebastian then took a deep breath, opening his eyes once more. "I'm going to be brave now, and ask you for something," he started to say. "There's a dress just outside this door for you. I'm hoping you'll wear it, and come downstairs for me."
"Um, yeah, that's it," he then scratched his head a little awkwardly.
"God, I hope you're not sleeping," he muttered, and then stared at the closed door. "I'll see you downstairs, hopefully," and with that, he walked back, hoping she'd heard his words.
Mia heard everything.
She hadn't left the room all day, and felt even worse when Sebastian didn't come into the room to check on her.
The door wasn't locked, she wouldn't do that to him, but then again, Mia knew that Sebastian was the kind of person to give her space. He wouldn't push her, and after the bombshell she'd blurted out, he really wouldn't push her.
As Sebastian spoke on the other side of the door, Mia had made her way out of bed and stood facing the door, placing her hand against it.
She wasn't angry at him, but just a little hurt and disappointed.
Listening to his words, Mia couldn't help the few tears that fell from her eyes...again, she blamed the pregnancy hormones for those.
She knew he loved her, and could practically hear his excitement at being a father.
Her curiosity spiked when he told her, there was a dress for her and then to come downstairs. She didn't know if this was part of the apology or what it was really, but since it was Sebastian, she knew he was going to try some way to win her heart. Despite her heart already being his.
Mia waited till she heard Sebastian's footsteps walk away and back downstairs, and then peeked out the door.
Looking down, Mia saw a bag on the ground, and reached out to bring it into the room.
When Mia saw the dress, she smiled.
It was a fitted dress, with a few lace embellishments, but what made Mia smile was the colour. It was a deep red, and she knew it was Sebastian's favourite colour on her.
Slipping on the dress, and putting on her glasses, Mia glanced in the mirror, and then made her way downstairs, into the living room.
Upon entering the room, Mia's eyes widened.
There were bags upon bags in the room, with all kind of things laid out across the sofa and right at the centre, stood Sebastian with his back towards her.
He seemed to be muttering to himself.
"What?" Mia whispered, and Sebastian immediately turned around, breathing in relief seeing her standing there looking quite shocked.
"Hi baby," Sebastian smiled, standing in a suit, with a red tie to match Mia's dress.
Mia just looked around the room. "What is this?" She asked, in both confused and shock.
"This is our special moment," Sebastian said, his smile not leaving his face as Mia looked at him still lost.
He then cleared this throat. "So I've got everything that I think we'll need, or at least at the start, the rest we can figure out together."
He reached into one bag, and pulled out some books. "I got three kinds of books on pregnancies, what to do, what not to do, and I got myself one too."
Mia looked at the one he was holding up, that was meant to be for himself. 'So, your wife is pregnant' was the title.
"Seemed like an apt one to buy," Sebastian gave her a sheepish look. "Gives me a sort of guide on what I can do to help, a little like a cheat sheet." Sebastian was quite happy about this purchase.
He then placed the books down, and then reached into another bag. "I've bought a few candles and soaps, your favourites, for whenever you feel nauseous and want something nice to smell," he said.
Sebastian knew Mia liked her candles, since they had a drawer full of them, and he just went out and got her some more.
Mia just looked on as he placed those back, and reached into another bag.
"I got a few more cushions, to make you feel comfortable, or if you just want more to throw at me, whichever works," he said, and Mia fought the smile that was coming onto her face. "They'd hurt less than some of the things you could throw at me around here," he added.
Usually Mia was more of the type to just be really silent when she was angry, which gave Sebastian an indication to her mood.
When she was really pissed off, like the time he came home really drunk after a night with the boys and broke the figurine that Mia's mum had given her, Mia threw her first item at him.
It was a spoon, since she was eating ice cream at the time, and it didn't do much damage, only making drunk Sebastian laugh.
However since then, a really pissed of Mia would throw things, and Sebastian was scared with the pregnancy, instead of a spoon, she'd throw a knife. Hence, the extra cushions.
Sebastian then held up an envelope, and showed Mia. "This is a massage parlour gift card, because I'm told this will all take a toll on your body, and I'd rather a professional helping you."
He then excitedly picked up another bag. "Oh and my favourite, I picked up some baby clothes too," he said.
"I know I'm like nine months early or whatever, but I saw this quirky store and couldn't resist. The lady there helped me pick things out, like this-", he reached into the back and pulled out a onesie that had, 'I'm smarter than my Dad', written across it.
He grinned at his purchase, knowing it was perfect and pulled out some more clothes.
"There's more, look-" he smiled, whilst Mia looked on with adoration.
Placing those down, Sebastian stepped forward, grabbing another bag.
"I also got your favourite chocolates and picked up-" he didn't get the chance to finish his word, as Mia walked forward and grabbed him by the collars, pulling him into a kiss.
Sebastian dropped the bag from his hand, and held Mia's waist, with one hand trailing up into her hair as he kissed her back.
The two then broke the kiss, sounding breathless, running out of the air as they kissed each other with all that they had.
Sebastian continued to hold onto Mia, resting his forehead against hers.
"I'm so sorry, love," he said, his voice sounding slightly hoarse.
Mia then leaned back, looking into his eyes. "You did all of this on your own?" She asked him in awe.
Sebastian smiled and nodded, cupping her face with one hand. "I promised that I'd love you forever and continued to remind you of that everyday. I clearly dropped the ball on that, so figured it was my mess to sort out."
"I can't believe this," Mia said, looking around at the bags of all things he'd gotten her to make up for his mistake.
Sebastian then pulled her closer by her waist, circling his arms around her, and Mia looped her arms around his neck in return.
"Tell me, you forgive me," he said. He needed to hear the words from her.
Mia smiled, and it almost stole Sebastian's breath away.
"I forgive you," she told him honestly.
How could she not? Especially when he went to this much effort to earn her forgiveness.
Mia had learnt that Sebastian was always the kind to believe that actions speak louder than words, and so whenever he messed up, he'd do something to make up for it. Not just apologise in return.
"Tell me, you love me," Sebastian then said, wanting so much to hear her say it after going almost a day without it.
"I love you so much," Mia told him, playing with the ends of his hair, and looking up at him so he could see the love she had for him in her eyes.
Sebastian then held her against him securely. "Now, tell me I'm going to be a father," he said.
He'd ruined the moment before, but now, he was working to make it perfect again.
"You're going to be a father," Mia told him, her eyes glistening from the overwhelming happiness she was feeling.
She wanted a special moment, and now that's exactly what she was getting.
"God, I fucking love you," Sebastian whispered, hugging her, lifting off her feet in the process that caused Mia to let out a little squeal.
Mia smiled at him, cupping his face in her hands as he held her up.
"We're having a baby, Sebastian. I'm so excited and scared, but mostly excited," Mia confessed, feeling that nervousness in the pit of her stomach.
Sebastian gently placed her down, but continued to hold Mia against him.
"We'll get through this, Mia. You and me, we've got this," he assured her, and Mia replied to his words with a kiss.
She placed her hand against his chest, loving the feeling of his heartbeat against the palm of her hand.
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