《Back to You | ✓》Bonus Chapter - Drunk Sebastian
Marriage life was all that Mia expected it to be and more. A lot more.
She had always wanted the kind of marriage that her parents had, something loving, honest and real. They would rely on each other in good times and in bad. Even during occasional fights, they still would be strong together, and it was all that she wanted her marriage to be like.
Sebastian had given her the kind of life that she dreamt of, and for that, she loved him even more for that.
They were both trying to work through the transition of being a married couple. There wasn't much to it, except getting to know each other more. Finding out habits that they didn't really know before or picking up on new things.
A year in, and all vows were still being kept.
Mia felt marriage life was blissful, and couldn't wait to live out her years basking in this perfect happiness.
Working away in the kitchen, Mia was trying out a new recipe.
She wasn't much of a cook, but she wanted to be better. Back when she lived with the girls, it was Chloe that was the better cook out of them and Nicole, well she could probably burn water.
Just as she was cutting up some vegetables, Mia could hear the key in the door, and then the sound of it opening.
"Honey, I'm home!" Sebastian's voice then sounded through the house.
He loved using the corny greeting whenever he was coming home, and knew Mia was going to be home already.
Usually they'd come home together, since they worked in the same company. However, this week Mia was working for home, which meant Sebastian using the corny greeting throughout the week.
Sebastian placed his keys in the bowl, and hung up his coat. These were things he didn't for Mia, since he was the type to just throw things about. Wherever it landed, he'd pick it up from there later.
However, Mia liked the idea of bowl for the keys, letter stands, coat hooks and all. It wasn't a sacrifice, and he'd do whatever to make her smile as it is.
"In the kitchen!" Mia then yelled back.
Sebastian smiled to himself, at her words and quickly made his way to the kitchen.
Upon seeing Mia standing by the kitchen island, her hair in a messy bun with strands hanging out, in joggers and a t-shirt and an apron around her with 'Mrs' written across it, Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful sight.
However, what he loved the most were the dark-framed glasses, that sat on the bridge of her nose.
"Hi," he grinned from the doorway, leaning lazily against it, and watching as Mia's face lit up with a smile seeing him.
Mia always felt that weird kind of giddiness, when she saw Sebastian. She couldn't help it, not that she wanted to.
"Hi," Mia smiled back at Sebastian. "What are you doing home so early?" She asked.
Sebastian began to take steps towards Mia. "Are you complaining?" He asked her.
"Never," she replied, with a smile as Sebastian wrapped his arms around her from the back.
He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck. Sebastian noticed that the t-shirt Mia wore, was his and because it was oversized, he could easily move the fabric to fall from her shoulder, and after doing so, placed a kiss on the exposed skin.
Mia giggled at the action, the little kisses on her shoulder making her heart flutter.
She squirmed in Sebastian's arms and dropped the knife in her hand, on the chopping board before there could be an accident.
"Stop, I'm trying to cook," she said, in an attempt to make him stop, but it only made him hold her tighter and leave more kisses.
Sebastian then let out a lazy groan. "Good, because I'm hungry," he said, and spun her in his arms, so they were now facing each other.
Just as he leaned down towards her lips, Mia leaned back.
"Easy there, insatiable husband of mine," she said, patting his chest.
In reality, Mia loved it when Sebastian would randomly affectionate. He never needed a reason to show her, just how much he loved her. He just did.
Sebastian smirked lazily at Mia, before gripping her waist and pulling her flush against him.
"You know, it's a real turn on when you call me your husband," he said to her.
A happy life with Mia was all that he wanted. She was enough for him, enough to make him feel all so warm, fuzzy feelings. He felt like a teenage boy around her, fumbling in words at times or just speechless when she smiles.
Everything she did had him tripping over himself, and he loved it.
"Perv," Mia shook her head, trying to hide her smile.
However, she'd be caught, since Sebastian had already seen that smile.
He backed away and bent down slightly, only to throw Mia over his shoulder, causing her to squeal in both surprise and excitement.
"Your perv," Sebastian corrected Mia's previous words and then casually walked out the kitchen, with her hanging over his shoulder. Both knew exactly what their destination was.
Sebastian had come home from work during the day, but after distraction Mia and hauling her off to the bedroom, it was now late evening.
Mia managed to make dinner, although didn't have the time to continue with the original recipe she wanted. She settled for something else, and was a little annoyed she couldn't finish her first but Sebastian was anything, but apologetic about it.
He'd choose eating something horrible or basic, than not whisking Mia away when he could.
The two sat on the sofa after their dinner, watching a show together. Mia laid her feet on Sebastian's lap, as he gently massaged them.
When he made the right kind of movement, Mia couldn't help but let out a slight moan of appreciation.
Sebastian smirked at that, but he wasn't the only one who heard it.
"Get a room!" The pair jumped in surprise and saw Blake grinning by the doorway to the living room.
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Blake, as he walked into the living room, and took a seat in the vacant arm chair.
Mia moved her legs off Sebastian's lap, and instead pulled them up towards her chest.
"We have a house, which you're in-...wait, why are you?" Sebastian asked in confusion.
"How did you get in?" Mia asked, a more concerning question to her.
Blake shrugged at the pair. "I have a key," he replied.
Mia's face scrunched up a little, as she gave Blake and incredulous look. "You have a key to our place?" She asked him.
Blake nodded. "Seb gave me the key for emergencies," he revealed.
When Mia looked at Sebastian, he gave her a sheepish look.
He'd actually given both Blake and Roman a spare key, but only for emergencies. Sebastian was a little wary in case Mia needed something or something happened and he wasn't there. She got on really well with Roman, and somehow, oddly, Blake was incredibly close to her now. He figured it wouldn't do any harm.
Until now.
One thing Sebastian didn't know, Mia had also given an emergency key to both Nicole and Chloe. Her reason was similar, in case of emergencies. It was also because Nicole hounded her and guilt-tripped her into giving them the key, so she didn't have to wait by the door for Mia and could instead come over.
Boundaries were not something understood by their friends.
"What's the emergency?" Sebastian then asked Blake.
Blake paused for a second, eyeing Sebastian to see if he was serious. When he realised that Sebastian genuinely had no clue as to why he was there, he was shocked.
"Boys night out!" Blake exclaimed.
Sebastian's eyes then widened. "Oh shit. I forgot," he then stated the obvious.
He remembered there was a reason he came home early and it wasn't just to ravish his wife.
"You idiot," Blake shook his head. "Roman and Diana are gonna meet us there, so get your ass ready," he pointed at Sebastian.
Sebastian then nodded, and abruptly stood up.
Before he could make a move, Mia called out to him.
"Um, Sebastian?" She said his name, feeling incredibly lost as to what was happening right now.
Sebastian then turned back toward Mia after hearing her voice, and saw her brows furrowed together.
"Right. Sorry, love." He took a step towards her, as Mia leaned forward on the sofa. Sitting in front of her, Sebastian placed a hand on her knees. "We planned a boys night out, I completely forgot to tell you," he said.
He felt guilty, thinking that Mia probably thought he came home for her and they were enjoying a night in, only for him to now be going out.
Mia, however, thought none of that. Instead she rolled her eyes at his forgetfulness, and smiled at him.
"That's fine. Go, get ready," she told him.
She knew that he occasionally needed to be out with his mates, and have a chilled night with them. She would never be the one to stop him for that, knowing how important it was to unwind.
Sebastian smiled and kissed Mia's forehead for being so understanding
Standing up, he was about to tell Blake he'd get ready quickly, only to see him taking a bite out of the cake Mia had made, and that he'd left on the coffee table.
He smacked the back of Blake's head, causing him to wince.
"Don't touch my food," Sebastian warned him with narrow eyes and then ran upstairs to get ready.
Mia shook her head in amusement at the pair, and then saw Blake giving the cake a sad look.
"Eat it," she said, and Blake's head snapped up towards her.
When she smiled, Blake grinned and began to devour the cake once again.
"This is why you're my favourite-," he began to say with a mouthful of cake and looking like a little child, "-but don't tell Nic," he added on.
Mia watched him with pure amusement, laughing at the way he ate cake like he'd never eaten before.
As Blake polished off the last crumbs, Sebastian walked back into the living room, ready for his night out.
A simple attire of a shirt, jeans, smart shoes and a jacket on top, and yet Mia couldn't take her eyes off of him.
Sebastian noticed Mia's eyes trailing all over him, and he smirked in response. He waited until her eyes found his, and when she was caught, Mia blushed a deep red. He really loved red on her.
"Alright, we're leaving," Blake announced, unable to watch anymore of the longing glances of the couple in front of him, although it wasn't all too different from how he looked at Nicole.
However with them, the look only lasted a few seconds; before clothes their were off.
Mia looked to Blake, and then back towards Sebastian.
"Okay. Take care and have fun," she said, moving closer to give Sebastian a kiss.
When she was close enough, she stood on her tiptoes, whilst Sebastian's hands automatically found her waist. "Miss me," she whispered, her lips brushing his.
"If only you knew how much," Sebastian whispered back, before closing the distance and kissing her softly.
Blake groaned at the couples affection, and made his way towards the door, soon followed by Sebastian walking behind him.
For the night out, the group had chosen a casual bar in the city. To enter, the was a low staircase into the place, and as soon as you did, music, good energy and the sounds of conversation and laughter filled the air. The buzz of intoxication filled the atmosphere, and it seemed to have gotten to most people. There was enough space for standing or even dancing, with a lot of people choosing to do the latter.
A booth had been reserved for them, as they all sat on the leather seat, enjoying the flow of drinks and each other's company.
This was how had been for them back at university, and although it was years later, these nights just felt the same, . Like they had snapped their fingers and were back in time.
Roman and Diana sat together, his arm resting over her shoulders, and her hand rested on his thigh.
"So, I have a question," Blake spoke up, looking at the pair. "Why is Diana here on boys night?" He asked.
Diana frowned at him, not understanding his question. "I've always been here on boys night," she stated.
"Yeah, but now you're with Roman," Blake mentioned. "Surely you count as one of the girls now."
"Di has been one of the boys since always," Sebastian then chimed in, taking a sip from his beer.
It was true, Diana had always been a part of the 'boys' since they became friends. It did annoy her when they called the group that, but then they had first met her, she was quite the tomboy.
Having all brothers growing up, Diana was heavily influenced by them, and it reflected her behaviour. As she got older, things definitely changed, but the others still classed her as one of the boys.
She couldn't lie, a little part of her liked it. It was a weird kind of belonging, something that made them close. Made them this group.
Blake then snorted in amusement at Sebastian's words. "That's got to be a great feeling for you, Ro. Making out with one of the boys," he laughed.
Roman stuck his middle finger up. "Fuck off," he said, and pulled Diana closer to him.
The four of them carried on to share stories, only to be interrupted when a pretty brunette seemed to walk up to where they were sitting.
Her eyes were fixed on Sebastian, and the closer she got to him, the wider her smile grew.
"Hey cutie, wanna dance with me?" She confidently asked him, standing right in front of him.
The others looked quite amused by the situation, whilst Sebastian looked uncomfortable.
"Um, no, thank you. I'm good," he tried to politely decline her.
This woman was pretty, he wouldn't deny that, but she still came nowhere near to Mia's beauty. Mia could be in the most hideous attire, but to him it'd seem like a work of art, all she needed was to smile, and immediately he was entranced.
The woman then took it upon herself to sit down next to Sebastian, as close as she could get.
"Come on, won't you keep me company?" She asked, her voice in a lower tone than before.
Sebastian scooted away from her. "I'm married. But thank you," he once declined her offer.
She then placed a hand on his chest, and the action caught him by surprise. "I don't really mind. It can be our little secret," she told him.
The rest of the group nearly had their eyes bulging out of their sockets. Blake nearly choked on his drink when he heard the woman speak so suggestively.
Sebastian still tried to be as gentlemanly as possibly. He gave the woman a polite smile, and proceeded to take her hand off of his chest, and drop it back in her own lap.
"I don't have secrets from my wife, nor do I cheat," he said sternly, hoping that at least now she would understand, he was not what she was looking for.
It seemed to have worked, since the woman huffed and stood up. "Your loss," she said, and strutted away, lost in the crowd of people.
Sebastian shook his head in amusement, and when he looked up, he saw his friend's faces hanging agape slightly.
Blake was the first to break the silence between them. "What has our life come to? Rejecting hot women now," he said, shaking his head.
Hearing his words, Sebastian laughed. It was quite the contrast to how their lives were before. In the past, if a beautiful woman were to walk up to him, asking for a dance, there was no way he'd refuse. He'd dance and flirt, maybe a cheeky kiss.
However, it was a completely different story now.
If he saw another woman now, she would be just that, another woman. He didn't notice anyone besides Mia, and didn't want to either. There was no one who could turn his head now. He had all that he needed.
Diana let out an amused snort. "I dare you to say that to Nic's face," she challenged Blake.
The others laughed, whilst Blake went a little wide-eyed. "Are you joking? She'd slit my throat," he replied, shivering slightly.
Blake knew for a fact if Nicole ever found he even looked at another woman in that way, it'd be a gruesome end for me. He felt he was too pretty to die like that, and not to mention he'd never do anything like that to hurt Nicole.
Roman titled his head slightly, in thought. "Really? I'd see her as more the poisoning type," he mused.
"Nah, I think that'd be more Mia," Blake then said. "Nicole is more hands on, she'd definitely kill me herself," he stated.
It was probably true. Mia would give the slow and cleaner death with poison, it was a bit more calmer. Nicole's approach would be more anger-led and messy.
Diana smiled looking at Blake. "I'll admit it, it's good seeing you happy, Blake," she said, liking how tamed he was now and more importantly happy.. Although he was still childish.
Hearing her words, Blake gave her a child-like grin, and clutched his hands together and pulled them towards his chest. "Aww, thanks," he said, in an exaggerated way, but he did truly mean it.
"Idiot," Diana then scoffed, but still smiled.
"Come on now, let's get wasted!" Roman yelled, and the group got up to get another round at the bar.
After Sebastian left for his boy's night, Mia decided that this was perfect for a little 'me time'.
She decided to put on some Netflix and binge on some junk food, but that plan was slightly interpreted when Chloe and Nicole called her on FaceTime.
The three of them spend two hours on the phone talking, as if they hadn't already been texting on the group just minutes ago. However, the occasion did call for it, since it was date-night for Chloe and Mason, and she couldn't decide what to wear. When Nicole tried to advise her, Chloe wasn't having it, and so they called Mia to be tie-breaker.
This took a while, before the debate was settled and they moved on to talk about other random stuff, as was the usual when the three of them spoke. They never stuck to one thing, and often got distracted.
Mia had no intention of waiting up for Sebastian, but she wanted to finish her third movie of the night and continue with her tub of ice cream.
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