《LGBTQIAP+ Milestones: Book 1》What am I?




So, I'm pretty young and about a year ago I realized im bisexual. I haven't come out to anyone accept like 5 people. My parents support lgbtq+ and I'm so happy, if they didn't I don't know what I'd do, but lately, after looking up what pansexuality is I think that's what I am.. I don't care if you used to (or still have) a penis or vagina but cover it up as a different gender. I don't care if you're genderfluid or cross dressing, if you love me, chances are, if you have a good personality, I'll like you! My cousin is gay and him and his boyfriend are getting married, I admire that. I want to come out to my parents but I'm scared that they'll think I'm too young... I really do want to! I know a few people personally who are my age and going through this. And if they DO see this I want them to know that it'll be ok! I just don't know how to tell them! Ya know? Like I said, I've only counted myself as PAN for about a week or two but I've known I was BI for about a year so I don't think it's a phase at all! I just want to tell my parents but I really want to know if I'm pan or bi! So that's my story! ❤

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