《Breaking Hermione》Escape
There's a moment just before sleep fades out and you reawaken, a brief moment, much like the drawing of a stage curtain which reveals your world to you. If your reality is good, then waking up would be a happy experience. However if your reality is anything like Hermione Granger's at this point, then you'd probably never want to wake up ever again.
This is exactly what had happened as she opened her eyes after a long night of tormenting dreams. Carefully she turned, and as she curled herself into a fetal position in the filmsy hospital bed sheets a small moan of pain escaped her lips. Whatever curse Tom had used had felt like a knife wound near her lungs. It made almost everything she did seem like a mission on top of another. Slowly, she sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed so her bare feet touched the floor. She stretched. Well, she tried to.
It was morning. According to the Time Turner it was about breakfast time in the great hall. In her minds eye she could see Tom, Shalini and Jade laughing about her while enjoying a mouth watering breakfast of sizzling pancakes, eggs, bacon, pumpkin juice and hash browns. It wasn't fair at all she thought bitterly, to be trapped in here because of these wretched people. All she had to eat here had been a sort of concoction resembling old porridge that had been Madam Pomfrey's own attempt to stabise her. It didn't work.
Neither Headmaster Dippet nor Madam Pomfrey had known what was wrong with her, and to no surprise at all the pair of them had become brainwashed by Tom Riddle, who'd skilfully woven a tale of deceit downplaying the scenario significantly and what manner would be best way to tackle the situation at hand. Of course, as the main curator of the disaster itself he'd instantly wanted to brush all the truth under the rug and build a domain of lies. Hermione had watched him mere days ago explaining seriously to both Headmaster and Nurse through the peep hole of the locked door she was trapped behind what should happen to her.
"Personally I think it would be best if Granger stayed confined until we all had a better understanding of what has happened to her." He had said smoothly. "After all, can this school really afford another controversy?"
Dippet and Pomfrey had exchanged troubled looks. Riddle was right, and they knew it.
"I will personally see to it that she is cared for," Madam Pomfrey had said hastily as though trying to compensate for her lack of expertise in the situation, "but I am afraid Riddle you are quite right. Putting her near the other students would be a risk, and one that I am afraid could be costly. To both her and everyone around her. We don't know what we are dealing with here. I had tried to talk to the girl but she was adamant you were a liar. It's really a pity how much of of her mind has been scattered."
Angrily, Hermione had strode around the room not wanting to see Tom's satisfied look. She'd tried to tell the truth, but there was only so much she could reveal before her mind seized with pain, unable to grasp all of its memories. She knew there was more to the situation than she understood. The curse Tom had used against her had impacted everything, all she was aware of were the people in the present day. All the future had been stolen from her mind. Most interactions with Tom, Jade and Shalini were forgotten. Headmaster Dippet and speaking to Dumbledore, but if she tried to remember what they'd spoken about, that's when the pain would hit.
In the quietness, she had a lot of time to think about what method would be best used for a situation like this. She'd never studied Time Lore, but she had a feeling Professor Dumbledore might have.
Apparently he had not been informed of what was going on. No one had thought to tell him, Hermione realised, and she couldn't wait until he knew.
Try as she might, her mind could only repeat what little it knew, most of which was Riddle.
"You can't ignore medical protocol, Tom." She had argued. "Madam Pomfrey will have something to cure me. And if not, she'll send me to St. Mungos. Then all of your filthy lies will be exposed."
Tom had laughed, his black eyes dancing in twisted amusement. "Do you really think that stupid hag Pomfrey knows anything about time lore? None of you know as much as me, none of you fools will never figure out what I've done."
Sighing, Hermione walked slowly over to her little beaded bag, pulled out her hair brush and slowly dragged it through her hair with all the gusto of one who had given up on life altogether. How did things manage to get this bad? She thought to herself.
She peered into the small mirror in front of her, it was barely big enough for her to see all of her hair. Cursing, she just threw whatever she could up into the top of her head in a messy bun and splashed her face with cold water from the sink. The room was like a minature jail cell where she was trapped in like an innocent prisoner convicted as guilty.
It was no use to think badly, she thought, making a faint stab at optimism. She'd be out soon, because according to Tom she had spent 5 days in the Hospital Wing. It was crazy to think 5 days ago he had come in smiling sadistically and had given her the terrible news, and since he hadn't come back to visit her since that fateful evening she only had those awful words reverberating around her head. Shalini was a liar. Jade was a liar. Hermione had fallen for lies, her friends were on Tom Riddle's side the entire time. Somehow the news hurt more than the agonising pain in her chest where Tom's curse had hit. Who lies about someone abusive? Who lies about rape? Hermione narrowed her eyes, thinking carefully. Perhaps it was more lies mixed with truth. Because Shalini did look injured, the fear on her face couldn't have been a lie. And what about Jade? The words they had exchanged seemed so genuine. Was that all just a lie too?
"Good morning dear, you've got a visitor. I'm going to let him in, okay?" Madam Pomfrey's cheery voice made Hermione jump as she knocked twice on the locked door.
Gritting her teeth Hermione's hand clenched, her knuckles turning white.
"I don't feel too well. Can they come back another time?" She sat down on her single mattress heavily. She wasn't in the mood at all.
The lock clicked and door handle twisted. Hermione made to turn on the bed to face the wall and then someone spoke.
"Hermione. It is good to see you are up. As delayed as I am I do hope you can forgive me."
The door opened inward, revealing none other than Professor Dumbledore, his auburn hair almost fiery in the morning sun behind him.
"I've already arranged everything so don't worry. I am here to collect you." He swept into the room, his magenta cloak trailing behind his tall figure as he scanned the room and then her.
"The time for me to make up for my lateness will have to be later, I am afraid. In the mean time we really must be off. Do you have all of your belongings with you?"
"Y-yes, they're all here." Hermione went over to the bed side table, grabbing her beaded bag with the extension charm. "Professor Dumbledore, where are you taking me?" She asked in confusion.
"Someplace safer." She noticed his eyes looked sad, "Unfortunately I am afraid Tom Riddle's game is creating too many casualties. And you're the most important one in this situation, you deserve, to say in the least, a higher level of protection, something more suitable than this school can provide."
He turned to the doorway, "Poppy, do I have your word you will not reveal to anyone that it was I that has taken her and not the brilliant staff of St. Mungos?"
"Your have my word indeed my good friend," Madam Pomfrey said with sincerity from the doorway.
"In that case, take my arm Hermione. We will apparate to my old house for the time being. You will be much safer there."
"But Professor..." Hermione said warily, "In Hogwarts, A History it is written that it is impossible to apparate within Hogwarts...-"
"Don't lean on your own understanding." He said gently. "There are holes in your mind Tom has created. Your former self already is aware apparating is possible, because you have already done it before. Twice. Coming here from the past, and when we were both in the Room of Requirement."
Hermione frowned. The past? Dumbledore wasn't looking to mislead her she knew - she definitely knew he was the trustworthy type but everything was now starting to make her feel like she was going to jump blindfolded into the Great Lake.
"Professor," Madam Pomfrey said lowly, "Riddle and his friends have just arrived at the hospital. I will distract them, but you two really should go. Oh, and Hermione."
Hermione turned to see a very apologetic look come across her aged face. "I am truly sorry for keeping you here for the past few days. It's all I could do to keep you safe and locked away from him, to pretend to believe Tom's twisted ways. He kept trying to come and see you... but I only let him that one time."
"Thanks... Really." Hermione said, hardly daring to believe it. So Madam Pomfrey had pretended she believed Tom so she could keep her locked up and out of Tom's grasp?
Knock knock knock
"Madam Pomfrey!"
Hermione took Dumbledore arm instantly, and as Madam Pomfrey stepped away the last she saw of the two of them was a flash of magenta robe.
"Madam Pomfrey!" Shalini yelled.
"Merlin do you really need to yell so loud?" I snapped. Shalini turned to me, her dark eyes narrowed. "What's your problem? That old bitch Pomfrey is like 106 years old and probably as deaf as a bat."
"Whether she's deaf or not is doesn't matter. She's already seen us." Tom said quietly. Sure enough, the old face of tiny Madam Pomfrey could be seen bobbing towards us through the closed Hospital Wing doors. She didn't look too happy.
All three of us stepped back as the door swung outward.
"I've told you three many times before, Miss Granger is not up for visitors!" She snapped. "Now be off with you!" She made to shoo us but none of us would move. Tom stepped forward, his tall height completely overshadowing her.
"Madam Pomfrey, she's our friend and we haven't seen her in about 5 days. We just wanted to speak to her to make sure she was ok." Tom said in a convincing imitation of a caring person. I looked at him sharply. He was the damn reason Hermione was in this situation to begin with. I felt terrible, I would've tried to help her but I couldn't exactly do that when Tom was always in close proximity to me and my sister, it wasn't safe for any of us.
"Well, if you care about your friend so much, you'd let her get some much needed rest! Now if you three don't leave I'll take points from your House!"
"Fine, you annoying old hag," Shalini rolled her eyes dramatically, "Since it's such a crime to see our sick friend..."
Madam Pomfrey's eyebrow shot up into her greying hair. "Excuse me, Miss Black but I am afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave immediately. And the rest of you too. Shoo!"
And just like that she slammed the door shut in our face leaving us all standing there like idiots.
"Well that was successful." I said bitterly.
"Well she's not going to let all of us bother Hermione at once, is she? I'll come back alone later." Tom turned to me, a slight smirk edging his lips. "There's never many visitors at night anyway."
Shivers erupted down my spine. Something told me Hermione really wouldn't appreciate having Riddle as her late night visitor.
Shalini led the way out down the deserted castle corridors towards the great hall. I walked beside Tom in silence, I didn't want to talk to him if I could help it. We reached the Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin table with Malfoy, Zabini, Rosier and Dolohov.
"You nearly missed out on lunch," Malfoy remarked, his light eyes watching Shalini.
"We had matters to attend to," Tom said dismissively.
"Ah, I see. Granger." Malfoy smirked. "That bitch always annoyed me. It's good she's out of the way now, she was a bit of competition for you Shalini, wasn't she?"
"What the hell are you talking about." Shalini's snapped, Malfoy looked amused.
"I've heard a lot of guys want to sleep with her." He said carelessly, "She's quite pretty, and apparently she's extremely intelligent as well. A rare find-"
Shalini almost choked on her pumpkin juice. "What?" She spluttered.
Tom, who had been listening in as well, slammed his goblet down on the table so hard I was surprised it didn't crack down the centre.
"Malfoy." He said quietly. Almost all eyes focused on Tom, who had now picked his goblet back up and was appearing to be examining it idly, "I really think it would be unwise of you to continue that train of thought."
It was as if the entire atmosphere of the table changed, even Shalini stopped speaking and Malfoy became quiet at once, busying himself with a salad roll. What an idiot I thought to myself. Hermione was Tom's girlfriend despite everything.
Malfoy didn't say another word but Tom however, placed his goblet down and turned his focus to us on the table surrounding him.
"I don't think that Dumbledore is aware what happened to his little pet." He said, the same mocking tilt on his lips. A few people laughed, Dolohov considered him thoughtfully.
"Likely. Him and his family are a waste of wizarding blood. My family has said it the entire time. Everyone depends on him for everything don't they? Even stupid old Dippet. No wonder the school has turned to shit."
"There's hope for Hogwarts yet," Tom remarked, cutting himself a slice of ham. "With the right leaders and regulations, this school can be redeemed. It's a matter of prioritising clean blood over unclean blood. It's simple, really. A pruning that begs to be done."
I cut myself a slice of bread, in my distraction I used to much force, the bread knife slipped and cut my hand. In slow motion blood started to trickle. "Fuck."
Tom glanced at me from across the table his dark eyes sharp. "Are you feeling alright, Jade?" His voice was cold. "I've noticed you've been acting strange lately. Unlike yourself. People are starting to notice."
He threw something at me - I started until I realised it was only a small cloth he'd conjured.
"Clean that up." He said, staring directly at me. "And pull yourself together. I know you were close to that brat Hermione but times are changing. You need to choose where your allegiances lie."
I took the cloth and dabbed at my bleeding hand. The cut was larger than I thought it was, the deep red contrasting sickly with my pale skin. I swallowed. The combination of the sick feeling in my gut and the stinging pain in my hand was making my head spin.
"She's my friend." I heard myself saying. "What you did to her was wrong."
Tom's eyes flashed. The other Slytherins shrunk back as Tom leant towards me menacingly.
"Tell me Jade, how can she be your friend even when you lied about everything you said about me?" He asked delicately.
"What are you talking about." I frowned. "I never lied."
A truly terrible look came across Tom's face, his mouth twisting into that trademark sadistic smirk, "Well, your precious Hermione believes otherwise. She thinks you lied to her about everything, the stupid mindless bitch."
A burst of white hot anger reared inside me, I stood up suddenly, clenching my fists; the cut opened again leaking a trickle of blood that started running down my arm.
"You told her I lied about everything?" I exploded.
"Miss Black," Slughorn boomed from the staff table. The entire Hall grew quiet, I now had the full attention of not only the Staff table but all 4 house tables. "If you could please sit down."
"Jade." Tom was looking absolutely murderous. "We wouldn't want to make a scene now would we?" Beneath his soft voice was a definite note of danger lurking just daring me to push him further.
I stepped back. Tom's eyes widened by an increment at my direct disobedience, his lips pressing into a straight line. Don't you dare. He was furious. I kept stepping back until I was walking down the hall, with the eyes of most of the school on me I ran off up the great staircase towards the Hospital Wing.
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