《Breaking Hermione》Horror Is My Entertainment
The suffocating feeling of side along apparition stopped almost as soon as it came, in a swirl of cloaks Professor Dumbledore and I arrived on the front doorstep of his house. I looked around, it had just began to rain. "We made it!" I breathed a sigh of relief. "That was so close!" I could've jumped for joy. I was so far away from Hogwarts now. Hallelujah. How was that evil bastard Tom going to reach me now?
Dumbledore turned to me, "Don't worry about Tom Riddle. After all, he is only a mere student, and it truly doesn't pay to fear him as you do. However, we can discuss that all later. For now, welcome to my humble home. Please do go inside, it wouldn't pay for us to chit chat in the pouring rain."
I stared at the door for a split second, hardly daring to believe I was really out of this horrible nightmare so soon. Dumbledore gestured to the door warmly, "Don't be shy. I assure you this is a safe place."
I stepped closer. The house was large, obviously an inheritance from his family. I paused but only for the most fleeting of moments before I walked inside the threshold, Dumbledore followed striding ahead of me down the hallway.
I only had one word for the place. Wow.
The inside was toasty and warm, very cosy and well kept. There were polished cherrywood floors and an assortment of all kinds of interesting items decorated on almost every table in sight. Almost everywhere were books. It was like heaven. Yay! My internal voice screamed. The walls were almost completely covered in various art pieces, a testament to the sheer artistry of Dumbledore's brilliant mind.
"Your home is lovely," I said genuinely, with gratitude I sat down on a soft squashy armchair placing my beaded bag down. I almost forgot how heavy the damn thing was, it really was a relief to get it off my shoulder.
"Thank you. I am extremely happy to have you here if I do say so myself. I do happen to own a number of things that would appeal to a fellow sharp mind such as yourself, also an uncanny knack to solve dark curses in record timing. Would you care for tea?" Dumbledore called from over in the kitchen.
I laughed to myself accepting the offer, taking the time to stare around the massive home. My head hurt suddenly for a second, a memory bursting through to the front of my mind. Rita Skeeters book, written about Dumbledore. It was in my bag. What was it called again?
The Life And Lies Of Albus Dumbledore I remembered. Reaching for my beaded bag I plunged my hand inside it reaching for what I knew to be it the very book itself. I knew I shouldn't have read it, but it was awfully fascinating, the details had been tweaked a lot of course but overall... Merlin, Hermione. I thought to myself. Out of all the memories to recall.... You remembered the contents of this book... Sheepishly, I placed book back not without a twinge of guilt.
The rain really started to hammer down outside, I snuggled deeper into the couch realising something I hadn't felt in a long time: security. Safety. It was hard to believe that mere moments ago I was trapped in that horrible solitary room in the Hospital Wing moments away from being caught out by Tom Riddle, the tall, pale Slytherin boy who seemed hellbent on destroying my life. Thank Merlin he didn't know where I was. I couldn't imagine what that'd be like. I don't even think I could've stomached seeing Shalini or Jade either, since they'd stabbed me in the back.
Don't think about them my mind chastised me. You can think about it later. Focus on the here and now.
I could've laughed. The "here and now" was all that I could focus on, since that bastard Tom stole my memories of my true identity and the future that I had come from.
A chilling feeling came over me. Not only from thinking too hard about Tom Riddle but also by understanding that I was virtually mindless. The sooner my mind was restored, the better. It was useless resisting Tom without a properly functioning mind. I was basically a goner until we sorted this curse out.
Despite everything I was extremely grateful Dumbledore was letting me stay temporarily at his home. I couldn't imagine staying in the hospital wing another night, especially not the Slytherin Common Room.
I stared around the room again. Across the wall from me was yet another framed picture of Ariana Dumbledore, when I saw it I felt a twinge of regret. It couldn't be easy for Dumbledore to have a portrait of his deceased sister hanging in the lounge room.
I considered the painting, my mind racing ahead of me. This very home once held terrible secrets and a deep family tension. I thought of a young Dumbledore, brilliant but confined to shoulder the responsibility of his sick sister and wayward brother. How did he even manage to cope? I don't even know if I could've handled a situation like that, I didn't even have any siblings at all to start with. At least I didn't think I did. Hold on. I couldn't even remember if I had siblings or not... How the hell could I remember a book, and not my own family?
"We ran out of tea bags unfortunately so I made us a pot of coffee instead." I watched as Dumbledore walked over, magenta cloak trailing behind him as he placed a tray holding the coffee pot and cups on a small table to my right.
"I must admit I do feel rather peckish." He admitted. "I think it's the perfect opportunity for the fudge brownie I made two days ago, what do you think? I do find muggle magazines tend to have very decent comfort food recipes. I had to oblige and whip some up."
He left for a moment coming back with a heated plate of mouthwatering brownies. "Help yourself. I can't imagine that resortative solution you were having at breakfast for the past few days was easy on the tastebuds." He grimaced.
I gasped. "How did you know about that?" I asked, fixing us both coffee. "It was absolutely awful." To be honest, just remembering it made me feel queasy.
"I have my ways," He said airily, and with a pang I thought of the other day how Tom had used those very same words. Suppressing a shudder I distracted myself by taking a sip of coffee which worked, it was just what I needed.
"In actual fact that restorative solution of Pomfrey's is extremely effective," Dumbledore admitted, "However not to remedy the curse Riddle has given you." He took a bite of the fudge brownie, deep in thought.
"I have done a bit of study over the past few days. I do ask you to forgive me. Having you locked up in the solitary room was a temporary measure myself and Madam Pomfrey had made for your own safety. Rest assured however I think I already know what our mystery curse is." He placed the brownie down, before standing and striding down a random hall.
"Professor!" I almost dropped my coffee mug in shock. "Wait! Already? How in Merlin's name-"
It was like a million feelings hit me at once like a shards of glass. It was extremely good Dumbledore had apparently found a way to restore my mind- but at the same time did that mean I had to leave here just as soon as I'd arrived? I stared around the comfortable home. If only I could live here for as long as it took to formulate a solid plan of action...
"Call me Albus." Dumbledore called, "After all this is basically your home for the time being." I placed my almost empty coffee mug down with a clatter as I raced down the darkened hall after him. Many enchanted portraits tried to speak to me, I could only ignore them all as I raced to catch up with him. How fast could one man walk?
"Here we are," He said finally, "My study." He stopped outside a door so suddenly I almost tripped over his cloak.
"After you, Hermione." I stepped forward, with a twist of the door knob I pushed the door open into a decent sized study room complete with a large desk on top dozens of books were stacked. "The place is hideously unkept, I do apologise. You see I keep most of my books with me at the school. We won't be studying this time, however. Look in the far right hand corner."
I saw a large stone basin with a flat shallow dish looking thing inside.
"Hold on- You have your own Pensieve?" I said incredulously, striding over to examine it myself. Sure enough, it was the real deal. My eyes roved over the carved stone, my mind racing with hundreds of possibilities of what we could do.
"It's not typically an easy buy. It was given to me by a dear friend I had studied with as a youth, it had belonged to him his whole life before he passed over. I thought we could use it today for one reason."
I looked up as Dumbledore walked over and placed his hands on the Pensieve.
"If we are to battle Tom, I think it'd be best if I revealed to you my memories of what the two of us have already discussed when we were together before. Also-"
I froze, the sharp sound of someone's knuckles unmistakably sounded against the front door.
No.... It couldn't be...
My heart started racing.
Dumbledore frowned ever so slightly. "I don't believe I invited anyone else over to the house. You stay there, I'll see who it is."
"No- wait," I darted in front of him, holding my hands out in front of me in desperation, "It could be Tom. Don't answer it."
"Tom? He's at Hogwarts, dear child. Besides, even if it was, I'm not worried about him. I'm more concerned about you, as a matter of fact. Stay here, and keep quiet. We don't want anyone realising you're here."
Just like that, he strode out of the room his tall figure casting a taller shadow along the wall as he left. He closed the door with the faintest snap behind him, leaving me in the dimly lit room alone with nothing but my crippling anxiety about Tom to keep me company.
Seconds after that stupid slut ran off, I stood up myself. "She really shouldn't have done that." I growled.
"Tom, leave it." Shalini spoke up. I looked down at her with amused skeptism. Did she really think her pathetic words would stop me?
"Your sister disobeyed me directly," My voice was extremely low, just loud enough for those surrounding me to hear, "And now she's going to get what she deserves."
Ignoring everyone's attempts to stop me I moved, stalking down the great hall silent as a shadow past the students, my mind set on Jade and the fact I should punish her for her defiance. I increased my pace. She couldn't be faster than me, I was twice her height for fuck sake. I continued on, assuming she had gone straight to the Hospital Wing where pretty little victim Hermione was trapped.
Several teachers beamed at me as I walked past, I inclined my head to them in respect, slowing down to avoid suspicion. When they were out of sight I took off again, racing up flights of stairs. I reached the hospital wing, straightening my collar and adjusting my cloak; I didn't want to look like I'd just run a damn marathon. I stepped through the door- and suddenly, out of the damn blue Madam Pomfrey burst out of nowhere.
"Tom, what on earth are you doing at the hospital wing at this hour?"
"I'm seeing my friend Hermione." I walked, not bothering this time with small talk: the trivialities could wait. For now, I wanted to see where the hell Jade was, since I could barely see her. Had she managed to weasel her way into the solitary room by herself? If so, I would've been extremely surprised.
"Now hang on just a second-" Madam Pomfrey's voice called from the other side of the Hospital Wing but it was too late, I'd already reached the door. Unlocking the door from the outside I stepped into the room to find Jade slumped on the bed in a sort of depressed defeat.
"They've transferred her to Saint Mungos." Madam Pomfrey called. "You're not going to find her there you two!"
Transferred her to St. Mungos? Are you fucking kidding me?!
I left Jade for a second, going over to Madam Pomfrey. "When was she transferred?" I asked, fighting extremely hard to keep my voice controlled.
"About half an hour ago, actually. Now tell me, why are the pair of you so concerned by all of this? Especially you, Riddle!" I tried to leave but she grabbed my arm.
"Why on earth are you laughing, boy? Is this all just a joke to you?" She demanded. "You've been harassing Hermione I know it, although why-"
"Horror is my entertainment." I said under my breath.
"What did you say?" I smirked as Madam Pomfrey swelled in rage.
"I said she's my girlfriend." I said flatly. "I thought I should bother to see if she was okay."
Pomfrey released me, confusion etched on her face. Stupid woman. I turned to Jade who was standing outside Hermione's room with her arms around herself.
"You. Follow me." I said venomously. I felt Madam Pomfrey's apprehensive stare as Jade followed me out of the building.
"Who the fuck ordered Hermione to be moved." I snapped as soon as we were out the door. "I swear this pathetic school never fails to surprise me with its idiocy. Just when I needed her to be kept in this school she's fucking transferred..."
"I-I didn't think they'd move her so soon." Jade added tearfully, following me as fast as she could. "I thought they'd at least give it one more day-"
"Why would they keep her for one more day?" I cut across her, taking the nearest moving staircase down, "They're obviously not going to keep her here if she's got a curse they're too ill equipped to deal with. It was surprising enough they'd kept her for this long." My lip curled as I thought of Hermione thinking she'd escaped me. Did she really think she could?
"Hermione must be so scared." Jade said sadly. I looked on, the familiar feelings of anger starting to rise in me again: how dare she defend Hermione and side with her against me?
"Hermione should be fucking scared." I told her. My voice was was cold, utterly emotionless and uncaring. "In fact, you really should just forget your little friend. Start being scared for yourself this time." I said dangerously. "Disobeying me when I told you to not run off.... What the fuck is the matter with you all of a sudden? Do you really need to be reminded who exactly is in control here?"
The staircase stopped moving, we both got off at the same moment. Before Jade could run off however I grabbed her arm in a vice like grip. "Don't you remember what I told you what would happen the last time you disobeyed me?"
"Y-yes." Tears were falling from her pathetic face, it was a shameful sight.
"What did I say would happen?" I pressed. I shoved her away from me , I didn't even want to touch her. "Well? Who'd I say I would kill?" Anger and hatred were rising in me yet again, threatening to completely overcome me again. "Remind me Jade. I'm struggling to remember." I said sadistically. "Who?"
Jade gulped, looking like she was just about to cry even harder.
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