《Breaking Hermione》Power and Control
Power and Control
Marina and the Diamonds
William Blake
I had to find Shalini. Or Jade. But I couldn't seem to move my legs. I slid down the stone wall, feeling my world shattering around me. I couldn't even remember a single word of reassurance Dumbledore had said. All I could feel was Tom's hand around my throat constricting my airways.
I took a deep breath. My hands were shaking, my heart was beating a hundred miles a minute. I couldn't just be weak and give in. I didn't want to give Tom the satisfaction. But he seemed to have the upper hand of the situation, and I really didn't know what to do about it. He was physically and emotionally abusive. I really had to find the others.... if I could just stand up...
You're Hermione, also known to most of Slytherin as Dumbledore's little lying bitch.
I shut my eyes. Tom's voice came so clearly to my mind it was as if he was standing in front of me.
I jumped, fearing the worst- but it was both Jade and Shalini running toward me. "What are you doing? We have to go to class." Shalini was calling. She fell at my feet placing both her hands on my shoulders.
"Hey. Hermione. What happened? Are you ok?" She asked in concern. I was barely aware of her and the hundreds of students around us making their way to their next class.
"I don't.... know." I said slowly. "Tom...."
I placed my hands around my neck, Jade gasped. "Oh Merlin." She gasped. "Your neck. It's so ... red. Did he fucking try to strangle you? Oh my god."
I got to my feet unsteadily, Jade put her arm around me. "It's ok." She said. "You're safe now. Come on. We have to tell our Head of House about this. Or Dumbledore."
"No." I swallowed, my throat was extremely dry. "We can't do that."
"Oh come on! Are you kidding?" She said incredulously. "Have you even seen the colour of your neck?"
"We can't tell anyone, Jade." I repeated a little louder this time. "That's what he wants."
Jade's mouth fell open.
"Look, she's right." Shalini said reasonably. "This is Tom Riddle we're talking about. He's going to keep doing this sort of shit until he's got us under his control. That's what guys like him do."
"Um- I'm sorry, what guys are there like him?" Jade exclaimed. "Honestly you two literally sound so brainwashed right now."
I stepped away from the two of them for a minute, dragging my hands through my hair. I had to pull myself together for this.
"There are a lot of guys like him, Jade." Shalini was saying. "I'm not talking about you know, the murderous villain who's probably scheming to take over the world ok I'm talking about the guys who sexually and physically exploit girls and women. I've been with a lot of Tom's type. And this is just the kind of thing they do."
"I get that." Jade said defensively. "I'm just saying that what Tom is doing isn't something we can just downplay. What he's up to isn't like what any of those guys you were talking about. He's the psychopath type. Shit, he's your type of evil guy crossed between mine, actually. But we can't just deal with it alone and not let anyone else help us."
"Well, I agree to disagree." Shalini leant against the stone wall, blinking her large dark eyes almost as if she was about to cry.
"I would love to tell someone about everything he's done. I mean, obviously, since I was raped by him for fuck sake. But you don't know all the things he said to me. He can really hurt us if we piss him off too much. And i don't know about you, but I'd rather not gamble with both of your lives. That's what's at stake here. The least you could do is not gamble with my life."
"You're right." Jade said finally. "I'm sorry. I've seen the way Tom has been acting around the both of you, and I should've realised. He's already hurt you so much. Both of you. It'll be a danger to all of us if we provoke him any further."
"I agree." A low voice said.
Walking around the corner of the corridor, tall and as menacing as ever before was Tom Riddle, anger blazing in his dark eyes.
"I thought you three would be up here. But ditching class didn't really seem a lot like you, though Hermione. I'm surprised." He commented coldly. "Is our school curriculum not up to your ridiculously high standards?"
"Leave her alone, Riddle." Jade's voice was trembling in rage. "You've done more than enough here."
"To be honest, Black, I've barely even started." Tom's black eyes were shining very brightly, as if he was plotting some horrible deed already.
"The real fun has only just begun. Since you three fools have just revealed my strengths and your weaknesses, this game should now be extremely easy for me."
To my left, Jade let out a breath. I realised us three girls were literally gripping each other in fear. So Tom had been eavesdropping on this entire conversation. He'd just heard it all.
"Our next class happens to be just along this very corridor." Tom said quietly. "As soon as I released you three were missing I knew where you were. What I didn't realise is how stupid the three of you would've had to be to talk so loudly out in the open about me, and everything that's been going on. I was standing behind this corner listening to every word that's come out of your foolish little mouths."
He stepped closer, his eyes extremely dark. "If you think what I'm doing now is bad, you're all a lot weaker than I had originally thought." His mouth curled into a slight smirk, those dark eyes darkening dangerously. "I can really harm you all. I could technically kill you. All of you. If I really wanted to."
I put my clammy hand into the pocket of my cloak. My wand? When the hell did it get in there? I thought I had left it with all of my other bags...
"W-what do you want from us." Shalini was saying shakily. "You haven't even said-"
"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." He stepped incredibly close to Shalini, I could literally feel her shaking in fear beside me. "Merlin." He laughed. "You're scared of me. You weren't like this before." He said gently, touching her face. "And look at you now, you're trembling. Almost as much as you did in the hospital wing before I had my way with you. I always knew you were absolutely pathetic. Maybe next time you'll realise just how much that pissed me off, so I won't have to immobilise you. Hey. Don't cry. I know deep down you had to of enjoyed it."
"You really shouldn't have said that you goddamned monster." I heard myself saying.
At the very second Tom's dark eyes flashed to me, we knew instantly what to do and our wands were drawn before any of the others could really understand what was going on.
Tom flicked his wrist shooting a curse at me which I deflected with the magical agility of someone years more experienced. Someone like Harry. It was Harry I thought about as Tom and I started to duel, both of us using non verbal spells trying desperately to throw the other off guard.
Minutes passed. We both must've been almost matched for each other, because neither one of us was letting up. About half way through Shalini and Jade ran off to class, leaving only me and Tom in the corridor outside the library.
But to my surprise no one had come dashing out to see what all the commotion was about. My guesses were Tom had already placed charms around this corridor in advance as though he knew this was going to happen, and he wanted to make sure no one could come to my defence.
"Hermione." Tom said in a enviously calm talking voice as our counter curses hit each other, "You're fairly good at duelling but you're lacking in one area." Even though he was sending dozens of curses at me I was able to deflect them all.
"Really?" I called back. "And what's that?"
"Speed." Tom said, and with one particularly fast wrist manoeuvre, I saw a flash of red light- a curse square in the chest.
I released the breath I was holding and the next thing I knew, everything was gone.
I woke up in the hospital wing, I could tell it was night just by looking out the window directly opposite me.
I blinked wearily, my mind moving ever so slowly trying to piece together what had just happened.
"Merlin-" I breathed, slamming a hand to my face. "Oh no."
"Oh yes." I nearly jumped a foot into the air. Unknown to me, standing in the shadows in the corner of the room was Tom Riddle. He stepped forward into a patch of moonlight from a window above, his dark eyes and pale skin seemed almost eerie.
"Finally. You've been out cold for at least 5 days." He laughed softly. "Do you even remember what happened?"
I clutched my head, frowning. Everything hurt. "No." He said. "I don't remember anything." I said slowly. "What happened? Can you tell me?"
He stepped closer, coming to sit at the edge of my stretcher bed, dark eyes watching me closely.
"You had a particularly fateful burst of confidence one afternoon, and foolishly decided to surprise me with a duel." He explained, those dark eyes shining in the darkness.
"Needless to say, it didn't end up too well for you. Pity, isn't it? I've been coming to visit you almost every day. You're probably one of the only girls that's ever gotten herself locked in a solitary room in the hospital wing in the first fucking week being here." He laughed lowly, taking one of my hands in his.
"You won't be able to get out of here, unless they let you. You see, Hermione, I cursed you at the end of that petty "duel" of yours. An illegal curse to erase all memories of the future from your head. You won't be that angry at me now, because you won't remember what you've lost. It's an ongoing process. Not even Madam Pomfrey or Dumbledore know what's happening with you. I've been monitoring you myself. You were talking in your sleep about me the other night, actually." He smiled slightly.
"It was amusing. But it's all okay now, don't worry about any of it. I'll take care of you. Now, get some sleep."
"What are you talking about. What happened to me?" I croaked. "What did you do to me?"
"Hey, hey." Tom said, making his voice light and soothing. "Don't get upset. I only did what was best for us."
Very slowly, panic started to kick in. I tried to move my arms and legs to jump out of bed and run away from him but I couldn't. It was like I was frozen.
"As soon as you arrived, on the first fucking day you came to Hogwarts you've been causing trouble amongst my Death Eaters." He said, caught between amusement and irritably. "It's been most entertaining to watch from a distance. You seemed to have convinced yourself almost completely that you could resist me."
"What about Jade and Shalini. What did you do to them?" I could only whisper, it was too hard to speak. "Did you hurt them?"
"The Black sisters?" Tom smirked. "Why would I hurt them? On the contrary, I rewarded them both. They did their job well."
I blinked, not quite understanding. "Their.... job." I repeated. "What job?"
Tom smiled revealing his perfect white teeth. "Well, the job I had given them, of course. Befriend you, and help break you down to get you to be under my control. It happens to most new recruits of Slytherin House. Obviously not the first years and those other little babies. I choose the students from my own hand, and as a group we break them in to my control."
"Hold on." I said, feeling extremely ill, "So you're saying - J-Jade and Shalini lied to me?"
"Yes. On my orders." Tom touched my hand almost sympathetically. "I told them what lies to tell you. I helped them orchestrate all the problems that you three all went though. Don't be upset. It's not like they had much of a choice. I can be very persuasive when I want to be."
He smirked down at me, dark eyes shining in amusement, and I suddenly remembered a young Ginny crying to me after everyone was rescued from the Chamber of Secrets, saying how she was so humiliated after she'd fallen for Tom Riddle's lies. Her embarrassment at how she fell for him because he was extremely persuasive telling her to paint the Hogwarts walls in blood....
"Ouch-" I gripped my head, a sharp pain had randomly sparked through my brain and was now pounding inside my skull like a headache.
"Trying to remember something from the future?" Tom asked, holding up something gold. A Time Turner. My Time Turner. "You won't be able to."
"Huh?" I gasped. Something was terribly wrong and I couldn't remember what it was. "Give it back." I gasped.
"There will be no more going back to the future now." He said, his voice low, enchanting. "As soon as I saw that Time Turner around your neck on your first day, I knew something wasn't right. And when you found me in the Common Room "studying" late that evening when you thought you'd lost it, I was busy researching up on what type of curses I could use to alter the course of whatever mission you were on. At that point, I tried most counter curses against that first Time Turner of yours. When you came downstairs and demanded I hand it over to you, I did. It's already been cursed, I had told myself. It was all I could do for the moment, so I obliged and returned it. When you got this shining new Time Turner, Merlin knows where from, I just knew I had to tamper with that one too. So when you were unconscious, I did."
Breathing heavily, I listened, tears streaming down my face. Distorted images of Jade and Shalini flashed through my mind, of Shalini injured after Tom allegedly assaulted her. Jade's wide, scared eyes. Was it all really a lie?
"Traitors." I gasped.
"I suppose we are." Tom said carelessly. "I hadn't really given it much thought, if I have to be honest. Anyway. I'm going to downstairs to the Hall for dinner, I suggest you get back to sleep." He said quietly, standing up.
"We'll talk about this in depth tomorrow. I don't have time right now to go over it all with you. I'll pass on to Madam Pomfrey that you woke up and got a bit too overwhelmed as I leave, shall I? She'll give you further sedation to calm you down. I don't want you doing anything reckless, like attempting to escape from this locked room."
"No- wait! Tom!" I tried to shout. But he had already gone, closing the door behind him and leaving me in the dark once more.
- In Serial14 Chapters
Dream Dungeon
Welcome to the dream dungeon. Ely suddenly finds himself in a mysterious dungeon accessed only through sleeping. Many people are drawn into this dream world, confused and mystified. Those in this dungeon must kill monsters to survive; maybe even each other. Join Ely as he struggles to survive a ruthless environment. What replaces his rest is untold trauma. What seems like an innocent game trope turns into a nightmare. This is a story of tragedy and the path to ultimate power. All in the hopes of an uncertain survival. _________ This fiction has NOT been abandoned. I made a haughty promise earlier to not worry because I'll continue this series, and with things lately, I've only proved myself a liar. Further promises dwindled, and I've lost trust. So many things have been going on recently that I've been booked. I will refrain from making any future guarantees or promises as my busy schedule will stay with me for a long long while. Time for me to actually spend on writing and revising won't appear until at the least November 19. I won't say expect that's when I'll restart, but you can expect expecting it to maybe happen. That's really shallow. But with everything going on, I've let my small reading base down. I apologize. I still stick by my statement though that I won't abandon this project. I plan to stick it to the end, no matter the delay. Most importantly, thank you everyone; readers who both like and dislike my work. I appreciate your time spent on my dumb imagination. Stay toasty my readers in this winter season. Cheers. UPDATE: We're back on track. Thank you for your patience. Any future readers, heyo! Glad you're here. UPDATE 2: So far it's been 21 days since I last uploaded a chapter. The best thing done for any fiction, no matter how good it is, is that it continues, and I have a bad history with that. 1 fiction on hiatus and already more delays with less than 20 chapters in this fiction. I've been very preoccupied with adding more things to do in my life rather than actually committing to any particular thing. That applies primarily to this. I cannot abandon this, as busy as my future looks and will look as I get busier and busier. Someday, I hope, I will be able to sit down and just write. just. write. But for now, I ask for patience. I suppose I'm glad this fiction hasn't picked up so that I don't disappoint too many people if any really. But I need to commit and it's going to happen sometime and sometime soon. No more flowery words. I'll see you later. UPDATE 3: It's very evident I won't be able to pick up this story for a while. With AP Testing, competitions, and other things I am busier than ever. But I must complete this fiction. I have too. Until next time. UPDATE 4: It is now the summer. I owe everyone an apology. Chances are, nobody's around to see this, and that is okay. I only blame myself for this sort of brokenness of a fiction, not that it is actually that bad but I am just exaggerating it for dramatic effect.But what's not exaggerated is the severity of my broken promise. I apologize for my naive claims about finishing a novel that I couldn't finish and that I didn't have the discipline to finish. Nor the skills, really, I was and am still an immature writer.What is to place now? I want to make it clear I understand this is my fault. I will man up to this. And I will accept any criticism. I understand I messed up. Reading Stephen King's On Writing made it clear to me that I need to do two things:Read lots.And write lots.I have done neither. If I don't have the time to read often, how do I expect to write? I need to become more experienced. I need to become a serious writer.So if I want to dream of continuing, I need to at least fulfill both requirements. I enjoy writing. I haven't written seriously outside of school in a while. I planned to write this summer and finish this. I made a lot of promises that I didn't keep.So there's that. I won't enact any self-pity, or be foolishly obsessed. What I did was wrong, and I must deal with it. I let down readers. And I apologize.I hope I can find forgiveness. This is a writer's sin.I won't promise I'll finish this. I intend to finish this, at some point, because writing is fun and I want to write. But how things are don't reflect that. Maybe I'll finish this at some point. Maybe I won't. I won't be naive to make that promise.I thank everyone who has read this if this is the end. If not, and hopefully not, I thank everyone who is to read future chapters. I thank everyone who allowed me to live in the miniscule little dream of mine as I passed my days. I thank everyone who cares enough to read this. Until next time, peace everyone. Thank you. You are all great readers and great people. I wish everyone the best in whatever reading/writing endeavors follow you henceforth.
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The Overzealous Healer
CONTENT WARNING: Gore, animal cruelty Genre: Transgressive, dark fantasy Book 1 Blurb: Timo is a child who commits magical murder, and the farm sends a witchhunter to investigate. Without modern social nets that we take for granted, he is shunned, consumed by inexplicable loneliness. To survive, he must find an acceptable outlet for his powers and his moral insanity. However, Timo plans to have fun while he's at it, and mayhem is on the menu. The Scorpion, a jaded witchhunter, tracks down the suspect. As he digs further, he must ultimately make the hardest decision of his life. ---Please read [Roadmap Announcement] for details.
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The Legend of Fanaura: Cursed
'Hey, need some help there?' An unfamiliar voice echoed through her mind, and she startled, losing her grip on the red phial. It rolled through the grass, away from her. "Oh shoot!" she yelped, and her focus diverted from her opponent for a split second, but it was enough to prove fatal. The beast took advantage of her distraction and lunged towards her. She tried to back away, but in her haste, she stumbled and fell. She looked at the beast, inches away from her, and shut her eyes in fear. She raised her arms to cover her head, even if she knew it was futile. Yet seconds passed, and no pain came. Then she heard the beast let out a pained yelp. She opened her eyes to the familiar sounds of battle before her. A tall man stood before her, locked in battle with the beast. He wielded a sword as long as his height, yet it didn't seem to hinder him in the slightest. She watched in awe as he swung the obviously heavy sword around as if it were light as a feather. His movements were swift and precise, and it didn't take long before the beast fell to the ground, motionless. “You alright there, miss?” The man sheathed his sword across his back, before turning to her. Her eyes widened when she heard his voice. It was the same voice who had that had spoken into her mind and the cause of her almost-fatal distraction. "You...!" she hissed.***She was the chosen one to end the war between the Goddesses when they were supposed to take care of the world balance. Refused to be the pawn of the Goddess she chooses to kill herself, thinking that it will end her obligation and suffering. But when she woke up in another body, she realized that she can't outrun her fate. Being reborn in the same world after the end of the Goddesses war in a pre-apocalyptic situation, she knew she needs to face her fate as the cursed heroine. But her path won't be easy as darkness lurks and hidden between her friends and comrades waiting to punch her in the back and ruined her journey of redemption and world saving. Would she succeed or succumbed once more?
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Waifu Wars
In a world where waifus exist, one young boy and his waifu, Trash-Chan, will compete to get to the top of the Waifu Wars.
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Patchwork System
Notification (cannot be ignored): For being the first being to kill another of its own species after Sublimation, Lyam Aldren is awarded the Title of Cain’s Successor. Let all fear the Kinslayer!!! Lyam Aldren, killer for hire, was just going about his business when he suddenly received a notification from something called the System. Apparently, the entirety of Earth, its denizens and its matter were transported into the world of the System, planted in 'patches' all throughout the infinite world. The world of the Patchwork System is one of challenges, where life is cheap, power is king, and Classes and levels are a thing. In a brutal world, there is perhaps room for a killer with bloodstained hands to find his own way, free of his past. However, his Title and his inherent nature plague him, his fragmented personality laid bare to those with the eyes to see, and if he doesn't become powerful enough to defeat or escape those who would use or destroy him, he will quickly be devoured by the merciless world created by the System. Compared to my previous work, this is a more 'classic' litrpg setup, with clear (if somewhat complex) progression through levels and skill gains, with a 'system apocalypse' setup. Unlike most system apocalypse story protagonists, Lyam is neither a leader nor is he particularly interested in saving his fellow Earthlings. This is a story of a man who is both endangered and set free by the destruction of his old world, as he finds both power, new discoveries, and adventure in a place where his past matters not at all and power is the only language most speak. Later in the story, there will be harem elements, but the first volume is dedicated to Lyam's first months in the System. For those who are more interested in the Heirs of the Hooded King, I am putting it on hiatus as I rework the setting and future story developments a bit.
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The Ending They Should've Gotten - Monty and Winston
What if Monty didn't die? And what if he and Winston got a happy ending?
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