《Brother of Wind {book five: Possession}》chapter 18
"Neran!" Morro shouted, walking onto the entrance dock. The sun was hidden by clouds, making the sky gray and it was almost evening. The ghosts gathered near as Neran walked out, no realm crystal, but the sword of sanctuary in his left hand.
"You shouldn't be here." Bansha said.
"I'm fine." Neran said.
"Where is the realm crystal?" Bansha asked.
"I didn't touch it." Neran replied as he was face to face with Morro.
The two were almsot the same height, Neran being a little bit taller.
"If you weren't a ghost, I'd slap you right now." Morro said.
"That won't break my arm." Neran gripped the sword tighter.
"I'm just mad. By the looks of it, you are too." Morro added.
"You should stop this. Look at the stars with me. Come back with me." Morro said.
"I can't."
"Can't you?"
"So, are you that boy I ran to meet in the forest still?" Morro asked. Neran hesitated.
"... No. Not anymore." Neran said as Wu and Misako came to back Morro up. Neran turned away and walked until he disappeared into the crowd of ghosts.
"Take them away!" Bansha commanded.
Morro, Wu and Misako were all taken away and they went without resistance. They were taken away.... As planned. Morro took a breath as he closed his eyes. Then he looked ahead, a determined expression.
Kai looked to his left. He nodded.
"Anyone have eyes on the Realm Crystal?" He asked through coms.
"It appears to be inside what used to be Ronin's pawnshop in the center of town. Neran had just gone there and it's highly guarded." Zane informed.
"Do you think we can get Lloyd in there to destroy it? I don't know if we'll pull the ghosts away long enough." Jay said.
"Yeah, well, that's the plan. Everyone in position?" Cole asked.
"Okay." Kai took out a small silver coin and flipped it in the air as high as he could. The smallest signal to notify the others scattered around the place.
Kai walked out in his tea shop uniform, with a teapot.
"Tea, anyone?" Kai asked.
"Yes, please." A ghost said. Kai poured the tea on the ghost, making him disappear.
"You fool!" The other ghosts shouted and chased Kai. The path was clear for the ninja in green to run past.
Hey, move back!" Jay shouted. He was also in his tea unirform. Jay was lowered down on a crated by a crane.
"Thanks!" Jay said. The two ghosts there had their eyes on Jay. The mission went on.
Zane dropped a bucket of water down, almost getting rid of a ghost.
"Oh!" Zane cried.
"Watch it!" The ghost shouted.
"Sorry. It slipped." Zane apologized. The mission went on.
Some ghosts danced to the music of a phonograph. Cole quickly possessed the instrument, making the music go faster and the ghosts get distracted by the quick movements. The ninja in green ran ahead.
Soul Archer pointed hos bow at the running ninja
"No where to go." He said. The ninja stepped back and was now surrounded by ghosts.
Neran saw the ghosts surrounding the ninja. He squinted and processed the scene.
"Hey, you're the one that made it rain, Morro said." Neran leaned close into the ninja infront of him. That's close.
"Yeah..." A more feminen voice emited from under the mask.
"I wansn't one for wearing this gi either." She shrugged. The mask was pulled off to reveal dark hair. Nya raised her hands and pulled the water through the deck boards.
"Oh, that's more than rain." Neran stepped back.
"Water ninja! Protect the crystal!!" The ghosts shouted. Nya brought the water up, getting rid of a few ghosts. She turned to Neran and didn't attack.
"If any of you come acress Neran, the most I want you to do is target the sword. Anything else, I'll handle." Nya remembered what Morro told everyone. He wanted to fight Neran.
Nya turned back to more ghosts that came her way. Neran stepped back.
Kai saw the water and the ghosts circling around. He turned to his side.
"Okay, they're distracted. We'll clear a path for you, then get to that crystal." Kai said.
"Alright." Lloyd said next to him.
"Let's do this." He jumped over the fence.
'Ready for you, brother!'
Morro nodded.
"We'll all ready." He raised his hands in the small cage that the ghosts put him and other civilians in. Morro took a deep breath and pushed his hands forwards, blowing away one side and making an opening.
"Father, take them somewhere. It doesn't matter where, just away from here." Morro told Wu and Misako lead the people away.
More ghosts were alerted to the attack. Zane jumped into his new ride and froze incoming attackers.
"Chill out! Hahaha. It feels good to have our powers back. Ice!" Zane shouted.
"Even better to have a new ride!" Jay sped around in his car, trapping in his ghost tank. One ghost swung his sword onto Jay's hood.
"Hey, you scratched my brand-new car!" Jay shouted. The taker took that ghost too.
"Haha, sucker."
"Uh, Jay, a little help?" Kai asked, being surrounded.
"On my way!" Jay shouted. He drifted by and got rid of the ghosts.
"Woo-hoo!" Jay sped away.
"Thanks. Great job, Jay!" Lloyd jumped
"Hey, Morro! Where are you?" Cole asked. Getting rid of multiple ghosts with his deepstone bike. Morro leaned into his com.
"Sorry." He threw his staff up, making a ghost disappear thanks to Nya's upgrade. He caught the staff back as it fell.
"Traffic." Morro said. He extended the staff into a glider and took off.
Nya was still occupied. Every ghost she defeated came back through the open portal. Neran ran in, sliding past Nya and catching her off guard and knocking her feet. Nya grabbed the hild of the blade.
"I dunno if this will hurt." Nya pulled the sword away from Neran. The boy let go of the hilt and Nya fell over from force. Nya dropped the blade, Neran kicking it up and catching it. The water ninja jumped back up to her fert.
'Morro, where are you? Did they take you to the other side of town?'
'No. Dragons are just annoying.'
Morro closed the glider wings and rolled onto a roof, to land. He quickly got up and ran again, sliding as ghosts charged at him and trying not to get hit by ghost dragons.
'I'm almost there.'
Lloyd jumped to a stop infront of Bansha. He jolted back.
"Ice!!" Zane cried, incasing the dual blade weilding ghost in a chill prison.
"Particle shooters disabled.' Pixal informed as Bansha broke free.
"My ice can't stop them!" Zane exclaimed. Cole neared on his bike.
"I'm coming to help!" Cole shouted.
'Lloyd, if you can't beat them, at least keep them occupied.'
"You guys keep her busy! Morro told me to keep going!" Lloyd shouted.
"Then go!!" Cole shouted.
"Uh, they're getting stronger! I can't keep this up!" Nya exclaimed, being surrounded by more and more by the second. Kai climbed a top a wodden tower.
"You have to, Nya. You can do it!" The fire ninja shouted. Soul Archer appeared on the roof and shot an arrow. Kai grabbed his headband and looped it around a lantern steing display. He ziplined with to escape Soul Archer's arrow.
"Ha! Thirty-two thread count!" Kai tied it around his head again. But now, he was surrounded.
Jay kept driving around, sucking up the ghosts he came across. Ghiultar's scythe clogged up the vacvume.
"You monster." Jay uttered. The vaccume reversed and all the ghosts were let out.
"Argh!!" Jay grit his teeth.
Nya had to get that sword away. But Morro was right. Neran barely looks at the Sword of Sanctuary. He's still this fast and agile? Nya punched forwards, Neran stepped to the side and turned around, elbowing Nya's stomach. He then roundhouse kicked Nya back into a wall. Ghosts surrou ded her once more.
Lloyd ran up and charged his energy, blasting away the ghosts.
"Hello again!" Lloyd exclaimed jumping to where Neran is.
"Hi." Neran said back.
"Neran, listen alright?" Lloyd stepped back to avoid a sword swing.
"I know you feel like you don't have a choice but you do!!" Lloyd flipped over and punched. Neran raised his arm to block.
The ghost grabbed Lloyd's hand and flipped him over.
"WAHHH!!" Lloyd shouted, being thrown off the ledge.
Morro sped throigh the air and grabbed Lloyd before he fell and pulled him up back to the roof. Neran stepped back. Morro turned his glider back into a staff and the brothers raised their stances against their opponent.
"Hey, you idiot." Morro said.
"What, you talking to yourself?" Neran asked.
Morro looked at the sun setting. Surely this battle wont last until the new dawn. Lloyd charged up his energy. Neran gripped the Sword of Sanctuary with both hands. Lloyd saw the green cloth on Neran's right arm and ran to the right. Morro ran to the left.
Neran raised the sword to block Lloyd's power then turned to Morro to grab the staff as it swung at him. Lloyd used his other hand to attack. Neran kicked but Morro jumped back to avoid. The ghost turned to Lloyd and pulled the sword away so Lloyd fell frowards from momentum.
Neran kicked Morro off his feet and back off the roof.
"Morro!!" Lloyd cried, running after him. Nya braced her hands infront of her. She just barely caught Morro as he fell back.
"Sorry." Morro said as Lloyd joined him.
"Stay strong." Lloyd said.
"Right." Morro nodded.
"STAY STRONG!!" Morro shouted.
Neran's balance was thrown off because of the building starting to move and rearrange. He turned back to the blue glow comming from the crystal.
"The Preeminent is about to arrive. Lloyd's running out of time." Wu took note of the change.
The brothers watched the building change.
"You waiting for an invitation?" Neran asked. Lloyd looked at Morro. The wind ninja nodded. The planks that were free circled the shop as it rose.
"Hope your a fast learner." Morro said, jumping off the ground with airjitzu.
"Yeah, same." Lloyd said, steadily doing the same, a green sphere surrounding Lloyd as he temporarily flew.
Morro jumped from one board to another to get higher. Lloyd landed on a lower one and jumped higher up. There was a gap. This time Neran looked at the sword to see what plank Lloyd would jump on. The one lower left. Neran kicked up a spare plank and kicked it at the one Lloyd would jump to, making it unavailable as Lloyd jumped off the one he stood on.
"Woah!!" Lloyd shouted. Morro jumped in to grab his hand. As he held onto Lloyd, Morro threw his staff like a spear at Neran. The ghosts throught it would just go throw him, but a slight shine in the metal revealed it's deepstone coating. Neran used the Sword of Sancutary to quickly direct the staff into the boards by his feet. Neran stared at the deepstone coating.
He looked back up to see Morro in the air and Lloyd running in on equal level. Morro landed first, making Neran jump back. Then Lloyd grabbed the staff from in between the planks and slashed it across the air, having Neran take steps back to avoid. Lloyd retracted the staff and threw it to Morro as the blonde caught the Sword of Sanctuary between his hands.
"Oh, great." Lloyd recalled how Kai pulled this move before.
Morro extended the staff and brought it down on the sword, taking it out of Lloyd's hold.
"Thanks. That was bad." Lloyd said.
"Shush and fight. If you want to talk, don't do it out loud." Morro said. Neran's eyes widened.
"Right! The link! Of course it's still there. Linked wisteria can't be broken by any magic and doesn't just wear off, especially one given by the embodiment of a realm." Neran exclaimed.
"So the realm gave it to you!" Morro shouted, rushing in and going to a swords lock. Lloyd slipped and grabbed onto the door of the shop.
Ronin flew down in his airship rex.
"Better late then never!!" He exclaimed.
"I saved up a lot for this!" Ronin pressed a button and gold coins came showering down.
Morro was angered. This didn't exactly help. He pulled away from the lock and blasted the coins away from hin with his wind.
"Probably not!!" Ronin exclaimed in an enthusiastic call.
But that was able to shake the building and Lloyd fell inside. The shop crashed to the ground again. It was fully dark. The Sword of Sanctuary planted between the planks infront of Nya who was joined by Kai. Morro softly landed ontop.
"Where'd Neran go?" Ronin asked, shining a light on the building. Morro jumped to the ground.
Lloyd grabbed the crystal and looked at the open portal.
"AAAH!!" Neran fell through the ceiling. Lloyd looked back and made eye contact with Neran. He looked like a scared kid. Even though Neran was as old as Morro, most likely older than Morro, he looked younger than Lloyd, and scared.
Lloyd gripped the crystal.
"Listen to me, you go outside and you talk to Morro right now." Lloyd said. Neran held his stomach as he got up. He coughed for breath.
"Hey-- hey..." Neran said.
"AS SOON AS THIS IS DONE," Lloyd started loudly.
"You go out there and talk to Morro!" He exclaimed. Neran moved his left hand from his stomach to his right arm where the green cloth was.
Lloyd stared at it. He got distracted by the significance and his arm was pulled back. A green tentacle grabbed Lloyd's wrist with the Realm Crystal in it.
"No-- wait- No!!" Lloyd shouted, his other hand pulled away. Neran fell back onto the ground. He looked even more scared than ever.
Morro, Nya and Kai ran to the windows.
"Is that..." Kai asked. Zane joined the three.
"That's the Preeminent." He said.
Neran stared at Lloyd suspended in the air with fear. He backed up on the ground.
"Neran!! Listen! I know you didn't know-- didn't want this to happen!" Lloyd shouted.
"You can stop it! Just break the crystal! It must be destroyed!!" Lloyd shouted. Lloyd's grip loosened and it dropped to the floor boards. Neran glanced at it, his breathing becoming heavy. The Preeminent was arriving in Ninjago. That's what the crystal was for.
"Lloyd!!" Nya shoyted from outside. Neran looked to see the four ninja out there staring in.
"Lloyd, no!!" Morro shouted.
"AAAAARRRGH!!" Lloyd cried as he was pulled into the blue portal by the Preeminent. Lloyd was no longer in this realm.
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